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The KingDouchFathers Arms Started by: JustinBieber on Jan 12, '20 22:15

JustinBieber aka TheKingDoucheFather steps outside his Office and walks through the crowds of people to find a Bar that @Nebula had opened for him he sees the Biggest sign


The KingDouchFathers Arms


The KingDoucheFather walks in and Sees @Nebula Sitting there with a grin on her face She looks proud of what she has achieved

Justin Sits next to her and smirks 

"Time for a Whiskey?" 

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Nebula looks around at what she has achieved with opening the bar for her very own Godfather, @JustinBeiber, she looks at the modern interior. A place for everyone from all walks of life to come and have a drink. She smooths down her black dress, fixes her hair in her pocket mirror, and ensures her makeup is perfect before Justin walks in. 

He smiles at her and takes his seat at the bar next to her. She takes a sip from her wine glass, as he suggests whiskey. 

"Come on, Justin, you should know I'm a classier girl than one to drink whiskey. I'll get you one, whilst I finish my wine." 

She stands up and walks to where the fine selection of whiskeys are. She chooses a nice single malt, well aged whiskey for her boss. Pours him a decent measure with a single cube of ice, before handing the glass back to her boss with a smile. 

"Hope you enjoy." 

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JustinBieber Sits back and Takes a sip of his single malt whiskey he is confused by @Nebula 's comment about being classy, lat time they met she was drinking wine out of a pint glass. He laughs at the memories and talks about that time they were together and caught @Sachetto cross dressing.

"Weren't they your Clothes he was wearing?"

"Come to think about it, I think it was that exact Black dress!"

Justin Laughs to himself while he takes another sip of his Whiskey

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Nebula rolls her eyes but smiles at Justin's gentle teasing of her not being classy. It was true that when she's at home in the HQ, she does drink wine by the pint. She looks at him;

"In an establishment, such as this, a girl has to adhere to some sort of class. Hence the expensive wine from the beautiful crystal glasses we have here. Cheap wine by the pint is reserved strictly for the HQ when I'm slumming it in my PJs." 

She looked down at her dress and smiled at the fond memory of @Sachetto wearing it. 

"It may well have been this exact dress, he liked the material, apparently." 

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Justin giggles and pretends to not remember the thing @Nebula used to get up to in his small HQ back when she had her own office there.

"Embarrassing as it is to say,  he had a pretty good figure"

JustinBieber spills a small amount of whiskey on his Suit trousers and looks at @Nebula and laughs

"Could I have another Whiskey"

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Nebula sighs and rolls her eyes at the clumsiness of her Boss, before getting up to pour him yet another single malt whiskey.

"You'll be drunk before you know it with all this whiskey,"

Nebula laughed at the thought of Justin drunk, she knew how silly he could get with singing and dancing in front of the citizens of Detroit and hoped things wouldn't come to that in her bar. She didn't need to hear more renditions of the same songs. She also didn't need @Kaiya getting at her for depositing him on her doorstep when he's drunk and leaving her to look after him hungover. She laughed a little to herself as she poured him an extra large whiskey. 

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JustinBieber looks at @Nebula with his devilishly good looks 

"Bring the bottle over"

The King does not remember such shenanigans and thinks he is a rather good dancer, He glances over to the table closest to the door and thinks about getting up before coming in to reality and shaking his head

"Where is my newest trustworthy associate @kaiya anyway did she have anything to do with the opening of this bar?"

JustinBieber glances over to the hanging pink pompoms 

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Wolverine walks in and finds JustinBieber and Nebula Sitting there laughing and talking.
He approaches their table smiling. Greets them both and tells them it has been ages since he visited them and insists on paying for whatever they're drinking. It's the least he can do.

On his way to the counter, he overhears two men at one of the tables having an argument and one of them begins to yell. The other man tries to calm him down but his plea falls on deaf ears. The men shout at each other. The bartender finally gets up the nerve to tell them to stop and leave but they cuss at him and continue.
It doesn't take long before JustinBieber notices the two men arguing and overhears the yelling.
Justin's eyes widen in surprise as he hears one of his employees being verbally assaulted, the two men start fighting, one of them brandishing what appears to be a knife.
Furious at this, JustinBieber decides to take action. He confronts the knife-wielding man and quickly tackles him down and continues to beat him mercilessly with his fists and ends up kicking him in the side of the head.
This seems to stop the fight. 

