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May 19 - 11:52:14
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Yesterday Started by: a1capon3 on Feb 09, '08 19:01
Chicago has seen so much bloodshed over the last few months; it seemed acceptable to allow it twenty four hours to settle down before I made this speech.

I think it is fairly safe to assume some of you are looking for an explanation over the events of yesterday and the subsequent removal of Badass Inc. as well as the State Street Mob. Allow me to tell you of my reasons and the chain of events that led to my takeover of Chicago.

Oliver_McTavish, MolotovMcHugh and JohnnyAxe's personal relationship led to the death of several dear friends of mine. Oliver agreed to Molotov being removed. He was removed. Molotov wanted Oliver to 'go out with a bang'. Oliver wanted to make it look like he would, but really didn't want to, so arranged for JohnnyAxe to kill him. Alfieri then did 'go out with a bang' and killed, amongst others, our Captain, Mystery.

This stemmed from the ridiculous relationship and deception of those mentioned above. A good man and most of his crew died, which alone was enough for me to desire the removal of these individuals.

With Oliver dead, Johnny was the big dog.

This didn't sit well.

He then wished to auth one of his hitters, Krash, in a city rather than as one of his Captains. This seemed like a wild move to me and I certainly didn't want a Badass Inc. hitter receiving his own city. Therefore I did my best to make sure this didn't occur and his wish was vetoed by the crewleader coffeeshop.

Of course, being refused your auths can never make you happy.

So, we now have an annoyed Don, who had caused the death of one of our Captains. This alone was probably enough, but we waited, waited until we noticed his Consiglieres, who had done nothing with their guns for three months, began picking up kills. I received several statements from witnesses telling me that Keats had been killing off members of the crew for whatever reason.

Then, the final straw if you will, the volume of IAs saw his Consigs and even himself trying to take advantage. Why after so long would he begin training again? Would his ranks begin training again?

It was enough for me, to warrant his removal. I saw a chance, with his biggest gun, Wacktard, recently having gone rogue to avenge Sienna, leaving the once famous Badass Inc. hitsquad depleted.

Luki and I bought headquarters and we began removing the Badass Inc rankers and potential threats. Then we began to focus upon his bodyguards.

Most of you saw what followed; I killed JohnnyAxe, Nicolea and Belle, with many fallen on both sides including Cathy Parks and Luki. My condolences to the fallen and I hope, although I doubt, that the next of kin will move on with their lives.

For the short term at least, Chicago is under my control. I intend, as you may have already seen, kill anyone who is shooting the R.F.C. unsponsored. I warned all of the crewleaders about this yesterday.

Chicago is going to see some changes over the next few days. You will be briefed on any regarding the city that apply to you.

That is all for now, should you wish to shout and stamp your feet you may do so. It has however been known to be hazardous to your health.

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I can't speak to the majority of this but blaming the war on his consigs training again is a bit faulty to me.

First of all the pure volume means that they were bound to get some at some point. You put 70 inactives into the game in a day and everyone who has a gun is bound to get a few. This reasoning sounds like a bit of an overreaction meant to make people who were doing their job with their family feel guilty. Especially when people from your crew come out in the coffeeshops and claim it was "just a power grab"

Also does this mean that once you get to consig you aren't allowed to shoot anymore without bringing down everyone around you? Personally I was training throughout the month and suddenly we "just started up again". I don't expect you to get every WS but don't just because you didn't get them all doesn't mean it didn't exist.

With all that being said you did what you though was best for your crew along with the others so fair enough. I just don't appreciate the way you make the consigs of Johnny's crew out to be monsters of some sort.
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Most of you saw what followed; I killed JohnnyAxe

That is an totally backed up fact, however i did kill Johnny like the rumour we were potentially going to start.


*takes a bow*
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While a1capon3's reasons are his own and shared by others as well, let's face it, there were several other reasons for what happened yesterday.

