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Philly gains a Philebrity... or two! Started by: HenriDucard on May 01, '18 22:14

Henri had awoke in a damp, dark dungeon. It took him some time to realize where he was - at one of his Lazarus Pits. Blinking a few times to get his vision in focus, Henri sat up and grumbled. Another death, another rejuvenation via the Pit. It seemed the world was not ready for Henri to permanently be deceased... Henri wondered what had changed in the world since his last reincarnation - did the criminals of the world still prosper?

Henri stood up and brushed off the dirt from his suit... Damn, he thought to himself, nothing stayed pristine forever. A slight wiggle from his breast pocket - what the fuck? Henri reached into his pocket and pulled out a mouse that had apparently taken up refuge there. He eyed the little fellow curiously for a moment before tossing it into his mouth. CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH. Hey, even reincarnated to-be mob bosses needed their protein... Henri chuckled, mentally scolding himself for assuming he would rise through the ranks of the criminal underworld yet again - if there even was still such a thing.

He walked out from the underground cavern that housed his Pit and shielded his eyes from the sun. Apparently the sun felt even brighter having not seen it in who-knows how long. Henri made his way to the nearest village and pilfered some pockets, smiling all the while. It was good to know that his skills in the art of stealth had not deteriorated. His raggedy appearance and rank smell had been drawing eyes, which was something he had been trying to avoid. 

As he counted the money he just stole, Henri figured he had more than enough to purchase some new clothing. He walked through the town's market and found a clothing merchant in no time. After paying for the clothes Henri ducked into an alley and ripped off his old suit unceremoniously. He thought he had re-clothed himself in a split second, but judging by the giggle he heard coming from overhead, someone had spotted him in his brief moment of nudity. 

Peering up, Henri saw two dark skinned women staring down at him from their window. Henri smirked and waved at them before he carelessly tossed his old suit off to the side. He walked out of the alley and surveyed the town more scrupulously. Merchants, the hot sun, sand everywhere... Henri ascertained that he was somewhere in the Middle East. Henri always thought that description odd, as if there were a Lower East? 

Henri proceeded back towards the merchants and used the last of his cash to buy some fruit and some water. He felt the energy rushing through his system in no time - the mouse he snacked on had not provided much nutrition. Henri inquired with the vendor as to where he could find the nearest airport - fifteen miles?! Jesus Christ Henri thought to himself, it was going to be a long day. And indeed the day was long... Henri fought off the brutal sun, scorpions, and an entire clan of bandits riding camels that had attacked him for seemingly no reason. 

Henri stooped over their now lifeless bodies and grinned, despite his newly purchased clothing having blood on it already. Henri had judged the distance left on his journey to have about six miles remaining, and he knew that what little food he had eaten earlier would soon stop providing him energy. He rummaged through the pockets of the fallen men and took what little valuables they carried... but to his dismay there had been no food, no water. And then he looked up and grinned - of course, the camels! 

Henri noticed the packs that they were carrying and knew that if these bandits were even remotely intelligent that their packs would contain both water and food. He was not disappointed. Henri sipped some water from one of the pouches and dug his heels into the side of the camel, directing it in the general vicinity that he thought the airport to be in. HYUA JEFFREY, ONWARD! Henri had yelled, realizing immediately after that he sounded like a mad-man. Oh well.

The rest of the journey was uneventful and Henri dismounted gracefully from Jeffrey the Camel. Henri wished the animal the best of luck and continued on the short distance to the airport. It was a dinky, decrepit dirt-strip really, not much of an airport, but it would suffice. Using the cash he'd looted from the bandits, Henri took a series of flights and found himself in America. Ah, the land of opportunity...

Henri recognized almost immediately that organized crime was indeed still rampant, and he knew that he had to get himself aligned with a crew if he wanted any chance at reclaiming the former glory he had once known. Doing some Jobs for one of the local Crews, Henri was tipped off that he'd find himself liking the way things were running in Detroit.

And so, trusting the suggestion, Henri joined up with one of the CrewLeaders in Detroit - Thoros. He began to make a name for himself there, assisting the less informed, tributing up large amounts of money. Until BAM POW, one evening Thoros found himself on the wrong end of a bullet. 

Henri had a contingency plan, though. While he respected and appreciated Thoros for the protection he had provided, Henri knew that he had never truly felt home there. So he decided to move to New York, in search of new ways to make money and to expand his ever-growing contacts list.

It wasn't long at all before Henri joined up with Syndicate at Goliath National Bank. And seemingly in the blink of an eye, Henri had been forced to move, again! Syndicate, having been shipped off to LA, took Henri along with him and taught him the tricks of the banking trade. The two worked so splendidly together that when the call came for Syn to move his operations to Philly, Henri was granted the honor of working as his Left Hand Man. 

