Get Timers Now!
Apr 25 - 05:48:55
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Guess We Will Do It Ourselves Started by: Billy_Mastrosimone on Mar 08, '19 20:42

Time: Early Morning

Date: Late August (Same day as The Judge, some time after the events of Looking for a Fight)

Billy got out of the ambulance, and patted the side of it to let the driver know he was out. He watched as it sped off down the street knowing that medic had enough trauma for one night. Billy meanwhile, still had not solved the problem. He had a hell of a night though. Problem was, he needed to find both of his hands now, and fast. Explaining was never his strong suit.

He got into his apartment easily, despite having one arm all but useless to him and went directly to the phone to call Integra first. She needed to come as fast as she could and get his wounds treated before anything else.

He picked up the phone and dialed slowly, deliberately. It rang, twice, then there was a gruff male voice on the other end.

"Hey Jimmy, I know Integra's there, she told me that's where she was gonna be tonight. Do me a favor and put her on?... Yes it's Billy you bastard, now put her on the phone!... ... ... What the fuck do you mean she's NOT THERE?!"

He slammed the phone down on the receiver and sighed deeply. That's when he saw the light from the spare bedroom come on and he pulled his gun, training it on the hallway.


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Integra had told Billy the truth, she had gone down to the bar that was attached to the hotel that she had been kicked out of about a month or so ago. She liked the bartender and the man was kind and knew just how to make her drinks, not to mention one could smoke in the bar and not worry about greedy leeches trying to con some off of you. So she had been there, and she'd been there for almost the entire night, to the point that even the bartender here cut her off and told the man with her that she needed to go home.

It wasn't often that Integra allowed herself to get this level of drunk, but lately, she'd been having a hard time sleeping after everything that went on in Philly, and with the warehouse being raided recently, she was kicked out of the Hotel for running out of money... and partially because she'd slept with the owners grandson. Not that she'd known that at the time... god she really needed to stop drinking. 

After being cut off at the bar, Aaron, her ex-military guard had carried her out of there and gotten them a cab back to Billy's Apartment where he'd tucked her into the spare bed, before making sure the house was secure. He'd kept the light off for a bit to allow Integra to try and sleep for most of the night. He had just made some toast and a cup of coffee before taking it back to her room, leaving the food and caffeine there, knowing she'd probably need it at some point when he heard someone yelling and questioning who the fuck was in their house.

Aaron's eyebrows furrowed slightly as she kept his hand on his gun, listening for a moment before stating clearly in a no-nonsense voice, "Don Mastrosimone, is that you?"

At this point, Integra groaned as she slowly woke up, very clearly regretting all of the drinking done the night prior as her head was now a pounding mess. The light was not her best friend at this moment, but she could smell the coffee. It took a few moments before she finally got herself up and grabbing the cup of coffee, drinking it with welcome, not even caring that it was straight, black coffee. After a few sips, she finally glanced at her Bodyguard, Aaron, squinting at the light. 

"Who the fuck is yelling..."

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Billy made his way toward the spare room and saw Integra's bodyguard Aaron standing in the doorway.

"Yeah it's me, I need both of you, and also, anyone know where Kenzi is? I need her too, we gotta take care of some business and also, I got shot a couple times so I need someone to help me fix that."

He made his way then into the kitchen and to the emergency cabinet. He pulled out the sewing kit, the bandages, and his good scotch.

"Aaron, how good are you at stitching shit? The medic said I would be fine, clean wound and a grazing shot, but they are still bleeding even after he did his best."

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Aaron heard Billy's voice and relaxed before slowly opening the door, he was a large man himself, standing at about 6'5. He had a buzz cut that he'd kept from his military days, and looked like he had been through some shit. Which he had indeed, the man had gone through World War I and been honorably discharged due to an injury to his shoulder and his back. He could still do some work, like bodyguard work, but anything with heavy lifting and such, he couldn't do it. He had been working for Integra for a bit of time and enjoyed the work he was doing, especially since it had been hard trying to find a job anywhere else.

"Me, Sir? I've sewn myself up a few times..."

Integra heard her boss mention that he was shot a few times. Heading out to where she was hearing the voices, pausing at one part to put her hand on the wall as she felt a wave of dizziness, sighing softly before once again looking at Billy.

"What the hell did you say? How the fuck did you get shot... " She didn't look too happy as she drank some more of her coffee, trying to ignore the pounding headache as she raised her own voice, god she really was regretting all those drinks now, fuck.

