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Opening Up Old Wounds Started by: -Assassin- on Dec 10, '13 17:45

Assassin is walking down the street in the suburbs, his new home. While walking he is thinking of the recent events and the impact that one person had on certain people in the game. He decided to find a soap box and let it all out. He finds a soap box and speak about what had been plaguing him the entire time since his Grandfathers death. 


Ladies and Gents, I am here today to tell you the true story of all the events that happened that lead to the retirement of my Grandfather Tony Accardo.  Tony Accardo is by far my most epic account to date and is the only time i have ever held the honor of holding the coveted rank of Don. Tony Accardo was what many would consider a model mobster. He donated millions and millions of dollars, and had a gun that may or may not have resulted in starting a war, should he have decided to go Rogue the day he retired. But anyway, i am about to answer the question that at one point or another was burning in everyones mind. upon his retirement Squishy made a comment in DL about how good that account was.  So without further ado, i will get on with the story.

It was just about 4 months ago, I was unhappy in Chicago as i felt i was going no where and i was fast building a good account. I was speaking with Paul Klint on IRC and i was expressing my malcontent on a few issues that i was dealing with at the time. I was on Pure wack answers and couldnt protect myself past "Well Protected" as one of the family hitters. Still it wasnt that, that made me as unhapy as i was. I was also getting into it with The Crew Leaders LHM, as everytime i would bring up a suggestion, she would always find a way to turn it around on me, something that MK is good at. So after confiding this I struck a deal with Paul Klint, and I for some reason couldnt find it in me to tell the truth about what was actually going on and what was bothering me. Still i paid the price to get out of the crew i was in... Blood in, Blood out. I gave SammyGravano the +1 by way of a duel. it was his idea. i just wanted him to shoot me and do it that way. i didnt want to take the chance of a 1%, SammyGravano had earned my respect. 

So i began my journey and the deal that i had struck with Paul Klint was that if i could attain the rank of Boss and keep my nose clean, basically be a model mobster, donate and build a gun, he would make me a hand. The problem was, everytime i achieved it something else was added to the list. After He took Godfather of Staten Island my work was only just beginning. I was a good recruiter and the week before he took Godfather we had a district meeting and it was decided that i would lead my own Sub Crew. 


After about 3 weeks of building a sub crew of active members inside Corky's crew, Cheshire was authed to set up. Cheshire had contacted me the day before asking me to go with her as her RHM. Paul Klint said no but he would discuss his reasons with me later on a skype call. On that skype call i essentially went off on Paul Klint, reminding him that we had a deal and it was either he let me go with Cheshire as one of her hands or i was going to retire. I outlined everything that i had done for not just him, but the entire district. I had  volunteered to give up my reserved spot in the Godfather crew to help the other crews grow and make each crew's members more active. while in Corky's crew i was  not only sending her donations but i was also kicking up donations to Paul KLint as well, so i was supporting his family, and whenever i could spare the money, i contributed to Corky's family well. He eventually agreed to let me go over to Cheshire as her LHM.  AFter dealing with an issue that me and Cheshire were working on and seeing how she and I clicked and worked together, he eventually gave his blessing for me to be RHM. 

So there i was, A RHM, One of my goals in this game had finally been achieved. I was happy finally. i had a big gun, and was almost at 60 units. I looged on 2 days later to find that i was no longer a Don, but demoted to Consigliere and i was no longer RHM. I called out everybody, Cheshire included when i found out what had happened. Someone had gone to Klint and told him that i had told them my complete wack stat and BG count. I was furious. I even proved with screen shots that i didnt have what they said i had. Not to mention that when he demoted me i had lost my DFP, which had costed me over 12M to upkeep and upgrade to where it was. He refused to reimburse me and reinstate me as RHM after i had proven my innocence. So i logged off MR for awhile and began to think to myself what i was going to do. 

Assassin pauses for a momemt and lights himself a cigarette. The pain and anger was beginning to show in his face. He takes another deep and then continues....


