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Stepping up for equal rights for watermelons Started by: AlejandroGuevara on Feb 08, '18 14:00

AlejandroGuevara's speech almost brought Kaira to tears. Those wise words were like a melody to her ears and to others who were supporting the same cause as them.

Meanwhile Kaira was making some future plans together with AlejandroGuevara, TheButcher and James, because it seemed like more people were starting to get interested in the topic so she thought they had to have a better organization.

So AlejandroGuevara, I was thinking that...

All of the sudden the woman from the opposition party started to speak again interrupting her idea. Kaira listened to Shinni's speech and when it was over she asked.

Are you sure that this isn't some sort of childish attitude and you are just trying to act against us? The way I see it you decided to stop eating certain fruits and vegetables? Isn't it just that you don't like those fruits and you are using your campaign as a reason not to eat them?

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"No, I'm not. I like all sorts of fruit and vegetables. In fact, tomatoes are one of my favorites. Cucumber and cantaloupe come into second. I'm willing to give up my favorite things for my campaign. As for the reason for my opposition, you attacked one of the few things I look forward to in the summer and one of my most precious memories of my childhood. Nothing compares to the taste of salty watermelon."

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AlejandroGuevara looked at Shinni and realized he made a gender mistake..

Ha! So you say others are your favourite, but actually watermelon is? Don't you have any feelings for those poor watermelon cells that are being torn apart by your use of salt..?

Alejandro faked wiping a tear out of his eye to dramatise his words

Be honest.. No one actually likes Cantaloupe..! It is just not the same! 

Guevara looks at Kaira and nods 

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Shinni's eyes narrowed and he grinned.

"Says the man who was momentarily horrified when I mentioned someone putting salt on cantaloupe.  I have more than one favorite. Tomatoes are also part of those memories. Do you not have feelings for the cantaloupe you have insulted? And no I don't. Do you feel sorry for eating the same thing your defending?"

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Raising his spiked baseball bat bearski chants “HELL NO WE WONT GO” and “I’d regather be dead than red” to the vegan commies.
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James stands back swaying around knocking beer after beer down his throat, trying to absorb all the information around him and establish and understanding of the situation that has arose with Shinni. From what he can gather, it would appear Shinni is raising a campaign to counter the efforts of SWAG. 

He stumbles forward towards the crowd and begins to mumble, drawing the attention of everyone who begin to laugh at him trying to find his words.

"So irrbb... *burp* it would appear that uh, it would, it would appear that this man.. THIS MAN, THIS ONE RIGHT HERE..." (Points at Shinni when he finds him) ", i'm afraid to say ladies and gender.. gentle... GENDERMEN - is ANTI SWAG! *burp*" James finally announces with his drunken slur.  

James falls back on his arse while clutching on to his beer in an attempt not to spill any. Laying flat on his back, he raises his beer in the air and says "Relieve this man of his salty watermelons!".


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Shinni watched as James made his presence known to the crowd. As the man sputtered, he found himself to be thankful that he had not picked up a drinking habit.

When James finally got his point across, the short man sighed. "No one is taking my salty watermelon. And yes, everyone knows I'm against your group. Now let's get you back on your feet. " He said, carefully taking the bottle from James before helping him up.
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AlejandroGuevara understood he had to deal with a very intelligent fanatic here, seeing Shinni try to grow sympathy by picking up James from the ground. Alex looked at his badge as he did.. 

Chairman of the Anti-Sodiumchloridelessness Rights for Watermelons Action Group but is Willing to Protect the Rights of Cantaloupe, Cucumbers, Tomatoes, and Gastropods Fashion

Wow.. that is a mouthful.. Alex looked at TheButcher and explained with one look how he meant it this time.. Looking back as Shinni.. How do you abbreviate that.. Anti SOdiumchloridelessnessrightforwatermelons? As ASO?  

Alejandro smiled, but immediately questioned his own level of English as noone se​​emed to understand what he meant

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Preeyah listens carefully as a few in the crowd put across their view on watermelons. The debate back and forth gets her thinking that actually she has never thought about it... but thinking about it now, she feels very strongly against the salting of watermelons. Preeyah pulls a salty facial expression.

"I'd just like to say that this is a very important topic. How can you murder the watermelon with salt?" Preeyah shakes her head and is very much in agreement with @AlejandroGuevara .

After the disappointment that this type of thing is going on, Preeyah goes to stand by Kaira and continues eating her pancake. 

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Kaira gives Preeyah a hug as a token of appreciation for her kind words and then sits next to her watching James's moment of drunkenness.

What do you think? Will he be able to reach the HQ or will he end up sleeping in the dog's house again? 

She then gives AlejandroGuevara a smile thinking Alex did good pointing out Shinni's cunning intentions to gain sympathy.  

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Guevara felt his heart melting as he saw the lovely hug Kaira gave Preeyah after the latter expressed her well-thought through opinion.
Don't worry, I will arrange a cab to get James home gain. I get a special rate for the taxi cleaning costs if he trashes the same cab a couple of times a week.

