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Truth and how you feel about it. Started by: Hetfield on Apr 01, '13 23:32

Hetfield has been roaming the streets for a while and has been listening to various conversations provided by the civilians and mobsters of the four cities, pondering upon what he has heard, he speaks up...

I have been listeneing carefully to the citizens of our cities and I think one particular subject can be applicable to our ways and every day life in all honesty; it seems that people get truth mixed up with their own personal opinion.
I have been asked questions, to which i have answered with upmost honesty and Truthfulness, and as a result the recipient of my response has become angry because it causes a conflict with what they think. This confuses me for what i believe to be a simple reason; No matter what your personal opinion may be it is at the end of the day a fact.

For example If i were to say to you and provided you with great validity and evidence that red is th best colour in existence, but because your favourite colour is blue you can't really accept it because it crosses with what you think and believe. (I know it is a fairly poor example but you get the idea) It is therefore irreleavnt surely? 
I do understand when you do feel strongly about something and despite being presented with a well argued case against what you believe you want to disagree and tear the person telling you otherwise a new one.
What I am saying then really is that the Truth Hurts, live with it!

Although my point is short is it not something you can relate to? What do you think? Or am i just being insensitive? after all that is rather ironically what I am seeking from you all.

Hetfield hangs around to hear from anyone else who has anything to say 

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I'm not sure what question you're really trying to pose or what point you're really trying to illustrate.

You spoke around your motivation for the speech without actually telling us any of the details, just vague generalisations and a questionable example, and then posed us certain questions that we're lacking the required information to answer.

Can I relate? To your specific case, I've no idea. I don't know what it is. To a general situation where someone becomes angered because I disagree with them? It doesn't matter if it's a subjective or a qualitative answer, they still shouldn't become angered and should either accept my opinion (as mine, not change their own to match it) if it's subjective and explain to me the reasoning behind my error if it's qualitative.

What do I think? I think lots of things. I think Penguins are great, I think TeQ has a huge crush on Tiggy, I think crab should become more vocal on the streets and I think people should take care with vague questions that a smartass like myself will intentionally take in the wrong way in order to illustrate a silly point.

Are you being insensitive? This one, we really can't help you with. Without knowing the details of the conversation and the specifics of the reaction you mention we just can't tell. If anything, from the description given, it would appear as if it's the other way around and someone not willing to take on a differing opinion on a subjective matter is the one being insensitive. However, that's assuming that the specifics of the case match the generalisation, which isn't always the case. So in truth, we can't know.

*Satanta starts to feel his head spin after talking in circles for too long. Sitting down on the pavement, he takes a hipflask from his pocket and hopes the spinning will be halted with a swift swig.*

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Maybe red is the best color in the world, how ever if you say that to a color blind person he would not know how to respond.

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I mean do you think that me ignoring opinion over truth being ignorant and insensitive, you are right i didn't make that clear

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In that case, 100% no. If something is the truth or a fact, opinions don't come into it. Opinions are for subjective matters where there is no 'right' answer or fact or truth.

Having said that, the sensitivity side of it would relate to how you go about expressing that to the other person. If something is the truth, which you are sure of, you couldn't possibly accept their opinion which differs from this. It's how you explain that to them, and possibly try and make them aware of the truth also, that would cause it to be offensive or insensitive.

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The truth is always best and if it makes some one mad then that person cant except the fact. The old saying "The truth hurts" comes to mind. Now as far as your example thats not the best one.

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You may try to provide evidence stating that Red is the best color in the world.
If a wiseguy comes to you and provides you new evidence that shows blue is a better color... well guess what. You're a Consigliere and a LHM, so the fact is, red is still better.

However, if you're speaking with SpaceCowboy and providing evidence that red is the best color, he simply needs to inform you that green is the best color and the conversation is finalized. He doesn't need to prove any evidence. He doesn't need to argue any points. His word is law.

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The truth is what you make of it.


Solid words to live by.

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^^^^^ That too. In this thing of ours Godfather of a city or District will always over rule anything that is said or done.

