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The Path of a Blood Oath. Started by: DarkLotus on Jul 31, '18 15:37

     Squeak, Creak Squeak, Creak, the swing sang as her legs swayed to and fro, the girls head was cocked to the right as her dark orbs just stared listlessly off into space.  Chewing on her bottom lip as she often did when in thought, she wondered how many more family she would lose. First it was her parents and 2 younger siblings in the house fire. Then just recently it was her Aunt Marie who had nursed her back to health over those long months after the fire. In her left hand sat an envelope with her name boldly and elaborately scrawled across the middle of the envelope, the young girl’s eyes just tracing the bold letters repeatedly, VICA it stood out to her like some beacon. It had been two days since the wake for her Aunt and all she could do was sit there in that swing and stare at her name on that envelop. The beady eyed guy in the black suit shoved the envelop into her hand, after paying his respects to her aunt at the funeral parlor.  The only words he said were, “I am supposed to give you this, Marie said if anything …”  his voice faltered but only a brief second…” should happen to her that I was to give this to you.” It was apparent to Vica that there was bond between this man and her Aunt. Her wrinkled hand reaches for the letter opener on the small table next to the porch swing, young nimble fingers grasp the opener, placing it just under the lip of the flap with a quick flick of her wrist the young girl sliced the envelope open.

     The edges of the letter crumpled in her tight wrinkly grip as she read her aunts words and the smell of her Aunt’s rose perfume wafted from the letter. Tears welled up in her earth brown eyes blurring the letters so that the sixteen-year-old had to periodically wipe her eyes clean. Her tears staining the paper as she read on.:

My Dearest Niece Ludovica,

I sit here Ludovica barely breathing through broken ribs. I can feel my lungs as if they are swimming penning this letter to you.  I am not sure how much time I will have, and you need to know somethings. First you need to know that everything you know is about to change. Know that these past six years have been a blessing.  I could never have a child of my own, please forgive my selfishness to covet my brothers daughter so. Therefore, I leave you the property you grew up on and the house, this includes my banking accounts, there is one here in the states and two offshore accounts. The man who will have given you this letter is a trusted confidant of mine not the Carbine Family.  Seek him out after you dispose of this letter. In other words, burn it. I cannot stress this enough, he is not associated with the Carbines, his name is. Frederick Rigatonis, he will give you the account number to all three accounts and the passkeys to them as well.  The Carbine family does not know about these offshore accounts, I cannot stress how important it is to not tell anyone about these accounts. He will also have two deeds signed over to you. One is for the Cipriani Villa in Tuscany. The other the above-mentioned property from my estate. With my passing you are the sole survivor of the Cipriani family and all its assets and all family business.

  Vica set the letter down in her lap, wiping her tear streaked face with the hem of her shirt. Her sadness for the loss of her Aunt Marie now altered to a confused curiosity why was Aunt Marie talking like this about the Carbine family? Vica and one of the Carbine boys were engaged to be wed, if Aunt Maire suddenly didn’t trust them did this mean her wedding was off? She never spoke in such an untrusting way of them in Vica’s life.  Neither had her father, The Cipriani family had worked with them for many generations, you would think they would be a tight nit group. Her sadness was now playing second fiddle to her curiosity as to why her Aunt Marie spoke like this, so she lifted the letter and continued to read it.

Make your Auntie one last promise, Vica. Promise me you will always be proud of your heritage girl no matter what anybody says about your father. Be proud of the Cipriani name It is not defined by one man’s act.  Ludovica this is my death wish Be proud of the Cipriani name.

I cannot tell you what he did all I know are rumors from the Carbine family. I know in my core that my brother could not have done these things spoken of. He had the utmost respect for the way things worked, he was a traditionalist.  You need to know Vica he never would have said anything, he would cut his own tongue out before he talked, you remember that.  You are bound by family honor to the rule of vendetta Ludovica Cipriani.   You are charged with the honor of avenging the death of your mother and younger sisters. No women and children Vica that is the traditional way.  You are the sword of revenge against the one who called the shot to murder your father.  All I know is that the Carbine family was involved, you will need to use the assets from the offshore accounts to fund this task. Find someone who is good at acquiring information that is not connected to the Carbine family in any way. You are on your own now Ludovica, remember don’t trust the family. Avenge the death of your family dear. Wear the Cipriani name with pride.