The hug made Alejandro think about respect.. One way or the other, AlejandroGuevara actually kind of liked Shinni. Or Shinning, as he'd like to call him. He really appreciated the enthousiasm Shinni showed in supporting a ridiculous cause, he really respected that he showed having a spine, despite being terribly wrong. And most of all, he smiled whilst thinking of Shinni's stubbornness in not admitting what an extreme error he made in his initial thinking and continuing to preach the same thing he, of course, must have said by accident at first..

As he thought about those things, he kind of forgot to call a taxi for James and walked off..

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After AlejandroGuevara walked away from James, he laid there for a few more minutes while the crowd stared at him wondering if he is even still alive after the copious amount of alcohol he'd consumed over the afternoon. Randomly, he suddenly sat bolt upright and scanned his surroundings with a slightly withdrawn look on his face. 

"Uhhggg.." James groaned the light hit him to intensify the pounding headache. 

Glaring into the crowd through squinted eyes, he struggled to spot anybody that he recognized. Had they all left him? His half sober mind battled through what seemed as distant memories to remember what happened here, and who was around. He leaned back to place both hands behind him, and his right hand plunged straight into something sticky and mushy.

"You gotta be fu... This better not be dog shit." He said as he turned down to look at the weird substance.

"AAHHHH! SICK BASTARDS!" James shouted in horror as he discovered something even worse. Someone had threw a watermelon at him during his drunken nap. Not just any watermelon, but one covered in sodium motherfucking chloride. 

Stumbling to his feet after falling forward and eating a tuft of grass, he continued his rant. "Who did this? I will find you!"

"Where the hell is everybody?" He asked himself, reaching for the last beer in his crate.

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As AlejandroGuevara was sitting in a bar with Kaira and TheButcher, they were invite by TonyCastelli to take a short break from the watermelon protection programme, as it was proving to be a very demanding job to cope with all people with a different opinion, like Shinni and.. Well, like Shinni.

It was hard to hear what theButcher was saying from the opposite side of the little table, because right behind them, Jones was busy imitating Germans loudly. Just like Butch, Guevara had ordered a beer, but when the waitress ( that had a striking resemblance with VictoriaValium ) arrived to serve the beers and undefined drink Kaira was having, she tripped over Prof-V-Jameson's experimenting kit and dropped faced down on the floor. The glasses broke, the beer flew through the air, but even worse... When she tripped, the waitress had kicked an Erlenmeyer, containg some greenish bubbling liquid out of the bag of Prof-V-Jameson.
The flask broke, and mixing with the beer and the weird Kaira drink, it chemically reacted to give a huge cloud of greenish grey smoke and a terrible, terrible, rotten, filthy, penetrant smell..

As people started running away from the bar, Alex stayed calm. Until the despicable foul smell arrived at his papilla. The horrible, intoxicating suddenly reminded him of James

Fuck! I forgot to call a taxi to evacuate James away from the park..!

Alejandro rushed out with the rest of the crowd, flagged a taxi down, pushing all other people away to hop in and he made the driver drive back to the park as quickly as the cab could take them. When they arrived, Guevara jumped out to see a horrendous image.. One that he immediately knew he would be seeing for many nights to come.. AlejandroGuevara tried to run towards James, but what he saw made him have to pause.. He stopped, turned his head away, and vomited... Wiping his mouth, he gathered all courage he could find and stepped the final steps towards James

I am so sorry... So, so, so sorry.. Not only for the watermelons, but also for you, James... This is a crime against both humanity and watermelonity. We must find the person that did this! We must make him pay! We aren't finished yet! And where is Shinni!? 

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Seeing the green cloud forming after the waitress fell, and having his mind being invaded by the stench of a thousand cripplingly decomposed bodies made Jones soar back into reality, which could only be voiced as "Fernweh" pouring out of him as he ran out of the room after Guevara. Always minding not to drop his beer, Jones grabbed a cab and followed him until they arrived at the park and Guevara started to vomit. When Jones saw what had happened to James he took a long gulp from his beer and looked back at the man now pledging revenge.

"This is a crime against both humanity and watermelonity. We must find the person that did this! We must make him pay!" When he finished talking, and inspired by his words, all that came to our gangster's mind was a word that held the meaning of the pain and revolt which lived inside of him, for all that had trespassed at that moment.

He raised his beer with one hand into the skies and called it forth from his mind. "PRETZEL!"

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Kaira was enjoying her free time on TonyCastelli's money together with her friends AlejandroGuevara, TheButcher, Jones, Prof-V-Jameson and Bearski, who was already dead drunk in a corner of that place.

They were having a great time, laughing at Jones while waiting for their ordered drinks. Then suddenly a serious of events happened and she found herself running away from the bar.

After catching her breath and resting for a bit her mind was clear and she could now think about what just happened. Jones was acting like his usual self and they were making fun of him, Bearski was dead drunk on the floor. The waitress was arriving with their drinks and then it happened.