Seeing that Billy had gotten out the medical supplies, she waved off Aaron before glancing at the larger man.

"Aaron, sent Mickael out to try and find Kenzi and have him bring her here safely... Jason and he should be in the stairwell somewhere."

She waited for the man to leave before turning her attention back to Billy, pointing at a seat as she went to grab herself more coffee, putting a pot on so she could make multiple batches.

"Now... care to tell me what the hell you were doing endangering yourself... again. Do you remember what you told me when Kenzi got shot... that you were done with this... that we had guys hired to do this kind of work... What the Fuck, Billy..."

She'd wait for him to sit down before working on focusing herself, already feeling the adrenaline running slightly through her bloodstream due to having heard him say he had been shot. She pulled out a needle and a piece of stitch, attempting to get the fiber through the eye of the needle before getting annoyed. It took her a few minutes before she was finally able to get the stitch attached to the needle so that she could sew him up. 

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Billy sighed, lifted the bottle of scotch and took a long pull out of it. Then he nodded to Integra that she could get to work.

"I was at that fundraiser. All I went to do was hire someone to do this thing for us, you know the... FUCK!... sorry, hurt."

He took another chug of scotch.

"Anyway, winds up that I didn't know the hitman was gonna be Aurora. You know Aurora Byrne. Isabella's kid. Well, we get to talking and I figure she's as good as anybody right? I mean, just look at her pedigree!"

He winced then. he wasn't sure if Integra had stabbed him hard on purpose or accident just then. He knew that the whole mafia royalty thing and the whole her being a real life royalty type kinda made her mad sometimes.

"So there were these guys there that tried to kill her. That's the long and short of it, they tried, they failed. I got hit. It was a one in a million chance that they were gonna be at this party! It was for the Governor for Christ's SAKE! OW! JESUS!"

He grabbed at his arm but Integra deftly batted his hand away to stop him. He knew he was being childish. She was helping and doing what needed to get done. He was being a baby about it.

"So I didn't go looking for a fight. A fight came looking for my girl, that's what happened. Now where the fuck is Kenzi?"

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Integra sanitized the needle first as she took a look at the grazing wound first, knowing that would probably be the easiest to sew up at the moment. She was quiet as she allowed him to talk, yet when he made the comment about Aurora's pedigree she seemed to 'accidentally' stab him as she went to put in another stitch. She had to take her time before her vision wasn't quite so steady and it was making this task just a bit harder to complete.

"The woman is not an animal Billy Mastrosimone... Do not talk about her like that. I understand you Americans are different in that aspect but just saying 'look at her family' instead of the word pedigree would be much more respectful."

She had shot him a slight glare before continuing on with the stitches. Integra wasn't the kind of person who really gave out sympathy when people did stupid things and got hurt, she would be the person to give out the tough love and remind you that you simply put yourself there...As she noticed Billy try to grab his arm, she smacked his knuckles with her fingers before shaking a finger at him and giving him a look, finishing the last stitch before tying them off, cutting the extra length off. Starting to apply a clean bandage to the area so that it would keep the dirt out of the healing wound.

"I don't want to hear the whining Billy... We talked about this. I hope you let this lesson get through that thick skull of yours. Maybe you'll learn to use cover next time and not get shot."

She gave him another before smelling the coffee and softening her reaction to him. "Coffee? Still trying to drink away this hangover..." She went to refill her cup with another round of straight black coffee. It wasn't the best tasting as she normally liked hers with some sugar, cream and a splash of whiskey.

"So... Aurora Byrne is your girl, hmm?" She raised an eyebrow as she ignored him asking where the hell Kenzi was. She hadn't known where the girl had gone off too either, but she was assuming that the small blonde had gone to her Fiance's house. "Kenzi probably went to be with Joey... I'm sure she is safe."

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Billy nodded to the coffee and then to the question posed after.

"Yes. No. Maybe. I don't know honestly. She said I was her steady guy to the medic, and then her dad was there and he took her home. It was all a mess."

He sighed and dropped his head onto the table letting the weight of the day fall off of him into his apartment.

"You're right though. I gotta be smarter, and more careful about all this shit. I'm not trying to whine about it Integra, really not. I just have no idea what I'm doing here. I'm a big guy and I know how to make money. I don't know how to boss people around though. Not like you do. You're real good at that stuff. I'm not, that's all."

He nodded when she slid him a cup of coffee.

