Get Timers Now!
Apr 27 - 02:35:51
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Iron Workers On Strike! Started by: Luis_Patangeli on Jan 30, '19 07:07

It was late Tuesday in Philadelphia, cars could be heard zooming by outside as the local populace carried out their day to day lives. Luis liked to stay in doors with his woman and booze and have a good time in the safety of his compound in South Philly. The phone started ringing off the hook and it was particularly late for such an occurrence that Luis did not even bother picking up the phone and continued on enjoying himself. But when the phone immediately started ringing a second time.. It caught his attention and he stood up off his couch and walked over to the table it was sitting on

He picked up and greeted the familiar voice on the other end, It was Melvin Rigazzo, his assistant with all his Union affairs, he sounded extremely upset on the phone and told Luis that he was going to be down at his office in about one hour and that he needed to see him urgently. Before Luis could get a word out, Melvin said he had to go and that he would await his arrival... Luis hung up the phone and let out a huge sigh.. So much for enjoying himself tonight...

He opened his front door and alerted Joe to what was going on before returning inside and alerting the woman that the party was over and told them to scram. After they left he threw on some of his finest loafers and a coat and stepped outside into the cold chilly night. Joe had already brought the car around and was waiting for his boss... Luis lit up a cigarette and casually strolled to the vehicle, barking out orders at the various guards standing around before sitting in the back of his black cadillac.

Joe drove out of the compound in a slow timely manner before letting the car have it once reaching the main streets. Luis had to remind him to slow down, as usual... to which Joe ignored. The streets were awfully quiet and there seemed to be a calmness about as it was getting late and people were turning in for the night, many had to be at work in the morning.

Luis' office down at the dockyard was a 20 minute drive, Luis got lost in thought during this time and had only snapped out of it once Joe put the car in park. He grinned and stepped out of the vehicle and quickly moved inside. Joe quickly followed behind as they made their way to the top floor of the Labor Union building and reached Luis Office. Melvin was already present when they opened the door and made their way inside and sat down. Luis grinned and got straight to business


"So you called me down here so late, what's so important Melvin?" Luis said as he poured himself some more liquor.. he was already buzzing but he could always use another drink....

"It's some of the worker's sir.. they are planning on striking in the morning down at the Iron Workers Hall.. They say they are working in unsafe conditions and deserve more pay.. some of them have been getting real rowdy and might get violent... perhaps you could handle the negotiations?"Melvin said nervously.. he motioned for a drink and Luis poured him one and replied

"I'd be happy to go down and handle the negotiations my friend, They don't call me "The Ambassador" for no reason" Luis chuckled as he took a few swigs off his drink and set it down.

"You, Me, And Joe will have a grand time tomorrow won't we now? Luis said with a big grin on his face

"Well I don't know if I should go bos-" Melvin managed to squeak out before Joe butted in

"A grand ol' time boss!" Joe said sternly as Melvin sighed and kept his mouth shut

"It's settled then, I'll be seeing you in the morning Melvin.. I'm going to go back home and get some rest.. big day tomorrow bud." Luis said as he stood up and shook Melvin's hand and left the room.

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The following morning....

Luis was sitting in his office already smoking on a cigarette when Melvin entered along with Joe closely behind. Melvin gave Luis some more background details about the strike such as the number of people, their particular wage demands etc.... When he finished Luis smiled and put his cigarette out in the ashtray and motioned for the men to leave. Melvin and Joe were dressed in civilian clothes while Luis wore his suit but had a worn out trench coat over it to hide who he was during the march with the protesters.

They all piled up into two cars.. Joe, Luis, Melvin, and the bodyguards, and made their way downtown where the Local 405 Iron Workers hall resided. It was a short drive before they weren't able to drive any further, as the mob of people had already formed in the streets and were marching. Luis motioned for them to pull over and park nearby and ordered everyone to join in the protest and march towards the hall. Each one of the 3 enticed the workers to get more and more rowdy, while Luis took charge at the front and lead the mob down the street. Some of the workers still recognized Luis and immediately fell in line behind him and followed his lead.

