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Casino fraud, fucktarts, and screwing over friends Started by: Squishy on Dec 08, '19 23:55

Hello guys whats up?

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disagreements arguments boredom and i'm guessing by the suggestions supposed to be fearful.

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I'm disgusted by members of this community who believe the administrators are in the wrong here. You must have no idea of how impactful the current predicament is, to the point of needing to take extreme measures.

The whole economy has been tampered with.


Not only does that affect the visible side of things, like the Harty, but it affects the invisible, which is far more serious. Tons of funding for MIA's and bodyguards, for free, as well as credits. The ability to instantly fly anywhere you want to, constantly, and much more. You could literally arm a crew of 30 people with full IWP status, and you'd still be able to fund another 200. And where does that leave us in the times of war? In the dumpster, in favor of the billionaires exploiters.


The exploit is not merely about money, it's an in-game resource, a resource people either play the game to obtain, or use real money to do so. With that resource, you can do anything - bribe, threaten, provide assignments, setting up a crew, pardoning someone for the action they did, building your character etc. Having infinite supply of it basically breaks everything tied with it, and that's pretty much the whole game.


Now, Squishy not only started to take care of the situation as delicately as possible, keeping an open-mind and making sure no innocents are burned, but some here believed that no action should be taken whatsoever?


Let me remind you just how severe breaking the rules is.


1. A friend of mine without any malicious intents shared their computer for merely 20 minutes, so that someone could click a button on the Harty, while they were away doing something else.

2. They confessed, because they were being a good sport. Such an act cannot be proven otherwise.

3. They got banned for breaking one of the rules in the game, which is account sharing, giving them I believe a 12 month ban.


Now, let's factor in the current crime.


1. It was done intentionally.

2. It's clearly a game-breaking bug, and an exploit, which is considered severe, and should have been reported immediately, either to Izzy, or by mob-mailing "Administrator".

3. It affects the whole game, not a part of it, not a small group of users, it literally is a pass-free card for do-whatever-you-want.

4. It's one of the worst things that could be exploited, if not the worst, as it affects the whole economy, even the part which is tied with real monetary value (credits).

5. We all have our share of resources we play this game with. Having infinite of it basically makes you a God.

6. The users who did it never confessed.


Please, check the rules page, and let me know what happens when someone is found exploiting a bug?

Not only did you exploit a bug, but you also ruined the economy. You have no idea how hard such a thing is to fix. The administrators will have to scour through logs, just to fix this in the most delicate way possible, tracking transactions from account to account. Credit purchases from the market, how and where those credits were being used, traded etc.

And even then, it wouldn't mitigate the damages fully - it only stops from future abuse. In the time you held those funds and did *things* with it - that time, will forever be tainted. I can't blame people who are angry at that fact, as it could very well stage unbeatable wars, or alliances.


Luckily, none of you will have to deal with the undoing of this mess, but someone will. While they do that, could you please at least have the dignity to thank them for it, rather than blaming them for the actions they've taken, because again - who broke those rules? Who tainted this game with fraudulent money bills, that need to be removed in the most undisruptive way possible, as if nothing ever happened?


Are you suggesting that no rules should be followed?


A big shoutout and thank you to the user who found and reported this insanity.

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Well spoken Boriss

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oh wow

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i feel for izzy but my issue was the jailing of any and everyone high up on one side of a war 


This says volumes. Everyone high up on one side was involved in this, they are all friends, and they knew where the cash came from. They should all be forced to step down and barred from leading for a good length of time. They are all complicit in this including Homer who seems to think this is funny. 

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Im far from being in the know of what really inspired over the course of when this exploit(s) was found. I can only speak for myself, but some innocents could possibly agree. The amount some of us have put in our accounts over the age of our recently deceased ancestors (time,cash,credits,hustle points,etc) is extremely a lot.

I was not maxed (BG equivalent), but the amount i dumped in BGs and upkeep every 5-10 days was far from being cheap. I had two stats i used hustle points to max out plus a +1 stat to max out. Took a lot of patience to build up my hustle points with almost 2 years (shy of 4 months) to keep my +4 alive.

Anyone can be killed at any moment if you play the game as it was meant. Eventually we all know we will die in this world. I think what makes this whole issue terrible is that anyone who took advantage of the exploit, gained something from the exploit or even knew about the exploit could possibly not have done such the amount of damage over the course of lets say when the exploit was found.

Having a unfair advantage and killing off people freely is shit. Happy Squishy is taken the steps to fix things as fair as possible.

Do i expect anything in return? Not really, guess it is what it is sort of thing. Just happy this exploit was found before i dumped even more credits or what not on a new run.
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Any idea how long this was going on? It seems crazy that that much money could be exploited and put into the game without anyone noticing something fishy. And if it wasn't noticed because of the insane amount of credits and cash flowing in game...that is equally troubling.  I mean 16 billion wtf. I don't understand how that much money is floating around exploit or not without the game being all kinds of broken. I haven't played in a bit so its sort of a back in my day thing...but the credits and cash in here is stupid.

I think action definitely needs to be taken, as boriss said - I've put time and real money into the game (varying degrees for a while) - so I do feel a bit fucked over here. I feel like dd's/bans should have been handed out to everyone. I mean it used to be that a CL would get DD'd if their RH scripted - complicit or not.

