Get Timers Now!
Apr 19 - 03:54:11
Page:  1 
Reaching out to Roman Started by: Bubbles on Mar 21, '18 19:33

The organized crime was just about set or at least Bubbles thought it was. Insomnia was just putting together the last bits in pieces before the group was off to make some extra cash. He hovered over a blueprint of the trucking yard with Eraser by his side. Bubbles sat in a chair across the way from them, legs and arms both crossed. Normally she would have gotten up and given her insight on things but figured this was his rodeo, he could handle it on his own.

She looked up at the clock on the wall, 15 minutes had passed since she had sat down. The room started to fill up with more people. This wasn't a big surprise to her, a heist of this magnitude needed more then a couple of people. She took a glance around the room, there were very familiar faces all about. Obito and Baker were standing up against the one wall having a bit of a conversation, she couldn't tell what they were talking about but she assumed it was something pertaining to the new operations they just set up. 

Bubbles again looked up at the clock, 10 more minutes had passed. When the door to the building opened up and in strolled BumbleBee and SamStone. Bubbles did a quick count in her head.

"1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7...."

It was a good number of people, one more would be ideal but seven should work just fine. Bubbles stood up from her chair and casually walked over to the table where Insomnia and Eraser were still looking at the blueprints. Getting to the table Bubbles put her hands on the table and looked over at the guys.

"Still trying to figure this all out?"

Insomnia looked up with a smirk before rolling up the blueprints.

"Nope, we got this. Actually, it's time to head out. Everyone, let's roll out."

The seven of them stood outside next to the trucks as Insomnia went over every detail on how the job was going to be pulled off. With a nod from everyone the group piled into three separate box trucks. Bubbles hopped in with Insomnia and Eraser, she was in charge of keeping the perimeter in check that was her role in all of this. Was easy enough, just had to keep watch while everyone else did all the hard work. 

It took only a couple of minutes for the group to get to the trucking yard. The lead truck stopped at the back gate, which was the one Bubbles was in. She jumped out of the truck with bolt cutters in hand, rushed over to the gate and cut the lock. She pushed the gate open and waved the trucks to go in. They sped past her and into the trucking yard, Bubbles then closed the gate behind them and propped herself up against the gate making it seem like she was just hanging out.

No more then a couple minutes after she closed the gate a car with a bright yellow light mounted above it's mirror drove up the back road. There was only one type of car that had a light like that. It was the cops, she decided to play it cool though. Didn't run, didn't reach for her gun just stood there against the fence.

The car sped up to where she was standing, did a quick skid on the lightly graveled road. All four doors opened up as the light shinned brightly in her face. Suddenly a deep voice came from the direction of the car.

"Bubbles! We got you this time. Put your hand up and turn around towards the gate."

She took one step towards the car, one of the officers raised his gun in the air and let off a warning shot. She knew the only way this entire operation wouldn't be blown is if she actually obeyed them and let them take her in. With a hesitant sigh sh turned towards the fence and put her hands above her head. The four of them quickly rushed over to her, pinned her to the fence and cuffed her hands behind her back.

They removed all her weapons, then forcefully pushed her in the direction of their car. The one cop pushed her so hard that she went flying face first into the side of the car, busting up her lip a bit.

"What the fuck!!??" Bubbles muttered.

"Shut up and get in the damn car."

Which is exactly what she did, sat in the backseat right in the middle of two officers. They quickly sped away to head back to the station.

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The car pulled up to the station as all four doors opened simultaneously. The officer closest to the main entrance pulled Bubbles out his side. At this point the bit of blood on her lip had dried up but the throbbing was still there. They forcefully pushed her up the stairs, making her trip on the way up which caused her to scrap up knees a bit. She whipped her head back and gave the cop an evil glare.

"What the hell is your problem? Am I resisting? No! Karma is a bitch, you know this. Right?"

The cop picked her off the ground without even saying a word to her. The led her through the lobby and into the back where the jail cells were at. The place was pretty crowded, at least by the sounds of it it was. They walked her down the hallway, the place got quieter by the step as people realized who she was. The quietness turned to mumbles as she continued down until they got to the last cell in the row, it was empty and already opened.

They made sure she had a cell by herself, someone as high profiled as her couldn't be kept with the others. With one final shove they tossed her in the cell and slammed the door behind her.

"Gimme your hands and I'll take those cuffs off of you."

