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Cock(iness) gets you no where, period. Started by: WiggleButt on Nov 09, '13 02:24

"I'm just going to say that the event in which I'm ranting about I shall not speak directly of, for I am a firm believer in Omerta. Some may know and others will not. However the point can probably be made for a lot of similar situations that many in this world can relate too and speak on."

"So you join a family expect to sit back do the normal petty and thievery. It pays off as you climb the ranks within the structure, you donate money as well so you think it's all well a fine. Outside of the family you really don't do much for the community. On more then one occasion you have been spoken too about how you handle yourself around the headquarters. Acting like an ass from time to time, debating on whether your enjoying your life or not openly, and really not giving a damn about others around you. Yet your given a chance because you are after all, a decent money maker and have pretty much kept a low profile from anything serious outside of the issues within the headquarters. You decide one day that your now king ding a ling and the melting pot in which others viewed you as is coming to light. So you decide to just disrespect a fellow Family member, not just any member but your own crew leader. The ending result being a dirt nap."

"Your kin comes back "butt hurt" and disgruntled. Is this really what some Mafioso's feel is alright? I mean obviously if this "theoretic" mobster feels he is justified to be upset after such craziness, then he must feel that he was not in the wrong at all. We have seen it over and over again. The new breed of Mafioso, the ones that show strengths but many flaws, yet are consumed in belief that the strengths out way the flaws allowing them to act with such mannerism. Have we as a whole become too soft? Not forcing those to obey and often allowing them to slide? At the end I would like to hear some of your comments in regards to the scenario and what could possibly be done to teach those with horrible habits the right way. If anything at all."

"In the mean time I have developed a little guide to help those with such issues out. Hopefully it's effective."

Develop a time machine, go back and train your gun on your previous bloodline who was responsible for your spawn. 

Bored? Message Sexecutioner. I mean cmon' for someone to be named Sexecutioner you know there is a good time awaiting in that conversation.  

Actually get to know your family and care about them as individuals. Not only does it give you something to do but it can also be beneficial in the future.  

Make love to a kitten. They haz chesseburgerz.

Actually go back and really read the family rules. Yes everyone knows you stated "READ AND UNDERSTOOD BOSS!"

I can't wait for the HQ that has a clause mid through the rules that read, "Also on a side note, when you complete reading this and actually understand, send me a mail with the number 9 on the envelope. Otherwise in a day you will be lunch meat."

 If your a guy, join the others of your gender by randomly dropping a line to every name you hear that sounds like it could be a lady. Proceed to hit on them. With that being said, I AM A GUY PEOPLE! I don't know what it is about a Guinea Pig shaking it's ass but it's getting ridiculous. 

Ask JohnnyBGoode to sing you a song. Not just an ordinary song, but one that comes from the heart. He loves that shit.  

Instead of snatching an old ladies purse for a little extra money, try her undergarments. They make great shower curtains. 

"The list can go on and on. Point being, there is way more constructive things to do then complain, bitch, moan, slap a cow, hump a trout, and more importantly disrespect your crew leader. Granted some are more laid back than others and may allow you to not do much other then what is needed to survive, but I promise you even if that is the case you won't be doing much more then that. To just downright disrespect someone that is providing you with safety, and allowing you into their structure is pathetic. One decision that will leave a mark that follows you through more lives then a cat has to offer."  

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Please don't encourage these idiots to send me mails, WiggleButt. For the love of God, please don't encourage that.
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"So what you're saying is to live in a drama free world? No fun in that.

Complaining about complaining? Heh."

Yawns and walks away.

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"Drama free world would be no fun at all you are absolutely correct. Where would we be drama free? Of I rhymed you see how I did that?"

Wiggle hits the blunt

"By the way, if you believe the speech sounded like a complaint in general then maybe you smoked a bit much this morning. I can't blame you, we have all been down that road a time or two. Oh and while your leaving mind stopping by my Muffin shop? It's been quiet there the past few days and could use some pepping up with a bit of chit chat involving animosity followed by yawns. The baker would love it. He's so lonely."

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Shakes Sexecutioner's hand

"You know you love the company of random conversations from strangers. After all, you did get me to commit those deviant acts just moments upon my arrival to the shores."

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I am at a loss as to why you would give an obvious attention seeker more exposure than he could have hoped for when he decided to kill himself.

Why reward such an act with a public inquisition into his motives?

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JohnnyB steps out of the crowd and slowly golf claps, grinning a toothy grin, followed by a few coughs.


I'd be more than happy to top the talent of that of CaptainTeemo and Absolut, but I'm feeling a tad bit under the weather and my voice is, how would one say, fucked as can be, dear friend. Perhaps you will consult with me prior to giving me away like some gypsy singing tunes for nickles. But nevertheless, give me a rain check and ill get the old pipes going once more, sooner than later, I'm sure.


With a bow and a fit of coughs, JohnnyB disappears into the crowd from which he came.

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"Cantillon, if you feel this is exposure for someone then by all means let them have this negative exposure, it doesn't benefit them. I'm simply making it known to those who may not understand the consequences of actions. Maybe sometimes it's nice to hear other experiences as someone new to the shores to maybe think twice about making the same mistake?"