Juggling security at Sho's Complex, managing day-to-day operations within Philly, and in general being an all around trooper, Henri had been nicknamed "Henri the Helper". He continued on with his relentless efforts of engaging their Crew(s) and offering a helping hand to anyone who needed it. 

As he got better at multi-tasking, Henri began taking on new projects. His interest in stealth technology and in chemistry led to numerous all-nighters as he chipped away at his inventions. After many, many attempts, Henri finally started production on his stealth suit, and soon after, on his special 2-way-mirror that allowed you to look into the room behind the wall it was mounted on. 

The orders began piling up, and Henri was at a complete loss as what to do with the surplus that cluttered his already limited work-space. But, being the trooper he was, Henri plodded on. 

And then, seemingly out of nowhere, Syn made the hard call to remove the Crews residing in Bella Vista. The upcoming hours were all a blur for Henri - bullets, blood, the scramble to find housing for those now left without a Family. 

After things settled down, Henri retreated to his room in the Goliath National Bank HQ - where he was soon thereafter visited by his Godfather, Syndicate. Taking note of the potential profit to be made off of Henri's inventions, and remembering the dozens of people he had helped in their time in Philly, Syn offered Henri the chance of a lifetime...

"Are you up for this? Will you venture out to Bella Vista and lead an operation of your own?" Syndicate had asked... Henri accepted, and began his new journey as the leader of Bella Vista.

The party that Mazikeen hosted for Henri was one that would surely go down in the history books for Philadelphia. The drugs that Mazikeen brought had intrigued Henri thoroughly... an assortment of multi-colored powders that had varying effects. Henri hesitated to call their effects a 'high' - mostly because he had seen Syndicate running around half naked, clucking like a chicken. 

Henri had pocketed a lot of the powder and was often seen within his HQ muttering about their different properties, though nobody could get a straight answer out of him as to what exactly he was doing. He just kept telling them all to GET BACK TO WORK YOU SCALLYWAGS. And then they questioned his sanity even more, because who the fuck called anyone a scallywag these days, anyway? 

Despite his seemingly psychotic and sporadic outbursts, Henri found himself filling up his HeadQuarters quite quickly. The profits from his inventions were sizable, and that wasn't including the tributes he regularly received from his associates. Henri crunched some numbers and realized that he soon would need to expand his reach - that is to say, he needed to choose someone from the crew to set up a Family of their own. And he knew just the man... Henri phoned one of the people at the Complex and ordered them to go find Sho_Nuff and tell him report to the office.

Sho had been patrolling the Complex in Philadelphia when one of his employees ran up to him, looking as if they'd just sprinted from across the city. Once the kid had caught his breath, he informed Sho that Henri Ducard had wanted to see him in his office - immediately. 

Knowing that Henri wouldn't want him to abandon his routine, Sho decided to finish off the patrol before reporting back to the HeadQuarters. He knocked on Henri's door and walked in without waiting for a response. Sho took a seat across from Henri and waited. 

Henri deliberately took his time acknowledging Sho; stacking his paperwork into neat piles, straitening his tie, and pouring the two of them a drink before finally looking up.

"Sho, my friend - nay, my brother in crime, the day is almost upon us. With my ascension to Godfather drawing ever closer, it's time we expanded our operations here in Bella Vista. That honor falls to you. Now get the fuck out of here and go sign some paperwork that's waiting for you at the front desk. The move will be made official as soon as I take my new role."

Sho was at a loss of words - something that didn't happen too often. He accepted the drink Henri had poured and shook his bosses hand before heading to the front desk for the paperwork. He knew it would still be a little while before Henri took Godfather, but he wanted everything to be in line. 

A few days later.

Henri woke up in a panic, having accidentally inhaled too much of the powder that he had been working with the night before. He glanced at his calendar and immediately perked up - tonight was the night! 

Everything had long since been in order; they had paid off every cop in the city to take the night off, and they had received solid intel that the so-called "Godfather" of Bella Vista would be visiting City Hall tonight. Henri was quite intent on killing the bastard and claiming the title of Godfather. The day ticked on, ever-so-slowly...

Henri made his way to City Hall as the sun began to set. He knew his target would be there not too long after. Henri entered the building and walked around making sure that it was indeed void of people - which he had arranged easily by bribing the right city officials and whatnot. One of his stealth suits had been waiting in the elevator just as planned. Henri placed it on his body and walked back to the front door, placing himself flat against the wall - the texture and color patterns of his suit hiding him wholly. 

The minutes ticked on...nothing. Had his enemy been tipped off? Henri's patience paid off pretty quickly though, his ears perking up as he heard footsteps approaching. He recognized the voice mumbling about the doorman not being there to open the door for him. At last, his target opened the door. Henri blended in perfectly and the current Godfather of Bella Vista walked right past him. 

