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Apr 24 - 05:41:26
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Building Connections Started by: Dominique_Coniglio on Feb 09, '20 08:25

Dominique sighed as he stared out of his window, the cityscape of Los Angeles flying by beside him and Uncle Romano. They had a lot of things to do that day, and not being late for his dinner date with Finleigh was top priority.

"I should wear a suit..." Dom finally blurted out to break the silence.

"Did you think you wouldn't?" Romano chuckled, taking his eyes off the road to look over his adopted nephew for a second.

"I'd debated it..."

"Well don't. Wear a suit. We'll stop and get you fitted on the way to the warehouse. Then we can pick it up afterward."

Dominique nodded, growing quiet again. It didn't take them long to locate a suit-maker in downtown, and even quicker to pick out a suit and get measured. Money talked, that was for sure. Things were moving quickly for the young Coniglio now that he was back home. It really was nice to be home. Less than an hour and the duo was back on their way to the harbor... Fin wanted a warehouse near the docks, she was getting one. Dominique was determined to deliver that. He'd been needing to pay a visit to his old pals anyway.

A short drive placed the two on ocean front property and Romano stopped the car, pulling up to a curb.

"You sure this is a smart thing ta do, kid? I mean, these guys burned you out before ya left for Philly, didn't they?"

"Yeah... Yeah they did. That's why they got one fuckin' chance to make things right. We'll see how they handle it."

Romano sighed and then nodded. "Go on then, kid. Go play mobster."

Dom glared across the car at Romano. "Is this some kind of joke to you? Do you think this is stupid? We need a warehouse, they own this district. Either they work with me, or I take it from them. It's that simple."

"Or you end up dead, and for what? Fuckin' nothin', that's what."

Sighing, Dominique shook his head and got out of the car, tugging his revolver from it's holster and checking the tumbler. Flipping it back into place, he stuffed the gun back in it's holster. "Don't worry Romano... What could go wrong?"

The wicked smirk that plastered itself onto Dom's face told Naz that the boy planned on making a mark of his old friends. They'd know, without a doubt, that the Rabbit was back...

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Up the stairs and around the catwalk of the building, Dominique made his way straight to the office of the harbor. Like normal, one man was stationed outside the door, while there were a few others down on the ground. The ones on the ground had been easy to skirt around, this one would not be so. Stepping out quietly and softly to not shake the walk, Dom tugged his cigarettes out and stuck one in his mouth. Flipping a Zippo out, he lit it then snapped it closed loudly to get the guards attention.

Quickly, the man swung around and aimed his gun. An MP 18... At least it wasn't the normal barrel of a Thompson gun.

"Coulda killed ya, pal... What tha fuck were ya doin', day dreamin'? Jesus..."

Dominique took a few steps and the man emphasized his position by shaking the gun at him before calling quietly.

"Stop there! Don't make me shoot you. Just turn around and leave."

"Sorry pal," Dom took a few more steps toward him. "I got business with your boss in there. He's an old friend of mine. Figured I'd stop by and let'em know I'm back. Why don'cha go in and tell'em Bugsy's here, yeah?"

He continued to walk up to the man as he spoke, reaching him as he finished, and took a drag on the cigarette as he stopped and leaned against the railing.

"Tell'em I need some work."

Exhaling, he looked over his shoulder at the goomba as he thought. Reluctantly, the man lowered his weapon to his side and turned his back to reach for the door. Unfortunately for him Dominique was faster, kicking the back of his leg at the joint and sending the man to his knees.

"Sorry 'bout this..." Dom whispered as his arms closed quickly around the man's neck. The two struggled for a bit but Dominique made sure he could never quite grab his gun, and as the man finally fell limp in his arms, Dom lowered him to the ground. Taking the clip and racking the gun to pop the one in the chamber out, he moved to the door and took a soothing drag on the cigarette. As he exhaled, he opened the door and stepped inside.

"Long time no see, Gentlemen!" he exclaimed loudly over the ruckus, every head quickly turning his direction...

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With everyone's attention firmly on him, Dominique stepped in and shut the door quietly. Walking to the table where the men were having their meeting, he smiled.

"Gentlemen. I'm not certain you remember me. I was a bit younger when I was here last time. Still just a teen." All eyes were still on him, more surprised than anything. All except one man who'd gone pale white, fraught with fear.

"Ah, so you do remember me!" he pointed to the man as the others turned to notice the color continue to leave his face.

"Allow me to introduce myself to all of you. I'm Dominique Coniglio, son of Ruggiero Coniglio, grand-son of tha great Gino Coniglio who most of you owe your good fortune. Figured it would be kind of me to drop by and let you's all know I'm back in town."

Dom grinned as he chuckled. "So's, (copy pasta and removes this one)

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With everyone's attention firmly on him, Dominique stepped in and shut the door quietly. Walking to the table where the men were having their meeting, he smiled.

