Get Timers Now!
May 06 - 00:13:28


User NameStatus
[MM] enkindle Wise Guy 
[MM] Syn Administrator 
[MM] Toby- Administrator 
[MM] Squishy Coder 
[MM] House DiceBetMaker 
[MM] AdminTeam Mailbox 
[MM] FrankieFigs HelpDesk 
[MM] Jen HelpDesk 
[MM] Kittie Creative Director 
[MM] Madoka Events 
[MM] Sticks HelpDesk 
[MM] Warrior HelpDesk 
[MM] Chaotic_Osprey Staff 

This directory is a listing of everyone on the administrative staff. Most of these people are available to help answer your questions about MafiaReturns and all aspects related to the game. However, in order to expedite the resolution of your issues, please observe the following:

All questions regarding game play, features, account activity, problems with normal functions of the game, user harassment, rule clarification and other issues should be sent in a mobmail to HelpDesk. Everyone on the directory is able to read HelpDesk mail and your issue will be resolved or forwarded to the appropriate administrator for review in a timely manner.

There is a good possibility that your question is answered in the tutorial or in the HelpDesk FAQ.

For the tutorial, click here.

For the HelpDesk FAQ, click here.

All questions regarding posting errors, posting guidelines, or requests for post/thread deletion can be sent to HelpDesk, or to the Moderator or Forum Monkey should they be online.

If directed by an Assistant, or if your issue requires the assistance of a developer or coder, please contact the Chief Assistant with your issue. He will review the issue and either resolve it, or direct your concern to the appropriate coder or developer.

The coders and developers should NOT be mobmailed with help questions at any time. If you require the assistance of a coder or developer for any reason, your request MUST be sent to the Chief Assistant.

WHEN IN DOUBT, MAIL HELPDESK. If the Assistants are unable to resolve your grievance, it will be forwarded to the appropriate personnel.

For a more in-depth look at roles and access, see the following:

Coder: These people work directly with game code and internal mechanics. Coders are not to be mobmailed with game questions. The only questions to be directed to coders are bugs that occur because of coding. Coders DO have database access. They can see all account information.

Administrator: These people has access to mail sent to/from Helpdesk, dupe checking information, current/previous account information, ability to DD/ban/jail/demote users, and vote history. Administrators DO NOT have database access.

Assistant: Oversees Helpdesk. Has same access as Helpdesk. These people can read all mail sent to/from Helpdesk, moderate forums and the ability to jail users. These people DO NOT have access to game sensitive information. Assistants DO NOT have database access.

Helpdesk: These people can read all mail sent to/from Helpdesk, moderate forums and the ability to jail users. These people DO NOT have access to game sensitive information. Assistants DO NOT have database access.

Moderator/Forum Monkey: These people peruse the forums on a regular basis to make sure that all threads are posted in their proper and designated spaces, and to ensure that all posts are posted in accordance to game rules and decorum. They routinely delete old and inactive threads, repeat postings, mistakes, and misposts. These people DO NOT have access to game sensitive information. Moderators/Forum Monkeys DO NOT have database access.

Private Conversations