You will always be my lotus flower Vica.

Love Always, Aunt Maria Cipriani


Start the Vendetta with Vince Carbine, he is the one who fired the shot that has killed me.  He may have the other answers for you.


     By the last word of her aunt’s letter Vica felt as if she had an electrical current spiking through her veins. Her flesh was flush with a cold sweat while her heart beat against her chest like a cat trying to get out of a potato sack.  Her breathing was so erratic her throat felt as if it were swelling. She screamed as she took her Aunt’s last words into her fists clenched and shredded it to pieces leaving it shattered at her feet.  Her face streaked with old and new tears she pushed herself up from the porch and grabbed a copper flower pot from the end of the porch. Squatting down next to the shredded pieces she shoved her aunts last will and testament into the metal pot and lit it on fire. The heat from the small fire consoling the teenager as she sat there planning her next step.


     She stood and flung the screen door open as she stalked into the house letting the screen slam behind her bang, bang, bang it finally bounced shut.  She would first have to obtain full control of the family estates and the bank accounts, this required a meeting with Fredrick Rigatonis.  She rushed to the phone wiping the streaked remnants of tears from her face, no more time for that girly shit she thought as she gripped the receiver of her phone.  The operator picking up the other side with a nasally tone, “How may I connect you?”, her voice grating Dark Lotus’s ears.   “Connect me to the Rigatonis Ristorante, thank you.”, Dark Lotus politely directed the operator. She sat there inspected her fingernails as the phone rang, scrubbed the soot from her aunt’s will off the surface.  She dropped her hand briskly as if caught doing something as she heard a soft males voice on the other end. “Rigatonis Ristorante, Fredrick Rigatonis speaking. Would you like to make a reservation? ‘It was his regular drawl she could tell, not one to mince words she spoke directly of her business with him.  “We briefly met at my Aunt’s funeral you gave me a letter, I need to discuss the contents of that letter with you Mr. Rigatonis.” She paused for his response, only hearing uneven breathing on the other end. “Mr. Rigatonis? Did you hear me? “She asked a bit brisker than she intended. “Ah yes, Ma’am I just...” He paused, and a dead silence sat between them briefly. “Yes, Mr. Rigatonis is there an issue with my request?” Dark Lotus was wondering why her Aunt would send her to someone who seemed so soft. “No, Ludovica, or Do I call you Miss Cipriani now? I would do anything for Marie she knew that. I will come to the house after I close the restaurant tonight and we can discuss your Aunt’s letter. His voice trailed off as if he was trying to keep his words from being overheard. “That is fine Mr. Rigatonis I will see you then and you can call me Miss Cipriani.” Ludovica hung the receiver and went to clean the soot and smoke from her skin and clothes before the meeting with Mr. Rigatonis.


     She looked to the wooden cuckoo clock that sat along the wood paneled wall. It’s little hummingbird looking creature jumped from its door yelling that it was nine pm.  On the fifth cuckoo her attention was turned to a light rapping on the door. As she opened the door she wondered if everything about Fredrick was soft. Why her aunt kept him around she would never know, but they had a connection and Dark Lotus had to use every tool she could obtain to pull off this vendetta.   She greeted the suited man who had a briefcase in his right hand with a smile growing on her face making her scarred flesh stretch as her smile grew, her saffron eyes caught the light giving them a temporary bright yellow glow. “Greetings, Mr. Rigatonis, please come in. We can discuss this in the library. “A flourish of her left hand invitingly directed him in and in the direction of the library. “Straight ahead there.” She pointed him in the right direction as he walked down the hall she closed the door and followed. The teenager walked into the library and straight to the mahogany colored Bergere chair with black lotus flowers embroidered into the back and the seat. “Sit please.” she asked as she lifted the carafe in front of her and poured them each a glass of amber liquid that nearly matched her eyes. She slid a glass in his direction as he sat setting the briefcase next to the smaller but matching chair that he sat in. She sat in her chair and lifted her glass,” Salute to prosperity, family those here and those yet to be found.” She lifted her glass towards his approaching glass, they clinked lightly.