"I don't see anything wrong with making scenario's known. You can't expect every young mafioso to know the difference between right and wrong do you? That is why it makes for a good debate."

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"Johnny it is a sad day for all when an angelic voice such as yours is unable to show the world. Sad day indeed."

"Maybe a little tap dancing is in order?"

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Rhakios was making has way away from the speech before he heard more voices come from behind him.

"Well, aren't you a pleasing individual. Maybe you've just lost touch with what respect really means. It doesn't mean you run your mouth about those who have made mistakes, fucked up, or made vast decisions. Nor, lack to show any to those who don't share your exact opinion it seems. Yes, you're complaining about an individual who was complaining. No matter how much of a funny twist you try to put on it, or the 'quality' you think you're presenting... It still is what it is. Exactly what you tried to mask it from being.

Giving him attention in negative light, or positive, it's still attention. Frankly, if that was my goal as that individual, then you posting this seemed to have done the job and pleased him enough with what he accomplished."

He turns his back, and attempts to leave the scene for a second time.

"Now if you'll excuse me. I have better ways to spend my time then giving your speech even more attention then what I personally believed it was worth."

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Nor, lack to show any to those who don't share your exact opinion it seems.

 "Show me where I lacked respect to anyone who didn't share my exact opinion? You made it clear to state I was complaining which I was not and then blatantly yawning. Showing disrespect was achieved first and foremost by yourself to the speech in general. If you didn't care for it say so and continue on. Yawning and stating it's a complaint is going to get you exactly what my response was. I respected Cantillion's response because it had same valid reasoning. Funny twist or no funny twist the intentions would be the same. If you failed to notice it was also questioned within the speech on whether we as a community were at fault for allowing such actions to eventually occur. My goal was simply to bring the issue to light. You sir are attempting to twist and maneuver a topic into your liking. Apparently you enjoyed the my response about as much as I enjoyed your attempt to discredit my discussion. I apologize if it hit's a nerve but if you find any direct attempt of disrespect by myself without it being committed first then by all means, slap me silly and call me mother. I do however enjoy the attention your giving me. I haven't felt this loved since the time Remy invited me for dinner and then left me for a date on the beach." 

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While Rhakios was at the end of the block, he could still see the moaning man trying to talk to his back. His bodyguard looked over to him with a question.

"What's he saying?"

Rhakios shrugged and continued walking down the street on this chilly day.

"Who cares. Just a wise guy with a complaining problem."

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"Your right I'm so sorry. I am just a Wide Guy therefore I am not allowed to being a conversation to the street that you feel has no quality. I'm starting to begin to think this is a bit more personal. But who am I to say anything. I'm just a poor Wise Guy."

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I will put it as simply as i can.

You give someone an inch they sometimes take foot, mistakes can be made, but best fixed early.  A person screws up once depending on the severity why are they still in an organization and not on a slab at the morgue? the truth is more someone gets away with more some will take strides further.

The question is where have things failed Recruitment? the persons sponsor? or the upper structure not to nip things in the bud in time? i guess maybe will never know.  Also, with making mistakes in an organization is it still that easy to gain a notable rank?

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Actually encountered the fifth option you mentioned, the one about the crew rules. Don't remember at the moment when and where, but my ancestor had once saw a rule posted in the rules that required you to do a specific thing just to check who was and was not reading them.


Was quite funny to see how many don't actually read the rules.

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Philli_stein walks by a conversation, and as he continues, he hears a man committing an act of pure hypocrisy.

"Rhakios, If you really felt this conversation was not worth your attention, then answer me this. Why in hell did you post in the first place? 

You realize what it makes you? a complainer, who is complaining, about someone else's complaining. Thus, you have become what you derided so strongly.

In addition, you being the big strong capo and all, Maybe you'd like to try on someone more your own level? a Boss might do nicely. If not, leave rank where it matters, which is not here.

Does replying to you make me a complainer too? Maybe. Maybe it just makes me someone calling you a fool to your face, and in public."


Philli walks back to the person who origanally brought up the topic of people who complain.

"I've not heard this term you use 'butt hurt' in the past. but it makes the point quite nicely. I have seen on many an occasion exactly the story you related, in one form or another. I think what you 'theoretical' mobster really needs to do is grow up. Learn what this world is really about, and work to achieve that. Maybe more people need to be slapped down, to learn that truth.

I also rather enjoyed your list of suggestions for ways to learn that lesson without someone teaching it using a closed fist.  I hope i get a chance to write the rules for an HQ, just to put in your clause, in some form. 

Don't let the folks who use rank as a substitute for manners get you down. Your opinion was spot on, and your commentary was quite enjoyable."

Philli Tips his hat to the speaker, and goes on his way, whistling a tune under his breath.

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The question is where have things failed Recruitment? the persons sponsor? or the upper structure not to nip things in the bud in time? i guess maybe will never know.  Also, with making mistakes in an organization is it still that easy to gain a notable rank?

