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Apr 25 - 09:58:52
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An International Incident Started by: LondonHolmes on Sep 18, '18 10:27

It didn't take London long to find the warehouse and it was exactly what he was expecting. A crumbling wreck. At first glance large holes appeared to make up more of the roof than tiles, the metal doors half-bashed in, and the brickwork looked mostly held together by masses of ivy and greenery.

This was definitely the place. His focus returning to the doors as they creak seemingly without a breeze or person to move them. It's an eerie feeling. Just like the possibility of what or more to the point, who he'd find once inside. If he found Alexander or those responsible for his disappearance, there was definitely going to be hell to pay.

Knowing it was better to check that no one was going to sneak up on him from the outside, London pulled out a flashlight from his trouser pocket and started a perimeter search along the outside walls of the building, keeping his gaze flickering over anything strange or unusual and his mind processing every piece of data he came across. By the time he was nearly back at the front of the warehouse, London was confident that there was no one but him around, and nothing out of place about the building's exterior beyond it being a wreck. So he headed inside.

The interior didn't appear to hide anything. It was as run down as the outside. Grass also shooting up from the cracked, muddied concrete floor, the tips of it seemingly shining from the light peeking through the gaps in the roof. Turning his flashlight upwards, London noticed half the rafters were falling down, and any left holding up the roof have rusted chains dangling from them. It didn't take a genius to figure out what they were used for more often than not. He was speaking from personal experience. 

"And you thought you could get away from me?"

On instinct, London pulled his gun from his waistband and spun around, pointing the barrel at the source of the noise.

"Elliot? What the hell are you doing here? How did you even find me?"

Elliot reached out towards London and lowered his gun before replying.

"Never mind what I'm doing here or how I found you. What are you doing here?"

London still in somewhat a state of disbelief at allowing himself to be caught off guard, loosened his grip on his gun and flipped the safety back on.

"I'm here to avoid an international incident. I'm restoring order to the...."

London suddenly trailed off and fixed his gaze just over Elliot's shoulder. They were no longer alone. Elliot noticing London's laser focus, slowly turned around, his own gun with the safety flipped off in his right hand gripped tightly. Standing in front of them was one man. He was the same height as London and judging by the way his jacket stuck out he was heavily muscled and carrying a holster and it was loaded.


"World. Where is he?"

It was Elliot's turn to be caught off guard by the tone of London's voice. He looked at London out of the corner of his eye and silently asked.


Without taking his eyes off the man in front of them, London raised his gun, safety now off and aimed it straight ahead. The man, who had been silent up until now let out a slight chuckle and still kept his attention on London and Elliot.

"Alexander. He's missing."

Elliot's slight intake of breath didn't escape London's notice nor did the look of 'You have some explaining to do' and he would. Once they had Alexander's location.

"And I'm guessing by the sudden appearance of our new friend here, he knows exactly where he is. And he's going to tell us. Or else."

The man who had remained still and silent so far, took a step forward and it looked like he was finally going to say something. But as quickly as he took a step forward, he turned back around and headed back towards the warehouse door.

London saw red. 

He wanted to fire a bullet into his head and kill him on the spot, but given the circumstances, it would be unwise to draw unnecessary attention and risk the chance of losing any information on Alexander's location. So, London settled for just injuring him badly.

Fortunately, although the man appeared strong, he wasn't moving very fast at all. Just before he reached the door to the warehouse, London pulled the trigger and at the same time so did Elliot, the pair sending bullets soaring through the air. London's shot hits him directly above the back of his kneecap, sending him crashing to the ground with a scream of pain. Elliot's ripped through his right shoulder. London slowly walked over to the fallen man, a smirk spreading across his face while cracking his knuckles and placing his gun back in his waistband as he approached.

Refusing to give him a chance to crawl out the door, London placed his right foot on his shoulder and ground the heel of his shoe down into the wound as hard as he could. The scream that was heard was ear piercing.

"The next shot will be in your head and guess what? I can make it so it doesn't kill you. You'll remain conscious and completely aware of everything that's happening to you but you'll be powerless to stop it. Or I can call my friend over here and you'll find yourself failing a test of physics which will result in broken ribs, fractured skull and a punctured lung. Choice is yours. So is there anything you wish to tell me in regards to my brother?"

In an act of either bravery or stupidity, the man despite being in extreme pain remained defiant. London lifted his foot slightly.

"You know, fear is wisdom in the face of danger. It is nothing to be ashamed of. While I usually applaud someone for that, right now is not one of those times."

Without warning London slammed his foot back down, this time across the mans face. A sickening crunch and another scream was heard as his nose was broken but he still refused to speak. Something drastic had to be done and done fast. Alexander's life depended on it.

"Hey, Holmes! If I may interrupt your little experiment, I've got an idea."

London looked over in the direction of Elliot and noticed him staring up at one of the rafters. Following his gaze he quickly figured out what he meant. Leaning down slightly, London dragged the bloodied and now broken mess across the dirty floor of the warehouse, a trail of blood following them. By the time they arrived, Elliot had pulled down one of the chains from the rafters. London looked down at the man who he had just dragged half away across the warehouse and noticed he had finally passed out. London and Elliot exchanged the same look.

This was just the beginning.

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This was just the beginning.

It had taken some effort between the two of them but London and Elliot restrained their "guest" with the help of some of the chains and a chair Elliot had found hidden within inside what was probably used as an office. While London had found a few old tools that could and would be used to "play" with. Elliot offered up his own knife and a screwdriver, both of which London didn't dare ask why he had them on him.

Once everything was in place, their "guest" securely chained to the chair, London and Elliot leaned back and waited against the desk they had dragged from the office to use as a makeshift tool bench. London broke the eerie silence that had fallen.

"So mind telling me how you found me?"

Elliot took one more glance at the bound figure before responding, crossing his arms, turning and raising one eyebrow at London.

"You mean you haven't deduced it?"

London was not amused by Elliot's remark.

"You want to be tied to that chair instead?"

It wouldn't be the first time.

"Promises, promises. Okay. You know you aren't the only one with a brain or the connections to the deepest and darkest parts of society. I reached out, let the word be known. There was quite the buzz about some "British Guy, Silly Name.' who was blurring the lines between good and bad. Working both sides. There was also mention of another "British Guy" following him around who looked and acted like he had an umbrella up his ass, which can be said about a lot of you English in general. I just had no idea it would be THE "British Government". 

London let out a slight laugh.

"Yes. He actually came looking for you. Found me instead. He wants to take me back to England. Gave me the choice of either sorting myself out OR giving up your location. Until I did one of those, he wasn't going to return to England himself. Now because of me he has disappeared."

Elliot reached behind himself and picked up his knife and pointed it at the still unconscious man in front of them.

"Not that it bothers me, I have no problem with torturing and killing this guy, but what makes you think he knows something? Him being here could just be a coincidence."

London dragged his right hand down his face and let out an annoyed sigh. Elliot was either playing dumb just to spite London or he genuinely believed it was just a coincidence, one that was going to get numerous people killed. Starting here.

"What do I say about coincidences?"

Elliot knew the answer.

"The universe is rarely so lazy."

London walked over to the restrained body and reached into his jacket pocket. Smiling to himself when he found what he knew he would.

"It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has the data. You my dear fellow, you and so many others, you may see but you do not observe."

Turning back to face Elliot, London held up a gun, ID and a piece of paper.

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