     Dark Lotus swallowed her shot in one gulp pouring herself another before she sat.  The fire in the brick fireplace just behind and to the left of Fredrick’s burnt crackling its own private conversation. Fredrick took a sip of his whisky and set the rest on the table. He then wrapped his right hand around the handle of the briefcase then hefting it up he set the briefcase on the table with a slight shuffling noise. With a flick of his thumbs and an audible click that followed the shuffling noise. He flipped the lid open and pulled two manila envelopes out and one large white envelope. The large white envelope had the bank account numbers and passkeys enclosed. Across one envelope it said Tuscany estate and accounts. The other manila envelope was labeled with A simple symbol. A patch of lotus flowers. Her aunt had the house here in the states outfitted with various lotus designs. She loved lotus’s and that was why she called Vica her Lotus flower. Reaching out with her left hand she pulled this envelope to her and sat there tracing the symbol with a scarred and withered hand. “Fredrick, I am to be called Dark Lotus now. To do what my Aunt Marie has charged me with no one must know my connection to the Cipriani crime family. “She looked to him her saffron gaze unwavering with a touch of sympathy in them for what she was about to say to him. “Fredrick,” She paused momentarily looked away and then back making eye contact again. “You will either swear your loyalty and silence to me now, or I will have to kill you. I am sorry I just can’t have any loose ends. “She saw the look in his eyes it wasn’t what she expected, it was compassion and loss.

    What happened next was the most shocking thing the teenager had ever witnessed, since the death of her family. Fredrick bolted from the chair knocking it over. As it tottered from side to side he grabbed a pair of scissors from a round ivory holder that sat on the large oak desk. Placing the fingers from his right hand   into the handle of the scissors he snips the air with brisk purpose twice. Looked Vica in her saffron eyes and made his oath.” I loved your aunt I will do anything for her and her family. I swear my loyalty and silence.” With those words quickly stumbled out of his mouth he grabbed his tongue with his left hand pulled it taunt and snipped it off with the scissors.  His tongue hit the floor with the scissors as both his hands went immediately to cup and cover his bleeding mouth as he screams in pain. Vica’s saffron eyes were dilated to the size of saucers as she watched this. As soon as she realized what Fredrick did she pulled her knife from under the desk where it stays hidden in a sleeve. She ran to the fireplace behind Fredrick and shoved the blade into the fire. They had to cauterize it before he bled to death, the fool she thought. Her blood rushed through her veins beating out in her ears as she rushed the heated blade over and pulled his hands away from his mouth.” Fredrick press your tongue against this” She commanded him as she held it out in front of him. As he did a most horrendous guttural scream came from his throat with the nauseating smell of burnt tongue filled the air.  The lanky man collapsed to his knees from the pain his shoulders wide and stiff but his head hung low as he tried to slow rapid breathing.



        It had been a year since that meeting when Fredrick became a mute. Ludovica was setting the table for her betrothed. It was a special night after all they had been betrothed since Vica was 15 and two years was something for a girl to celebrate.  It had also been a year since she claim her blood oath in her family’s name.  The table was set semi-formal for the two a silver candelabra was the centerpiece with two white taper candles. A nice spiked bottle of his favorite wine, Chianti set near it. Two wine glasses already poured one with Chianti for him and one with red wine for her. She would only have the one glass while she knew he would drink the entire bottle of Chianti. The doorbell rang, she answered it, her smile beaming into her saffron eyes at her fiancé.  She flung her arms wide and up around his neck then kissed him sweetly on the lips one last time. “Come in Vince dear I have been waiting for you sweetie. I have planned this dinner for us for months. “Her voice was jovial as he walked in and she closed and quietly locked the door behind him. “Vica dear, did you remember my Chianti?” What an ass she thought, he is only doing this arranged marriage to solidify his hold on my family’s name and money.  Instead she answered in a loving tone, from the kitchen as she grabbed the pot roast and vegetables.” Yes, dear and a glass is already poured at the table for you.” She exited the kitchen her arms full of the roast dish and placed it on the table.  Ludovica cut up a few pieces and served him his plate and herself one as well. She strolled to the end of the small table and sat in her chair opposite him.