Kaira saw her smile at AlejandroGuevara, then Kaira's stare went on TheButcher which was now glaring at the waitress with a maniacal laugh on his face. She saw him taking out a knife from his coat and showing it to the waitress. 

She could almost swear she heard him whispering No one other than me should dare to smile at @Alejandroguevaraarada. 

Then the waitress tripped and the drinks and the smell. She was angry that her new clothes which made her look so fabulous were ruined and started thinking.

If the waitress didn't smile at Alex then Butch wouldn't get jealous and wouldn't go into that threatening mode, she wouldn't get intimidated and fail to see the kit Prof-V-Jameson was carrying around with him, the drinks would not get mixed together and her clothes would be in perfect shape right now. 

She now felt a murderous intent and while muttering It's her fault, all her fault! she headed towards TheButcher.

I'm going to need you to borrow me that knife Butter! she demanded.

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Pretzl, AlejandroGuevara heard someone behind him shout, as he was trying to recover James from the saline watermelon terribilities..

Guevara looked back and saw the commitment in Jones's eyes..

Of course! Alex said, accidentally dropping James to the ground once more, as he lifted his finger..

Of course! Power Returns Emmidiately To Zitrullus Lanatus! You are a genius, Jones!

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Seeing how TheButcher was hesitant in handing her his favorite knife, which ironically was a gift from her, Kaira decided to take the matter in her own hands.

Forget about it! 

She snapped at Butch and left him alone in front of the bar. While heading back inside she took her gun out. Upon entering the place the horrible smell hit her sensitive nostrils. 

"I can do this!" she muttered words of encouragement. At the same time she was holding her nose with a hand and with the other one was holding the gun while searching for the waitress.

When she finally found the waitress, who was barely conscious, Kaira fired her gun. The bullet hit the waitress in her left leg. 

Damn it! It was supposed to hit her chest. She thought to herself then shot again. The next bullet hit her right leg. The waitress barely aware of her surroundings was trying to crawl away from the bullets. 

To make sure her gun doesn't miss again, Kaira approached the lady who was now laying down facing the floor. She struggled to turn her around almost stumbling because of her high heels then pressed the gun to the chest and shot again.

I'm the best shooter in Las Vegas! She said out loud looking at the waitress who was now giving her last breath.

After finishing the job she Kaira left the bar in order to search for AlejandroGuevara. Her clothes were not only ruined by the previous incident but were soaked in blood too. 

When she arrived to the place where Alex, James and Jones were the adrenaline was still pumping through her veins. Seeing the horrendous scene made her rush to Alex and James. Unfortunately she didn't realize the fact that her clothes were bloody and that she was still holding the gun in her hand until the guys started screaming and yelling at her with a terrified look on their face.

I wasn't eating salted watermelon, I swear! James was crying between hiccups. 

AlejandroGuevara was trying to soothe her with kind words. Kaira don't act like that. Put the gun down. We can explain.

Gun?! She asked then checked her hands to see the gun. She giggled.

Ohhh this is not for you guys. I just killed the waitress who ruined my fabulous clothes. Kaira told them casually. 

After sighing with relief the guys realized her words and asked with shock in their voice.

You did what?!

Kaira then told them how she chased after the waitress around the bar and finally caught her by firing two bullets in her legs in order to make her kneel in front of her. Then meanwhile looking her in the eyes she pierced the waitress's heart with the third bullet. After finishing the story she asked.

So what happened here?!

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Kaira, don't act like that! Put the gun down! We can explain... It looks worse than it is.

As AlejandroGuevara spoke those words, he looked around.. and he realised how messy the once so tranquil, beautiful and peaceful park was.. As he wanted to speak, he was still smelling his own vomit and it almot made him throw up again.. 

Gun?!  Ohhh this is not for you guys, Kaira replied, then coldly confessing she just shot the waitress that looked like VictoriaValium for ruining her fabulous clothes.

You did what?! Kay..? I must say.. that I don't think it entirely was the waitress's fault. She tripped over the suitcase Prof-V-Jameson left in the walkway, for all I saw..

Alex paused

..although.. I saw Shinni in the same bar a while back. And it looked like he was ordering with the same waitress for a suspiciously long time. So.. Maybe it wasn't such a bad plan to shoot some bullets in her legs after all.
Did she confess being part of the anti-movement? Was she wearing a button?

Alejandro started picking up James once again.

Janes, Jomes, Jones, however you pronounce your name, Don, give me a hand, please!

The smell was horrendeous, James all covered in sodiumclorided watermelon and old beer, Kaira in blood and pieces of intestants, Jones seemed a bit sweaty under the arms and Alejandro himself had a very nasty foul taste in his mouth.

Let's get you inside, James. We'll clean you up, get Pep-Carpuccio-E001 to tell you a nice story he heard over and over about non-coloured sheep with coloured names and we will even get you some deodorant..

Guevara looked at the other man supporting James 

..or was that finished in your HQ?

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Well sure thing sugar sign me up.
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