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The Next Revolution Started by: AbsolutelyFabulous on Aug 12, '19 02:11

AbsolutelyFabulous and his absolutely fabulous RH in history watch all the soapbox themes flop. We both agreed to meet at the coffee shop that was exclusivley for family only. We concluded after three short coffee meets, we agreed some research was in order. There is an old saying if it isn't broke, don't fix it. We concluded some fixings are in order. My RH left the meet and came back with some astounding information. 





I started at 110 day old mobsters  and scrolled through mobsters until day 9 days old.
I am seeing at least 65 mobsters either inactive or simply portraying cl's to be a busy family.   (30-40 day old earners, 20-30 day old goombas, 15-20 day old gangsters either slackers or checking in randomly and not doing jack shit.
Saw a number of people like us trying to get work only to retire.  It seems there are quite a few people on the sidelines watching for this continental dictatorship to end. I can't believe luis actually admitted PH controlled it all in that thread. It looks like people are catching onto the shell theme though. That little LA experiment was PH controlled from the start. PH planted leaders from cities, sent their loyal ones there and now luis has stepped in and took PH control of it.

I know you want me to get back to work and rogue if neccessay but I'm not wasting my time. This monopoly is out of control. All these GFs is BS. I mean, really, one for each district? STUPID! Fuck districts. This is more like gangs running different parts of town not the hard core Mafia we are accustomed too. I rue the day districts were brought into this way of life. Mainly because of what it's done to the our world.  All these fucking Godfathers. There is one GF and if a mobster wants to be GF they ought to pop to takeover. Did I say all these fucking GFs is STUPID? Kill em all and reinstate 1 per city FFS! Also, I do understand your position on LFs. I used them to benefit the crew. These mobsters don't do that. It could easily be eliminated since as you said so many spots are left empty and only used for the gun boost during takedowns.

While I'm in what's stupid mode all these durden spawns allowing people to build extremely fast is STUPID. They should be limited to one every 2 weeks. Now all people want to do is kill durdens. Reel that shit in and force these lazy fucking leaders to actually interact, create contests for their families to keep them busy. Maybe they would actually TEACH people how to work. (heaven forbid.) I can't count the number of people who asked me questions about this life.. People who have been around awhile. PEOPLE WHO ARE/WERE hands! FFS This world has just gone to shit. 
I am seeing at least 65 mobsters either MIA or propping up family numbers (30-40 day old earners, 20-30 day old goombas, 15-20 day old gangsters either MIA or checking in randomly and not doing jack shit here.
Saw a number of people like us trying to get some work, retiring, and returning.  It seems there are quite a few ppl on the sidelines watching for this continental dictatorship to end. I can't believe luis actually admitted PH controlled it all in that news thread.. It looks like people are catching onto the shell theme though.

That little LA experiment was PH controlled from the start. PH planted leaders from cities sent their loyal ones there and now luis has stepped in and took PH control of it.

Here is a concept to ponder. Maybe they would actually TEACH people how to work these streets. 


AbsolutelyFabulous welcomes all 



Insults will be perceived as a sign of weakness.


AbsolutelyFabous has a drink awaiting

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I’ll do my usual check in 15 days to see how this turns out.
Report Post Tips: 3 / Total: $60,000 Tip

Takes a sip of coffee while reading and spits it all over the place as I begin laughing. Nothing truer has ever been posted!

This is Absolutely fabulous! The coffee shop talk summed up to a T! It's repeated just as we repeated it.

FFS get your fucking acts together and clean this place up!

Cleans up the mess and goes back to sipping coffee wondering what tonight's topic will be. Who the fuck needs these filthy,infested, corrupt coffee shops around here when we have our own!

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Here is a perfect example of what we discussed in our family coffee shop meet. Not only has this mobster accused me of being Harry, she displayed what rank whores do best. "Paranoia" 


Then they had the audacity to block me.


To: BabyFace
From: AbsolutelyFabulous
Sent: Aug 12, '19 04:12

Interesting response as well as the one that said I was Harry.
Dumb ass shit
To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 04:10
Ohhh I noticed he retired not sure what happened to him but I am sure like many he got passed over.. A lot of people have left because of upper ranks don't want a threat to come along and take them out so they get rid of them before it happens..
To: BabyFace
From: AbsolutelyFabulous
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:49
No! I am not Harry! But we were talking about Harry last night. He did get screwed. Another issue on these shores.
To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:15
Ahhh hi Harry....
To: BabyFace
From: AbsolutelyFabulous
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:13
I know you have. Yet you got this dire need to be ranked up
To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:11
well that's good don't like seeing people killed for no reason been there enough times to know how it feels
To: BabyFace
From: AbsolutelyFabulous
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:07
Not at all. I am way to good to be caught up in any of this hands across America theme. I was elsewhere.
To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:06
Oh thats good.. You must of been caught up in the Chicago melt down then
To: BabyFace
From: AbsolutelyFabulous
Sent: Aug 12, '19 03:05
TBH the weekend was fabulous. ;)
To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 02:58
lol must of been a rough weekend. And I see your talking to my boss sooo on that note I will hush :P
To: BabyFace
From: AbsolutelyFabulous
Sent: Aug 12, '19 02:54
You got a couple hours and I'll tell ya all about it
To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 02:52

Hey how are you?
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AbsolutelyFabulous realized she left out the gran finale. My bad. I was having a cocktail with a local mobster.  