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I can't really argue with your reasoning Phil_Steak because that is the truth, I would want to say well I am right and any authority higher than me is wrong in this situation, but that would just lead to conflict in opinion, and my eventual death i imagine. It's the truth and oath I have sworn to that what my Godfather says is truth and therefore final.

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Are we talking about orders, in which case you follow without question or hesitation, or a discussion here?

If you meant orders, that's an entirely different matter.

If you didn't and you genuinely did mean a conversation, then I stand by what I've already said completely. As a friend of ours, that has been shown a certain level of trust in this thing of ours, I would feel it's not only my right to discuss something in a discussion but that it would be my obligation to pass on valuable information that may be of value to my superiors or anyone else partaking in the discussion.

I can't speak for Godfather Steak or Godfather Cowboy, I simply don't know the gentlemen in question and they're perfectly able to form their own opinions on this matter, but I am aware of how Don Tetley and Godfather Hghar would react in the situation you've outlined. It's impossible for there to be a difference of opinion between us on something which has a 'truth' or a factual answer.

They would both relish the opportunity to improve their knowledge on a topic where they could replace an incorrect opinion with a correct fact, so would be delighted to receive the information required to do so. None of us are perfect, none of us possess all knowledge and each of us, even our great leaders, need to continually strive to gain more knowledge. Yes, it would have to be presented in a way that didn't cause insult or come across as insensitive, but there is nothing that would make them wish to remain ignorant of a truth if the evidence was there to convince them otherwise.

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A Godfather being correct is not the same thing as a Godfather listening.
However, if a Godfather accepts what they think is correct, even if you have what you believe is indisputable facts, the Godfather is still correct.

I am not saying to not speak your mind and offer your thoughts and information on a subject or topic. I am more saying, in the end, no matter what your argument is, in the end, you must abide by the superiors decision.

Now, if two made guys have differing opinion, then argue away brothers. :)

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A godfather telling an associate the sky is purple doesnt make the sky purple. It makes the Godfather confused, and prehaps senile!

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However, if a Godfather accepts what they think is correct, even if you have what you believe is indisputable facts, the Godfather is still correct.

I'll have to disagree with you strongly there Godfather Steak.

If there are indisputable facts then they're just that, indisputable. In that case they aren't a matter of my belief or anyone elses, they are facts plain and simple. If anyone, be that Godfather or otherwise, chooses to ignore them that doesn't change them and they still remain facts. They're still the facts and still indisputable. If the person goes on to accept what they think is correct in spite of those facts, again be they godfather or otherwise, they're wrong. That isn't a matter of opinion or debate, it's an indisputable fact.

Now, don't get me wrong. A Godfather has earned the right to make any decision they wish. Whether they have all the facts, act in accordance with all the facts or choose to act in the contrary to those facts that is and always will be their decision to make. Should they give an order that contradicts those facts, it's irrelevant, the order should and must be followed. That doesn't mean that the Godfather was 'correct' however, it means that they were wrong but they gave an order.

If a Godfather has the trust and loyalty of their families it won't be the slightest issue. Should I be given an order than I know was based on an incorrect opinion with indisputable facts to the contrary, I wouldn't question it or hesitate. I'd happily follow my Godfather into the gates of hell and die by his side before refusing an order. However, that doesn't change the fact that the indisputable facts prove his opinion was wrong. The two things are completely independent.

That said, I do think we're actually in full agreement on this...

I am more saying, in the end, no matter what your argument is, in the end, you must abide by the superiors decision.

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She listens intently to the conversations and begins to share her opinion but stops.

I'm not one for redundancy and since Satanta and Alexander have already said what I would have said I would like just say I agree with them wholeheartedly.

Just because you are a Godfather does not make your words the gospel truth. If you say red is now blue it doesn't mean red is actually blue. It just means in your eyes that red is blue.

Having the attitude that your word is the truth regardless of "indisputable facts" that prove otherwise is not the way to be a respected leader with members that will jump at the chance to follow and die for you willingly to the best of their abilities.. It's just the way to be seen as a closed minded despot with a herd of zombies walking behind you. I'm sure I don't need to name names of those who had this outlook in our past and the past of the world around us.

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I too would like to voice my support for the sentiments of Satanta, Alexander and tiggy as I wholeheartedly agree.