Henri walked up behind the man and snapped his neck in one smooth motion. He swiftly pulled out the sword that he had specially built into this model of his suit and with one swing of his weapon, beheaded the former Godfather. Knowing that all of the officials in the city had been paid to take a hike, Henri had no qualms collecting the head of his fallen enemy and strolling right out into the Streets. 

Once he had gotten to a public enough place, Henri shot off a flare gun repeatedly into the air to get people's attention. He didn't care if they were civilians or fellow mobsters, the people in Bella Vista were all-too aware of the mob presence in the city and Henri was floating on cloud nine - he would pay off any trouble makers in the future. 

Henri precariously placed the skull on top of his head, wearing it as a hat. When he felt enough people had gathered around, he began to speak. 

"Thank you for coming out here tonight. As you can see, I am wearing a skull on my skull. While it isn't exactly the most fashionable of styles, I think it makes quite the statement. For those of you who may not know who this man used to be, he was the reigning 'Godfather' of Bella Vista." 

Henri spit on the ground, which caused the skull to start falling. NOT TODAY Henri thought to himself - sticking out his foot to pop the skull back into the air. He caught it with ease, despite it being slick with blood. Replacing it back on top of his head, he continued,

"Anyway, that position is now mine. I would not be here today were it not for the greatness of Goliath National Bank, and its fearless leader @Syndicate. Shout out to you once more, my brother, words cannot express the level of my gratitude. I look forward to continuing the expansion of Bella Vista and without further ado I'd like to welcome the newest CrewLeader to Philly - @Sho_Nuff!"

Henri smiled at the applause and the flowers being thrown at his feet. He chuckled and responded to the crowd,

"Now now...let's not get aHEAD of ourselves."

Henri slapped his knee and laughed so hard at his pun that he was in tears before Sho reached him. 

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ShoNuff got woken by a pounding on his door –it was Lily telling him to hurry up. Oh, shit! he glanced at the clock and knew that the time was here. The drive to the center of the city was a complete blur.  He was angry at himself for waking up late but he was so excited it was almost daylight before he fell asleep.  The extra few shots to calm his nerves didn’t help either. He approached the group of people who had gathered for Henri's speech and let out a breath of relief - phew - he hadn't missed the announcement. Waiting for the new Godfather to finish speaking, he walked up next to Henri and turned his attention towards the crowd.


First of all, I would like to congratulate the honorable Godfather @HenriDucard for this enormous accomplishment.

It’s hard to express the way I feel.  You know when something feels so good but you're afraid to feel good about it? So you kinda hold back? That’s the way I feel.  But let me express this.

I appreciate you and your vision for Bella Vista.  I couldn’t be more proud to continue this journey with you. I thank you for this opportunity to lead my own crew and won’t let you down.

I would also like to take a moment to thank Godfather-Chairman @Syndicate.  Man you have been awesome and I am so grateful to have you in my corner.


ShoNuff starts to speck with pride in his voice.


Let me please introduce my crew. We are


The Goliath Entrepreneurs


We are the new innovators of Bella Vista. 

We Sacrifice,

We work hard,

We work smart,


We are the masters of our destiny.


ShoNuff can feel the adrenaline rising in his body


We dream big and then dream bigger.


With that, he turned to both Godfather Henri and Godfather-Chairman Syndicate, firmly shakes their hand,  then stepped aside to  let the others waiting come forward.

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Aidan stood just behind Henri, and slightly to his right as he made his speech to the people. His hands were crossed in front of him, while sporting a nice purple suit. He tried to mask the smile on his face, but it was hard as his lips pulled on the corners of his mouth. @HenriDucard deserved this, as well as @Sho_Nuff . The two of them had put in a lot of work for Bella Vista already, and it was time they were rewarded.

He clapped along with the crowd as Henri finished his announcements, and then it was Sho's turn...

The Business Mogul stood before the crowd and spoke, introducing:

The Goliath Entrepreneurs.

After he shook hands with Syndicate and Henri, Aidan took Sho's hand and nodded at his brother and former hand-mate. "Yer gonna do great, brot'er. Yeh deserve t'is chance ta prove yerself an' expand Bella Vista's business district." He wrapped Sho up in a hug and slapped his back before holding him at arms length, grinning from ear to ear.

"An' don'ae forget. yeh can come an' get some boxin' lessons anytime yeh want! HAHA!"

With that, he turned to @Syndicate and nodded, mouthing a thank you, and then looked at Henri. "Congratulations, boss. I'm proud ta work beside yeh. Wit' Sho's help, we're gonna make Bella Vista teh place ta be." Still grinning, he turned and again looked at Syndicate. "No offense."