Cops began circling around them on the sidewalks and began diverting traffic to other streets up ahead, but did display a large force just yet. Sirens could be heard whaling in the distance as the mob grew louder as it marched down the block. The mob chanted 'Worker's Rights!" over and over again and seemed to grow larger by the minute. They finally reached the large building where a police Riot force had set up and created a wall of bodies in front of the building. The two groups were at a standstill for what seemed like a few hours before the boss of the Iron Workers Union stepped out of the building and demanded to speak to who was leading the Mob...

Luis took off his faded trench coat and hat and stepped forward, to which many people ooohed and awwwed, He was well respected in South Philly and a figure that was not taken lightly when he spoke. He began to argue that the workers deserved safer working environments as well as better pay to erect the large buildings that Philly has come to know and love... The mob chanted and cheered as Luis got louder and louder. The union leader realizing Luis' power amongst the people called for a private meeting in his office and invited him inside... Luis turned and addressed the crowd and told them he would go inside and fight for their demands and hopefully come to a solution.. The crowd started chanting Luis Luis Luis! as he followed behind the man into the Union Hall.

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The hall was run down and falling apart, It had clearly seen better days and with the limited funding it was receiving from city hall, it simply didn't have the means to make repairs. Luis followed behind the man as they made their way upstairs where they were met by a few police officers who patted down Luis and let him through, the man smiled and motioned for Luis to follow him down the hallway where they reached his office, it was the most modern room in the building, and it had fresh paint along with brand new furniture and a fancy door to match. Luis sat down across from the man and smiled


"I'm glad you would come inside and join me in discussion, my friend.. I believe I caught your name from the chanting.. Luis.. if I'm not mistaken?" the man spoke in a very warm tone. His voice was overly deep.

"Yes, Luis Patangeli is my full name.." Luis sternly as he leaned back in his seat. The man grinned and leaned back in his seat as well.

"Ah.. Luis Patangeli... I've heard of that name.. around town.. didn't you work for that mobster who died just recently.. uh.. Jack Mezzo?" the man said

"That's right.. you seem to know enough about me, but you haven't yet introduced yourself.." Luis said as he sat up in his seat now and leaned forward. The man chuckled and replied

"My name is Bryan Jennings my friend.." Bryan smirked and leaned forward 

"I can tell your a man who is all about business so let me get straight to the point with you my guinea friend.. There is no money around here, no money for raises, no money for medical insurance, none of that good ol' fancy stuff. So why don't you just take your sorry ass back out there and tell all your friends there ain't gonna be no deal made and to go back to work..." he said getting amped up and standing out of his chair


Luis' grinned as he stood up and extended his hand out to shake with Mr. Jennings...

"You know I can't do that Bryan.. It's not in my nature to concede so easily.. so here's my thanks for inviting me in... hope we can work something out sooner.. until then no one goes to work... I'll personally pay each one of them everyday until this gets resolved..." 


Bryan spat on the floor in gesture of shaking hands with Luis who unextended his arm and grinned and made his exit down the stairs. He reached outside where he again began amping up the crowd with chanting as he told them he would pay them until their boss got the stick out of his ass and decided they were rightfully due what was owed to them... The crowd continued cheering and chanting as various members of the crowd stepped up and bad mouthed their Union Boss for paying them slave wages... Luis escaped out of the crowd and made his way to his car where he and Joe drove away leaving Mike Lebowski behind to keep the strike going on and watch over the events that unfolded for Luis. The cadillac hummed down the street as they made their way back to the HQ to plot their next move...

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The following day around Noon....

Luis' was sitting in his office signing some Tax documents when his phone began to ring.. he ignored it and continued rummaging through is papers, when it began ringing immediately a second time... He angrily picked up and yelled into the phone..

"WHAT! I'm fucking busy up here Melvin I cant-" Luis was cut off by a familiar voice on the other end

"This isn't Melvin... Luis..." Luis laughed as he sat back in his chair, tossing the papers he had in his hand down on the desk

"Mr. Jennings, so nice of you to give me a call.. I was just about to do the same..." 