I disagree with Meh on some things - but the game has allowed for people to get free credits (through the loans) and then has explicitly allowed for trading those credits for actual cash. So much wrong with that, and it has greatly complicated this. I get that the game has to make money - but the it all seems like deals with the devil.

Wonder how many users could be reported to the IRS for not declaring MR credit sales as income :P

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Orgus you have a valid point. What about the gambling perspective on the site as well that is open to 17 year olds. I believe this site is bases out of PA which has laws and regulations regarding gambling and confines it to 18+. Gambling sites also have to be regulated and have only been legalized in the state a few years prior and the gambling tied to real currency has been going on longer than that. Not only do you purchase virtual currency with real cash here that can be gambled away through various games but the admins also permit and get involved in virtual currency sales for real money as well. Wonder what the Pennysvania Gambling Control Board would have to say? Might be worth checking out for all those that have had to fork out hundreds to thousands of credits back to the admins or face DD and ban. Whose to say you didnt purchase those credits for real money through another player and had no idea where they were from. There have been winning lawsuits for far less.

Was there a winner to the harty or was that killed off? If it was killed off I sure hope those tied up in this trouble aren't being charged double for the monnies put into the harty that may have just been picked up by admins and removed from the game.

At the very end of the day, the admin team is at fault for this for ever occurring. They did not put the proper safe guards on the game or reporting features to flag this. Let's all be glad they don't work in the banking industry.
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So, when you sign up for MR you agree to the terms listed, you can view the terms by clicking on the link to it on the registration page. Here's one of the things you agree to by checking the check box to say you agree:


  1. I certify that I am an adult, being of legal age or over, 18 or 21, in my legal jurisdiction to view adult material.


If you don't read it, or you read it and break these terms, and are caught breaking these terms then you're on your own.  

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was more trying to show how this is a total mess and I don't see how there is any way to really clean it up. I think action needs to be taken against the cheaters but this has now poisoned the entire game. i don't think you can ever really unravel it.

guess i was trying to make a point about how the game is stupid with money and credits - so much so that 16 billion (or however much was stolen) didn't raise any eye brows. 

free credits mixed with dice, mixed with an artificially propped up credit market...i know i'm simplifying but feel like this was just a natural pinnacle to all this. 

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Are Homer and his hands in jail for protection? Odd they went to jail an hour after the only other GF was popped. 

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There needs to be some sort of gauge from the admin team when someone dies mid war and confronts them with info they have had for months. Its getting out of hand now war is not even war. It's a who can get someone dd first. This stems from weak minded individuals that lack strategy. This is a strategy game there has to be some descrision when enforcing rules during war people are spending real money man.

That being said I do not blame you for the way u did it, this one was a mess . However the ppl that died should be paying cash weather dead or not because plenty of them were linked in with the main three. I paid my 42 million why has not so and so who has told me they were aware of it been charged? Ppl killed should be paying or held hostage next account until they pay as we were.
Personally will stop supporting the game if only the survivors are penalized and I'm sure I'm not the only who feels like this. Love mr but we need fairness across the board.
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So was this money that was extorted through a glitch that should have been reported and not used, used to pay the people from their "state" sponsored writing comps? If so I received some I did not keep it, I sent to my Cl at the time which I currently forget who that was, but if the funds for the competitions came from that exploitation and  if it needs to be returned contact me.

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yall need to calm down lol

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yeah this is really shitty

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Yeah it is Alex. I can't shake the ill feelings I have on how these fucktards can totally disrespect Squishy. I am gutted to learn this news. 

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smh play right

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Let me start by saying this, in this game I am no one and people do not give a damn who I am. Which is fair, I never achieved anything great nor I took the game seriously like most, kudos to you.


Now, I read a lot today that people are defending Casino fraudsters because it is their casino. Let me elaborate how it worked, please correct me if I am wrong, please note that in this case you are the OWNER of the casino.


1) You bet 100M on whatever and you lose

2) You go to your OWN vault and take 100m, in real world, legit, possible. But that is not the issue. In order to pay out you need to have money in vault.

3) Take those SAME 100m that you lost and pulled from vault and beg again, YOU WON. Now you have 200M, which means that this additional 100M was created by the game.

This is the main issue, the game creates money, ergo you are able to spam your own casino and in case you lose, take your money back from the vault, if you win, the money DOES not go from the vault, but it is created from thin air (Please correct me if I am wrong)

In any case, it is cheating. What would happen if I created my own money in the US? I get banged by IRS. The real reason it is flagged as cheating is because they were pumping money created from this money, effectively ruining the whole economy of the game. For some of you this does not make sense, but those who played WOW in example, they know how crashing economy can harm whole server, literally.


Please do not defend those who abused this bug, it was an elite squad of people who did all of this for their own gain, no made or any other shit rank like me benefited from this, the economy is left in ruins. Player got banned, wacked, families burn and torn apart, personally I died 3 times in past 2-3 days (Never lived longer than 25 hours), not to say that people can use this bug to sell credits for real money. 

Personally, I don't care, I will not say any names, I do not care if they made money IRL or anything, I only care about the game and the community we have and those top 10-20 elitist played out the whole community, do not forgive them for that.


Lok'tar ogar!

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What's really shitty about this is Izzy thought many of these people were his buddies. They turned around and stabbed him in the back. I hope Izzy has learned that these are not his buddies. A Buddy wouldn't do that to another.

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