"Thanks. So talking about being smart, I want to wait till Kenzi gets here, but we still have a Paulie problem. I don't know what else to do about it. I don't want to give up the warehouse, but maybe it's the way to go."

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From outside, the sound of a motorcycle engine echoed off the surrounding buildings, causing the windows to rattle. In a moment, the engine was killed and the street was quiet again. The hallway outside Billy's apartment, not so much. 

Kenzi's boots slapped hard against the marble floors as she sped to his door. She barely had her helmet off by the time she reached the guard outside.


The guard sort of jumped, not expecting such a demanding sound to come from the tiny person in front of him, but he did as he was ordered. Kenzi burst inside and dropped her helmet on the floor, looking in all directions frantically.


When her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw Integra standing beside Billy at his kitchen table. A bottle of scotch stood near him, nearly half gone, and a pile of bloody gauze littering the floor. But he was sitting up- alive. Kenzi let out a heavy sigh of relief, her shoulder slumping down and her head dropping for a second.

"Jesus Fucking Christ on a cracker. What the hell happened? Mickael showed up out of nowhere and told me Billy was shot and Integra needed me right away. That's all. Nothing about whether you were alive, nothing!"

It was rare to see Kenzi angry, but she was almost there. Almost. She looked back behind her, where Mickael was just now making it to the door. The look on her face could have melted him where he stood; but Kenzi turned and ran to hug Billy's neck.

"You're ok, right?"

Her eyes softened for him. From daggers shooting toward the guard to a look of worry for the man who had become her brother. It had taken her two months to recover from the shooting at the dog fighting barn, and the whole ordeal scared her enough that she was determined not to see anything happen to him or Integra. They were her family, and that meant more to her than anything she could have ever had.

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Integra listened to Billy quietly as she continued to drink her coffee. Her head was still pounding, and the lights were starting to give her a migraine, but she was awake and ready to go. The adrenaline rush from earlier had died away and things were calm for now, her vision still swirled slightly from the mixture of the migraine and being just a tad still buzzed. Thus, coffee was her fix… god, she probably wouldn’t drink for a while after this… because drinking what she had and then finding out there was still a Paulie problem… oh did she want to beat a little mother fucker. She shook her head when he told her she was really good at bossing people around, wanting to tell Billy he was wrong in that aspect.

“That’s where I disagree Billy, you’ll have to let me tell you what happened in England before I came here. I might be able to help make some decisions and know how to delegate work, but I would never say I’m good at bossing people around…” As her words trailed off, she wondered if there was a lesson that she was missing… she knew people were going to die in the rough line of work… it was just bound to happen when people were either trying to constantly shoot at you or hiring people to kill you.

She shook her head slightly, grimacing at the spinning of the room when Kenzi burst in, Integra said nothing as she watched the woman who was like a sister to the both of them. Hearing her explain what Mickael had done, Integra could help but chuckle softly. “Mickael, why would you do that to her.” She shook her head again, regretting the decision immediately once more as she put her arms on the table and rested her head on top of them, raising one to wave at Mickael. “Could you make some more coffee please?”

Glancing back at both Kenzi and Billy, the young woman smiled softly, it was a good family, and she was glad to have both of them in her life, even if one of them was doing stupid shit and getting hurt… which frustrated her to no end but she still loved both of them.

“He was an idiot… and he was waiting for you to explain about the warehouse… and a rat problem.”

Mickael glanced at the other two, offering them Coffee before pulling out the correct amount of mugs, having taken the mug from in front of Integra so he could refill it once the coffee was done.

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Billy nodded.

"I'm fine, Integra's right I was being dumb, but I just didn't expect anything bad to happen at a fundraiser."

He slid his chair back and kissed Kenzi on the cheek, he golden hair being the only part about her that seemed exposed and shining as she normally did.

"You cover up real well when you're on the bike, I'm glad, less exposure in case you fall. Smart girl."

He used his foot to kick a chair out for her to sit in and then began his advice.

"So I've learned a couple of things. Sometimes we are going to be in danger and there's nothing we can do about that. That's what guys like Mickael and Aaron are for. Guys like Charlie and Ricky for me. I'm still going to rub elbows with people and build our influence, but I'm going to keep my guys with me from now on. You should both do the same."

He nodded his thanks to Mickael for the coffee and then continued.