Turning back to Henri, he nodded at his boss. "Le's fockin' DO T'IS!" He whooped and hollered excitedly, throwing both fists in the air like when he won fights... The crowd followed suit and made Aidan perk a brow before retaking his position just behind Henri as others came forward to congratulate Sho_Nuff and the new Godfather of Bella Vista.

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Well Hope wasn't exactly certain what this crazy meeting was all about, but she had been in the area when that blasted flare gun had gone off.  Quirking a finely tapered brow, she turned her attention to Henri at the front.  Well, she didn't know him very well except to know that they were making Philly strong.  She loved that city more than she might admit out loud, and it had some spectacular people in it.  Well she would listen intently to the words spoken, her grin growing just a tad as interest sparkled in her eyes.  The tale, something about it was very intriguing indeed, even if it was highly strange that Henri was wearing a skull upon his head...  But whatever.  It didn't really bother her any unless he were to ask her to hold it.  At that point they might have a problem.  But Henri was here to announce something else as well and it was only then that she recognized the man beside him.  Her eyes lit up considerably and she felt her heart leap with joy.  Now that was a familiar face that had been held dear to her heart!  Sho_Nuff!  Now usually Hope wasn't one for extreme signs of emotion upon her face, but the grin that lit her up clear to her eyes was very obvious there upon her features.  Oh yes.  She was beyond ecstatic for the newly appointed Crew Leader.

She listened to his piece of the speech, hanging on his every word until he finished up.  She would grin and cheer at the excited hollering from Aidan, another man she didn't know well, if at all.  But once the speaking was over, Hope wasted no time and booked it to the front, not even stopping to observe proper etiquette.  No, the woman threw her arms around the neck of Sho_Nuff and hugged him tightly ignoring the possible consequences of her actions.  To be honest, she didn't typically give a damn about standing on ceremony.  "Congratulations Sho...  You have earned it, and more."  She murmured against him as she hugged him tight for a few moments, clearly thrilled with this new development.

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May first arrived in style, dusting the city in pollen and falling blossoms from the trees in the nearby park. It was an idyllic and frankly hateful day and Starshine had found that her handkerchief was her only saving grace from the spring allergy weather. As she straightened her hat from yet another sneezing attack, she dug about in her purse for a new hankie and discovered the folded piece of paper she had stashed there earlier, inviting her to make a fool of herself by finding her boss and his boss and congratulating them publically. 

"Well, that's not going to work, dear god they'd be shot in a moment and I'd make a pretty target myself." She mumbled to herself, stuffing the note back in her handbag and making her way down to the nearest establishment for something a little harder than rootbeer. Once she had procured said imbibement, and written a heartfelt note, sticking one to each bottle, she decided to hand deliver the alcohol to Sho and Henri. The note for each simply said "Congratulations on your recent promotions. I hope to see many good things in this fine city. Also, can I put out a hit on all pollen-bearing trees, please? Thank you, Starshine."

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Osiris wasn’t the type to come out to the streets and talk much. But it was a grand occasion so he had wanted to come show his face. After hearing Godfather HenriDucard make his announcement, people began flooding The Godfather with handshakes and congratulations. Osiris smiled and went stepped to the side and smoked a joint, waiting for the crowd to die down.

About fifteen minutes went by and Osiris finally had an opportunity to speak with The new Godfather. 

“Hello Godfather HenriDucard! Congratulations! It’s been an honor working for you here in Philly, especially since our great grandfathers worked together in the past. This is a wonderful move for you and the city. I wish you the best, and as always, you know where to find me if you need anything.”

Osiris and Henri exchanged a few more words and bid farewell. Before leaving the little block party, Osiris finally had a chance to speak with Don Sho_Nuff

“Congratulations to you as well, sir! Working for you, Aidan, and Henri has truly been a blast. I look forward to seeing us thrive and I’m excited to contribute to The Goliath Entrepreneurs.” 

He gave Sho_Nuff a firm handshake and walked away. Things were looking great for Philadelphia and Osiris was excited to be a part of it.

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Samoose stood alone, casually grazing, in the cool shadows of the massive Goliath National Bank building. She had heard rumors of something big happening soon. But Samoose paid no attention to them as there were more pressing concerns for a moose of her stature, like these delicious plants and the small fresh water stream in the park down the street. After a short nap in the warm summer air, Samoose slowly made her way towards the park for a relaxing dip and sip. 

Samoose was passing City Hall just before dusk when she heard a loud commotion and saw a large bright light in the sky. Mesmerized by the lights, she hardly noticed the man standing a top the steps wearing a skull. After a moment of consideration everything became clear. Wearing the skull of a powerful enemy could only mean one thing HenriDucard has become an alpha. 

Samoose stamped her hoof twice and bowed her head low in respect before turning and heading towards her favorite stream.     

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