"Gentlemen. I'm not certain you remember me. I was a bit younger when I was here last time. Still just a teen." All eyes were still on him, more surprised than anything. All except one man who'd gone pale white, fraught with fear.

"Ah, so you do remember me!" he pointed to the man as the others turned to notice the color continue to leave his face.

"Allow me to introduce myself to all of you. I'm Dominique Coniglio, son of Ruggiero Coniglio, grand-son of tha great Gino Coniglio who most of you owe your good fortune. Figured it would be kind of me to drop by and let you's all know I'm back in town."

Dom grinned as he chuckled. "So, I'll let you's guys talk that out for a moment." He winked at the man that was stark white and now sweating.

"You said he was dead, Henry. What tha fuck is this shit?" one of the older gentlemen said.

"You want something done right, you do it your fuckin' self, huh? Stupid Spicks couldn't finish the job..." another one added, turning to stand and reaching into his pocket before being met with the barrel of a revolver against his forehead, the tell-tale *click click* of a hammer being pulled back.

"Please gentlemen. Bygones and all. I'm not here for some stupid revenge plot for my family. What good would that do me? I'm a business man. A dead business man makes no money. I've had plenty of years to enjoy life so that I'm not ready to throw that away yet. So let's not, hmm? I'd much rather make a deal." Dominique smiled at the older man, but pressed the barrel roughly into his head, guiding him back into his seat. His tone turned more serious as he continued.

"Now... Fuckin' -sit- still, and let's talk. Capisce?"

The older man raised his hands and nodded, then the *click click* of the hammer releasing back to it's resting position could be heard.

"I need a warehouse. You have a lot of them here. I'm taking one. Anyone have a problem with that?"

The old man looked at Dominique with a sneer. "Yeah, I gotta fuckin' problem with it, kid. You can't just come in here and tell me you're gonna take a warehouse from me and not offer something in return."

Dominique laughed. "I fear you've failed to realize... I am offering you something. I'm letting you live, and keep the other warehouses. But, if your life isn't worth one warehouse, then that's fine too."

Dom slipped a silenced pistol from his pocket and blasted a bullet through the old man's head, splattering everyone nearby with brain matter and blood.

"Who's the next in charge?" he barked, looking at the table, both guns drawn on the group.

"Here!" one man yelped back and threw keys at Dominique. They hit his chest but he didn't flinch, not allowing them that chance to get the upper hand.

"I tell ya what..." he calmly dictated. "Why don't all of you keep your keys, and we can all keep our warehouses. I just need one. I now have one. Unfortunately for our friend here, I now have one with whatever is in it. But you? You don't have to lose your warehouse or your life. Just get rid of his body, and all of you can leave."

He turned to the man who'd been pale. "All of them except you. We have things to talk about."

The men hurried to get their dead friend out of the room, and Dom sat at the table with his audience of one. Watching as the men left and shut the door behind them, he finally turned to the one called Henry.

"So you were the one that was there and tried to kill me that day, hmm? You let them think I died with my family and that the Latinos killed me? Or did you take credit for it? Because it sounded like they thought the Latinos did it."

Slowly growing more brazen, Henry sat forward. "I told them the Spicks did it. I even hand delivered you to that fucking burning house after the fighting had stopped and left you unconscious, just inside the door, so my boss wouldn't catch any flack for making sure you were dead too."

"So you wanted the fire to kill me... What, were you too much of a coward to just pull the trigger after everything?" Dom huffed a bit as he shook his head. "To think, you probably made your bones with my death... And now they'll find out you were just a liar the whole time." Dominique continued to shake his head.

"What is your boss gonna think? Your lack of commitment to your task, compounded with your commitment to lie to your family? Dishonor on you and them..." He sighed and gave the man a chance to speak.

"Fuck you, Coniglio trash, whatta you know about what it was like here under Gino's law? Why do you think my boss hired the spicks to do yous guys? We were tired of payin' to move our merchandise. It was just business."

Dominique shook his head again. "So, you couldn't do it yourself... You hired a crew. Yeah, your family is so powerful. What will your capos an' soldatos think when they find out you rose to power through lies? You're in power because you paid someone else to die in your war. That's fuckin' wea~"

It was a split second reaction, but Dominique had seen Henry's eyes look over his shoulder and the micro-expression that told him enough. Dom leaned sideways, pulling his trigger and landing a bullet in Henry's chest, while simultaneously sliding out of the chair and narrowly dodging the bat that swung over his head. Dropping the guns and rising quickly, Dom landed a fist in his attacker's gut, doubling the man over and wrenching the bat from him.

Adding insult to injury, Dom threw the bat behind him and it smashed into Henry's face with a *THONK* sound and clattered to the ground. The gurgling Henry barely seemed to notice though, as his eyes watched the two men duking it out until the visage was simply black...