     Vica watched for what seem like the passing of ages as he gulped down glass after glass of that spiked wine wondering just how much more he would have to drink before those sleeping pills of her aunts took effect. 

Then to her delight his head slumped to the table She yelled for Fredrick. “FRED… FRED, Come in now Fred. I need help moving this oaf. “Fred came in and hoisted the sleeping Vince Carbine over his shoulder then went to a narrow door just under the stairway he opened and disappeared down the steps. Vica followed him with some rope she grabbed from a stashed drawer along the way, Closing the door behind her she went down the stairs to meet Fred and Vince.  She tossed the rope to Fred. “Truss him up tight Fred, I want to wake his ass up before we throw him in that furnace.” Vica walked over to a bench and picked up a pair of tin snips as Fred tied the man up that killed her aunt.  She seemingly pranced to the furnace where Fred had him bound and on the metal tray that shoves the refuse into the furnace.


     Smirking down at Vince’s face she started to slap him hard across the face till he woke sputtering and struggling against his bindings. “What the fuck Ludovica? What the hell are you doing you crazy bit….”  SMACK… He did not get the word bitch out before a strong masculine hand made an imprint of itself against his face. She laughed at Vince as he winced, while she undid his belt and pulled his man part out. Placing it between the blades of the tinsnips as she hummed.  She looked to Vince delighted at the wild animal look in his eyes as she smiled coyly back. “You know what Fred just doesn’t like people disrespecting me like that, so watch your tongue.”  She made a tsking sound and waggled her index in Vince’s face.

     " What… What are you going to do with those snips Vica? What are you bent about woman.? Vince’s voice was full of fear even though he tried to make himself sound large. “You are right I should not play with you any more than you have played with me. So here it is straight, you will tell me exactly who called the hit on my family and tell me who lit my family up as well. In return I will let you keep, what do you call him? Little Vince? “She tapped his flaccid package with the tin snips. “So, Vince, tell me or lose little Vince?” Vince blurted out names faster than a road runner runs on hot asphalt. She knew it had to be it high up as her father was a leader of his own family and she knew how the rules went. If someone wasn’t following the traditional ways that would have been enough to set, her father off and warrant his death.  But it wasn’t a someone as high or higher than her father. No, it was some upstart she had never heard of she would have to find   someone with connections. Her connections were far and slim with her family dead and the generational bond between the Cipriani family and the Carbine family broken.  She looked to Fred to see if he recognized the name he only shook his head negatively.  She turned back to Vince the tin snips at the ready. “Why did you kill my Aunt, Vince.? “He looked her dead in the eye and coldly said,” For money dear Ludovica, it is always for the money.” As his words sank in she closed the snips around his flaccidness.” He screamed “You bitch as he first felt the pinch. “You li.. He did not finish, instead his screams filled the air. She grabbed the cut appendage tossed it on his stomach and whispered in his ear as she shoved the metal tray into the burning furnace. “No, I didn’t lie dear, you get to keep him, just not attached.” With that said she shoved him screaming into the raging furnace. She crooked her arm to Fred, “Shall we Fred?” She asked as Fred took her elbow in his hand and escorted her back up the steps.

