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Story Time In The Nimbus Yard Started by: Dripple on Jan 03, '14 01:09
Dripple can hear the sons and daughters weeping as they mourn their losses. A very recent war had resulted in the removal of two districts across two cities in this world of ours. Their grief was understandable, however some had started clamoring for answers and had already called the answers bullshit that were to be given.

Dripple was however, determined to set the record straight. At least, as far as he was concerned. That was why he was here, in the Streets on this chilly morning still nursing a headache from the lack of sleep thanks to the war effort.

Ladies, Gentleman and Telkin

I stand before you to give you a little insight into why i involved myself within the most recent war that saw the removal of Godmothers Penquin and Viene.

Unhappy people not getting a reason as to why they died has started to become the norm.. this is what happens when people bring their shit to the streets and throw the bottle from the pram kind of thing... people just don't want to tell you why your mother/father died. We have grown to expect you will be a whiney child who will throw a fit and waste precious time. Luckily, I don't care if you throw a little temper tantrum... I am still going to be giving you all my reasons.

First off, loads of rumors are being thrown around.. mostly way off point but then again, what do you expect? The hard cold facts from someone who has had their closest kith and kin just killed? Hardly.

Moving on to my reasons, we shall rewind to when Viene was getting authed into BlackBottom...a long time ago, in a galaxy far far away..wait what? Ignore that last bit.

We had just fought one of the most exhausting and crazy series of wars and were waiting to see what would happen. Days before it was confirmed that she was going to come join us in Detroit (lets not forget we were here first, bip having taken the title of Godmother mid war ), I heard from a close friend from Chicago who was working for her, that she was going to be joining us here. Classy, eh? Yeah, I didn't think so either.

What do I do? Well, I go straight to Bip.. this is the first she had heard about it, this pretty much ruffled my feathers and got me rather... infuriated. Was it too much to ask that she have the common courtesy to introduce herself to us, the existing inhabitants of the city, before she plasters the news all over the coffeshops? Well, apparently, it was.

Anyhow..primarily to provide you all with a view of how different people handle different things, when JackRyan was about to enter Detroit, he spoke to all Downtown, spoke about how he wants to form a strong bond, his expectations from the friendship and his hopes that we would have a nice run and things progressed nicely from there. See the difference? little things like this go a long way.

Now....Lets rewind back a bit further to mine and Viene's grandparents..yeah, I am not doing this is chronological order, am I? they got married then divorced, so you could say it's a strained relationship before we have even started. Myself and Bip at this time waited and waited for her to make contact with us but no contact arrived on a personal level.

We even included her on a device not known to you people, to try involve her. Poor Tither i must say, he regularly contacted all of us for chit-chat, deep down i think he knew he had to make the effort to keep us sweet. Wish the Godmother had the sense the Underboss did.

You may ask why we didn't approach her, why the fuck should we? You set up unannounced in a city where we are already established and expect us to bend over backwards to accommodate you? Fuck no. That is not how things work here, my sweets.

Things like this...minor irritants, some would say, just seemed to keep cropping up, not rumors but real things.

Allow me to give you another example... In one of our daily chats with JackRyan he mentions to us, 'oh did Viene approach you about maybe starting something in the streets?' Pretty sure the smarter of you can guess the answer. Another notch on the board, it's becoming the norm not approaching us at all, by this time it had become pretty apparent she had no desire to work with us and the feeling was mutual.

However, Viene had fought alongside us in the previous wars and we respected the fact that we were all from Chicago, so we carried on doing business per usual and put our frustrations to the side for the good of Detroit.

We carried on business for the next few days, venting our frustration to each other.. Then these apparent rumors started cropping up and at this point it actually became a very real possibility that Viene didn't just not want to work with us but to have us killed. Now personally...I don't think I would much enjoy the experience of being killed and so we went to work to try and stop this threat before it consumed us. Meetings were held, plans were drawn up.. locations were charted. Penquin and Viene grew up together within the loop, our plans could not consist of just one for them for the fear of them reacting, maybe Penquin wouldn't be so stupid to react to our strike on the BlackBottom but after the months which had passed we believed strong ties within the structure to the late Odin could resurface and we were not willing to find out.

One thing we pride ourselves on is togetherness in the Czylharz Family without it we would be nothing, if one acts then everyone acts. If one of us have a concern, it's all of the Czylharz Family concern. So when these dangerous arise, as always the Czylharz Family got together and obliterated any and every threat to our existence.