"As for the warehouse. I'm prepared to give it up, but I don't want to. I'm going to get a couple of eyes to stake out the FBN headquarters in the city. There's a nice little coffee shop nearby, and nobody should suspect folks just sitting, drinking coffee and reading the paper. Once we get a bead on Paulie then we can have a sit down and figure out our next step. Sound good?"

He looked to Kenzi.

"Integra was already sleeping here, so if you are gonna stay, let me know so I can get comfy on the couch. Otherwise, go home to Joey and I will see you in the morning."

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With Billy's reassurance, Kenzi relaxed and sat down to listen while he explained the plan moving forward. Glancing over at Integra, she gave a slight chuckle.

"Tegs, you look like you hit the bar tonight...head first." 

Finally, she stood and pulled her riding gloves back out of her pocket.

"No, you sleep in your bed. I'm just glad to see that you're alive and not nearly as bad off as I was led to believe."

She shot one more look at Mickael, then gave him a wink. 

"Both of you rest, I'll be back late in the morning- I'm going to pick up my wedding dress from the seamstress first thing!"

Her eyes sparkled as she reached over and mussed Billy's hair. She patted Integra's shoulder gently so as not to jostle her too much, and then pulled on her gloves as she walked to the door. Weston handed her the helmet and took his keys from his coat to follow her home in the car. Before she walked out the door, she looked back over her shoulder at the two at the table. That was her family sitting there. The best big brother anyone could ask for, and a big sister that she adored and looked up to. Her smile widened a bit, then she turned and headed for her bike.

An early spring shower caused the streetlights to leave a dim reflection on the pavement. Kenzi looked in both directions before leaning slightly to pull the bike onto Cherry Street. It was nearly 3 a.m., and the streets were nearly empty, aside from a few delivery trucks doing their morning deliveries. Under her helmet, Kenzi yawned as she rolled to a stop for the traffic signal at Cherry and 125th Avenue. She never caught the signal on green. Planting one foot on the ground, she sat back on the saddle and waited for the light to turn, watching the lights glint off her engagement ring.

"You sure this is the right way?"

The heavyset man in the passenger seat glared at the driver.

"Yeah yeah, I know this area real good. We take a left on 125th, then it's four blocks down.  I'll do the thinking, you do the driving, huh?"

With a sigh, the driver rolled his eyes and pressed the gas a little harder.

"You know, I'm not as dumb as I look, Paulie."

"Ha, I beg to differ, my friend. Now put your eyes on the road."

"Hey, I'm not the one who-"

Paulie glanced up and shouted.


The traffic light turned red, but the slick streets made it hard for the delivery truck to grip the road. The driver slammed on the break, but nothing happened. That's when the motorcycle appeared. The truck driver went wide-eyed and pumped the brakes again, only to skid, slamming into the side of the motorcycle. The weight of the truck sent it spinning sideways, pulling the motorcycle and its driver underneath. The truck tires hit the curb, and tipped over, finally coming to rest  on its side on the sidewalk.

Weston flew into to the diner, nearly taking the door off the hinges on his way in. 


The startled waitress pointed to the counter. With hands trembling and gasping for breath after running, Weston dialed the last number he wanted to call right now. As the line rang, he shut his eyes, trying to stop the tears. 

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Integra couldn't help but show a crooked smile as she chuckled slightly at the young blonde. "Yes.... yes I did... quite hard..." She smelled the coffee and smiled as she took the fresh brew, feeling better with each cup of lifeblood that she was drinking. Hearing Kenzi mention that she was going to see them in the Morning, Integra pushed herself up as she walked up to the younger woman to give her a hug from the side, glancing down at her before ruffling Kenzi's hair slightly. 

"Love ya Kid, you get home safe, alright?"

 She had wished Billy goodnight as he headed to bed, Motioning for Mickael to take off for the night so he could go home to his girlfriend. Aaron was like Integra and hadn't had anyone when they met, so he never minded the staying late at night. Jason was still in the hallway playing cards with Martin as the two listened out for anything while quietly talking amongst themselves.

Integra was on her fourth cup of coffee and slowly switching herself over to water to make sure this migraine would go away, she was planning on staying out of the bars for quite some time after tonight. Hearing the phone go off shortly after 3 am though, was not what she had in mind. She knew Billy was probably still sleeping so she reached over to pick up the phone, cautious as she answered it. Though the Adrenaline rushed through her veins like a shot as she heard the voice on the other side of the phone. She steadied herself against the kitchen counter as her eyes widen. With a shaky voice she asked the man on the other end to just repeat what he had said.