She turned around and back up to the cell bars, the cop unlocked the cuffs. Immediately Bubbles rubbed her wrists with each hand, looked at the marks they had made and looked back up at the cop.

"I want my phone call!"

With a chuckled the cop replied "You're last in line honey, might was to take a seat."

Bubbles grumbled but ultimately there was nothing she could do. These weren't local cops, they were Federal. She didn't have any federal guys on her payroll. With a sigh she took a seat on the bench, propped herself up against the wall and took a deep breath. She momentarily closed her eyes, well she thought it was only momentarily but it wasn't she had actually fallen asleep sitting upright. It wasn't until one of the cops banged on the bars of her cell that she awoke in a startled manner.

"Time for your phone call."

She stood up, rubbed the sleep from her eyes and fixed the couple wrinkles in her cloths before walking over to the cell door. The officer unlocked it without putting her in cuffs, which threw her off for a moment until she realized it was a local boy. "Sorry about this ma'am but there's nothing I can do to get you out of here. This is a federal matter, though they have set your bail. Come on, let's get you to the phone."

He ushered her in a separate room, it was their interrogation usually but in this instance it was a room for phone calls. He showed her where the phone was and then closed the door behind them. She took a minute to give the room a look over and noticed a clock above the door. 6 hours had already passed. 

"Holy shit, I've been here six hours and no one has come looking for me yet?"

Her blood started to boil as she picked up the phone and started mashing buttons.

The phone rang and rang and rang. She slammed the phone back on the receiver. "BumbleBee! Where the fuck are you at?"

She mashed the the buttons again, figuring ReignMan would answer but he didn't the phone just rang and rang. At this point her blood pressure began rising. She hung up the phone and tried Petah and the same thing happened. It just rang over and over again. She took a deep breath and tried Insomnia and once again it just rang and rang.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" She screamed out loud slamming the phone back on the receiver. That's when it hit her, she knew who to call. Calmly she dialed the phone number. It rang once before getting picked up. "Roman! RomanReigns! You don't know how happy I am to hear your voice. Roman I need your help and in a bad way, Roman ..."

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The phone call cut out, but I'd recognize her voice even in my sleep. I hung the phone up right away and waiting for her to call back, but after a few minutes I got nothing. Something wasn't right, it was obvious by the tone of her voice. I picked up my phone and began to call everyone I thought she might be with. One by one each of the phone calls rang and went unanswered. Even Insomnia didn't answer and that was when I knew something was truly wrong.

It was still early here on the west coast, but I was three hours behind on whatever it was they were doing. I picked up the phone one more time and it rang a few times before Syndicate answered on the other end.

"Good evening Roman, is this phone conversation business or pleasure", he said jokingly.

"Definitely business, have you heard about anything happening out of the normal out the in New York tonight?", I asked urgently.

Syndicates tone went from joking to a straight tone mid sentence.

"No sir, nothing out of the normal. This sounds serious, how can I be of assistance?", he asked in a more serious tone. 

"I need you to transfer my funds from my main LA baking account to my business account in New York. As soon as this conversation ends I am going to hire a private jet to take me straight to New York. I don't think I have time to take a 12 hours flight.", I explained to Syndicate.

"Not sure if it is possible to move that kind of money after the bank has already been closed for the night.", he told me.

"I need a million in cash waiting for me at the airport Syndicate, I don't have time for this. Make your magic happen my friend I need a favor in the worse way.", I said as I hung up the phone.

I didn't have anymore time to talk I was on the road and heading straight for the airport. I had Hope_ call in to the airport to get my jet ready for my so when I arrived I could take off right away. It was still gonna be a few hours before I could even land into the NY airport. My mind was going a hundred miles a minute, I couldn't figure out why no one was answering there phones. Had me feeling like something went wrong, I was hoping for the best as I arrived.

I had someone waiting on the run way that opened my door for me, as I exited he asked if I had any bags or luggage. This was usually a spendy service with lots of perks, but we didn't have time for it. I told the old man to get his ass on the jet if he was coming with us I didn't have anything with me other then my heater and he wasn't taking that from me.

