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What everybody thinks but is afraid to say. Started by: BillW on Oct 21, '09 16:51

Ok, so this thing of ours has a structure - money flows up, trouble flows down.  That's the way it's always been.  Let's face it, Butt-Ox getting clipped was the first sign that Godfathers/Mothers weren't invincible and that everybody can go down, sooner or later.

I write this in the knowledge that I'm going to die.  I'm ok with that, I have support, will come back and will thrive.

There are some Tutti do Capo Tutti's of cities that are unworthy of the accolade.  Prem being a case in point.  This guy can't read, can't spell, acts like a frat boy.  Nobody likes him, at all, maybe his immediate family, but the bosses of his city don't even like him.  But he's a Godfather, so people treat him with the due respect.  There are others who are bad, but none as seriously retarded, moronic and disgraceful as him.

I will probably die by his hand, or some chump wanting to impress him.  So be it.  Attached is a list of cash donated to me to write this thread.  I have ****** their names as they don't want to meet a similar fate.


    Oct 21, '09 16:39     Your accountant has received payment of $100,000 from Vito_T.
    Oct 21, '09 16:23     Your accountant has received payment of $100,000 from Auset.
    Oct 21, '09 16:19     Your accountant has received payment of $15,000  from ballsy_mcdermont.
    Oct 21, '09 16:14     Your accountant has received payment of $50,000  from Azeraxtwo.
    Oct 21, '09 16:13     Your accountant has received payment of $75,000  from Morgan.
    Oct 21, '09 16:13     Your accountant has received payment of $100,000 from Leon_Benjamin.
    Oct 21, '09 07:23     Your accountant has received payment of $500,000 from Jono.                                                         

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Lesson learned - redaction doesn't work in street speeches.

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I admire the panache of ballsy_mcdermont and his $15,000 donation to you.

Rourke checks his eyes.


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"Let's face it, Butt-Ox getting clipped was the first sign that Godfathers/Mothers weren't invincible and that everybody can go down, sooner or later."

Or maybe it was when 4 godfathers warred NY and Detroit and we killed them all.

Or maybe it was when i had to take down Chicago and I killed a Godfather by myself.

But what am I talking about?  I can't read anyway.

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Firstly sir, I am going to tell you that you are a fucking moron.

NEVER disrespect Godfather Premier.

I hope he shoots you in the face. =D

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If you listen close enough, you can hear them simultaneously slapping their foreheads.

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"Money flows up trouble flows down"

"Now here's some evidence contradicting exactly what I just said"

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I know that I am only a gangster myself, but who are you, a Gangster, to talk about the Godfathers and Godmothers? And frankly, I believe you are going to have more than one target on yourself, after ***** everyone's name. Wait, you didn't.

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Allow me to be the first to apologize for this fool's words.  Obviously, this two-bit associate's opinions do not in any way represent those of our family.  And any money that was given to this fool was obviously to help a new face start up, since I've never heard of anyone paying anyone, especially a gangster whose opinion doesn't matter, so make a poorly-thought-out speech.

Again, sincerest apologies for this not so anonymous alcoholic's stupid words.

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You are an idiot. Obviously Premier is very good, or he would not be in the position he is in now. I think he is a wise leader, he has handled things very very well so far. And very nicely done on the name blanking front, you even managed to cock that up.

All in all, that was very badly done.

Terry, xxx

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"Great speech, except that it makes no sense at all. I don't think anyone thinks this but you, and if they do they're afraid to say it for a good reason: Godfather Prem is a fair but powerful man. He can kill you very easily, so obviously he is much smarter, more resourceful, and more graceful than you. Just because he killed one of your ancestors doesn't mean nobody likes him, it just means you had either misplaced your loyalty or acted like an idiotic fool."

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Wow... I would really like to add more to that, but my flabbergastation prevents me from coming up with anything witty to respond with...  Wow...

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If I were any of the astericked-named people, I'd probably be shitty bricks right now.

...Just sayin'.

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Ahem, I meant shitting, obviously.

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I really didn't know that's what I was thinking.  I appreciate this particular gangster coming to the streets to tell me what I was thinking.  Unfortunately, I didn't get on the payments for this remarkable speech either.  I'm happy to see that Jono did though.  I would like to say that Jono must have been paying for me too.  Since Jono and I think alike anyways. 

Anybody else want to tell me what I am thinking now?

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You're thinking that $940,000 is a lot of money for "start up cash."

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shakes head

You could have done a little better, every person you ***** were in YOUR family. Perhaps they were just giving money to a new family member to help them up on their feet?


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Will, you're quite obviously thinking about sending me a few hundred thousand dollars, and getting GingerAle to massage my feet.

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Well hell, sign my next of kin up.  That guy made more money in one day than I did in a week lately.

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"Allow me to be the first to apologize for this fool's words.  Obviously, this two-bit associate's opinions do not in any way represent those of our family.  And any money that was given to this fool was obviously to help a new face start up, since I've never heard of anyone paying anyone, especially a gangster whose opinion doesn't matter, so make a poorly-thought-out speech."

Could i maybe get a better fucking explination then start up money?  Your family gives each new person 1 million dollars, for joining your city?

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