The sound of a mug falling and crashing on the floor echoed in the quiet apartment building, causing the two guards outside to burst into the room, weapons drawn as they noticed Integra sitting on the floor, with Aaron at her side as she tried to come to terms with what she had just heard. It was Aaron's voice that snapped her out of the dreaded past that she was remembering and helping her up before taking the phone from her, giving out orders.

"Secure it... whoever was responsible, make sure they don't leave... and for god sakes... keep people away.... We'll be there soon."

A slap could be heard that turned Integra's face slightly as Aaron grabbed her shoulders and forced her to focus and remember what she needed to do. She touch her cheek that was stinging slightly before forcing herself to come together now as she turned and raced to Billy's room, turning on the light. Her voice was wavering as she called out to the man that was like a brother to her. She couldn't quite tell him yet, because she, herself, didn't want to believe things...meanwhile, Aaron seemed to get everything else ready for what would be needed.

"Billy! Billy!.... It's Kenzi... we gotta go...C'mon Billy!"

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Billy stirred.

"No Kenzi. She let me sleep in my bed, she went home."

He turned over in his blankets and then, like a gyser he was bolt upright. It was the tone in Integra's voice that had done it. He stared at her for a second.

"What happened?"

It was a simple commanding ask, but he didn't wait for a response as he jumped out of bed and got dressed. No suit, no tie, none of the bullshit. Jeans, and a white t-shirt and out the door he was going. He slipped a pistol into the back part of the waistband of he jeans before fleeing from his room and down the hallway.

"Fucking move it boys, did you not hear shit? Get your shit and get the fuck out of my way."

With that he made his way down the stairs of the building two at a time yelling back to Integra.

"Well, what happened? Who was it, and what did they say?"

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Integra watched as he bolted up and stared at him, she was sure she looked a mess, the emotions flashing in her eyes were all over the place and they Blue eyes watered slightly before she followed closely behind Billy. She didn't feel like herself and felt like her body was moving on it's own. In fact she felt like she was surrounded by darkness and just screaming into it with no sound coming out. God, how could she tell him... they had just seen her not that long ago... this couldn't be true.. could it?

Hearing Billy demanding to ask what had happened, she tried to tell him, but found her throat tighten up each time she tried. It wasn't until they were in the car, Aaron and Charlie up front with the others following in a car behind them that she looked to Billy, the first tear falling as she spoke in a wavering voice that cracked slightly at the end.

"Weston called.... he said.... he said she's....." She cleared her throat as she tried again, her voice just barely a whisper. "He said she's gone...a truck at a stop light..."

The weight of her words felt like they cracked through the air like a gun being shot in total silence. 

The second tear fell as she tried to look at Billy. She'd never been anything more than the stoic right hand of his family, the rock... and this felt like it had shattered even her... Not long after the car came to a stop at Cherry and 125th Avenue and Integra felt like she couldn't move her own body, as if the thought of what was here terrified her.

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Billy rode in silence until the got to the scene, and he saw it. The truck overturned, a white sheet on the ground stained in blood with just the hint of golden hair peeking out from underneath it. it was the only thing his eyes focused on in the streetlight. There was no sound, no noise coming from anywhere.

Then suddenly.

"Boss. He's over there. Driver's dead, but we got the passenger. It's..."

Billy growled at the man in front of him which made the guy start again.

"Paulie, Paulie was with the guy."

He turned back to Integra, he knew she was upset, but he didn't know which way she was going to go with it. Was she going to go the angry route, or had this really broken her to her core?

He nodded toward Paulie. A question he did not need to ask, but a question nonetheless. He watched as Integra's face relaxed a bit, and then a flash of anger crossed it. She stormed off toward the guy who was slumped next to a wall with a gun seated comfortably at his temple.

Billy, turned back to the messenger.

"Ray, you and Greg need to search the rest of the truck, back front, everything top to bottom and make sure we know what the fuck was going on."

He watched as the man nodded and obeyed. He, meanwhile went to his own trunk and pulled out a red container. He slowly popped the top open and began to pour onto the truck as the men scrambled around inside searching. He was quick, but deliberate about it. He knew eyes were on him, specifically Charlie and Ricky's. That's what they were trained for, to keep their eyes on him. After tonight, that was going to change.

He tossed the now empty can to the side, and drew the pistol from his waistband, opening the back door of the truck. He lowered the gun and pulled the trigger, four times in quick succession.