I tried sleeping on the jet, but the flight was only going to be a few hours and my blood pressure was already though the roof. Ever so often I'd look out the window expecting to see the airport. Being above the clouds everything looked the same so I couldn't estimate my arrival or coordinate my exit strategy. I still had no clue if she was safe or what her location was. The old man that wanted my luggage came over to me with a glass of rum and asked for me to put the drink down quick and buckle up we would be landing soon. I downed the drink quickly to try and calm my nerves. Didn't work but it was worth a shot, I asked the old man if they had a car waiting for me as soon as we landed. I'd explained to him twenty times how urgent my circumstance was. He just smiled at me like an old geezer would and nodded, I wasn't even sure if he could hear me.

We touched down and to my surprise there was a car waiting for me no more then 500 feet from where I'd landed. I quickly exited the plane patting the old man on the back. I quickly walked over to the back of the car and let myself in. To my surprise Syndicate himself was waiting for me in the driver seat. I smiled and shook hands with one of my closest friends. He was always there for me when I needed him the most and this was out first bonding experience since he had left for Philly.

"I've located her Roman, your not going to like this, he said pointing to the three briefcases that were with him. Rumor has it a group of federal agents are in town and caught her by accident while she was covering for an organized crime. Your gonna love this, her bail is set to 10 million, they really don't wanna let her out."

I cracked my knuckles as I could feel the fire grow inside of me. They really weren't going to make life easy on me, but I knew that if Insomnia knew what was going on he would want me to take action. It was just as we left the airport and headed into town did we see Insomnia driving a huge moving truck with a few others following. I poked my head out of the window and yelled at him trying to get his attention.

"Hey fucker!", I yelled in his direction seeing the window was rolled down. He was obviously busy getting into trouble, but didn't even have a clue what was going on with one of his most trusted. He looked over and saw me as he passed me in the intersection as he began to laugh at me putting his hand over his face. He must have seen Syndicate driving, thinking seeing us randomly together on the east coast was funny. You'd of thought the dots would of connected there, but he was obviously busy and not around a phone to know we were trying to contact him.

We continued on, finally making it to a place that I was all to familiar with. New York city jail, I spent plenty of time breaking people out of this place back when I was younger. Getting out of the car we both carried in the briefcases inside and made our way over to the counter. The cops recognized our faces as we began to draw a lot of attention. It was too much for Syn to handle, he threw me a set of keys and told me he had an extra car waiting outside for me. This guy was always prepared, oh how I loved him, we shared a quick embrace and he was off. 

I unlocked the first briefcase, popping the left and ride sides of it open one after the other. Lifting it up showing the cops more money they'd ever make in there life time. 

"The money is there even an extra half million so I don't have to sit here and waste anymore time watching you assholes count this money." If there is a problem with what I've brought then you know where to find me. I want Godmother Bubbles let go immediately.", I said in a serious but calm tone.

The cops weren't the only ones strapped inside the building. I wasn't going to go down without a fight and I wasn't going to leave without Bubbles being set free. After waiting for a few minutes I was finally in front of one of my closest friends. I quickly ran in her direction and embraced her right away. Pulling away for a second checking her out, damn a fat lip and bruised shins. She'd had a rough night it was time to get her the hell out of here.

I opened the door for her and watched her take a deep breathe soaking in the freedom of being back outside. I looked around and found our car and found one with the custom Philly plates that read "Money". Had to be the one, so we headed over and I opened the door letting her inside. I ran around the front and let myself in starting up the car. It was quite a nice ride, Syndicate knew how to take care of his friends. Bubbles hadn't even said a word to me since being released. I figured I'd give her a moment to gain her composure before throwing the hard questions her way. 

"Anywhere in the world, lets go?", I said in a somewhat serious tone. It was always nice to be in her company and I knew now wasn't the time to be too much of a smart ass.

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Bubbles got into the car and sank into the soft cushions of the car. It was like sitting on a cloud, then again anything would trump the cold cement bench located inside the jail cell. As Roman closed the door she leaned her head against the door and just stared up into the sky. At this point she didn't even know what time it was, hell she wasn't even sure what day it was anymore. With a sigh she leaned back in her seat once again and cracked the window a bit. The smell of fresh air was like magic to her senses, which slowly knocked her out of her trance. 

Sitting up in the seat she flipped down the visor and leaned in to give a look at her lip. She touched the swollen portion slightly which was still very sore to the touch. With a bit of anger she slammed up the visor and looked towards Roman. 

"Can you believe this shit? Busted up lip, skinned knees and what felt like days in that fucking place."

She ran her hands through her hair, which was a knotted up mess. She let out another sigh.

"I just need to get out of here, I still can't get over the fact I sat in there as long as I did. I mean seriously, did no one realize I went missing? Did no one even care?"

