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Possible to settle this? Started by: Countdown on Apr 08, '13 16:05

I'm sure many of you have read Cpt-Harris poster about Soprano's auth and the subsequent replies.

I, for one don't want to go through the anxiousness I felt last night again, nor do I want to sit here almost 24 hours after the subject was raised still debating the issue so fiercely.

Judging from the replies in the thread and the mails I have been sent, it seems that most people are in agreement that lives could've been potentially been lost, even if some didn't agree with the way it was brought up. I am hoping to close the loophole so we don't have to return to this situation EVER again.

Would it be possible to come to some sort of agreement between the powers that be to have an auth thread up BEFORE someone goes bold to save this confusion in future?

Please don't bring any baggage of the other poster here, I am merely trying to find a solution, not more arguments. This is an open discussion for people of all ranks and value, the more people who agree that this should be the way things go from now on, the more inclined the powers that be will be to implement it.

I am most definitely a +1 for the auth thread before bold point of view. I almost made a grave mistake last night and dont want to be put in that position again.

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I put my vote forward for a street poster being posted, and a telegram being sent across our world before anyone puts on a shiny bold suit. I think it would make it alot easier for everyone invovled.

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I also put forth my vote for this, that way we have absolute transparency across the board and avoid not only needless loss, but also so that no further auth speeches descend into such chaos and thus deflecting from the real value of the event.

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It probably goes without saying, but it gets my +1.

It removes fear, concern, confusion, risk, frantic mailing and potential loss of lives. I can't see any downside to it but lots of pros. I'd give it +2 if I could get a quick adrenaline surge.

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Can't think of anything else to add to what you lot have already said. So all i'll say is +1.

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"I agree with this. I also want to note that the upper structures should be informed and not just the crewleaders themselves because of the chance of their absence. Even if a CL or RH is not around, I find that the LH has more then enough responsibility and knowledge to get the word out to the members of the family, distrcit, and city. I agree with this as a whole, less chance for mistake is an even better safety to the community and those that we are responsible to protect with our lives."

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I remember during the experiments of cities from my father's journals. He stated

No crew would be allowed to enter the competition without having a proper announcement BEFORE the purchasing of a HQ.

He lived by those rules set forth by the Godfathers then and he removed anyone who did not do that. There may have only been 1 rule breaker but he sure did remove them and their RHM.

I am happy to see everyone get on the same page. Even with the city experiments behind us why are we allowing those to set up without an announcement before hand? Why did we force people to do it before they entered a city contest but we cannot keep the same rules that WE set for them? To make sure everything is in accordance and no lives are in danger, I vote and give this my own plus 1.

Thank you Countdown.

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Lots of times, practices that are eventually adopted as commonplace in the criminal underworld stem from heated debates in the streets similar to the Cpt-Harris announcement. I remember reading in the history books about killing off contracts that were not your own. The conversation took a turn south, but in the end it became a common practice used by the cities and their factions even today.

For better or for worse, sometimes it takes a heated discussion to see changes made. I've always been of the belief that a Godfather is entitled to handle their affairs in their own cities, or more recently districts, however they see fit. Whether if its been done in the past or not is kind of irrelevant in terms of what might change going forward, but if it became standard practice to make an announcement prior to a new captain setting up shop, I don't see that as a negative.

Perhaps it will be adopted by all the leaders as a whole. Maybe not. If anything, the topic certainly livened the streets up a bit, which is never a bad thing.

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After reading all responses and arguments put forward in the a for mentioned speech and coming to my own conclusion I am definitely a +1.

It just makes sense to be careful. Speed is the essence when it comes to a rogue and people need to act quickly to save lives.

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Jesus Countdown, ask for the fucking world why don't you!

Next thing you'll be wanting people to have been on the streets talking before they get an HQ!

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It seems there isnt enough interest to put this into practice.

I sincerely hope this subject doesn't bring about an unnecessary loss of life in the future.

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much like jono i add my +1 to th subject as well

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I do believe this is the safest and smartest way to save lives down the line.  A poster up, a telegram to all upper structures and finally maybe after an opening speech of the person then they set up.  It is not hard, it is not mentally challenging and is simple communication.  I wish i was a power that be to help assist you old friend.

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For any lives to have been in danger, there has to have been someone with a set of balls willing to take the shot.

As nobody around here fits that criteria, regardless of when or even if an auth thread is made, nobody will shoot. Instead, they'll just sit around, wait and then complain about it.


The MR cycle as I like to call it.



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I agree 100% with countdown, maybe posting a thread before would be safer. Someone could have took the shot and claim it was a mistake because the killer tought it was a rogue. so Better be safe.

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... someone with a set of balls willing to take the shot.

As nobody around here fits that criteria...

Very nice of you to come out here and insult everyone like this. It shows great aspirations for at the very least a slap on the head if not hopes of an early departure from this thing of ours.

Either learn to hold your tongue or learn to speak with a little respect and intelligence. Personally, I'd much prefer to see the latter, but I'm good either way to be honest.   

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I have unquestionably not earned the right the tell the truth.

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To be fair, it doesn't really matter. Last I checked, every family my ancestors or I have ever served under had a simple rule that I had to agree to before joining the family. If the target doesn't fit specific criteria, don't shoot it without permission. One would think that following this rule, which I'm sure we all have in one form or another, would be a much better deterrent to the spilling of innocent blood as it has been doing for some time now.

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Shedao it does matter. For example someone sets up who has auth to, but no poster is up in the streets. Shortly after a high ranker gets shot in cold blood. Most would automatically think it's the new bold suit and a few that are capable attempt to take the shot to protect their city as their upper structure isn't on. The new auth is dead and a rogue on the loose all because a poster wasn't put up.

Yes the probability of this happening is slim but it could and for that reason I agree with this idea.
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Or people could confirm it by asking Simba.... That's been my argument through this entire thing.

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