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A Bar Room Brawl Started by: Pablo on Jan 18, '11 20:19

Pablo was having a bad day. His loan sharking operation had gone tits up. He wasn't sure what went wrong, but just as everything was coming together nicely, it suddenly all fell apart. The cops had raided the office they were operating out off. After a brief shoot out he had managed to escape, so had most of the gang, but a least one had been sent down. The day had not been a total right off, the couple of drug deals he had been working came to fruition and the couple of post office's and the bank he'd knocked off had been successful. But the bust on the loan sharking operation had left him in a fowl mood.

After fleeing the cops he'd found himself in a unfamiliar part of town, with no transport, he'd had ditched his car, the cops would be on the look out for it. All he wanted now was a drink, so picking up the pace, he went in search of a bar.

He had been walking for 20 minutes now, and as a gust of wind lifted the hat from his head and carried it of down the side-walk, Pablo cursed under his breath.

"For fucks sake."

Being in no mood to go chasing after it he lifted his collar, buried his hands deep into his pockets and carried on walking. Arriving at the next junction he finally saw the lights of a bar just down the street.

The place was more crowded than Pablo would have liked but it would have to do, he was fed up with walking. Pushing his way through a few groups he found a empty spot at the bar. After 5 minutes he eventually got served. Knowing he would never get a table in this crowd Pablo stayed put. Leaning with his back against the bar he surveyed the crowd as he sipped his drink. Suddenly one of the men from the group next to him, stepped backwards knocking into him, causing him to spill his drink down his jacket and trousers.

"Jesus, fuck" exclaimed Pablo.

He tapped the man on the shoulder, who glanced briefly at him then carried on joking and laughing with his friends.

"Excuse me"

Pablo pushed him on the left shoulder, he stumbled forward slightly into his friends, then turned glaring.

"Hey man, you spilled my drink"


"Well don't you think the polite thing to do would be to apologize and offer to buy me a new one?"

"No." The man said as he squared up to Pablo.

Pablo stood his ground and after a couple of seconds the man stepped back, looked him up and down, then turned back to his friends. Just as he did so Pablo noticed something in his eyes, and a change in his stance. He suddenly span round, his arm extended, his fist heading for Pablo's left cheek. He ducked quickly, laying a right fist into the man's gut, quickly followed by a left, raising smoothly he finished the combo with a upper cut to the man's jaw. He careered backwards into a table of mobsters. As they all stood quickly scattering there chairs, avoiding glass' and flying bottles, a couple of the mobsters grabbed the man. Pablo glanced back to the group the man had been with, some of them headed over to help there friend, one of them picked up a bottle from the bar, turned and hurled it at Pablo, quickly he dived out of the way, the bottle flying past him.


Pablo thought to himself as he was on the floor.

"This is going to turn ugly, maybe its time to leave."

He then saw some guy a few feet away, staring at him, grinning and cracking his knuckles. Standing up Pablo saw the group of revellers were in a full on fight now with the mobsters, he could also he shouts and curses from across the bar as the fight seemed to be spreading.

Brushing himself off Pablo braced himself as the man came at him....

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I hope you teach these guys a lesson. Common old muck should know not to mess with us mobsters or things will get ugly.

Datsik walks away feeling tough and impressed at the way that man could tell a story.

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