Her blood began to boil once more. She reached for the handle of the window and cranked it down all the way, taking a couple deep inhales of the crisp New York air.

"You know how many local people I tried to call and nothing? No answers whatsoever. I'm sorry to drag you into this Roman but I didn't know who else to call."

She leaned over the middle console and placed her head on his upper arm for a brief moment.

"I just need to get out of New York for a little bit, doesn't matter where. We don't even need to stop at my HQ, I'm good. Let's just go, please...."

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I could tell that she was heated and she had every reason to be. How do I explain to her that I saw Insomnia driving with the others with trucks on the way here. They were obviously in the middle of something, but she sat in jail. Do I dare even ask how she ended up in the slammer in the first place. I took off from the front of the jail and we were on the road before we knew it. 

"I didn't even know where you were at until I got off of the plane and got into contact with Syndicate. I tried calling a few people myself and got nothing. I think they were doing something I might of saw some of them on my drive over to get you."

Bubbles rolled her eyes at me while I continued to explain it to her. She didn't seem to take the news very well, but I had a surprise for her. I grabbed a briefcase from the back as I drove putting it in her lap. Her curiosity grew as she popped it open seeing it was full of cash. She looked to me uncertain as to why I had so much money on me. 

"The money Syndicate and I brought in was counterfeit, he got out of there before making a scene. I lied to them telling them there was extra money in there for them to split to create a diversion to get you out and it worked. The actual money is right here as a plan B, I wasn't leaving without you. 

I pushed the top of the briefcase down locking it back up, as Bubbles looked up we'd arrived at the airport. She was ready to leave town didn't matter what direction we left in.

I walked into the ticket office and bought two tickets first class back. I walked back to Bubbles and handed her the ticket, she took it from me looking down to see where she was going. Looking up she smiled at me and we headed towards our departure flight. We didn't have long to wait before we were seated on the plane and heading back to my home town. 

She'd left everything behind and I wasn't sure if she was going back anytime soon. 

"We've got ten million in cash at our disposal, what's our game plan once we hit the ground in Los Angeles?" 

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A smile cracked from the corner of her mouth, it was the first time she had smiled all day. Though it did hurt a little bit as a slight look of uncomfortable went upon her face, the smile tugged at the swollen cut on her lip sending out a jolt of pain. Immediately she stopped smiling and began to think of all the possibilities that could have happened if they had noticed the fake bills.

"Wait, what if they had realized it was all fake? Were you planning on shooting up the entire station?"

She took a deep breath and told herself to remember where she was, she wasn't in jail anymore, they were in the car and on the way to the airport. That's all that truly mattered.

"You know what, never mind. I'm out, you saved me. Thank you."

Suddenly a bit of their conversation played back in her head, not sure why it took her so long to realize what Roman had said.

"HOLD UP! Did you say you saw them, happily driving some trucks????"

Roman reluctantly nodded as he glanced over at Bubbles while trying to concentrate on the road. The car went quiet for a moment before she burst out in a fit of uncontrollable laughter. She laughed the entire way to the airport, until Roman parked the car.  He threw it in parked and looked over at her. The tear were running down her cheeks at this point, she was even more of a mess then when she got in the car.

"You alright?" Roman asked.

The laughter subsided as Bubbles wiped the tears off her face.

"Yeah I'm good, they don't even know. They must have forgot all about me. Well then they won't miss me, so let's go."

She got out of the car and followed Roman's lead into the airport, she sat back and waited for him to buy the tickets. Making sure to keep an eye out for any of the law. By this time they had to have figured out the money was fake. She turned around to check behind her when suddenly she felt a hand on her shoulder. It nearly scared her to death, quickly she turned around to see Roman standing there with a pair of tickets in hand. He handed her, her ticket. Bubbles glanced down on it and noticed it was a direct flight to LA. She looked up at Roman with a smile.

"Sun and beach, that sounds exactly what I need right now. Perhaps a spa day, a mani and a pedi."

The thoughts ran through her head as a smile again went across her face, once again tugging at her still swollen lip.

"Ouch! This damn lip, why does it hurt so much? You know I need a drink, you think they serve Rum in first class?"

"Oh they do my dear, they do!"

The pair made their way onto the plane, got all settled in. To her amazement, without even asking the flight attendant had brought them both a cocktail. As if they already knew. Bubbles raised her glass in the air.