However, we did loose some friends on both sides of this war and I do mourn their deaths. This was not a pretty thing to witness or perform but it had to be done for the sake of our own life.

Hopefully, this gives you all an insight into the reason why we happily involved ourselves in this war. You can take it or lump it. Enjoy,
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We had just fought one of the most exhausting and crazy series of wars and were waiting to see what would happen. Days before it was confirmed that she was going to come join us in Detroit (lets not forget we were here first, bip having taken the title of Godmother mid war ), I heard from a close friend from Chicago who was working for her, that she was going to be joining us here. Classy, eh? Yeah, I didn't think so either.


See I was underboss so Ill speak where I can. Can't speak for my previous GodMother. But I don't understand how you can say you didn't know there was someone coming to join you in Det. Your GF. and Yes I say your GF cause the czyllharz GF is one....JakeLuciano. GF Jake had allowed us (The loop) the opportunity to setup in Det. Something that he extended to Kpacu at the time, for fighting the long and gruensome along with the czyllharz. So you can't say you didn't expect neighbors! We were coming, the world knew...certainly your GF did. Can you be infuriated cause you didn't get to choose who was being put next to you? Yes. But you can't say it was all back alley/back street access. As your GF offered us the opportunity. 


But outside of that, its the had your reasons. There on the board. Not arguing...just fixing the details as i see fit!


Grats on being the newest GF of Black Bottom Dripple! 

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"See I was underboss so Ill speak where I can. Can't speak for my previous GodMother. But I don't understand how you can say you didn't know there was someone coming to join you in Det"

LordSnow, we knew someone was coming over. That's really irrelevant, the problem is when said Godmother doesn't announce herself over in detroit.

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This doesn't explain why my father died. He was not involved in these talks, or lack there of. He was a sleeping goomba. So when you kill, you kill everyone? Is this how it works?

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"Yes that's how it works Vile. No man left alive in many cases because they might try to help kill the attackers and the attackers don't have to take that risk of letting your father live."

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A young man steps forward, clearly wrought with emotion. With twin tracks of tears etched into his dust covered face as he plucks up the courage to cough loudly, he begins and ends with one solemn query:

So Penquin and The Loop was exterminated for nothing more than a perceived alliance with someone who was discourteous a couple of times?

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Ziva sighs, incredibly deeply. Noting the look of sleeplessness on his face, she throws the new Godfather Dripple a small tub of paracetamol.

Well, first and foremost, please allow me to congratulate you on your recent accent to Godfather of Black Bottom, Dripple.

Thank you also for actually coming out and giving us some reasons, it's nice to see that some of the nastier things I heard about this take down at least appear to be untrue. Also interesting to note that this take down was orchestrated by Detroit, rather than Chicago, as seemed to be the assumption in the aftermath of the war. Little things like that are the reasons why it perhaps isn't a good idea to just "move on" from a war instantly, as was suggested elsewhere earlier this evening.

Moving on to the actual reasons - the reasons for the death of Viene all seem pretty sound. At least we haven't heard things be vaguely put down to "rumors" and that be that. Yeah, that irksome little 'r' word has popped up, but that isn't the sole thing you guys had against her. You've had the stones to come out and straight up say that she did shit that came off as petty, unfriendly, even hostile, and that it pissed you off.

But... there is a few questions to be asked here, I think.

Firstly. Penquin was killed solely, according to you, because she and Viene had grown up in the Loop together?

Okay, I can half see that. I mean, it's fucking tenuous, and I think it leaves questions to be asked about whether the leaders in Chicago had made a particular effort to engage with Penquin, to test her loyalties to the rest of the Chicago leadership? I'm quite sure that this take down was orchestrated as a joint effort with your Czylharz counterparts in Chicago, so it might be interesting to hear from the Chicago side whether they felt that Penquin was capable of being particularly integrated with Chicago.

I'm not saying Penquin wouldn't have defended Viene, but I'm not, personally, altogether one hundred percent sure that she would've.

Secondly, and please understand that with my first question, I was less challenging what you say, more asking for further expansion if possible, but with this, I feel like I may be in a position to respectfully challenge some of what you say.

You make reference to "ties within the structure to the late Odin".

Now, I personally never had the privilege of working with the late Cpt-Harris, although I can say I have worked with his son. However, I think in total three members of my bloodline worked closely with Cpt-Harris during that last run, which also, of course, particularly in the case of my namesake, put these ladies into close contact with Penquin's predecessor as Godfather of the Loop; Kpacumup. 