Dominique swung again, and again, landing blow after blow into the man's stomach before finally getting shoved away and catching a fist squarely in his jaw. Stunned, Dom stumbled backward and tripped over the chair behind him, falling hard on his back and knocking the air out of him. His assailant took the chance to pounce, and jumped on Dominique. Arms over his face, Dom blocked and dodged as best he could while jabbing out quickly at the man's face when he'd pull back for a second. Eventually, he landed a square hit on the underside of the man's jaw and dazed him enough to turn the tides. Rolling, he shoved the man off of him and switched positions. Now on top, Dominique waylaid on his opponent until his face bled profusely, turning black and blue.

Not one for chance, Dom grabbed the man's head, testing for breath. Feeling the slightest bit of airflow, he took a moment a sighed, looking up at the ceiling and catching his breath.

"You fought well, an honorable death... Unlike Henry over there who died a traitor to your organization. You were protecting a traitor." He huffed, winded, as he continued to breath hard. "But you're fight is over."

Dominique gripped the man's head on the back and across his forehead, twisting quick and hard with a sickening snap. The man's body fell completely limp as the nerves and spine severed. Sighing hard and grabbing his guns, Dominique rose triumphant. He stood there for a moment and gathered his senses before stumbling toward the table. NOW, he needed Uncle Romano. Now, they had a job to do before his dinner date that evening.

Swiping the keys the other men had left on the table, he stumbled toward the door, favoring his arm and licking his lip. Along the catwalk, down the stairs, and slowly across the storage lot he roamed... There were still guards, so he had to be careful. Unfortunately, careful wasn't working so well.


Dom froze...

"You think you can come in here and just challenge me kid?" the familiar old man's voice resounded. Turning, Dominique saw him and the guards that surrounded him with guns trained on him.

"Didn't want to challenge. You made that the reality, not me." Dominique slowly shuffled himself backward until a bullet landed between his legs. Stopping, he held up his hands. Bad news, he was in a pickle... Good news, Romano definitely heard that gun shot and would quickly be on his way to survey the lay of the land.

"Well, now you'll pay dearly for that mistake!" the man yelled and raised a gun. Dominique closed his eyes... He heard the gunshot... Then a plethora of yells and other gunfire. Opening his eyes, he dove behind a crate and crouched down. He'd never even heard the car roll up... But most of the men were crouching and firing at the car now. Their boss lie dead, as did three of the five guards. Dominique stood, pulled his .38 revolver, and let the loud gun fire off into the night, silencing the two men that remained. Moments later, Romano came running around the storage crates and boxes, searching frantically.

"I'm here Zio. I'm here," Dom called before his eyes went black and he slumped to the ground. He felt Romano catch him, and even felt himself being drug away... He heard Romano telling him not to worry, he'd take care of clean up as long as Dom stayed with him...

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"Romano..." Dom quietly called...

"Oh thank the God's kid, you're alive!"

"Yeah... I got us a warehouse..." He laughed, and opened an eye, realizing he was back in his own bed at home.

Romano laughed as well, and cried a bit, but then nodded. "Yeah. I got the keys in the other room."

"Romano, how long have I been out?" Dominique asked as he sat up, knowing full well he may have some explaining to do if he'd missed his date...

"About an hour... Kid, you scared me!"

"Shut up, I have a job for you... Listen very carefully. I have a date tonight. I'm gonna prepare for that."

"Kid, you really shouldn't go ou~"

"Shut up, I have a job for you... Listen very carefully. I have a date toni~"

"But kid, you need t~"

"Shut tha FUCK UP Romano! I have a mother fuckin' job for you. Now listen. Very. Fucking. Carefully."

Dominique's eyes steeled on his Uncle as he stood, ice running through the young Coniglio's veins. Uncle Romano waved his wands and took a step back signalling resign.

"Good choice. There's a man in the office space. Near my age. Dead in his seat near a bat. He, and the boss man in the yard, need to be delivered to the mayor, and tell him snitches get stitches. But liars, get delivered on a silver platter. Next time he wants to pay Latinos to run my family out of town, make sure he knows, to kill every, mother, fucking, one of us. Also, tell that shit stain that -every- L.A. family will be gunning for him if he tries to make a run for the authorities. I work for Don Grooglez now, and he's not gonna let that fly."

Romano nodded. "I'll take care of it, kid. Anyone that can help me would be nice..."

Dominique nodded as he headed for the shower. "I'll send Orlaith, if she'll go. If not, I'll loan you Johnson."

Romano nodded and headed for the garage to go start clean up and delivery. "You got it, boss. I hope you know what you're doing."

"Me too, Zio Romano, Me too," Dominique muttered under his breath as he undressed. The bruising on his arms and ribs was significant, and he knew this shower was about to hurt, but he didn't have much time to get ready and go pick up Fin... Knowing her, she was already nervous as all, and him being late wouldn't be a forgivable option, minus traffic...

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