"If anyone asks, you haven't seen me. Ok?"

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The no seat belt sign came on and we were free to relax, Bubbles had her rum in her hand and I also had Bubbles rum in both my hands too. It was her favorite liquor and if she could get her hands on it you best believe mine were gonna be involved too. I figured this gave me a chance to open up and ask her about what had happen the other night. I couldn't help but take a sip from one of the cocktails since I had one in each hand. Bubbles dropped the trey down in front of me and I set the drinks down finally able to relax and get situated for our flight back.

"How did you end up getting caught by Johnny Law, I have to ask?"

She rolled her eyes and gave me a look as if "did I really have to answer that?". I handed her another cocktail and smiled at her, I didn't expect an answer right away for now we were heading back to my little piece of paradise. The attendant came back through and asked if we needed anything and of course we ordered more cocktails even though we weren't done with the ones from before. Not having much to each being incarcerated that alcohol had to be doing a number on her. 

After a short while on the plane and plenty of drinking we landed at the airport. Sitting first class meant we were first off the plane and down to where I had Hope_ waiting for us. She had the car parked and ready to go, she agreed to be our driver for the day since we had way too much to drink on the flight in. I put the briefcases in the trunk, closing the door and heading into the backseat along side Bubbles. 

"Where would you guys like to go first?",Hope_ asked us both.

I looked at my watch and pulled a small notepad out of my wallet that had all of my important dates listed. I had almost forgot that I had something important that I needed to tend to and they both were going to have to go along for the ride. 

"Hope_, if you don't mind I'd like for you to take us here.", I asked pointing to an address figuring she was familiar with the area. She nodded and we drove from the airport into the hills of Los Angeles. We drove up a long windy one way road and made our way to a locked gate. I got out of the car and unlocked the gate pulling it back so Hope_ could drive through. I made my way back into the car after locking the gate behind us. We still had a ways to go but finally made it up the hill and to the end of the long road.

We pulled up and stopped in front a beautiful house with a breathtaking view of the city below. There was a man waiting for us at the top of the drive way leaning on the hood of his car with papers in his hands. We exited the car and I walked over to the man signing the papers he had with him. He handed a copy to me and got in his car taking off back down the long road. I walked back over to Hope_ and Bubbles, they were standing together in the front yard checking out the view pointing out different famous monuments. I walked over standing next to them observing the view myself. 

"What do you say we go in and check out the inside?", I waited to ask until I could get their attention.

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Bubbles sat quiet most of the ride to where ever they headed. She was enjoying the sights of LA, it had been quite a while since she had last been out that way and a lot of things had changed. Though it may have just been all of the rum from the flight over still having an effect on her brain. Things definitely weren't the clearest, in fact she was seeing almost double. She sat back in her seat and proceeded to look forward into the headrest in front of her. Closing her eyes for a moment, she gave them a good rub as if that was actually going to work.

Noticing Roman giving her an odd look, Bubbles just smiled and went back to looking out the window. 

"You alright Bubs?

Bubbles just looked back at him and then promptly looked back out the window.

"Did we drink that many cocktails?"

Before he could answer she answered for him.

"We or at least I must have, cause wow... everything is blurry." She said with a smile and a giggle, neither of which made her lip hurt. It did take her a moment to realize it didn't hurt but when she did she sprung up.

"Is my lip still busted up? Roman!"

Sticking her bottom lip out she nudged him and waited for him to look but he was to busy looking at his notepad. So she sat back in her seat and gave her lip a couple pokes. It was still a bit tender to the touch but the rum sure did a good job keeping the pain away.  At this point she started looking out the window again, taking in the sights once more.

She began to think about New York and the people. Surely by now they would have had to realize she was no where to be found, there was probably some kind of frantic search going on over there for her. She shot up from her seat just as the car stopped at the gate.

"I need to... wait, where are we?

Roman said nothing but he got out of the car to unlock the gate, Bubbles leaned into the front seat.

"Hope_ where are we?"

"The address that Roman told me to go to, that's all I know dear."

She watched out the window as Roman unlocked the gate, ushered the car in and then locked it back up behind them. This time he got into the front seat, turned his head to Bubbles, smiled and then looked forward. He didn't say another word until they pulled up to the house. He got out and opened Bubbles door for her. The moment she stepped out of the car she was in awe of the view, it was probably one of the prettiest things she had ever seen. 