Weston had begun to speak, but stopped as Billy turned the gun toward him.

"No no, it's lesson learning time."

he lowered the gun and looked into the truck at the two men whose kneecaps he had just severely hindered.

"Gentlemen, you had one fucking job. Explain to me how it is that I'm supposed to trust you ever again with doing that job."

He didn't wait for an answer.

"I can't. It's simple. I just can't. You failed, you were both there. You could have done something, but you were busy, or stupid. I can't trust guys who are stupid, and I really can't trust guys who are too busy to do the job right."

He watched as they began crawling toward him to escape the vehicle. He swung the pistol down at Ray, knocking out a tooth as he connected with his mouth. Blood spurted from his lip and the man spat at Billy's shoes. That was enough for Billy. Any hope that these men had of being spared was gone now. That was just disrespectful. They had fucked up, and they had the gall to spit at him?!

Billy slammed the door shut and pulled out his lighter, flicking it on. He tossed it into the puddle of gasoline and watched as the liquid turned to a bright light in the darkness of the morning. The flames quickly eclipsed the light of the street lamps. Billy slipped the pistol back into his waistband and pulled out two Cigars from his jacket pocket. he left the third in there for whenever Integra finished. He put one in his own mouth and handed one to Weston.

"You are lucky you weren't here or it would be you in the truck. You know that right?"

He asked this rhetorically as he lit his cigar with the ever-growing flames. He could hear now the two men screaming from inside, but he had locked the door when he shut it. Their screams were only going to help to suffocate them faster.

"There is no next time for my little sister. If you're lucky Weston, there's no next time for your either. Just in case there is though..."

Billy leveled his gaze at Weston.

" ram the fucking truck first."

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Integra honestly couldn't remember much once they got there, but she had looked up at Billy once she heard the name that she loathed. She could feel the anger clawing at her from the inside like a wild beast stuck in a cage, desperately trying to escape. With that single nod from Billy, everything fell from Integra's face, her eyes even dulled a little as she started seeing red creep into her vision and could tell that the wild beast was just seconds from breaking out of the cage.

She made her way over to Paulie and didn't even realize she had socked him right in his face, knocking his head back against the brick wall before shoving him against it and gripping the front of his shirt tightly.

" are going to pay for this.... for everything."

The man's eyes were wide as he stared at the woman in front of him. There was nothing in her eyes... it was the look of someone who had something very precious ripped away from them. He dropped to the ground as he stared up at the woman, shaking as he heard the words come out of her, and no emotion in it at all.

"Take him out to the farm near Essex... the one with the underground shed... where no one will hear him. Keep him tied out there until I get out there. Call Alex and Kyle take him out there... I need you and Martin here, Aaron."

With that the man was dragged away punched out by one of the guards so he would stop struggling and screaming.

Turning and heading back to Billy, Tegs had a cigar between her lips as she searched for a lighter, but not finding one as she cursed before looking at Billy, frowning.

"You're bleeding again...."

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Billy looked down at his arm and saw the very same.

"Shit. Either you're bad at stitching, or I should just go to the hospital."

He watched as Integra was not even remotely amused by what he had said.

"Fine. I'll go, just gimme a sec."

He walked over to the sheet on the ground and stared at it. He wasn't sure if he could handle it. If he could actually look, or if it was going to scar him for life. And that's when he decided. He needed to see for himself. He peeled back the sheet and watched as some of skin and blood clung to it. He felt like he was doing it to his sister himself. He felt like it was all his fault.

It was all his fault.

If he wasn't so merciful the other day. If he hadn't let Paulie live, none of this would have happened. Pauile wouldn't have gone to the feds. The warehouse would have never been raided. Billy wouldn't have had to go to that party and get shot. It would have been a night like any other night and Kenzi would have gone home a whole hell of a lot earlier. Not here, and not half an hour ago. At the wrong time.

It was all his fault.

He replaced the sheet on the ground and then stood up, turning to his bodyguards he nodded toward Charlie. The man then moved to start the car.

"Tegs, you take care of this real quick and then go take care of that scumbag alright? I'll call Joey from the hospital."

He went back to Integra then and wrapped his arms around her. It was a show of emotion that the two of them never let each other see. And he could feel some of the weight lift off each of them. This was it now. It was just the two of them in the darkness of the early morning. Both knowing full well that there was nobody else left. This was all the family they had now.

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