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I explanation Started by: Wacktard on Jan 29, '08 16:08
The heart wants what the heart wants..

You made the decision you thought was right and you didnt live to regret it.

Nothing else can be taken from you..

Pours out some more liquor and walks away shaking his head at all the death
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Inhibitor steps out of the crowd and clears his throat

Emerson, if you find it necessary to critique someone's grammar, please make sure that yours is up to par. I have read your criticisms of Wacktard and they are chock-full of basic punctuation and (gasp!) capitalization errors. Your hypocrisy ruins any credibility you may have had.

Inhibitor walks back into the crowd muttering something about people in glass houses...
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Inhibitor...I like people like you because you only read half of everything and then make ignorant statements. We all make grammatical errors. Even if we have the best training, we still speak quickly and will find ourself making tiny errors here and there. However, as I have now stated twice in this thread alone, I do not look for perfection. Just a sign of intelligence...perhaps someone who can put a sentence together. Something Wacktard seemingly cannot (or could not, since he is now past tense) do.
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Emerson, surely someone as intelligent as yourself can understand how foolish it looks when you castigate an individual and then fall short of the standard yourself. It makes it very hard to take you seriously when you appear to be saying "Do as I say. Not as I do."

I do not expect perfection either; however, a wise man once told me: If you are going to criticize someone you better make damn sure your own nose is clean.
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47 steps out of the shadows to stand between Inhibitor and Emerson.

Why don't you two go home, relax, and read your thesauruses. Inhibitor, you could snuggle with your copy of "Elements of Style." You should both calm down and leave this poor dead bastard's corpse alone. Seriously, I understand that a body in the middle of the street will draw a crowd, but is it really necessary to poke it with a stick? Personally, I heard his last statement as "I: Explanation." I found it rather poetic.

47 slips back into obscurity."
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"A tad off-topic here, but Emerson said 'haha...I love the 'be positive guys approach here. Do you really think that I find you anywhere near my equal, or that I would actually take heed to what you have to say? Why would I waste my time posting another lame thread on the streets?' "

"Maybe it's just me, but I find it highly ironic that the person coming here and requesting that Wacktard learns to speak better can't even grasp the idea of how to speak properly himself."

Gianni paused before rolling off two examples

"I'm sorry, but this thread and post you refer to? I have no idea what you're on about..."

OOC - At least learn to grasp the basics of roleplay, incharacter and out of character before you come out criticising other people. Jesh.
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at least you're being straigthforward. You're giving an but irational reason, but at least it is understandable. You were a good man. Rest in Peace.
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Don't get on me about OOC-itis...seriously. I hate italics and people talking about stepping up on soapboxes or clearing their throats as the crowd turns their attention to the speaker. The streets are meant for role play; I understand that. But I am not going to take extra time, when addressing one individual, not the masses, to construct my sentences into an RP fashion.
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"See, even the above makes little sense...RP what now?"

OOC- Seriously, what does it say about you as a player if you don't even take the time to put something forward into an RP format. Lazy, doesn't really give a shit about the game, etc. I's say it's in your best interest to do it. Not necessarily all the italic shit, it's overrated, but just not using OOC terms. Difficult?
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(this is completely OOC sorry)

I would love to know why a thread about why someone has went rogue turned into a what to do and what not to do when being in the streets.

the initial point got a few good replies then after that the rest is just arguing with each other about what is right and wrong about the posts and other things.

the thing im most disappointed at, is I am not surprised at this at all.
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This Forum Is For 100% 1950's Role Play (AKA Streets)
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