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Knight's Retirement and The New Leader Started by: Death-Knight on Nov 02, '09 13:49

DK stands up onto the stage with his bags packed in his car ready

Good day everyone of the eight cities. Today I am here to announce my early retirement and the new leader of New Orleans. Many things have driven me here to this but the most important thing is my own life. New Orleans is a fantastic city and I have loved every minute leading this wonderful city and everyone in it are great, but now It is time for me to step down and hand it to a special friend of mine Lastik. Lastik I personally think is ready to run the city in my place as now I have to rest.

New Orleans will rise fantasticly with Lastik in control I know he may be a wee Consigliere but he is strong about his descions and he CAN run a city strongly. He has a great team that will build New Orleans back to its greatness it has seen in the past. I wish for this to be the NEW, New Orleans and for that all its problems that have happend in the past be packed away with me and that Lastik and everyone have a chance to build New Orleans and turn it into a city of wonder and happiness. They all have great plans for the future of New Orleans and I am onehundred percent sure that they will achieve these. My retirement will come at a suprise to many of you and perhaps a relief to other I don't know. I have done great things for New Orleans and in the last few weeks its undergone many changes which I feel have helped it progress slowly. But now I am growing older and my time is not enough to help these plans take place much faster so its time to replace my spot with a team much younger and ready to build New Orleans again.

So I here by announce Lastik the newest leader in New Orleans and the new leader of New Orleans itself. I know some may think why put a new auth in charge of the city but I have done this because I personally feel this man combined with the current Captains and his new team that have joined him will build New Orleans back up.

I must state that my bloodline will NOT be leaving this thing of ours but it will not be around as much as it used to be anymore. I have to say a big thank you to Marietta, Rourke, ThomasRourke, MissFreedom and many many many more people. If I was to list everyone then I would be here forever and I mean forever. I am retiring mostly because of my personal life. I can no longer commit the time I wish to commit anymore and now It is time for me to hand my job down as a city need a active leader that is going to be around enough.

I can't talk much longer as my flight out to Tokyo will be in shortly. I wish everyone the best of luck and I hope that Lastik can lead New Orleans into even better things then I have. Thank you everyone for everything you have ever done for me and if you wish to find me then my son will be around from time to time and I will be around on the coffee shops.

Thank you once again everyone and have a good day and best of luck to you all and the newest leader of New Orleans, Lastik !!

DK picks up his bags and gets in his car and heads towards the airport

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Looks at DK.

I cant tell you how surpirised i am at you leaving. And i hope i can still talk to you, Bye friend.

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New Orleans is sad to see you go Godfather Death-Knight.

Congratulations to Lastik on your new appointment as leader of New Orleans

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I wish you the best of luck in your retirment

and Lastik congratulations to you. I am sure you will make the godfather proud.

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New Orleans will be different without you Godfather Death-Knight.  You will be greatly missed.

Congratulations to Lastik.  You will make Godfather Death-Knight proud.

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This is truly a sad day, DK. You were a great man and an amazing friend. I wish you well into your retirement.

Bloedsuier walks off.

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GDK I wish you the best and nothing but success in your new endeavours! We never spoke personally but I know you were a wise Godfather from the things you did.

Peace be to you!

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Rico is completely surprised by this decision.

I'm sorry to see you go DK you will be greatly missed by us all. You were a great leader and friend and I am sorry to see you go.

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On behalf of the Dogpound Family I wish a happy retirement Godfather, and Congratulation to our new leader Lastik you can count on our continious support.

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scratches head

I shouldn't be too surprised as New Orleans has been in the news often lately, how ever even this caught me by surprise. Death-Knight was the only thing in many's minds keeping New Orleans afloat. Not only was New Orleans left weakened by this BUT a Consig was put in charge of New Orleans when there are two Don's much closer to naturally attaining the appropriate rank. I guess I shouldn't be all to taken back given the history of poor decisions and leadership as of late.


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Fayth hears Death-Knight begin to speak and her jaw drops open

Your retiring?? I cant believe it I'm so shocked! I guess I best wish you good luck with your retirement.

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Good luck in your future endeavors godfather DK.. God bless you..

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My ancestors always knew you to be a decent man, Godfather. May you enjoy your retirement and best of luck to your next of kin.

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We'll all miss ya. And good luck to the new godfather.

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There is no new Godfather as yet.


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Marley, standing at the same street corner gathering with the other mobsters

In a low tone


I wonder what happens when someone else makes Godfather before the city head?

lites his joint and coughs before heading down the street

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Enjoy your well earned rest DK. The city wil miss you.

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I wish you good luck and hope you enjoy your retirement, Sir. Congratulations Lastik.

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Wraith stands sorrowfully.

While we never knew each other personally, I had every respect for a fine leader such as yourself. Enjoy your retirement.

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u will be greatly missed dk u was the best leader theis city ever had. no will be in good hands. u pic a great man to elad it.  have a great life.and i hope ur bloodline comes back soon.

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