To: AbsolutelyFabulous
From: BabyFace
Sent: Aug 12, '19 04:14

Wow its people like you that make this game that way. Always saying crap like someone owes you something all it will do is get you killed so with that I end this Conversation
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Viability winks at AbsolutelyFabulous

At least you didn't spill your drink dear. That would have been a tragedy!

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AbsolutelyFabulous sends a wink back @ Viability

I did damn near choke on my drink when @ BabyFace shut me out. 


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Garou walked to the middle of the street, small stool in hand as he placed it down. Using his hand to slowly move the base of his coat, he took his seat and opened a case on the floor next to him, removing his violin.

He then began to simply... play.

A classic, one of his favourites, Bach – Chaconne, Partita No. 2. A true masterpiece.

A number of people in the crowd stood to watch as he moved his fingers elegantly across the strings and gracefully swayed the bow as the melody continued.

When the tune finally came to an end, he allowed the moment to settle before opening the case once more and returning his prized possession back to its home.

I felt it necessary to play this melody for you.

Having listened to your speech out here today, the fact that about three quarters of the way through, I appeared to enter some form of paradox where I heard you repeat the same words which you began with, I wondered if you had somehow managed to drink just a little too much before gracing the crowd with your presence.

You reference many things and talk about coffee shops. You seemed to not notice however that Jimmy the civilian at the back of your group, he’s there with his finger up his nose and smiling as he discovers he found a good one. That he then proceeds to spend the next 10 seconds looking at it before wiping it onto the jacket of another with a grin on his face, being so proud of this event and how he believes he got away with his moment of mischief.

This world has never and will never operate in this fashion, you should know this. Revolutions never happen by someone coming out to the streets and demanding it, let alone someone of such a young age. As the saying goes, if you seek change, put in the work to make it happen instead of relying on others to do it for you. You strike me as someone who has the ability to do that but maybe the alcohol is too prominent at the moment.

Resorting to dragging private conversations out into the public eye is a cheap underhanded tactic and does nothing for your speech except show a clear lack of dignity and pride for your own actions.

If you like to talk in front of the masses, you had an opportunity to put those skills to good use and try to achieve something, an opportunity which many have sought to cash in on. If you want to come back with “Why would I do that only to die in x amount of time”, I would say that this defeatist attitude means you probably wouldn’t be the right person for the job anyway.

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Admiral stopped his morning walk as he heard a young mobster holding a speech in the streets. As the woman finished, the Admiral took his time to think if he should step in and speak for L.A. The woman had mentioned the L.A experiment and made a couple of comments on it. He then stepped forward and cleared his throat.

Good morning M'dam,

That little LA experiment was PH controlled from the start. PH planted leaders from cities sent their loyal ones there and now luis has stepped in and took PH control of it.

I would like to state that I was the one who stepped forward to take my chances in the L.A experiment. I had to state my case in front of Video (SEA) and Insta (DT). They took their time to see if I was fit to LEAD in the city. There was not a single moment that the GFC stepped in to alter my course. With the death of these two amazing people, Luis_Patangeli did the exact opposite of what you are stating now - HE BROKE OF THE CHAINS. Those chains are a metaphor for the rules set in place to give us the chance to learn! 

So let me be clear - are you willing to state that I am some kind of puppet? That I am 'controlled'? Make such statement and you will only show the world that you did NOT do your homework well.

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I must say. Your little rant was quite interesting and you seem to have some interesting point of view on things.

"Continental dictatorship" is the one I simply wanted to address. I thought it was no secret to many people that PH and the cities it has expanded into work closely with one another, in fact, many of the city leaders carry the fact they are affiliated with "A Patangeli Incorporated Company" still attached to the brand under their crew name.

Each city is ran by their respective leaders, I do not "dictate" what Wayne in LV does with LV, or Petah in NY.. But we all work together as a coalition, and one big alliance yes. That has not been a secret though?

Everything is still ran as a democracy. Each city gets a say on current events. This is called The Godfather council.. and if you want to change things, as Garou stated, put in the work and do something, and make it to the table yourself.. Calling for a "revolution" is just silly. Your basically asking others to do the work for you.. you must be a silver spoon fed kid, never had to work for a thing in your life.. atleast that's what your attitude tells me.
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A Continental affiliated democracy.