"Fuck you! Your costing me a lot of fucking money carrying on this strike! WE need to have a meeting.. and solve these differences of ours..." Bryan said sternly over the phone to Luis who laughed again at him

"Fuck me? No Fuck you! Don't you ever talk to me like that I don't care if your the king of tim buck fucking two, you will learn to respect me!" Luis slammed the phone on the ringer and a few moments later it started ringing again, Luis picked up and yelled WHAT again into the phone

"LUIS! Alright look... I'm sorry.. I'm having a rough few days.. seriously lets sit down and settle out the differences.. are you willing to meet me away from all the publicity and the noise of the crowd.. perhaps an establishment more private then your union building..." Bryan said softly

"Yea.. I do... meet me at L.P Check Cashing in the next hour... tell my secretary Radha your there to see me and she will bring you to the back room." Luis replied


He was seriously irritated and slammed the phone down again on the ringer.. Joe could hear the commotion as he stood outside the door and finally let himself in to question what was going on and if he should get the car ready, to which Luis replied yes and told him he would fill him in on the car ride over to his other office... Joe nodded and quickly left the room to go get the car. Luis lit up another cigarette and stood their looking out the window at the Delaware River... He couldn't get enough of that view lately...

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A few men waited outside with Joe for Mr. Jennings to show up.. they didn't have to wait long after arriving for his white cadillac to turn the corner onto the block and slowly approach and park. Joe could see Bryan peering out of the back of the car window as he glanced around the block and then cautiously stepped out. Joe smiled and motioned for him to hurry across the street

"If we wanted to kill you, we would have done it already.. Get inside it looks like its about to storm.." Joe called out to Bryan who nodded and scurried across the street with his bodyguard..


Joe led him to the back where Luis was sitting at the desk with his legs propped up on the edge, smoking a cigarette and glaring at Bryan as he entered and sat down across from him... Joe closed the door behind them and remained in the room with two other associates...

"Glad you could make it.. Bryan." Luis took his feet off the desk and stood up to pour the two a drink.. Bryan's had a little bit extra in it.. Luis pushed it across the desk and smiled at him

"For you friend.. relax.. and let us speak like gentleman.."


Bryan, still glaring back at Luis nodded and picked up his drink off the table and taking a large sip before setting it back down...

"Yes, I would hope we can settle our differences today.." he said as he cleared his throat and continued

"The problem is, without state funding I'm powerless to give the workers more money.. they don't appropriate funds to me anymore.. I make all the money I can off contracts.." he said slowly as Luis remained fixated on him...

"No money... you pulled up in a fancier cadillac then my boss.. the fuck out of here with that shi-" Joe barked from behind Bryan to which he caught a glare from Luis and he stepped back and shut his mouth...

"Well maybe you should try talking to your bosses again.. and tell them it'd be in their best interest or I'm afraid I'm going to have to expand away from the "parcel" business my friend and take over your place.." Luis said as he leaned back and lit up a cigarette and exhaled

"I've got the money to back up the workers... I can provide them their medical benefits.. sick days.. I've got a lot of capital from moving parcels.. Mr. Jennings..." 


Bryan went to stand up as he was not happy with what he was hearing.. but Joe stepped forward and pushed his shoulder down and stared at his bodyguard next to Bryan who was seemingly terrified by the situation unfolding...

"I will not be bought out of my own fucking union! My father worked hard to build it from the ground up, leaving it to me 5 years ago after he passed... I refuse to sell it!" Bryan began getting uppity but sensed it was in his best interest to tone it down...

"Look.. Mr. Patangeli I know your a business man just like me, so cut me some slack here.. get your boys to call of the strike.. let me get my capital flowing again and perhaps we can discuss some deals further-" Luis cut him off and leaned forward

"5 million dollars... for the land.. the workers..and even the piece of shit building you like to call your "Union Hall", which is a disgrace by the way..." Luis said as he slid forward a document with the check and paper stating he would sign over the building to "Race Street Properties Inc."..

"Did you not hear a word I was saying? NO! I'm not selling my building-" Bryan exclaimed... 


The sound of guns being cocked and loaded behind Bryan became evident to him and his bodyguard and as they turned and looked.. Joe had a gun pointed directly at Bryan's temple and the other two associates held sub machine guns.. Luis stood up and moved to the other side of the desk and smiled and tapped on the paper in front of Bryan

"2.5 million... your signature on the paper or your brains.. what's it gonna be?" Bryan looked up at Luis and heard the cocking of Joe's gun in his ear.. it sent him into a panic and he grabbed the nearest pen and signed the parcel.

"Smart man... My lawyer will be by in the morning to go over all the official paperwork but I might want to say.. congrats on becoming a millionaire.. better than being dead..." 