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There was a stronghold in town, and the Mitchell family was not going to let anyone force them into a uncomfortable situation, they were always ready for a fight, or at least a hustle to survive. It was little Flexx Mitchell, his much older brother. Loose, his pops, Herbal, and his mom Shimah. As a family they were a strong unit. By themselves they were even more crafty and on their toes. Everyone in the family had hustle in them, it was just their thing. Young Flexx, around the age of ten, started on his hustle. It was nothing like his pops, but it was a path to get the experience. He had a slow hustle but steady. One day while in his room counting the money that he came up on, he witnessed a moment that could never be forgotten, and also experienced an event that would change his outlook for ever.

So his pops had a lucrative set up with one of the top dealers in the city. Dome Fashcash was his name, and he had everything about locked. Anything to do with the hustle and he was in it. Herbal, Flexx’s pops had a good thing going on. Yes, the well was still full and the path was fruitful. Herbal was making powerful moves in the streets, he was becoming the name behind hustler. Herbal was out hustling and doing his thang, he was feeling good about his hustle, and at the time, who wouldn’t? Now at this time, young Flexx was out in the streets on his hustle as well. He was in the mode of moving packs, making deliveries. He was dealing with a hustler name Blowed. He had a good hustle that was always in demand so he was able to make a lot of moves and even some good contacts. He would even see his pops on the occasion, but it was always just business. This one particular day was different, there was a lot going on, even tho the hustle was doing great. Blowed had sent Flexx on an important drop and pick up. This one was not the regular, and when Blowed offered the opportunity to Flexx, he hesitated in delivering the information. Flexx made his way to the location, he had a feeling but you always did in these situations. Everything looked regular as he walked up to the warehouse with his backpack on his back. He actually was hearing some kind of back and forth with a few gentleman, he thought nothing of it, he had a drop and pick up to make. The voice sounded familiar, he slowed his step. Before he could turn the corner he heard gunfire. (Bang! Bang! bang!)

Flexx flinched, but didn’t run. With that voice being familiar and the gunshot, he had to find out who? And what happen. It was one of the carbine family standing with his pistol smoking, looking around. Flexx ducked back around the corner and pressed against the wall. His heart was pounding and he was breathing heavily. He waited and tried to calm himself down as the remaining thugs bickard about what had happened. He again heard the name carbine. It sounded familiar, he may have heard his pops mention it before in a conversation with his mom, or a small argument. Flexx sat there for another twenty minutes, at that time the men had finally left. Flexx paused. He needed to get the will up to go and see if there was a dead body, and who? That was the question. He heard the gentleman bickering, he exhaled as he made his way around the corner into the room where the gentleman were. He stood…  Frozen from the moment, he was in shock and was in a place he never thought he would be mentally. The moment was almost like walking on water going with the flow of the waves. He blinks……..

He awakes…

“What the?..... Yo?...

Flexx says in a groggy voice. He tries to sit up but his head has a banging sound that leaves him wanting to not move. The room was spinning just enough for him to not get a full clear view of the situation. He could see Blowed as he entered the room.

“Eh man, it’s been like two days, how you feel? “

Blowed says as he passes Flexx a cup of water. Flexx sits up and leans back on the couch. He tries to pull himself together. Blowed takes a seat.

“Some girl brought you over here and you head was all busted up. The spot was broke down, look like someone hit it. I don’t know what the fuck happened.”

Blowed says as he fires up a blunt. Flexx begins to come too, he takes the blunt that Blowed passes him and he takes a drag. After taking a few drags he passes it back to Blowed, and takes a sip of the water.

“All I saw was my pops layed out shot..  Dead.. I heard the name. Carbine, and then I wake up here. Who brought me here?”

Flexx says as he takes the blunt back from blowed.

“That's what and who the drop was for, but not him directly, it should have been someone else. The girl’s name was Eve. She seem pretty tough, you know her?”

Flexx thought about the question, and knew exactly who he was talking about. Why wouldn’t she had took him home why here. There was only one thing he could think of and that was his home was not a safe place to be around with everything going on.  