She stood there glancing over the city as Hope_ walked over to her. She began pointing out all the landmarks of the city, which there were a lot of. There was a lot to explore out there, that is for sure. The girls chatted up about LA, until their voices were muffled by the sounds of Roman clearing his throat. It was an obvious attention clear.

They both looked back at him.

"What do you say we go in and check out the inside."

"Uhm, sure let's have a look. You looking to buy this place?"

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I laughed as Bubbles asked me the question, it was obvious she was still sobering up from the flight. Hope_ was good at keeping a secret, but even this one was in question with her. They both followed me up the rest of the way up the long driveway up some stairs and to the front door. It was a secluded three story house made of glass so you could catch the view from any angle. IT sat unnoticeable in the hills of Los Angeles as it blended in with the trees and its surroundings.

I took a key from my pocket and unlocked the front door letting the ladies in. Hope_ walked in and I smiled at Bubbles as she followed behind her. The place had come fully furnished, everything was brand new. We walked through the kitchen and I opened up the freezer revealing tubs of cookies and cream ice cream. I figured a settle hint would help her realize my ploy. Hardly noticing the ice cream meant she still wasn't completely sober, it was her favorite.

We walked up the stairs to the second floor and checked out a few smaller rooms that were meant to be bedrooms or offices. The place was rather large so there was room for plenty of people to be over. We finally made our way to the top floor after checking out every little detail below us. IT was fun to do and the place was beyond beautiful. Walking into the master bed room I opened a door leading outside to a balcony. The view from here was even better then the front yard. You really got to take in the whole city from here and it was worth every penny. Hope_ ran and jumped onto the bed checking to see how comfortable it was. Bubbles followed me outside as we stood next to each other checking out the view taking a breather after our adventure. 

"Still no word from New York, do you think they might be in trouble? We may have to go back and get them out of the deep end. One of us should probably try and see if we can get through again. I'm not sure there gonna be able to find you out here in Los Angeles let alone this secluded up here."

I took Bubbles hand for a moment while Hope_ wasn't paying attention, she was getting rather cozy in the bed and looked like she was ready for a nap. Bubbles was caught off guard, looking down at our hands then back up at me. I grabbed the house key from my pocket and placed it in her hand closing it shut.

"This place is yours, let it soak in for a minute. I will explain when your ready."

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It wasn't typically Hope's job to ask many questions of Roman.  When he gave her a place to be, or a task to set up, typically she did it without question and without hesitation.  That was what it was to be in a family, you had to trust your family head.  And she trusted Roman with her life.  So it was no surprise that when Roman asked her to help him set things up for him to fly out to New York she didn't even bat an eyelash and it was done.  The airport had been notified and he was set to fly as soon as his feet touched the ground.  She had to admit that she did think about either requesting to accompany him or stowing away aboard his jet, but she fought the temptation and just waited on the other end for his return.  Someone had to make sure he got back home safely and yet she couldn't help but fret thinking of the trouble he could get into without her.

But without fail, he contacted her again.  She could hear it in his voice, however, he was not in his right mind.  He had been indulging...  He wasn't alone in his return trip, he had Bubbles in tow?  This confused his right hand greatly, but she had at least heard whispers of the bond between her Leader and the lovely mobster from New York.  Hope had more than once formulated her own ideas about the two, but naturally kept them to herself.  That wasn't her job.  What was her job, was to make sure everyone got home safely and as her boss and Bubbles both seemed to be quite inebriated, it was unlikely that they were driving themselves home.  So it was that she was driving herself to the airport to arrive long before they touched down.  She didn't want to miss them of course, and it wasn't like she was getting anything else done the way she fretted around the HQ with him out being the knight in shining armor.  

It wasn't long before everything was right as rain however.  Both of them were in the car and off they went to some unknown destination.  She knew these streets but even so this address was a little obscure.  Thankfully she had quite the sense of direction and she managed to get them there without incident.  She could not give Bubbles any insight, but it was quite clear that Roman knew exactly where they were going.  