Luis grinned and sat back down as Bryan stood up and turned to leave.. he was shocked at what transpired and had no words.. Joe stepped to the side and let the two men past and chuckled as they scurried out of the building. Joe returned to Luis office and ordered the other two men to watch the street and wait for them to finish up before heading back to the compound. Joe sat down across from Luis and grinned...

"I think the guy pissed his pants.." he laughed as he picked up the drink Bryan left behind and downed it in two swigs and slammed it on the table.

"So we're still gonna kill him right boss?" Joe said leaning forward

"Of course we are.. do it tomorrow after we address the crowd.. I'm going to have him escorted out by our corrupt cops and have them take him to an old abandoned warehouse on the edge of our property..." Luis stood up and smiled and put his coat on and turned back to Joe

"I want you to follow them there.. question him.. see what he knows about us and our operation.. and then kill him.. then toss his body in the river.. just like old times aye?" Joe looked at his boss and smiled as they left the building...

"OLD TIMES boss? I just dropped two bodies at our spot last week.. where do you think Willy and Walt went?" the two men laughed as Luis locked up the place and they hopped into the car and drove off into the night...

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Bright and early the following morning...

It was an awfully chilly morning, compared to normal, Luis and Joe were on their way down to the Iron Workers Union Hall to address the gathering crowd of workers who were told that some sort of deal had been made the previous night and were told to come down and hear the address this morning in front of the hall. They pulled up and were surprised at the turnout with such a short amount of notice to be given. Luis and Joe stepped out of the black cadillac and began moving their way to the front of the crowd, where Luis stepped out in front and turned to the crowd to be met by cheering and applause. He motioned for them to settle down and began speaking


"Men and women of Philadelphia! It is my pleasure to be here with you on this bitterly cold morning as your representative to stand up against your leader who mistreats you! Luis said with a deep and strong voice.. the crowd cheered a bit before settling down again..

"IT is true what you have heard.. me and Mr. Jennings have come to an agreement! You all will be taken care of from this day forward.. medically and financially!!" the crowd went into an uproar for what seemed like an eternity before going quiet as Bryan stepped out of the building, escorted by a few cops... some booing began..

"Most importantly... Mr. Jennings will no longer be.. your BOSS!" the crowd started clapping and cheering again with the same intensity before a member of the crowd called out 'So who is taking his place?'

"I will be taking his place as your acting Union Boss.. I already head the Race Street Labor Union.. my and your union shall be merged into one!" the crowd had some mixed feelings about this but still cheered and clapped anyways.. some people knew what Race Street was really about but were too frightened to protest or speak up...

"You all will be given the next few days off, payed, as well as being payed for the previous days as being apart of the strike... you all are deserving and I look forward to you coming back to work Monday and working hard!"


Luis said as he smiled and turned to the cops and nodded at them, giving Luis a nod back and escorting him to the cruiser where he was taken away.. Joe hopped in the car and swiftly followed behind as the police car turned the nearest corner, with Joe following right behind...

"All of you who need your pay before next friday, please go down and see my secretary Radha at L.P Check Cashing and tell her I sent you personally and you work for the Union and you will have cash in your pocket TODAY!" Luis said as he motioned for another police cruiser to be brought up so he could be escorted out and back to his compound...


"Happy Friday and enjoy the rest of your day folks!"


 he said as he made his way through the crowd with his police escort and climbed in the car and made his exit.. the crowd was in an uproar of cheer and chanting as Luis and the police swiftly drove down the block and away from the scene.. he ordered them to take him to the warehouse where they took Bryan and leaned back in the seat as he watched the scenery go by outside...

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The police car was whaling down the street with it's sirens on as Mr. Jennings was sitting in the back, he was not handcuffed but he was locked in as there is no handles in the back of a police car.. and your pretty much in a cage... He was watching the scenery pass outside when he suddenly noticed they weren't going in the direction of the airport to which it began making him nervous but he thought.. i'm in the presence of law officers surely I'm safe... But when the car came up to another intersection where it was supposed to turn one way, but turned the other.. Bryan began getting suspicious and questioning where they were going... when the cops told him to shut his mouth he knew his life was over and he began thinking of all the possible ways he could escape...