"Good point peeps. Recruiting has changed drastically since our grandfathers, grandpappies, and grandmomma's were once use too. Now it seems like a brawling match to see who can grab the fresh blood. In a day when each member is so drastically needed it may cause for the patience to be stretched out a bit and have to deal with periodic mistakes that would never be allowed in the old days. So then maybe it's something we must get use too. Times change, we just may have to adapt to them."

Actually encountered the fifth option you mentioned, the one about the crew rules. Don't remember at the moment when and where, but my ancestor had once saw a rule posted in the rules that required you to do a specific thing just to check who was and was not reading them. 

"I think my grandfather may have done it at one point as well. Although it would be encouraging to do it more often, being it's now, more then ever, extremely important that it's really understood with the fresh blood entering our Head Quarters."

Don't let the folks who use rank as a substitute for manners get you down. Your opinion was spot on, and your commentary was quite enjoyable. 

"I would like to thank you for your presence and positive reinforcement. Something that is maybe lacking a bit too much these days. Don't get me wrong, I am a fan of debate, but it seems more and more too frequent that it's not debate majority of the time but direct insults. Rather sad to say the least. I prep myself for such comments knowing that the style in which I present my speech's open the door for negative response. Sometimes when you put a twist on things and it's out of the daily norm, it's subjected to vile criticism. I condone your appearance and highly appreciate your views. Thank you very much." 

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Hearing a commotion outside he slaps a sawbuck on the bar top and whiskey stumbles outside. Hell of a day to leave ones hat behind; bright as blazes and hotter than devil's piss. Shielding his eyes with a hand he can make out a few figures engaged in conversation. Not one to be shy he joins in at an opportune moment.


In this life a man or woman is only as good as the family surrounding them. One weak link impacts the integrity of the entire chain. Our actions, our very words are circumspect; whom can be trusted with much if they cannot be trusted with little?


As flesh we are egocentric. Emotional. Short-sighted and at times narrow minded. We have to battle every day to overcome what is natural to us; our tendencies to think only of self . This thing of ours was, is, and forever will be built on a code of honor and respect. Cease to live by that code, cease to live. Simple. We are to transcend ourselves- our background, our upbringing, whatever dogmas and schematic forms we once embraced, and adopt those of our family as our own.


I'm not saying this is an everybody hold hands and skip down the lane type of thing. We will always have someone that we don't get along with. We get our feelings hurt. We get down on our position. We look across the room and see that someone else has a nicer watch. Some guy's moll is a little more or less (if that's what you prefer) aerodynamic than the one on our arm. Conflicts will arise. Jealousy and covetousness comes barrel-assing in the door. Dealing with them in a mature and professional manner is what sets us apart from common street thugs. Rise above. Decline to stoop.


Pausing a moment to catch breath he looks around at those assembled. The respite is momentary and his voice drops in pitch and volume, barely a whisper.


What can be done to change the behavior of those inclined to stray from the tenets of the family? Two in the heart and one in the head. That's the only change that will have an impact on others. Change comes from within. A willingness to turn away from self-centered desires and do what is right for the good of the whole. We can't change anyone else. We can however strive to set a good example. Be a good steward of our position and our resources. Take the time to show interest in our up-n-comers. The seeds sown will reap a harvest of rewards down the line. Education equates to success in this thing of ours. Teach others how to live and live to teach others.

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I will push it a bit further on the us going soft

when did it become ok to question the dead as we know we never hear from those really who retire? they have payed the price as we know.

When did it become ok to breach omerta or is it ok in your mind as an associate as we all know the person in question?  even though the future of the family?

I was even surprised by the reaction by cray when commented on how many mistakes this person had made and still kept progressing?

now in your favour i will say?

Over the years i have seen so many retirements due to someone not getting their way, boredom, think the grass is greener on the other side.  We constantly have to educate, innovate, appreciate, discipline, etc people from our crews.  I have noticed the same with recruitment, if you offer someone a handful of cash, scammers love this  and people to lazy to make their own way in the world.  Once upon a time even as an earner, i struggled to get into a crew when earner took a greater time to achieve as crews were happy to leave people unsponsored even at ranks that qualiied them for their own crew. 

What i find is a problem as well is the step between city halls and crews ruling doesn't always help e.g if you ban something city hall may punish you e.g. duelling, yet when people join a crew they sign and say i won't shoot a sponsored but a duel well makes shooting a sponsored ok.  I think too much power has gone to city hall this way, and have seen this annoy many even leading to crewleaders abandoning this society.

What i find is your always gonna have some people who do what they want? some hide it like the old days with rogues before they became highly inneffective, some will say something they shouldn't and others will be an idiot on irc.  The problem is the same standard is not used to judge all and thats the worst trend as allows people to drop further.  Once upon a time couldn't question a leader or a hand, i couldn't use certain names, and even using other peoples names like i have seen at stages recently were all the death sentences.  We never questioned ranks as were so few, and leaders were regularly held accountable for recruitment whorers, activity on the street whether their members or the upper structure and even the suit they wore if it was offensive.

Some have dropped a lot in their standards and is a crewleader and godfathers choice now whether they want to raise the bar or let it plunge further, but in a hold hands society at many stages i am not sure which way things will go.

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Wherever there is Rhakios there is drama and maybe meerkats, but only maybe. WiggleWiggleWhat!

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