So I called another friend on skype and eventually i had 6 people in one skype call, all telling me to Rogue that account and even began searching for a target. I told them i needed to think about it. After about 14 hours of thinking i had decided that I would retire that account and move on to a family that I knew would truely appreciate me for not just my skills, but also wouldnt screw me over the way Paul Klint did. I decided i was going back to CHI. But i was now on a mission. I was going to build an other epic account but with only one thing on my mind, retribution. I was going to build a 900 kill gun, set up Rogue, and Kill Paul Klint. The death of Cray at Paul Klints hand only added fuel to my fire and i began to build my gun harder and faster. So someone finally killed Paul Klint and my vendetta is settled. My grandfather Tony Accardo was finally avenged. 

Assassin steps off the soap box and walks off. Feeling better after airing out this dirty laundry... 

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Cool story,bro.

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Alex Moran,


This is the story of a great man and how he inspired generations of his family to devote their lives to his cause. 

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Indeed. Hence, my finding it cool. Should I not find it cool, Kitteh?

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very interesting

Vinny nods his head

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like me or hate me if you want. The last person in the world you want to screw over is the one person who played a major role in the successes of that 3 month time span. He is a great guy but he made some poor choices in life, killing Cray for absolutely no reason was one of them. I outlined nearly everything I did for the district in that time span, what i achieved, and it was never enough. It was lucky that i only retired that account and did not take a shot that i knew full well 3 things would happen. 1. The target would have been an upper structure member of the strongest district at the time, with a lovely death whisper that would have brought a shit ton of negative attention to Staten Island at the time. 2. The shot would have been a kill shot. 3. Given how well connected the person was, not only would that person have been pissed, it would have started a war that Staten would not have had a prayer in hell of winning. given 2 more weeks to build the gun i had at the time, i would have had an IWP killer. My gun at the time was just over 400 kills, give or take a few.

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It can be very frustrating in this world trying to get a hand or crew position, when people generally like to keep people who are doing well, but are unsure are right for a certain job.  If a boss is making promises that he can't keep you know is not the right place to be, but at the end fo the day the grass isn't always greener on the other side.

Drunky once had a member who said he wanted to quit for outside reasons, the next day he was mailing round other leaders trying to get a hand position saying he could increase their members as was his skill, yet he was not polished enough for the finer diplomatic matters yet, unsurprisingly he never became a hand anywhere else and eventually came back to drunky.

even with 11 and a half years experience of this and org i never expect anything no matter how hard i work, I am maybe more patient then most and often turned down hands, position and even with this character crewleader auth on more than 1 occassion.  Sometimes can be hard with ambition and patience wrestling inside you.

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"killing Cray for absolutely no reason...."

Pretty sure he killed her because prior she wanted him dead which came to light during the war.

Probably the only good thing he did throughout his whole reign actually.

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One thing that cannot be said about the Assassin bloodline is that they lack self-confidence.

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exactly what do you mean by that?

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I don't want to appear to be the devil on your shoulder, but you probably should have acted on your hatred. Maybe, your story could have been interesting.

Would a real Mafioso simply retire and give up after being wronged? You acted against the nature of the game. You have the tools to attempt to punish people if you believe they deserve it, but you just rolled over and died. You do not need to act as sensibly as you would in real-life.
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i agree. The only reason i showed mercy was because i had friends there still and i wasnt going to punish them by getting them killed. I should have bid my time a lil longer then killed him on that account. was a 100 times closer to the 900 kill mark then.`

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Uh oh boys 400 kills in 3 months:

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exactly what do you mean by that?


The fact that you do not realise proves my point. You are confident to the point of arrogant and obsessed with your own self worth without thinking of others. You are either misinformed or deluded on how much of an impact you have in this world.

We are meant to be about family, friendship, bonds and ties. It is not about the self, it is about the collective. Someone so involved in their own self worth is not someone I would like to see in my family. Someone who would suicide and let their family down is not someone I would like to see in my family.

Basically my point is this, take a step back, asses yourself again and think about how your actions affect others and what others think of you rather than what is good for yourself and your own bloodline.

