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Apr 23 - 15:04:05
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What Did I Do? Started by: Jal_Ja_Peno on Oct 17, '19 19:41

The day was cool as the warm temperatures from the long summer had finally been pushed away by the coming fall season.  After the first freeze a few weeks ago, many of the trees had started changing color to further reinforce the change of season.  Joe had worn a heavy wool shirt to work, but after a short time unloading the delivery truck by hand, he had stripped it off and had worked up a sweat, working quickly to complete the delivery and allow the next truck to back into place.  Joe had never been afraid of hard work and had always tried to do the right thing.  But mistakes do happen and today his life would change forever.

Shortly after lunch, his supervisor stepped from his office and yelled “Joe Fitzpatrick, come to my office immediately”.  Joe was surprised to hear his name called and even more so that he was expected to stop unloading.  As one of two dock handlers, he knew the importance of his job and took it very seriously.  Joe quickly jogged over to the supervisor’s office, stepping inside.  Ted Bishop had been Joe’s supervisor for the past three years and had always treated him fairly.  Ted looked up at Joe and said “Close the door and have a seat”.

Joe did as he was asked and noticed a large amount of the sound disappeared once the door closed, allowing a conversation without being forced to yell.  Ted took a long drag on his cigar before setting it down on the ashtray, blowing a cloud of smoke into the air above both their heads before continuing “Joe, they took Beth to the hospital a few minutes ago.  I received word from your neighbor.  Joe, I know how you are and I don’t want you to panic.  Just take your time driving over to the hospital.  It won’t be any help to Beth if you’re in the emergency room due to getting in a wreck or something.  Take the rest of the day off.  And Joe, Beth will be in my prayers.”

Joe sat there, staring at his supervisor, not believing what he had just heard.  Beth was the center of his world and why he worked so hard.  His co-workers had warned him that this day would come, but he was unprepared for the terror he felt.  He had always been her protector, from the time they started dating in high school until now, being married for five years.  And now he had completely lost control and could do nothing to help her.  And worse yet, he knew that he had caused this.  He had caused the pain and suffering.  He had put her in this position.

Slowly standing, Joe turned from his supervisor without saying a word and opened the door to the overwhelming rush of noise.  As he walked from the office, he looked around and saw several individuals watching him, their knowing eyes judging him.  They knew he had caused this also, and they had passed judgement and found him guilty.  Murmuring to himself, he said “God Beth, I’m so sorry”.

Walking quickly to his car and a few seconds later, he was pulling from the employee parking lot and heading down 3rd Street, toward the hospital.  He wanted to push on the accelerator and push the car to the maximum speed, but he remembered Ted’s works and took a deep breath to try and calm himself.  All he could think of was the image of his Beth from that very morning, kissing him goodbye as he headed out to work.  She didn’t have a care in the world and how she was in the hospital, possibly fighting for her life.

Parking his car near the entrance to the hospital, he quickly walked into the lobby and over to the receptionist.  After a quick check, the receptionist gave him directions to a waiting area near the location his wife was being cared for.  Joe asked “Ma’am, is she ok?”  The receptionist looked up and shook her head before saying “Mr. Fitzpatrick, you will have to talk with the doctor.  I really have no idea of your wife’s condition.  I’m sorry”.

Joe rushed down the hallway and into a small waiting room.  Adjacent to the waiting room was a wood framed doorway with a cross above the doorway.  Rather than taking a seat in the waiting room, Joe opened the door and entered the chapel.  The room was empty and a large cross adorned the far wall with the only lighting in the room focused on providing its illumination.  Joe slowly walked forward and knelt down on pads in front of the cross before lowering his head in prayer.  Quietly he said “Dear lord, please see to my Beth’s recovery.  I know I’m at fault lord and I know if it wasn’t for me, she would not be in this position right now.  But lord, I believe you know I’m a good man and would never put Beth or anyone at risk.  Please look out for her Lord, that’s all I ask.”

Joe knelt in silence for several long minutes before standing, tracing the cross on his chest, then turning to leave the chapel.  At the door, he looked back one last time at the cross and in his mind, hoped that he had been heard.  Pulling open the door, he stepped out into the brightly lit waiting room.  An older couple sat against the wall to his right, talking quietly between themselves as Joe walked over to take a seat on the opposite wall.

At the end of the waiting room were two large doors and a sign that said “Medical Personnel Only  A Nurse will check on you shortly”.  Joe was so filled with nervous energy that he didn’t notice that he was constantly wringing his hands, stopping only momentarily to brush back his hair that kept falling in his eyes.  He desperately needed a haircut, but that was the last thing on his mind as he waited.

After approximately 20 minutes of waiting, a doctor with a surgical mask on his face pushed past the doors and into the waiting room.  As he pulled down the mask he called out “Is Mr. Fitzpatrick here?” while looking in Joe’s general direction.  Joe jumped up and briskly walked up to the doctor, preparing himself for the worst and feeling his legs begin to weaken at the thought of losing his beloved Beth.

“Doctor, how is Beth?  Is she going to survive?  Oh god, please don’t tell me she’s gone!” was asked by Joe as his voice shook in worry.

The doctor squinted his eyes and stared at the distraught man standing in front of him, appearing to try and read Joe’s body language.  Finally, after several long seconds, the doctor responded “Mr. Fitzpatrick, you do realize why your wife is at the hospital, right?”

In a shaking voice, Joe responded “y..yes” as knew the doctor was now passing judgement for causing his wife’s need to visit the hospital.

The doctor, shaking his head again and with a smile on his face says “Ok, anyways Congrats!  You’re the father of twins…a boy and a girl.  They are just cleaning up your wife and you should be able to see her…….”  Joe didn’t hear the rest of what the doctor said as he passed out from the shock.

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