The area was absolutely breathtaking.  Loving the view as she drove up long fairly secluded road, Hope was fairly entranced by it all.  After a while they drove up to one of the more beautiful places that Hope had enjoyed the pleasure of viewing.  Not to mention the view outside!  There were not many people that Hope found she enjoyed company with, but she found she enjoyed chatting it up with Bubbles, getting the chance to enthuse with the other woman about the landmarks and scenery that could be seen from this place.  But their happy little talk was brought to a halt as Roman, presumably, came to show Bubbles around.  But to Hope's delight, she too was invited along.  Following the two like a fairly excitable pup, Hope wandered right into the house taking some time to explore it.  She didn't stay right with the other two figuring they didn't require her aid here.  Meeting up with the others again as they headed upstairs, Hope would eagerly continue the exploration until she came upon the very comfortable looking bed.  Now that was where it was at!  Perhaps she would just test it out.  Just to make sure it was comfortable!  Yea that was it!  With a mischievous grin, Hope took a running jump, flopping down upon the bed.  Oh yes..  Just as she had previously guessed...  It was very comfortable.  What was supposed to be only a momentary test dragged on for minutes.  As the two talked and gazed out at the scenery, Hope was soon lost to the world, passed out upon the bed.  Crazy girl indeed, but the two wouldn't get too far...  The keys were still in her pocket and they weren't going anywhere without her waking right back up.

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Bubbles stood there on the balcony over looking the property and the city the view was like something you would see on a postcard. She was taking it all in, it was a place of serenity, a place where you could just relax and let all of life’s little problems fade away. Taking a deep breath of the fresh air she raised her head up towards the sun feeling the warmth against her face. The rum was starting to have less of an effect at this point, it had been a while since her last drink but it was ok she was in her happy place. 

Hearing a plop sound Bubbles took a glance out of the corner of her eye as Hope_ was getting comfy in the bed. “Mmm a bed” she thought to herself. It sounded like an amazing idea and she was about to go join her but just then Roman grabbed her hand. 

It took her off guard, definitely wasn’t something she was expecting. It didn’t register what he was saying to her and the key that was now in her hand didn’t click. 

“Yeah this place is nice, you’ve definitely picked a good one for yourself.”

Roman just stood there and gave Bubbles a glare. It was a glare she’s seen before, it was one that stood for her missing something. So she took a moment and tried to play back what he said in her head, which took a couple of time until it click.

”Wait... what? Did you just say this is mine?”

Bubbles looked at him with a bit of a puzzled look, all of this was still registering.

”Shutup! Why would you...? 

She opened her hand and looked down. The single key sitting in her hand as just glanced back up at Roman. 

“Ok... what?”

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I laughed and smiled back at Bubbles. I could tell from her reaction that I had made the right choice in buying the property. 

"You must of really been buzzing when we pulled up in the car. There was a man here that I spent a good time with signing papers. After you finally got out of the car the both of you went over and checked out the scenery. I'd almost forgot I had a planned meeting with the realtor after we landed in the airport. I'd been looking at this property for some time and wanted to make sure you had a more permanent place for your weekends.

Instead of flying out to New York from now on I can just have you flown out to Los Angeles. I always have a driver on call at the airport so they can bring you to this lovely place whenever you'd like. I made sure it was big enough to house some of your family members and our mutual friends from New York if they were to ever find out about this place."

We both laughed this time to the thought of Insomnia coming over to the west coast. He hadn't been spotted here in ages, but none the less was always a welcomed guest. She'd been gone for days now and not one New Yorker decides to call looking for her? Either they'd been tipped off and knew she was already safe or they were sitting back waiting for her to come home knowing she wasn't around after there organized crime had her thrown in jail.

"I know it is a lot to take in, but I was already planning on buying the place for you. You've just gotten it a little earlier then expected. I think we should go down stairs and give that special Insomniac a call, what do you say?"

Bubbles grinned from ear to ear and I wasn't sure if it was from the excitement that the house brought or the fact that we were gonna prank call the Godfather Chairman of New York. Walking back inside from the balcony I covered my mouth not the laugh and Bubbles tip toed by Hope who was now fast asleep in the comfy bed. It was adorable and almost too much to take in she was off in la la land. We must had been out there talking for some time. We crept out of the room and made our way down stairs into a room that was designed to by an office. I pulled my chair up next to hers and picked up the phone. Calling Insomnias number he was going to do one of two things, think I was serious or totally joking. After a few rings he picked up the phone and answered "Hello who is this?".

"This is MOJO JOJO, we have you Bubbles!", we both said at the same time then covering our mouths trying not to laugh through the phone.

"We have her captive in Los Angeles and want ice cream!", we said continuing not to laugh. I quickly hung up the phone and burst into laughter. What had we done and how long was it going to take before Insomnia figured out where we were at?