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We are meant to be about family, friendship, bonds and ties. It is not about the self, it is about the collective. Someone so involved in their own self worth is not someone I would like to see in my family. Someone who would suicide and let their family down is not someone I would like to see in my family.

Thats all fine and dandy vut that only works when the CL/GFcan be trusted. screwing your own members over is bad for business. it says you can not be trusted. Why should i put my trust in a CL that would back stab me given the chance? What CL in their right mind would have the balls to ask you to take a punishment you dont deserve? Or better yet, What CL in his right mind would even Punish one of his own crew members without logs proving that said person was guilty? Deluded you say? Arrogant? 

No ToyArmadillo, I haved certain values IRL that refelect on my character as well. I never once asked him for anything in return for doing what i did. i went above and beyond and out did even some of the CL's he had authed. You can say what you want but your tune would change real quick if you experienced first hand what I did. 

You are confident to the point of arrogant and obsessed with your own self worth without thinking of others. You are either misinformed or deluded on how much of an impact you have in this world.

Dude.... You are badly mistaken if you think i put myself before others. Why dont you ask the crew leaders that i have served under about me? Not all of them have good things to say but the vast majority do. i make my mistakes same as everyone else and i learned from them. Before you decide to "assume" You know enough about me to make that kind of judgement, why dont you do your homework first?

Someone who would suicide and let their family down is not someone I would like to see in my family. 

You honestly think i wanted to suicide that account? I made every attempt to talk shit over and nothing worked. He refused to see or hear anything. If he had reinstated me as Cheshire's RHM after i proved my innocence the retirement would never have happened. Truth be told, I actually asked Ladyfighter, as the city head for a transfer to Brooklyn, to avoid suiciding that account. Thank God that someone killed that mother fucker as that would have been the first time that the Assassin bloodline went Rogue. I would have shot Paul Klint myself if someone hadnt already took care of it. Anyone who back stabs his own family and friends, does not deserve to be a CL or Godfather, i dont care who the hell you are. I hold everyone to the same standard i hold myself. I will never ask someone to do something that i would not do myself. If that makes me a bad player or even worse a bad overall person, then so be it! 

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I have had first hand experience of your bloodline and I know exactly what it is like. I do not ''assume,'' I know and I believe a lot of people who have had dealings with you feel the same way. How do I know? Why I asked them, I do like to be informed on a subject I'm arguing on.

You may not remember me but I certainly remember you, I will repeat myself as your rant reply was full of ME and I again. You are obsessed with YOUR self worth. You believe yourself greater than the families you serve. Your obsession with the death of Paul Klint would have been bad for whichever family you were serving while you plotted you revenge. Say you rogued and shot Paul Klint  as had planned but unfortunately missed. This would have bought a shit storm down on the poor fellow that had housed you all the time you were sitting their stewing in your own self importance and rage.

I am not here to argue about your dealings with Paul Klint or your original rant in general. It's actually the fact that you POSTED the thread in the first place rather than it's contents. I'm just trying you to take a look at yourself and realise that it is not all about YOU. This is what I'm really trying to get into your head.

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i know who you are. Calling me arrogant is the pot calling the kettle black. 

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Assassin, is that some type of terrible joke?

Toy Armadillo's bloodline is not arrogant whatsoever you nob.. When I worked with him in Detroit and even now, he hasn't shown any type or arrogance, he's a model member of our society.


You sick fucker.

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Toy Armadillo's bloodline is not arrogant whatsoever you nob.. When I worked with him in Detroit and even now, he hasn't shown any type or arrogance, he's a model member of our society.

Morty you couldnt be more wrong. i served with this guy in DT and maybe he changed but when i knew him he was as arrogant as they come.

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Seriously? Francis Puccio was humble as fuck man, he recruited for an inactive family as Raydens lhm.. He earned 90% of the families money and trained his gun accordingly, he was a model structure member, model hitsquad member and he deserved much more then he had.

He's even humble enough now that he decided to get Don in 180 days because he knew it'd make me feel better about Mudkip getting it in 100.


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