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Hows your weather Started by: CrossHair on Sep 27, '19 01:43
For winter it's not bad. Only about an inch onthe ground and it took 3 days of of and on snowing to get that much lol.
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Day Twenty. My cat is beginning to look at me like I'm a giant tuna fish. The supplies are holding up, except for the ice cream. The ice cream has been gone for over a week now. I almost ventured out through the tundra for another ration of Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough, but the winds were strong and the cold bitter. I decided it would have to wait at least another day.

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Weather is a bit drab. Cloudy with a chance of meatballs, not actually, but it is cloudy and dreary. Not a day for motivation and productivity I would say! Maybe tomorrow.

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Today will be another grey day, but the temperature will rise in the coming days. That means most probably more rain, but maybe also some sunshine.

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It's so cold in the D. How the fuck is we supposed to keep the peace? 

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It was super cold again today. We were under a cold warmiing for part of thte day. We hiit like -30 wind chiill. it wass bruatlly cold. 

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Cold, wet, windy, grey and miserable so typical British weather 

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It's very cold at the moment, and snowing. I hope it won't be there for long, especially when it slows down traffic and it makes it harder to get to work. Snow is better for a day off :(

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Was a nice day today the sun came out and melted a little snow. It is currently 16 degrees which come think of it is still pretty cold. January feels like it has 60 days in the month. 

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Weather is really nice compared to last year at this time.
A little bit of snow and minus 5 is a pretty easy winter
The mountains have a good amount and that is where it can stay.
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Just in case anyone is curious, y'all should check on your north Floridians, they're popsicles. It's 5:36 am & its 30 degrees outside. Glad to have been raised in New England to know wtf to wear outside.

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The weather is finally improving a bit and even the sun is showing up (a little). Temperature is getting better too. So maybe we are getting a few nice days.

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it's raining like crazy, it's foggy, it's mystical, it's witchy, it's pagan, it's ritual season, it's time to get freaky, it's kill a goat for the gods and dance around the pole time, i'm feeling pretty good

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Sunny. It's been sunny for over  a week now.

But even though it's sunny, it is also cold af. So don't let the sun fool you.

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Today's forecast is clouded with wind up to 25 knots from south west and temperatur around 6 degrees, later on it can be some sun.
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The weather here is looking as a normal summer afternoon. Dark clouds around, very hot and the humidity is killing us. It looks likely a storm is coming very soon so it might down the heat a little bit.

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pretty cold here. no snow anymore. Haven't seen snow in years. just bitter, bitter cold.

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I've commented about it being cold multiple times that's not abnormal. Today we were in the 30s in the next couple of days will be in the 40s and apparently will have a single day in the '50s in January the middle ....of ....well the beginning of winter kind of crazy

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Today i will have to go to dog training during lunchtime. It has been raining a lot this night, so hopefully it is dry when I have to go there.

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