The police car sirens turned off as they entered the old port of South Philly where some of Luis' guys were standing in front of a gate.. they motioned the police car through and smiled at Bryan who was in the backseat.. the terror on his face was evident and it caused some of the men to laugh as they closed the gate behind the cop car.. it drove slowly down to the end of the docks before the two officers got out of the car and some of Luis' goons approached and payed the two men and shooed them off.. the cops stuck the cash in their pocket and turned to look at Bryan who was watching the entire thing through the back window and laughed and walked away.

The goons then turned their attention to Bryan and opened the door to drag him out of the backseat but he put up a fight as long as he could, kicking and hitting back but he was yanked from the back of the car out by a big dude by the name of "Mike Lebowski"... he hit his head as he flopped out of the car and hitting the concrete.. Bryan felt the rush of pain and blood start trickling from the back of his head as it rendered him pretty much unconscious... The men all laughed as they drug him into the warehouse and tied up up onto a hook and hung him there and waited for Joe to show up..

it wasn't long before he pulled into the compound and made his way inside... taking off his jacket and smirking at Bryan who started regaining consciousness and glared at Joe who was standing before him holding a meat mallet... he muttered to him..


"You fucking guinea sons a bitches.. you aren't going to get away with this..." Bryan said weakly spitting at Joe who stood in front of him and tried squirming.. but realized he was tied up to a chain..

"But the thing is Bryan.. we will get away with this.. I already have" Joe laughed sadistically before striking Bryan in the kneecap and breaking it. He shrieked out in pain and cursed Joe who hit him again in the other kneecap.. shattering that one too...

"Fuck.. You..." Bryan said in pain as Joe smiled and turned around and picked up some pliers...

"You know.. I liked you Bryan.. I thought you were an alright guy.. but Luis thinks differently.. " he said as he turned and smiled with an evil look on his face and approached Bryan "See.. I think his problem with you is that you speak too much.. say things you shouldn't to some very wrong people.. so what are we going to do to remedy that?" Joe said as he clipped the pliers together in from of Bryans mouth and yanked Bryan's tongue out of his mouth and began yanking on it with the players... making Bryan pull away from him in agony as a piece of his tongue ripped off and began bleeding profusely... Joe laughed and flung Bryan's tongue across the room and started laughing sadistically...


Luis walked in a few moments later, smoking a cigarette and being escorted by a few bodyguards.. he approached and smiled as he took another drag off his cigarette and addressed Bryan

"You kind of look like shit Bryan.. what happened to you.." Luis said with an evil grin as he put his cigarette out on the man's arm.. waking him back up and causing him to cry out in pain.. He glared at Luis and attempted to say something but was unable to because his tongue was gone... he began weeping...

"Seems like the cat got your tongue Bryan.. I don't think i understood you.. did you say you want me to kill you?" Bryan faintly nodded and continued weeping.. He was bleeding profusely from the mouth and knee's and had little strength left. Luis turned to Joe and questioned him..

"SO, did he say anything? Who has he been talking to in the government.."

"I didn't get an answer boss.. things got a little heated.. I took the guys tongue.. you know how it is.." Joe said shrugging "He aint gonna be talking to anyone soon...."


Luis pulled his gun from his waistband and turned and shot Bryan in the head.. ending his suffering before shaking his head and scoffing at Joe

"I told you to get information out of the guy dammit, not just torture him.. Fuck Joe!.. Clean this shit up I don't want to hear about it any further and if some government panzies come after us because you didn't do as your told.. your gonna be the one hanging from the hook Joe!" Luis said as he stuck another cigarette in his mouth and left the building. Joe sighed and began cleaning up the mess.. the dam guy was dead was he not...

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It was the last thing for Clown to do was to help the Iron Wokers out so he brought to the strike loads of coffee and donuts to help them out..Clown feels this is bull for our american workers only want a fair contract. he talks to alot of unhappy workers,and say he will help in anyway he can to get this solved... off Clown goes when he sees the union president and talks to him about what needs to be done and clown goes to the pres. of the factory sits down and starts a conversation with him to help get this resolved...   the Clown gives him his side of concessions and the president of the factory..Promised the Clown he shall look them over and maybe we can settle this.Clown stand up and thanks him shaking his hand and off he walks back to tell some of the strikers..

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