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What Kind of Leader are You-A SpiderPig Quiz Started by: SpiderPig on Feb 13, '08 01:26
It goes without saying that every family leader is different. Even from those with the same blood, goals, accomplishments, and sources of pride will vary greatly. No two leaders have ever gone down the same path--well, except maybe for all of the rogues who were shot within 5 minutes of setting up. But aside from them, each bold suit carries with it a story of a man (or woman) and his (her) ideals. Ever wondered what kind of leader you would wind up being? If you answered "yes," I'm here to help you with this short quiz. It's quick, easy, straightforward, and because it was painstakingly hand-crafted by me, your lovable neighborhood SpiderPig, you know it's sexy. So step right up, and try your bold suit on for size.

Disclaimer #1: To those ranked Made Man and above, do not actually purchase and HQ and try a bold suit on for size. Your ass will get shot, and I won't cry for you because you fail at life, and listening to common sense.

Disclaimer #2: To the extent of my knowledge, nothing like this has ever been done before. Therefore, it is to be understood that this process will not be perfect. Even the first draft of the Constitution sucked monkey balls. If there are changes that need to be made, we shall make them and try the sumbitch again. For now, consider this the beta version.

1. The majority of a leader's money should go into...

A. Bodyguards, and lots of 'em.

B. Upgrading the headquarters

C. Loans for family members

D. Family contests, general community contests, and the like.

2. Taxes are...

A. Essential for a family's survival.

B. A necessary evil

C. Needed for younger families, but pointless once stability has been achieved

D. Oppressive, and counteractive to the growth of the family and community in general.

3. A leader's street presence...

A. Is not nearly as important as his ability to keep his family safe

B. Should be strong, but a quiet leader can still be effective

C. Will be the way he is remembered long after he is gone

D. Better be one of the best in the community.

4. A leader's coffee-shop time should mostly be spent...

A. In his family's war room, helping with the hit squad

B. In the family room, chatting with his soldiers

C. In rooms like #divinelunacy, talking with everyone

D. Idling, as he spends more time in-game.

5. War...

A. Is an effective way of eliminating threats to your family

B. Is a necessary evil in this world

C. Should only be waged in response to an attack, but should be fought ruthlessly once that happens

D. Is pointless.

6. The proper way of executing a war is...

A. Scorched Earth. Let no man, woman, or child in the enemy camp remain breathing.

B. Kill the opposing gunmen and clean up anyone who might still be a threat, but let the younger members live.

C. Once the leader has fallen, cease firing right away.

D. Surgical strike. Aim only for the leader's bodyguards and anyone firing at your family, but leave everyone else alone, period.

Score yourself 0 points for every A answer, 1 for every B, 2 for every C, and 3 for every D. Add them up, and find where you fit...

0-3 points—Strict Minimalist. You believe that the best leaders are those who look out for their family's safety first. The best way to make a lasting impact on the community is to ensure that you will be around long enough to do so. The family is number one to you, and you will go to any lengths to keep them safe.

3-9 points—Moderate Minimalist. You agree with the principle that protecting the family is a leader's most important task, but you are somewhat scared by the lengths that a Strict Minimalist will go to to achieve these ends. You do not feel that enjoyment of life should be compromised in the name of safety.

9-15 points—Moderate Communalist. You believe a leader should aim to do something different, and be remembered. However, you do not believe in doing so at the expense of being unprepared and under-defended.

15-18 points—Strict Communalist. You believe that a leader is only as good as the good he does for the community in general. A leader is not so much a family head as a person with influence enough to make changes in our life. A Strict Communalist sees a leadership position as a debt that is to be paid to everyone else on the streets, and that those who worry only about themselves and their own members are unfit to wear the bold suit.
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Very interesting assessment, SpiderPig. I found myself in the Moderate Communalist range, and I have to say I think it closely represents my ideals and how I currently assist my family leader in the capacity of second-in-command. I'll be interested to see the scores of others in our community.
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I read that as communist at first and was psyched as it meant I would be more likely to get good vodka.


<-- Moderate Communalist
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1. A (Sad, but necessary in the status quo)

2. E - Necessary only if you house a bunch of greedy cunts who don't understand the collective benefit of donating.

3. D (If he isn't, someone will see him as expendable)

4. D (Coffee shops should be used only as a means to contact someone quickly when needed, not to play circle-jerk)

5. B

6. A (Better safe than sorry. Their lives mean fuck all.)

Total: 7 + E

Result: Supreme Swine Ruler of all Mankind
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Comrade Jerusalem, Vasily best Communist in all of America.
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Ok lets give this a go shall we,

1: B, A bigger HQ with more members means the family has a stronger overall defence, but since the HQ's are currently limited to 50 people most people who setup will go for the 50 man HQ straight away. There is also an option that has been missed out, buy bodygaurds for you hit squad rather than just yourself.

