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All Killer No Filter: The Bronx Bombed Started by: DeadlySpikeS on Jan 14, '14 19:42

It comes with great sadness that I announce the removal of BackToShootPeeps. He has been with us from the beginning, and has been very loyal to our cause… However, that was only up to a point.

The truth is that I always had a watchful eye on him. His constant obsession with killing seemed odd to me, and it’s hard to tell when a person is simply kidding or actually planning to make a move on someone.

In the recent weeks, intelligence has leaked to me of plans. Now, were these plans factual? It was always hard to pinpoint. Threats began being made to Solastalgia, Cantona, and Ares. BackToShootPeeps did not seem to understand their loyalty to Jake, me, and the rest of us. He pushed for their deaths on several occasions. Of course, these suggestions fell on deaf ears.

However, with the competition’s failure, BTSP felt that SadPanda and I held allegiances elsewhere, other than Czylharz. However, this obviously was untrue. In the Godfather Council, we were trying to fix the competition’s issues, with as little intervention as possible. He came to several people about this, and it looked like he was trying to question our loyalty.

What sparked the burning flame of a takedown were further jokes targeted at myself, and SadPanda. I was not pleased with these, especially given the further information I will divulge. I had been alerted the previous week that Cory_Chase was “checking me” to see if I had any ill will towards BTSP. At the time of this, I did not think of him as an imminent danger, but things began to build up not so soon after that. Cory_Chase and I go way back, and his reaching out to me in the way he did seemed very odd. I had not been told that this was a test of sorts until after.

BTSP began causing dissent not only among my own district, but he began to pick away at our dear Maple. For many, this alone would be reason for killing him. However, we kept our ears to the ground. I can imagine that perhaps he reached out to others in our council, but that is only speculative.

            I have always enjoyed BTSP’s company, and his line, a very old line… But at a certain point after his repetitive jokes, and knowing his tendencies for domination, I knew that he would have to die someday. I never thought I would be on his list of targets, but I suppose perhaps he knew my suspicions and that I could not allow him to make any of his moves.

            He was great under us. He knew how to work things very well for the most part and I’m very sorry this deed had to be done. Sometimes, there’s just an odd man out in a group.

            In regards to Czylharz’s loyalty, I have already commented on this ad nauseum, but I am a firm believer that we are in this all together. BTSP did not seem to have this in mind; he had his own prerogative and with my life and others on the line, I could take no more.

            My loyalty lies with Czylharz and its friends. I wish he had understood that, and I wish he had understood our hopes for this world. This was pushed to the point where I knew that I would be taken out or SadPanda would, and I could not allow that. I hope that among the other Godfather’s they might understand or be able to shed some further light on this. As far as I’m concerned, with regret, this is something that needed to be done, but moving forward, we will be in a safer world, all of us together. Thank you JakeLuciano, Bip, Dripple, SadPanda, Ragnar_Lothbrok, ToyArmadillo, and all the others for your loyalty. The future is brighter without a looming threat’s presence.


RIP to the man with far too many 1% kills, and still not maxed. Cory and Sweets, I hope you find peace, and I hold no ill will.

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I normally try to stay away from these sorts of threads, as there seems to only be two possible routes for a reply to take; ass kissery or blatant sour grapes. However, given my words in a previous speech, and the nature of them, I feel it only right that I should say something here.

Firstly, thank you Spike. The fact that this speech was ready to go as and when this takedown happened, speak volumes of the way you like to do business. We have a lot more commonalities than people may think, and my opinion of you has always been high, but this has just raised it even more. So again, for that, I thank you.

As for the reasons for this takedown, I can't say I wouldn't have done the same thing in your position. A threat is a threat, and they need to be removed with minimum damage to your own family. Czylharz may have been affected by this, as I know BTSP was a part of the Czylharz family. Regardless of the affect, we could have been affected a lot more and a lot severely.

All in all, an action that seemingly needed to be taken. Rest in Peace The Bronx.

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A prompt street apperance. We has a community can't thank you enough for this.
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A prompt load of total bullshit thank you for clearing that up

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Thank you for your time explaining the take down sir...RIP to fallen..
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Thank you for providing such a well thought out argument. Your efforts are very appreciated.

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JackRyan(SadPanda) listens to DeadlySpikeS speak. The two men were friends that went as far back to the beginning of JackRyan. Jack new the man very well and respected his thoughts and ideas. The two had spoke on a few different occasions in regard to the situation in the Bronx. It was pretty known around the world that BackToShootPeeps had issues with both the men. 

I'm not going to state reasons why this happened nor should I. SpikeS covered most of the reasons why this has happened. There are a few more unmentioned but i feel no need to add. 

JackRyan walks over and whispers something in Spikes ear and then wonders off to the nearest dice game. 