As a leader, my orders are law; my opinion is not. And as it happens, I would rather that my members feel free to voice their opinion with me appropriately even if we disagree. The fact is that regardless of rank, there is always something to be learned, particularly from opposing views.

I have no issue with weilding my power as and when necessary, but I could never render those who follow me voiceless. To do so is to lose grip of the concept we base our existence on - family.

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Let me say this.. Just because I do not agree with the idea that a Godfather (no one in particular) has the power and ability to change how their members (zombies) view the world and feel about actions/inactions/opinions does not mean that I would not do as told even if I didn't agree with it. I can follow orders and have my own opinions at the same time. I'm talented that way. Sucks that some people feel free-will and the ability to follow instructions cannot co-exist in our lifestyle. (No one in particular of course.)

My Godfather (This is hypothetical kids.) tells me the roads are paved in gold. All I see is dirt. I will not look up and smile stupidly saying "Yes boss, they are gold." just to appease him/her/it and allow myself to be brainwashed or forced to theink they are. I will state they are dirt. If he/she/it persists and insists that I agree they are gold until I have no other choice but to agree and start believing something I know is not true I'll say they are gold just to shut him up, but deep down I will know they are indeed dirt and begin to doubt the abilities of my Godfather (Again, no one in particular this is hypothetical.) to lead us as a family rather than a herd of "YesBots". This sort of situation would drain me of all loyalty and drive to do more for my city. I am pretty sure I am not the only one that feels this way.

My Godfather (Again, hypothetical) tells me we are at war (no advance notice for the full effect) and I am to shoot VincentVolaju. It's popular knowledge that Vincent and I are close friends and enjoy our banter, however, I will shoot Vincent without question then sing into his ear as his soul leaves his body. There would be no hesitation. I am following orders. I'd look him in the eyes as I did it and he would know it wasn't personal.

Just because I may not believe the streets are paved in gold does not mean I will not do my job as a member of my city and follow orders given to me.

As Lilac has said, regardless of rank, we can all learn something from another's opinion or point of view and the last thing we should do is restrain our members from doing so. Doing so would rob This Thing of Ours of so much diversity and activity.

Also, Countdown is a hottie and all women should be racing for his affection.

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Also, Countdown is a hottie and all women should be racing for his affection.

Damn you, Tiggy. Why did you go and have to ruin it! If he starts stealing all my women, I'll hold you responsible!

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Gent listen's to Mr. Hetfield's speach about truth beeing a hard pill to take by some people and after listening to several opinion's about the subject in head he trowns in his own two cents.

"Mr. Hetfield, if i may speak... although you are speaking in general i can see what you mean about some people having a hard time listening to what others have to say when they differ with their own thoughts. Well... it is often emotions that get the most of us, why... i dont know, could be a respect issue or a personal conflict... bad day? I dont know... but one thing i do know, respect is important. Respect of rank and position... as Satanta mentioned you are a button man and LHM. It would'nt be wise of me saying that what you say is bull, i can disagree but i have to remain respectful to you. Otherwise i will get you and a whole lot of people really upset. Do i want that? Of course i dont... i myself have earned my button by that not making a target of myself for one, and also my bloodline has been around these streets often enough to remain safe.

Out of respect for my own boss's and my city i have the outmost respect for all button men of this community. As long as they remain respectful to me and the city i honor, i have no problem. You like the color red, i think red is a fantastic color... but i do like green a little better, green is what keeps is what keeps me alive and happy. Well... it helps anyway. I will certainly not be mad at you for liking red better than green... i will not go into battle about if because of your status. In order to not upset you, i will even agree and say that red is more awesome than green. Like i said, my bloodline has been in the streets long enough to know better than to go under a speach battle with a man like you.

The thing is... we can always disagree, no one will get killed for disagreeing. People die for getting too emotional when they disagree, that is how it works. We have chosen this life, a life of great danger. We must accept the consequences of our own actions. I like green, but after thinking about it... red is deffinately a better color."

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It seems no matter what we know for definite and what we will be shown so that what we say is irrelevant, personal opinion will get in the way regardless.

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