2: A, The family head has worked hard to get were he is & deserves tribute from the crimes you do, especialy when it is being in his (her) family that keeps you alive.

3: A, I'm not a very vocal person in streets & I don't belive it is required to be a good family head. My bloodline has been the head of a family before & while he was not very vocal either he had a very loyal familywho worked hard for him.

4: B, I belive it's important to be there for your family as much as possible, family first, family forever.

5: A, I'm not the sort who would go to war just because another family has been training their guns, but if I knew they were comming for me then they wouldn't last long.

6: This is a hard one, it depends on the situation. If my family is targeted & attacked then it's gonna be A, the other family head entered into war with me then he shall know he is risking his entire family. In the case of a takedown then B,

Total: 8 - 9 = A nice guy but if you cross me you'll know it!
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1: A. As the family only has a 50 man capacity, filling it up should be easy enough, and a CL is obviously always the head target in wars.

2: A. A. It's only fair seeing as that tag keeps you alive.

3: B. A quiet leader having things run smoothly in the background can be just as effective as a very vocal CL in the streets.

4: B. Learn to know your crew better.

5. B.

6. B. Some of the younger ones who don't know what's going on shouldn't have to pay for other's mistakes

<- Moderate Minimalist
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1 - D Bodyguards are great, but if you keep people happy and make more friends than enemies, you'll have less people shooting at you, and more people willing to stand up and defend you should that be needed.

2 - A Maybe taxes aren't completely essential to a family's survival, but they are still important nonetheless. A Crewleader can bring in a lot of money on their own, but that extra money from the taxes really helps so they can spend their money on contests for the community, and still have some left over for BGs if they choose to buy some.

3 - C None of these answers would be a wrong one in The Captain's eyes, but for him the choice would clearly be C. A person's words are what gets them recognized. Actions speak louder than words so they say, but the right words can make a dastardly act, seem innocent. The path to immortality is through remembrance, and the path to remembrance is through your words.

4 - C The correct answer is D, but The Captain'd be lying if he said he followed that path. The Captain likes to talk, so the more coffeeshops he can frequent, the better for him. Besides, all work and no play makes The Captain a very dull boy, and The Captain'll be damned if he spends his life in boredom.

5 - A Sure waiting around for somebody to attack is just swell, but are you willing to risk the lives of your family, just because you don't want to start a war? The Captain isn't. If somebody proves to be a threat to him and his family, he'll deal with it before that threat comes knocking on his door.

6 - D After you take out the immediate threats to your family, you can figure out out of who's left, who might be a threat down the line. Just because a person follows their leader, it doesn't mean they agree with everything they've done. You might just find yourself some new additions to your family, from the remnants of your enemies.

Ten points...yep that fits The Captain pretty well. Nice test.
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Well done SpiderPig...I have to say I am a Moderate Communalist based on your quiz.







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I got 10 to :) Moderate Communist. Its how i think of things.
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I got a thirteen so that makes me a...

Moderate Communalist.


Yep. Thats me.
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Looks like it's the majority so far - moderate communalist for me also
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1. The majority of a leader's money should go into...

A. Bodyguards, and lots of 'em.

You're no use dead. Though in truth, it's a split between all of the things mentioned. A, B, and C initially....growing into D.

2. Taxes are...

B. A necessary evil

If money is going to be spent on the things mentioned in 1d, then 2c and 2d aren't true.

3. A leader's street presence...

C. Will be the way he is remembered long after he is gone

Quiet leaders are often effective, but C is always true in my opinion

4. A leader's coffee-shop time should mostly be spent...

B. In the family room, chatting with his soldiers

5. War...

C. Should only be waged in response to an attack, but should be fought ruthlessly once that happens.

6. The proper way of executing a war is...

D. Surgical strike. Aim only for the leader's bodyguards and anyone firing at your family, but leave everyone else alone, period.

9 points, right on the borderline of Moderate Minimalist and Moderate Communalist....sounds about right. I'd agree with bits from each.
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Ack.. It seems, dear sister, as though you've rubbed off me. I came up as a moderate communalist as well, most likely for the same bloody reasons.
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