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No need to cry or bitch war happens move on it really is that simple
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why waste a fucking bullet on an associate. That was pure bull shit as associates are not full fledged members.  I can see hands and Made + members but why kill someone that is not. they should be offered teh opportunity to " Be with us or against us" as Jake and company like to do before the bullets start flying...

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Like it matters what rank you are. Regardless of whether this is how it should be or not, when you join a family, you're expecting to stand with them until the end. Stop your crying and accept the fact your father caught a bullet. No amount of tears are gonna change shit.

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Donotinvite me you're very butthurt but please get your facts straight before speaking

To: Atrocity
From: JackRyan
Sent: Jan 14, '14 19:55
Subject: #Bronx protection order

***Mass Mail to all Upper Structures***
No one from the bronx under made wearing any crew tags is to be shot for the next 7 days. Give them time to find homes please.

I believe that is only taking the threats out and allowing people not made into the family time to find a home
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Atrocity, quit telling others to stop complaining and bitching for speaking their mind. Don't be a fucking cockblock to a speech, let them say whatever they please.

You're acting like a snob cunt.

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War happens?? 

Tokyo looks at Atrocity stunned, but then composes herself. 

Oh, sorry, sometimes I forget what career choice I got myself into. You're right Atrocity, war does happen, but don't be so quick to tell the sons and daughters to not cry or bitch. Kuku just off'd himself. We'll need something new to entertain us.

Thank you Godfather DeadlySpikeS for informing us what happened. I would have hated to see Solastalgia fall, it's such a shame when the good die young. Also there would have been a chance that I would have died as well and honestly, I'd really not like to go through that again. 

Tokyo follows SadPanda to the dice game.

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The other evening I was sitting in the Brise , where I conduct most of my affairs in the West Side, taking a coffee - black - when a man came in and took a seat at the bar. It took me a while to place his face; he was an ex-bodyguard of the late Aaron_McKeever. As it would happen, he was there to see me on behalf of Aaron's son, though he wouldn't give me a name.

The talk was hushed and constipated - sorry - conspiratory. The word was of devious schemes and Machiavellian plots and I could scarcely believe what I was hearing. Czylharz was finished, I was told. The cracks were showing and it was about to implode spectacularly. Other leaders had committed - a Godfather, even! Was I in?

I honestly didn't know how to react - that is to say, with laughter or anger? On some levels, I had to admire the gall of a man who thought it prudent to take these...crackpot theories right to the very top. Don't get me wrong. These things? They're dime a dozen stuff; but something about the ring on the little finger puts people off approaching you directly - I normally heard about these things through my Underbosses, or my hands - I was a younger man when someone had the front to approach me in such a manner.

I digress. Back to my little story. I offered the man a stern rebuke, I reminded him (as if it needed to be said!) that I had known the bloodlines of some of these Godfathers since my ancestors had been on these shores and that, failing that, the opposite were true in many more cases. We go, as the oft-repeated phrase has it, way back.

It was late at night, the bodyguard was dismissed and my own driver took me home to my long suffering wife. I would think of the matter no more, or so I thought. I was wrong, over the next few days I began to hear whispers with increasing regularity and I realise inaction was no longer an option that was prudent. But how to proceed?

I could call a meeting of the Council and lay the concerns directly on the table; a bad idea I thought. It created an ugly situation out of nothing. You cannot put toothpaste back into the tube and to have called a meeting over such an issue would have given much gravity and weight to a small thing. Not so attractive.

Or perhaps I could seek out this bodyguard in McKeever employ once more and feign my interest in order to gain further information to either corroborate or counteract what further rumours had been heard. This, too, was unattractive. To either alert my peers that I was personally planning to embark such an endeavor, or for them to find out after the fact was, again, unattractive. At best, it would be an unseemly act; at worst it would give the impression I valued whispers of conspiracy above the face value of the council.

An ugly situation, then. A classic pawn's mate, with the weakest piece on the board pinning the King against the backrow with the assistance of an unseen benefactor. My position was not enviable, the rumours I had heard I considered beyond all reasonable doubt to be false. They were a small step short of preposterous and fanciful - yet whatever course of action I took would be to give them credence, by one way or another.

In the end, I settled with the fact that a couple of quiet conversations would be the best tonic. I spoke to old friends; Godfathers or perhaps their number two people. Czylharz crews and none Czylharz crews. There was no particular urgency, no particular worries. This, so I thought, would be the end of the matter.

Then came the death of Crackpot, who The_Crow revealed to be of the McKeever bloodline. The man was behind a string of recent BG wacks and my belief was further vindicated. There was no insidious plot, just a man with grievances talking up his own position; what was painted as an 'Operation Valkyrie' consisting of all manner of top-table-sitters was, in reality, a ragtag group of BG wackers with a canny ability to hide in the shadows. This was, as I thought confidently for the millionth time, surely the end of the matter.

