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El empuje: Part II Started by: Estarossa on Oct 17, '19 01:10

"You're kidding, right? Your talking about taking on a fucking King, the National President of the Canadian Heavenly Host MCs. This is something that no one has done within years of our foundation, you want me to be involved in this!? It's fucking suicide! What is Bishop saying?"

All of the current people who knew of the hit on the 'The Angel' were gathered at his safehouse, a nice little countryside home that was already guarded by numerous Russian soldiers and soldiers of fortune. Men who were once loyal to his father and now passed that onto him, no one was getting him right now and for that he was grateful. 

"He wants no blowback to hit him or any of the Seattle chapters, as far as they know, they're staying out of it and that's fucking good from my view of things. If Seattle stays out, we have a different matter. The other west coast territories, places where no one would consider but right now, we have the right of it and we need this, we have this in the fucking bag."

Frankie Diamond was the one who spoke, a new prominent member of the Southside, Chicago chapter of the HHMC. He was a new guy but was loyal to the bone, someone who could be trusted with this thing that they were doing. He was the one with the connection to Seattle, his brother, Harry was the V.P for Bishop Alderado, National President of the Seattle Chapters. 

"So..Seattle is out, considering that Amell and Anders both run the respective chapters of the Las Vegas and Los Angeles HHMC. It's not looking like they would stay out, right now, they would side with the other. Out of the two, Amell is the one with the brains and Anders is the one with the muscle We have to get one of them ready for a future as a King."

Speaking into this conversation was Antonio Carillo, Vice-President of the Philly Chapter of the HHMC and the only one who knew the stance that Miano would take if this thing came to true blows. Out of everyone, Antonio had the most to gain and the most to lose, if he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar, then they were all fucked. 

"I say we press it. Amell is the one that got sponsored by Pack, Anders got sponsored by Amell. There is a chain there, we get Pack to see the truth of the matter and we get Amell, Sammy, and Antonio ready to be Kings in their own right."

Finally, Jury spoke in the conversation, showing that he was ready to do what needed to be done in order to save his club and his family from total destruction. He was doing this for his home, for the people that he called brother and sister. They were all here, around this table, ready to bring about the new era of the Kings, an era of three kings who listened to the way that the wind flowed. 

"!? I know I told you guys that I would stand with you but representing what you built, what Miano built, what the kings are building. I don't know if I am ready for that kind of responsibility. This life, it gives a lot and now I am ready to do what I have to in order to see it thrive. Only right now, I am not ready for the seat at the head of the table."

Antonio looked at Frankie, Jury and especially Estarossa. He knew that out of everyone, he had the most to gain and his life to lose. Just like he did, it was a pure chance that they ended working together, circumstances and the way that this life gave you opportunities to prove yourself, it was a bigger meaning than just this. 

"Brother, settle down. I have people in place if necessary to take your rightful position as President, Jury is one of them and Pack is another. One of those two will be brought over, via transfer to make sure that the MC remains whole and goes with what is right. This life is what we need, we all need it, our bread and butter, the outlaw life is all we know."

Antonio stared down Estarossa for a second, he knew there was something in how he said it. His rightful position, as if it should have been his many years before Miano had ascended and taken the position via a chapter vote. Even with Rosier taking the hit a couple of years back in a war, he had been the Vice-President then and people had urged him to take the presidency, wishing for a true and noble leader. 

"What do we do right now?"

Frankie asked into the silence that had befallen them since the words Esta had spoken, all of them thinking about the future for the MC and what their move would have in store for them.

"Until Pack makes the calls, we are nothing but sitting ducks, that means we have to act like everything is normal. We got to the club meetings, we make sure that every single one of us is available for the other, if it all goes according to plan, Mendoza won't fucking know."

Carillo is the one that spoke and with his power and weight as the highest-ranking officer among them. His word was taken by all of them as if he was a King. 

As all the others left, Carillo and Estarossa were the only two that remained for a while before Estarossa spoke with a soft but authoritative tone.

"Do not try to hide it, Carillo, I can see it and you feel it. You made a mistake when not taking up the presidency when Rosier went inside, people craved for you to go up and do it. It's the ones that don't want power, that often deserve to have it, I know this much. I went through it and the power was thrust upon me, soon enough, so will your long-awaited ascendency to one of the three pillars of the Heavenly Host."

Antonio made no sound or motion that someone would take to mean that he had heard them. No, he walked away and was left with thoughts of what could have been his. Leaving behind the founding angel and his own plans, knowing that he was one step away to giving his former club the life that they deserved, one that many craved to have. 

A life of power and influence, this is what he wanted for the Heavenly Host but he knew, he couldn't always get what he wanted in the end.

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