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The man passes out from the kick, Justin grabs a chair and has a seat next to the man while the man slowly regains consciousness.
He then leans over; 
"You must have a lot of questions about how you ended up in this situation, I assure you that I am not going to tell you all of every detail. The fact of the matter is, once again, you are about to learn how things really happen. And the reason you are going to learn this is so that you can take it back and apply it when you get out of control.
Many people have wasted years of their life that could be used to properly build their life. You are about to be awakened to what is so very real.
And you will be able to do it. When you are done, all you have to do is take all of your knowledge and transform it into something new.  Be diligent and vigilant. This will provide you with the life you deserve
. "

Justine takes a pause and hands the man a napkin to wipe off the blood from his face and then continues;

Needless to say, sometimes things won't go the way we plan, which is why we are seeing so many people being unable to think through about the consequences and instead proceed to harass, taunt and, if necessary, physically attack each other. Clearly, these are the consequences of scaling up a situation and sometimes the price gets too high to pay.
But sadly, this situation isn't just going to solve itself. Sadly, we are seeing this on a day to day basis and some lessons need to be learned in blood. And sometimes that is just too painful to bear. This is all the more painful when innocent people become collateral damage.


Justin then nods at one of his men to help the man up...

"I hope that you let today's experience become a lesson that you won't forget and may never forget. That you see this lesson as a blessing. Come on. Get the fuck out of here."

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Wolverine smiles at Justin and takes his seat at the bar, nods at the bartender "Bring the bottle over it's time for a drink" he says as he lights a cigarette.
The bartender brings over a bottle of single malt whiskey and pours him a glass, he smiles to himself while he takes a sip of the whiskey.
This is one good whiskey, he says smiling as he sees the look on the bartender's face.
The bartender smiles back at him and is about to pour him another glass when they hear the most shocking voice they ever heard.
"Fuck, fuck, FUCK!!!" the voice cries out. Wolverine looks back at the bartender and says "Oh shit, what was that?"
The bartender looked up and smiled, "Nevermind, I've gotta go upstairs, I'll be back in a minute."
The bartender disappeared upstairs, leaving them with the feeling that something just bad just happened and Wolverine sat there with an eerie feeling in his stomach. Another guest at the bar looks at Wolverine and says "Did you hear that?"

The bartender returns to them and explains "It was a pure case of acetic acid intoxication." He resumes his duties at the bar and greets another guest who wants to order.
Wolverine glances at the man and recognizes him, It's Hoth, he stops the bartender and then looks at the Hoth and smiles. "Would you care to join me for a drink?" he asks.
Hoth looks at him and then at the bartender. "I'd be glad to. What are you drinking?"
"Whiskey but I'm thinking about that bottle of rum on the shelf."
Hoth looks at him and then looks down and says, "I don't drink that often. But I do enjoy a good cigar and good rum."
Wolverine looks at Hoth and then gives the bartender a nod, "And two new glasses please."
With a move of his hand, Hoth sips his drink and pours another round into his glass. Wolverine, not wanting to fall behind, does the same.
He takes the first full sip. "Thank you, I appreciate it." He takes a small gulp of his drink before changing the topic of their conversation, "How was the trip? When did you arrive back in town?"

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"I came back two days ago." Hoth is silent for a second, "the meeting finished earlier than we had anticipated. Two of our guys stayed behind to meet with a local commissioner and then they'll return home, all in all, the trip wasn't all that bad."
He shrugs then continues, "our business partners across the border are quite crafty, so most would deny that they are behind this... but that's what it looks like from the outside." 
Wolverine nods at the bartender, "have you got any more rum for us, friend?"
The bartender looks a bit surprised, "Oh.. of course sir, my apologies, coming right up." He fills both glasses with black rum and places it in front of them.

Hoth takes a sip the rum and looks at his Wolverine, "however, we do have all the actual plans on the place for next week. As soon as the shipping is completed to our warehouse we able to open up shop and expand our territory."
Wolverine smiled at his friend, "That's great news, I think you deserve some time off."
"Oh, I surely do, just let me get home and take a much-needed shower, then we can have a gathering to celebrate this, everyone's invited
Wolverine smiled with a grin and said, "Alright," and raised his glass to toast.
Hoth drank up and excused himself to get home.

On his way home he remembered the advice his father once had shared with him about not being too greedy: "Don't think too much in terms of your personal gain. Think too much of those you want to help."
He thought to himself if he could have asked his father for another advice today, "what would he say to make him feel better?" and, the answer would probably be that he wouldn't have given him one!
"God, I would like to have the chance to be able to visit our brothers in arms, who went out of their way to selflessly accomplish their tasks and duties. Not only did themselves proud, but they also showed their good faith and generosity. The faith they showed shows that they are special, that they still have it in them and that they are not some down dog that wants to bail on us and flee when the going gets tough."

That's what he remembered. It would be a privilege to meet them again.

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"What an interesting bar this is," Grin_01 says, mainly to himself as Wolverine/Hoth/JustinBieber, who all spoke through Wolverine somehow, seem to have left. Or maybe Hoth just left. It wasn't clear from how Wolverine told it. Almost like Wolverine's words had been composed by someone else and vomited out by him. There had been a fight, a case of acetic acid intoxication and loudly discussed plans for expansion. Grin suspected it would probably end with Wolverine still standing, a blood stained knife in his hand and large holes in the backs of people who thought they were his friends. 

The bartender walks over and offers him a drink before running off upstairs again. He doesn't get his drink and sits on his stool.

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