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Have some decency. Started by: Salty- on Jul 20, '15 03:33

...At least choose a different name for your character when you know you will be authed for a 40th time in a raw row... And don't ask me if I feel salty about it, no matter if we know you or not...

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dam the salt is strong and showing now ....

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A-Z I actualy do like you for your interaction with my noobness...

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Because everyone whose ever been authed has known whether or not they'd be authed going into the account...

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No, you're clearly not salty, you're salty-, it would say it right there on your name tag if you were wearing it. So why aren't you? I think that's a better question here - I wrote it out for you, I mailed it out personally, and I even put the piece of tape on it so you could easily display it on your jacket and yet you're still not wearing it anywhere on your person. Not even your sleeve?!

Do you hate me? Is that what this is? Just come out and say it.

I don't care, I mean, you can hate me all you want, it won't upset me in the slightest, but why? I can't function properly when someone dislikes me, I hope you know. I haven't eaten for days. My grandmother asked me a few weeks ago why I look so skinny and I couldn't bare to tell her the truth.


Let me love you.

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I can be gentle noob at times "'Rememba' things from da past memories"... That's why I wont ask you anything more, than, is a good leader the one who dares to say he's sorry to his inferior in order of command... ?

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Oh this isn't roleplay so I didn't have to do all of that, but I did it anyways and I have no shame whatsoever.

You can't shame me.

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LandShark, if you did study some dead language, it would be yours. Just don't get high thinking I was adressing to you. I f I did need to dress some salad I wouldn't even evoque your name, coz it would be forbidden to evoque over or under the sea... Does sharks taste as serpents (snakes)?

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Have some decency to use OOC for bullshit instead of using Game Suggestions.

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our interactions are fun Salty but this is really not the place to post this man :( rags is right

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I would like to know who has been authed for the 40th time in a row with the same damn 

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damn I'm running out of crew names....... Condiments it s first up Salt

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who cares what names people use, if it bothers you that much you need to get a dam life lol.

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It does get a bit tiresome to see the same names (literally) get authed. Luckily we don't see that (?) here at the moment.
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I don't think people KNOW they are going to get auth. Some like to use the same few names, they like them and like to stick to them. So what? 

I never KNEW I was going to get auth, let alone a district when I became Made Man. Things happen in this game that can change everything in a few seconds. So you can't really get mad at them for taking auth on a name they have used before. If they earned it and want the chance, they should have it, regardless of what their name is.

I guess you could get upset that people use the same names over and over, but you like what you like.

If we weren't allowed to use names that have been used before then you would have to start seeing names like Katie112 or Vlad6969. I much rather see the same names than numbers in a name. Yet, like I said like what you like!

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I assume this refers to Visas since there are no others that I recognise as having being used before and it came shortly after his auth was announced.

Although I can't be certain, I'm fairly sure despite the name being the same, this Visas and the previous one were 2 different characters, one being a male and the present being a female.

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More times then not they know they are being authed before they hit the shores again.   The same story for hands.  The rest (majority) are nothing but pawns.

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Well actually I had a game sugestion to make, so it was not that I was lost where to put it when I put it in game suggestions. It's just that I like to launch some seeming pointless debate and interaction before getting to the point, because it's always fun to me, at least. I guess the OOC will do too.

It's not about Visas at all, my line had never a querel with him/her... It's maybe not even about the names used, but getting constantly the same people authed whenever they choose another new character.

The inspiration came to me from the mid june war. What I wanted to suggest is to introduce some stat modification based on the number of times someone has been CL. In the same spirit as Defence close to 100% augments your chances to wacback your attacker a little, I would suggest to augment the chances of someone being 1% based on the number of times he/she has been CL in the last 100 weeks...

I am sure that those authed 40 times in the period would not like the suggestion of their 1% unlucky chances being augmented by 40%, but am sure quite a few others would like the idea...

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I would bank many will applaud the idea. It may even bring some off retirement.

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Rather than increasing their chances of being killed by the 1%, why don't we just shoot them?

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