I think you misunderstand the dynamic of that district, particularly when my ancestors were there. I know from conversations with the late Penquin, that she had felt as though the crew that at the time, belonged to Kpacumup, and would later evolve into the district she ruled as Godmother, before the death of my ancestor and the end of Fort Hubcaps, were treated as second best by the rest of the Loop upper structure. I don't think personally that it was ever meant to be a case of playing favorites, but I think that myself and my uppers probably did share a closer relationship with Cpt-Harris and Kourtney than Kpacumup.

I know that at the time of Harris' death, it was his plan, not Kpacumup's, to auth Viene. Kpacumup, on taking over the role of Godfather, followed through with that plan, I suppose as a last nod to Harris, but without ever, to my knowledge, enjoying a particularly close relationship with Harris during his time as a crew leader. Hell, in the last war the Loop fought, the one where Cpt-Harris was lost, I don't think Kpacumup's crew was ever asked to shoot.

So I think that to say "ties to Odin" is a little bit... sketchy at best. Because according to the journals of my ancestors, those ties were never particularly strong on Kpacu/Penquin's side. The Loop under Cpt-Harris most definitely seems an odd set up, I can see that, but I think it a little unfair to state that Penquin was so loyal to Odin to the end that it would've been enough for her to jump in and try to avenge Viene.

Maybe she would've, maybe she wouldn't, but I highly doubt that would've been her reason.

Thank you for the speech, though. It's nice to have yesterdays events in more context, and congratulations again on your rise to Godfather.

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Unhappy people not getting a reason as to why they died has started to become the norm.. this is what happens when people bring their shit to the streets and throw the bottle from the pram kind of thing... people just don't want to tell you why your mother/father died. We have grown to expect you will be a whiney child who will throw a fit and waste precious time. Luckily, I don't care if you throw a little temper tantrum... I am still going to be giving you all my reasons.


First of GodFather Bip...I havent seen anyone feel happy because their parents died and not get a reason so this norm didnt just started. And second hoping to hear the reasons for the deaths is far from whining. As I observe it is not only those who have lost a love one that are hoping to hear the reason for the bloodshed. Finally I would like to thank you for giving us the reason behind what happened. And congratulations on being GodFather. I hope BlackBottom all the best.

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damn it...I definitely mean GodFather Dripple. My apologies.

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So Penquin and The Loop was exterminated for nothing more than a perceived alliance with someone who was discourteous a couple of times?


I think the fact that a previous Don who's now GF posting the war thread speaks volumes. The reasons having to do with...courteous encounters? Infurious he was...RHM?!?! Really? And well a day goes by and he's GF!

Can i say power grab? No reasons necessary...just say it. ;)


It is the mob...happens! :)

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First and foremost I would like to congratulate Dripple on following in the footsteps of his esteemed relative Guardian and attaining the ultimate rank of Godfather.


I would further like to thank you for taking time out from your schedule and coming to the streets to explain your reasons for why you were involved in the recent takedowns of Black Bottom and The Loop.


I can't help but notice a number of people have questioned the link between The Loop and Blackbottom which does quite amaze me considering the daughter of Penguin the deceased godfather of The Loop has come out and quite clearly shown a tangible link between the two districts in thanking them for the work they did.

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The late Penquin also started off as RHM to Cpt-Harris post the now infamous May war, so I think it was a fair assumption of Godfather Dripples that there may still be links there.

Some very solid reasons there in my opinion. As is often remarked, people are a lot less trigger happy then it might have been back in the old days. That doesn't mean that upper structures lack the fortitude they may once have had, it simply means they aren't going to act straight away on how you present yourself as a mobster and sometimes a crew leader. Sure you can come into the streets dismissing one Godfather initiative or another, demonstrating your distaste for take downs and auths. But make no mistake, a Godfather somewhere is probably not best please by your words and actions, they may not show it but they sure as hell have made a note of it and a strike against your name. Perhaps a few are doing that for me, I don't know. Respect for the Godfathers is still needed as much as before, some may just reply with actions rather then words.  As is the case here with all those that have fallen, It will come back to bite you in the ass at some point.  