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The square shouldered six-foot man finished hanging the limp body from the apparatus that hung from the rafters.  He turned away from the suspended unconscious man and smiled as his eyes made contact with Ms.Cipriani’s accepting gaze as she took the last few steps down the stairs. “Fine job trussing him up there Fred.” His smile grew wider with her approving words. Dark Lotus approached the unconscious man and slapped his face sharply across the face to bring him back to his senses. After several sharp slaps and the reddening of face the mans eyes fluttered and his tongue started rambling. “What? Where? Wait a minute! “Suddenly his tone was disgruntled as he struggled in vain against the electrical wiring that held him place.  She just stood there watching him with an amused look in amber eyes, they always struggled.  “You can’t get out Fred made sure you are bound tightly. If you insist on moving around though I will have to tell him to pull the handle on the wall that these wires are attached to.” She paused sauntering closer to him. Leaning in she whispered loudly into his ear.” And I don’t you want that.” She pulled away from him and kicked one of the electrical wires playfully. “Now Fred brought you to me, simply because he thinks you can give me information. Since you have a tongue and he does not, why don’t you tell me what you know about the Cipriani House fire.”

    She turned and removed the cowl from her head revealing her scared face as her eyes bored into his.  The man belligerently stammered out,” Tha that job was years ago. Why do you want to know woman.” Dark Lotus saw Fred twitch as if he wanted to throw the switch and gave him a small look telling him to wait as his hand relaxed on the switch. She smiled coyishly at the stammering man as she her left hand slowly rose, and her index finger found a thick facial scar. Tracing it down her face her eyes seemed to darken, and her voice deepened from before as her words floated to his ears,” This is why. Now tell me what you know about the Cipriani House fire” Her hands balled up into a fist as she slammed them to her side and stomped her right foot. “Before I throw a proper fit and have Fred pull the switch.” She kicks the bucket over and laughs as the water floods around his bare feet. “Damn Broad you are crazy, if I tell will ya take me down from here.” He shakes his head towards the frame he is bound to. She nods in agreeance. “So, who ordered the fire? “Her tone was dry and eyes cold as she waited for his answer. “It was Don Carbine.”   She stepped gingerly through the pool of water that surrounded him as his answer filled her ears. “I will let you down as I said. But first you should know I intend to have your dead limp body delivered to Don Carbine with the word rat carved into your chest.” With this last word spoken she took the first step up the stairs she turned and smiled at his horrified look. “You were never meant to leave my basement alive, no one ever does.” She smiled at him and gave Fred the signal he had been waiting for.  Fred’s eyes brightened like that of a child’s in a candy store as he flipped the switch releasing the electrical current through the lines.


     Several days later Ms. Cipriani is having a meeting with the Don Carbine at his private residence. Vince was his son, so she used the fact that she was his finance at the time of his death as in. They still had not found his killer this saddened the Don.  She finished her glass of wine and set it down on the table. Don Carbine snapped his finger and pointed at her glass which made one of the servant’s rush to give her a fresh glass of wine. “I have a gift for you Don Carbine.” Her voice was gracious as she spoke to one of such high esteem “But it is out in my car, if you would be so kind as to escort me out there I will gladly present it to you.” The Don stood and took her arm in his as was the proper way, and they walked out to the front entrance. “Dear Ludovica, what have you brought me?” His curiosity was peaked that was good she thought. She cocked her head, so she was looking at him. “Well Boss I found a rat and wanted to turn him over to you before he could cause the family any real harm” Her voice was soft as she opened the truck of the car revealing one of the Dons own henchmen with the word RAT scrawled across his torso. It was always those closest to you, the Don thought. He never questioned how Ludovica found out he was a rat or even if she was the one that dispatched the rat. Fact is she delivered him to Don Carbine, and that gave her all the favor she needed from him. “Thank you Ludovica. I will have this gift taken care of properly. Know that you have whatever you need from me.  You were nearly my daughter in law and now you are a trusted and loyal member of this enterprise I have going on.”  She smiled as it appeared her plans had worked. One more thing though she needed to carry out her revenge, a new hustle.

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