While many people have already stated their opinion for the war being that "CP" wanted power, let's not forget Badass' push for power and the enemies they made along the way. We saw as Mr. McTavish betrayed SingWhileYoureWinning and we watched as Badass Inc. took down The Java Cartel, giving no public reasons other than a couple statements about secret conspiracies. Let's not forget about Sal_Giaquinto being shot and immediately setting up their own in his city.

As it's said, if you live by the sword, you'll die by the sword, and a lot of people died by the sword of Badass. You don't create a lot of friends that way.

All this being said, why would anyone in their right mind expect the same not to happen to them? Why shouldn't Cathy_Parks, M1st3r capon3, and the others worry about the same endgame? To ignore the actions of the past, regarding Badass Inc., would've been foolish, and thusly, no matter your opinion, my opinion, or the Pope's opinion on the matter, they did what they had to, to benefit their family...and at a great cost.
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Well, I have to say, and say it proudly, I've considered Mr. Axe as a friend of mine but still I understand the actions Mr. Capone took.

In his situation I'd have done the same and I appreciate that he cleared what had happened even I can't say I know for sure. Well, I don't even can, because I haven't been part of all this what happened.

I respect that Mr. Capone came out onto the streets and state his opinion, better said, his knowledge of the recent happenings, even if it's not a must, in my eyes.

To say it again, many people of the State Street mob I've called my friends and I'll never forget them, but I do undertand the actions which Ms. Luki and Mr. Capone took. He stood up to defend his family and he faught a good fight and he deserved auth and I wish him the best of luck.

I would've gone the same way to be honest. With that said I'll leave that discussion or that satement.

Sal Licata
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Rather a lengthy explanation tho eloquent when Luki herself was in the coffeeshops stating it was pure and simple a powerplay
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'Real power is taken not given'

So many people preach about this being the 'mafia' yet bitch when people act like mafioso.

How about we all agree to never have aspirations or fire another shot and all make GF and win.

That sounds fucking excellent if you question your a mong and will get herpes! send this onto 10 people or it will actually burn when you pee FYI! ! !
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Well of course, real power is taken, not given. I was just stating the obvious. A1capone3's speech was well written and eloquent with some very legitimate points other then also mentioning it was a power grab - which is all part of being in the mafia as you state. As far as burning when I pee - I don't but sounds like you must have personal experience with it? My sincere sympathies.
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Who says Luki's reasons were the same as a1capon3's?

Perhaps they had shared opinions, as well as differing ones that resulted in leading them to the same conclusions, and thusly, the same actions.
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did you have a point tittyana or...?

yes my piss fucking burns, have you never met kendra?
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What's done is done, it's time to forget about yesterday and build up a handsome retirement for tomorrow.
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Really now, I hope to God no one is going to question whether or not Red Fez did the right thing. It's good to see that there isn't the usual outcry from Civies that often happens. If there were, I'd have to brand "HYPOCRITE" on each and every forehead.

Unless you have been living under a rock, you know that Badass, Inc has been killing off any family that came close to them in power, for no other reason than to maintain a status as "top dog". They have been doing this for months. This takedown was long overdue. Maybe now we can return to the normal ways of intercrew relations, not those based on paranoia and tactics that would make Attila the Hun sheepish.
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I agree with Sal.
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As do I. He's very LCN by the way.
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The only statement here I have a real gripe with is Altair's. Good old A1 didn't blame this war solely on Don Axe's consiglieres training, that was one of many reasons he gave.

Despite my bloodline's affilations with those from Badass Inc and The State Street Mob, and indeed my personal friendship with Johnny, God rest his soul, I really can't fault the RFC on this one, the reasons Mr. Capon3 gives are solid enough for me, and even if they weren't; power grabs are standard procedures really.

On an aside, this speech is obviously going to be somewhat biased. A1 would be stupid not to put some sort of slant on it really, so you should all hush about that, but what do I know? I'm just a Goomba.
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Regardless of what people say now, my blood said all along that Johnny was a tool. I guess I was proved right.

yadda yadda, Thug running his mouth, blah blah. My blood said it when we had much more to lose hence why we're back down here now.
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