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We could hear over the phone the hesitation and uncertainty in his voice. “Whaaatt!?!?” Before Bubbles was able to say anything else Roman hung up the phone. He thought it was the funniest thing in the world, to the point a single year streamed down his cheek. Bubbles had never seen him laugh so hard and just seeing him laugh made her laugh and laugh hard. Within no time she as well had tears streaming down her cheeks. 

They were so loud that they woke Hope up. They could hear her feet hitting the floor and then her footsteps walking against the floor boards up stairs. 

“Roman... Bubbles...” She called for them. The pair couldn’t answer though, they were both in their fit of laughter. She called out again and still no answer, though her voice was getting louder meaning she was headed in their direction. One more time she called out their names as she got to the bottom of the stairs. 

Bubbles looked over at her, trying to wipe the tears from her eyes. “Well good morning sunshine!”

Hope gave her a look of confusion, they glanced behind Bubbles taking a look at a still laughing Roman. 

“Was I asleep that long? Cause it didn’t feel that long.”

Still trying to catch her breath Bubbles took another moment before answering. 

“Nah, only like an hour. Though oh missed this one going into a fit of laughter.”

She turned her head towards Roman and just gave him a smile.

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All sorts of lovely dreams wafted through the quieted mind of the Right Hand Hound.  She found that quite the restful sleep came to her here, surely the bed was magic.  Either that or she had just been really really tired.  Whatever the case, Hope was down for the count for who knows how long.  She sure didn't.  But eventually loud and rambunctious laughter.  The strange sound jolted Hope out of her sleepy stupor and she sprang up out of the bed.  Stumbling a little, she looked around quickly as she ran through her defensive knowledge and tried to figure out where her gun was as she tried to wake up her mind quickly.  How could she let herself fall asleep?  Good grief...  Well she quickly stumbled out of the room looking around with some amount of apprehension.  Where were her companions? What was going on?  Honestly who came out here to possibly hurt them?  

As her mind defogged itself, she quickly started to realize that the sound was laughter...  A deep and fully felt laughter born of pure amusement.  And she finally stumbled upon her good friends, surveying them quickly.  They seemed no worse for the wear, but Bubbles wished her a good morning.  Eyes flew wide with concern at this as she asked if she'd been asleep that long.  As Bubbles denied it, she relaxed considerably.  She could handle letting her guard down for an hour.  All night would have been unforgivable.  But she nodded, stifling a small yawn that drew itself from her.  She grinned just a little to the two of them as Bubbles spoke of Roman's laughing fit.  A slender brow arched as she looked between the two.  "That so?  Sad I missed it."  She chuckled softly, glancing to the phone, certainly wondering exactly what she had missed.  "Has your crew been informed you were safe?  I know I'd be completely beside myself if any of mine were missing."  She spoke with a confiding manner, glancing to the phone again, oblivious as to what had just transpired.  But that honestly was alright with her, Bubbles and Roman were welcome to their moments as far as she was concerned.

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Hope's comment made Bubbles think, it had been a couple days now that she had any contact with anyone in New York. It would probably be the right thing to do to contact them. She finished wiping the tears from her eyes as she looked up at Hope. 

"Yeah you are right, I should give them a buzz. They probably have search parties out for me at this point."

Bubbles reached again for the phone though she could almost feel the look Hope was giving her. Kind of one of those looks your mother used to give you when you were told to do something and something right this moment. 

She brought the phone to her ear and began dialing the number.

"I'm calling, I'm calling..."

Hope gave her a smile and then went off to the kitchen to grab herself a drink.

The phone rang once a loud stern voice spoke up from the other side.


She couldn't help but chuckle and in her best made up mayor voice replied. "She's here with me and she's all mine..."

"Who is this? I'm gonna find you and I'm gonna kill you if you don't give her back!"


Bubbles could hear the phone slam against the desk and then muffled curse words coming from the background. About a minute later he got back on the phone.

"What do you want?"

In her normal tone:

"I just want to let you know I'm fine."

"Wait... Bubbles? What the fuck!"

"I'm in LA, I caught a bit of heat the night of the heist. Needed to get out of the city for a little while and lay low. Sorry I didn't call you earlier but I figured word would have gotten back to you sooner or later of my whereabouts."

The line went silent once again.


"Yeah... I'm here. I'm just glad you're safe. Come home though, New York misses you, ok?"

"Yeah, I'm coming home soon. Please don't worry."

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