If you'll forgive me a moment of self-congratulation; any Godfather will agree with me when I say you do not rise through the ranks if you are inept; even in a time in which we repeatedly hear that things are too easy. Most of my life has been spent in senior positions and, in addition to this, I have a rather extensive address book full of people who always send Christmas Cards.

So, it is rather a novel sensation to see anything happen and genuinely think 'What the fuck' and that is precisely what I felt today with the removal of The Bronx. I am astounded, absolutely astounded that the words of a man with a clear axe to grind would turn out to be true as far as BackToShootPeeps was concerned. Whether the two plots were connected or whether the empty bragging ended up being a shrewd deduction, well, we'll probably never know that with any certainty.

However, there was something amiss. Of that I have no doubt. It is natural, expected even, that Spike would be more au fait with the politics within Czylharz than I would ever be; were he not, something would be amiss.

I've said it numerous times in the private and I'll say the same in public; I'm pleased to be part of a group of Godfathers that contains no real outliers as so many regimes before have done. There is a degree of trust which underpins the mutual respect between us all; and there is too a level of autonomy and independence present despite - or perhaps because of - the tags we wear. Everything points towards a prosperous future and I look forward to see what the future holds!

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I will say this...

Rest in peace everyone, to begin with.

Secondly, did you have to kill Cory Chase and Sweets? Probable, but it just comes to show you not to buy into the Czylharz Family tags you see around. Cory Chase and Sweets were loyal to the Czylharz Family, not directly BackToShootPeeps. Could you have removed BTSP without killing your allies in Cory and Sweets? Anyone who knows those two would have said 'Yes, you could've.'

These calls where Cory was supposed to be 'checking' on you... Bullshit, Spike. You and Cory talked on a weekly basis, sometimes more and talked about things within the 'Czylharz Family'. Cory let you KNOW several times during these conversations that it wasn't needed to kill himself and Sweets if you wanted to get to BOD. That they seen the bigger picture and wanted to be apart of 'Czylharz Family' regardless. They were loyal to... you guys. Just like Ralph. Just like Draven. Just like many of others, those two were loyal to the so called 'bigger picture'.
They didn't need to be disposed of, but you chose it. Two people who bent over backwards for 'Czylharz Family' and Spike knows that Cory Chase put the line on some others head just so they wouldn't make him or the 'Czylharz Family' look bad.

Spike knows this, but dismisses it due to selective hearing. He only heard what he wanted to, and cast the rest into the breeze. Killing a mass of 'your own Czylharz Family' could have been avoided, but it wasn't.

I'm not saying this wrong to do, it's a tough decision to make. I stand here today and say, you made the wrong one and fucked up. Instead of taking out the threat, you took some innocents who were loyal to 'Czylharz Family' with him. You thought Cory was 'checking' you, but feeding you information at the same time? Or how about the time that Cory told you specifically if you felt the need to take out the BOD, that he was there for Sayyid anyways, and that him and Sweets were no harm. Or how about when Cory told you that he didn't even want to be cast off from sea, away from the allies, but felt he was doing 'Czylharz Family' a favor by being their ally in NY. Excuse my OOC here, but... LOL.

The tags don't matter. Your words don't matter.

And yet, we let retarded ass shit like giving members to Ragnar_Lothbrok, so that he may achieve the rank of Godfather... We let this happen, all of us that sat by and watched it.

Instead of reaching personal highs, you're going in the wrong direction. You shit on and disgraced the Godfather position with that little stunt.

Pathetic. Truly, pathetic.

Thank you for giving my time to speak, hopefully my insides won't explode to all of the comments that might come after this.

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And yet, we let retarded ass shit like giving members to Ragnar_Lothbrok, so that he may achieve the rank of Godfather... We let this happen, all of us that sat by and watched it.

Instead of reaching personal highs, you're going in the wrong direction. You shit on and disgraced the Godfather position with that little stunt.

That would be like a CL loaning a member money to tribute so they could meet the earning requirement to become made. 

Adds this to the "make rank mean something"campaign 

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Romeo passes a pint of bitter to Hmmm

Think you might be needing that bud to go with your recent speech bud. Such a bitter bitter man.
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And cue all the raging..........This is the mafia life people die, deal with it. Especially if you're a CL in a district that's being wiped, why would anyone leave behind such a potentially powerful enemy anyway let alone two?

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coming from the same guy who has bitched in the past about being killed.

Aint this the pot calling the kettle black

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Me? Well I have never died so I wouldn't actually know what you're talking about. However if you're referring to my bloodline you could scour the streets and never once hear about my ancestors making noise about dying, as a matter of fact often they congratulated the victor of a war and said themselves no hard feelings. 

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