That would be a dictatorship. Cities have been wiped just so you can plant your people there. Interesting. Address something else oh great leader of the shell game. That was funny.

Do something about it eh? You systematically kill so no one can do just that.

Looks at the strings attached to AdmiralAckbar_ and just laughs. Thanks for the jokes. Video and Insta were old PH affiliates. They had strings as well. It was written that you would get auth. 

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I debated on responding to this. I really did. Mostly, out of confusion. Some of the post was in character, some out. I didn’t know which multiple-personality to use for this particular disorder.

However, I have to. It’s kind of my thing.

I wrote an in character thread recently about mafioso who fall and their blood coming to the shores to throw fits and complain and tarnish their own heritage and name. It was a good read. You should check it out.

Outside of that selfish plug, let me say this. Look around. We have flourishing families (families have always held onto IA’s to keep number size, there’s strategy in that when there’s not huge sign up numbers or lots of turn over through death) and to expand on no turn over, yes, there’s been a few takedowns to ensure business stayed on the straight path but for the most part death has been at a minimum. What does that portion mean? More growth opportunities for hard working men and women to make a living, a long living in a lot of cases and truly grow and flourish. The streets are alive with role plays, stories and now soapbox contestants. The business districts are some of the most active I’ve seen in quite a while. Players are working together not to kill every new face to keep them from becoming something but ensuring that new faces have a chance to grow into a role that they may eventually take on a role that fits the success of the whole and not just the individual.

We’ve had wannabe dictators in the past. Power hungry conglomerates that had to have the complete say over every move made. I think you misunderstand how this has worked. Yes, there are a few who are standing tall and prominent. However, they operate as a council. Decisions are made as a council. There is not a single tyrant looking to become the beat all end all.

I understand your frustration as you feel you were cut down too early or cut down unfairly. But this is the mafia, is it not? This is business, is it not? You think corporate take overs come without hurt feelings? Or John Gottis betrayal and hostile takeover of the Gambino family didn’t leave a bad taste in the mouth of many? At the end of the day however, it happens. You don’t like the opportunity to rank and live and work to achieve a spot in a group who operates like the real life mafia? Then why play? Or are you mad you’re not on top? The path is there. We’ve seen it in the opportunities taken ahold of by others. What is your issue?

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viability Have you ever even read the definition of a DICTATORSHIP... there is not a single mention of DEMOCRACY in it. Dictators do not have DEMOCRACY implemented in their "form of government".

Perhaps you need to go back to school, or just open Google? The answer is there for you..

What is dictatorship in simple terms?
A dictatorship is a form of government where one person or political party has the power to do whatever they want. The ruler is called a dictator. In a dictatorship, the individuals rights are generally speaking, suppressed.

So Wayne, Petah, Ackbar, Wilson, and Aladdin in DT have NO say in anything. I tell DT who to auth, I tell NY who they auth.. ROFL get real. The mafia has never been a dictatorship. It's always been governed by a council and will continue on this way.

Just because in the head of our organization does not mean I DICTATE what others do with their city.
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 It's my wish those who tipped and mailed me would come out and speak up.

The backlash, "Do something about it" is old and tiresome. I am not into jumping thru proverbial hoops and rings and overcome all obstacles when you know damn well there is a 1 and 100 shot. I have been there many years ago. You will always adhere to the shepherd and sheep mentality. How Does this compare to the Mafia life?

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Is the new game going to implement any one or all of the problems expressed?

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So Wayne, Petah, Ackbar, Wilson, and Aladdin in DT have NO say in anything. I tell DT who to auth, I tell NY who they auth.. ROFL get real. The mafia has never been a dictatorship. It's always been governed by a council and will continue on this way.

Luis guy can't even remember which of his meat puppets are currently alive. Aladdin is dead guy.

For those awaiting the revolution please continue to do it quietly, when people eventually turn on Luis be ready to hit the victors while they are weak or prepare for months more of this.

Luis I'll give you a hint as to how it all ends for you (& Kudos you have played a blinder to hold onto power so far after inheriting it by play Switzerland for so long) Wayne isn't a pay second fiddle guy. He will buddy up to you & when his guys are strong enough will stick a knife in your back in a heartbeat. Look at the guys history. Leopards...Something something...change spots etc...

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You guys are fake news.

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Please go congratulate Victor on his auth - I authed him.


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Didn't your mama ever teach you not to believe everything you read on the internet? Or not to tell lies? Oh, what about contradicting yourself?

lol go crawl back into your whole mercs.

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Nobody is surprised Victor is authed and you were ordered to auth him by luis

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