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Understanding and excepting reasons are too completely different notions. i, personally except the reasoning, and slightly understand it. There a few things that, prick my ears up, for the lack of a better term. First being, this was driven by the need to reward your hitters, the simple need to keep them happy and at bay and let me tell you, there is fuck all wrong with that. There is also fuck all wrong with wanting to expand your organisation, this, simply put, is the nature of the beast, a wise friend of mine once told me, "you can achieve anything with a good enough reason" and rightly so. This is how our world revolves, I’m pretty sure had we, yes i lost my father, been in a position to expand, we would definitely explore the very same options and there is no blame in that.

I think most people can read through the lines here, but that’s not to say what dripple and co did was wrong, on the contrary, its what we train to do, it is how things should be done, if they choose to see a link between ch and bb, albeit if there wasn’t one, then that is a prerogative that they have to follow, anything to protect their empire, again fuck all wrong with such actions.

The only one issue that really irks me is, "I HAVE SEEN LOGS" "I WAS TOLD THERE WAS LOGS" these quotes come from a current GF and a current crew leader, respectively, i was told these "logs" where the reason for this take down, now, hopefully you can see I’m not bitter, i die often enough to not be all that bothered, but id like to be privy to these logs. In fact i know a lot of people would also like to see these "logs" and just what exactly are in them and if in fact they actually bare and reasons or logic behind the decisions made.

But for most part, well played, you got the desired effect and expanded your organisation, but i do wish, and this is not just aimed at you, that people would have the balls to come out and admit..."our hitters where hungry, we had a viable (enough) excuse to move, it makes perfect business sense, so we did” it would be safe to assume you would get be lot more plaudits than you would for a speech of this kind.
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Im sorry to hear about your grandparents divorce and goodluck to you.  Just by looking at your hand choice's theres no doubt you'll be successful in your ventures.  Congrats Godfather Dripple

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oh wow, You know MrIncredible.. you raise a valid point. Any man who has another tutu wearing man as his RH is bound to succeed. Guess he doesn't need any luck,does he?

All kidding aside... I lost many friends in this recent war and I do mourn their losses.Hopefully,we will move on from this to greater, better and lulzy things. 

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There was the usual gossip behind closed doors after something like this happens as to the reasons or lack thereof, but no clarity until now. Of course, the schoolyard gossip I had heard made no mention that one of the main reasons behind the takedown was your ancestor's divorce so it makes much more sense now. Thank you Godfather for explaining.
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one thing i missed when i first listen, and imo a very important if not ironic point....

“We even included her on a device not known to you people, to try involve her. Poor Tither i must say, he regularly contacted all of us for chit-chat, deep down i think he knew he had to make the effort to keep us sweet. Wish the Godmother had the sense the Underboss did.”
The Czyllharz GF Jake does all his business off this device. He's IA half the time, his business is run by his RHM and his UB. So why was Tither mingling with the Uppers not considered the same? I mean Jakes connected on those devices. Jynx was connected to those devices. Maple does Jake's work, Tither did Jynx's work.

So then how are any of those two different. The point of being GF is to take a back seat and let your UB and others take over the business matters. Maybe im forgetting something?!?!
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Inactive godfathers??!??? Is this be Iota reign again?
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Here we go again Space-to-the-pole

“We even included her on a device not known to you people, to try involve her. Poor Tither i must say, he regularly contacted all of us for chit-chat, deep down i think he knew he had to make the effort to keep us sweet. Wish the Godmother had the sense the Underboss did.”

Lets add another few lines..

Anyhow..primarily to provide you all with a view of how different people handle different things, when JackRyan was about to enter Detroit, he spoke to all Downtown, spoke about how he wants to form a strong bond, his expectations from the friendship and his hopes that we would have a nice run and things progressed nicely from there. See the difference? little things like this go a long way.

So before you try to point things out which are void.. Why can JakeLuciano sit back as you claim? He has done the dirty work, made his true alliances and built a very strong platform for his Czyllharz Family before "sitting back" to take over the day to day business. The title Godfather doesn't give you the option to sit back, you work and strive to be the best and when you are..then yeah, why the hell not.

On the other hand Viene.. She recently moved to Detroit, this doesn't give her the right to sit back and say fuck you, talk to my underboss.

Iota for Godfather!
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It's not here we go, no matter if you add more to it, my point, you still havnt answered nor have you answered the log question! I have congratulated and agreed with you for most part, yet I pick something out, something I have had many tips for since saying and you divert with repeating something over again. Meh, sane old shit different day, hey pal
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