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Bud Tales: The Solo Adventure Started by: BudKnight on Feb 26, '20 00:09

BudKnight Goes South of the Border

No hablo espanole...


The air felt as if it was heavier down here in Colombia compared to the frigid air of Philadelphia back in the states. It made wearing a suit of armor almost impossible....almost. There was nothing that would make BudKnight remove his protective armor even if it meant death. Luckily enough the little outdoor bar he found was serving some beautifully made alcoholic beverages. Although it was not something BudKnight tended to do while on a quest, drinking seemed to be the respectable thing to do during this meeting he was about to have. They all seemed to enjoy drinking.....and doing cocaine....lots and lots of cocaine.

As he was making his way back to the table where his two new amigos were sitting he could see that the one known as Miguel was creating a nice line of white powder. With one quick 'sniff-by' as BudKnight was calling it....a bit of a joke playing on the idea of a drive-by...but anyways...

"Amigos! That small line seems as if it would not be enough to get a man into a truly enjoyable place mentally and physically. Let me show you how it's done!" BudKnight exclaimed as he took the silver tray covered in white powder and hundred dollar bills.

He had never done any sort of drug before, but how hard could it really be to just get into it. If these fellows could do it then the heroic BudKnight could do it better. With that final thought BudKnight grabbed a handfull of cocaine and placed it up and under his helmet. A large inhale could be heard and then a large cloud of white dust came shooting out everywhere as he began to cough a bit. 

The two men began to laugh hysterically at the sight of BudKnight's powder covered helmet. He quickly rubbed off what he could and was instantly feeling the effects of what he had just done. He felt it in his soul even...

"Woooo! Now I understand why this business is so popular and doing so well...." He paused to down his drink, "That's better. Now on to business. What was our business again? I think we need to talk to your bosses unless you can make the deals. I doubt you can make the deals. You probably need your bosses. So yeah, let's go see them. We should bring this tray though and keep the party going. Wow I feel amazing. Is this how you guys feel daily? Hourly? You have to make sure we get some more because I don't think this will all last till I head home to Philadelphia." 

The two men shook their heads, said something in spanish, and then got up from the table. The one not named Miguel motioned for them to head to the vehicle and BudKnight went with them. Once inside the car, not Miguel got in the drivers seat and Miguel set in the back seat right behind BudKnight. The two men seemed to be glancing at each other through the rear view mirror quite often which would normally alarm BudKnight, but he felt that the two men were probably in the same sort of head space he was in at the moment. Which was....something.

"So my amigos. How far till we reach your bosses? To be honest, I'm not entirely sure you even have bosses. How did we meet again? Whatever. I'm sure I found the two right contacts. Javier and KingRevan gave me descriptions that matched yours and I am almost never wrong about anything." He took some more cocaine and put it under his helmet.

Miguel and not Miguel continued to talk in spanish and had yet to say anything in english to BudKnight. The car was now on a road and at the end of it was a large mansion that had finally come into sight. This was most definitely where he was supposed to be going to get the deal done Javier wanted. 

The Medellin crew in South Philly that was strongly associated with KingRevan and his Kingdom of Philadelphia had ties with the Medellin Cartel that existed down here in Colombia. There had recently been some disputes over a lost shipment that seemed to have disappeared before it ever arrived at the exchange location. Therefore both sides were blaming the other and no more shipments were coming. The Kingdom of Philadelphia needed it's cocaine and BudKnight would be the one to bring it to them.

Javier had warned him that these people were not going to be the most hospitable hosts during such a disagreement and to watch his back. BudKnight was not worried though as so far these men had been such gracious hosts. What could possibly go....CLICK....

A gun was being pressed against BudKnights helmet from the back seat....

"Miguel! How could you? I'd have expected this from not Miguel...but from you? Well it's a betrayal I was not expecting. I thought our new friendship meant something."  He said with a tear running down his cheek.

"Cállate perra. ¡Javier no pagó el último envío, por lo que debemos enviar un mensaje!" Miguel screamed as not Miguel kept driving towards the mansion.

BudKnight could tell that Miguel had the intention to pull the trigger before they ever got to meet with the bosses of the Medellin Cartel....

"I don't think you want to do this Miguel. Also, remember earlier when I said 'no hablo espanol'? I meant it. I have no idea what you are saying so how can I even have a conversation with you at the moment?"  He wanted to plead with Miguel to change his decision, but he couldn't communicate with his good friend.

Not Miguel on the other hand was somebody that BudKnight knew he could not be friends with and he clearly was trying to get Miguel to get the deed done and over with. They were screaming at each other until finally....BANG....the gun went off. The sound was echoing and for the two men it caused them to struggle as their eardrums suffered the consequences. BudKnight was trying to shake it off as he felt his helmet and the dent that was left in it from the shot. 

"That....wasn't....very....NICE.....MIGUEL!" He shouted as he grabbed the steering wheel and yanked it to the side causing the car to crash and tumble down the road. 

The car rolled for what felt like forever until it slowly came to a halt on it's wheels just feet from the front gate of the estate at the end of the road. Not Miguel was slowly crawling for the gate and Miguel was laying dead in the backseat of the car. The crash had been too much for his spine and neck leading to a painful death. 

BudKnight was dusting himself off and then drew his sword from it's sheath, "Oh no you don't not Miguel! You will pay for what you did to the beautiful friendship of BudKnight and Miguel!"

He shouted as he ran over and drove the sword through the man's back and into the ground beneath him. It took some yanking, but he eventually took the sword out of not Miguel and put it back in it's sheath. As he did so a group of men with machine guns came pouring out of the front gate to surround BudKnight. Following them was a man in a masterfully stitched suit. He was puffing on a cigar and holding a martini. He looked around at the carnage outside his front gate and smirked. 

With a few words from this mysterious man the others began to work on cleaning everything up. He motioned for BudKnight to follow...

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Bud was unsure of what to expect, but since the men did not gun him down like a firing squad he figured he had a good chance of getting out of this whole situation alive. Not that he couldn't do that by cutting every one of them down with his mighty sword. He wished to finish this mission diplomatically rather than violently. It was how Javier wanted him to do it if possible...

They made their way past the swimming pool and towards the main house where the mysterious man began to speak to him...

"Senor BudKnight, you have a phone call you need to make. Your Boss Javier had reached out and you were not here yet." The man spoke with a thick accent. 

BudKnight hurried over to the telephone and dialed Javier, "Hello Boss! I have arrived at the negotiations! I think things got off to a rough start, but I think I can smooth it all over."

"Bud....need you to listen to me. The only reason you're calling me is because you somehow survived whatever hitmen they sent after you and you somehow made it to the meeting. Things are not great between us and the Colombian crew. Things have changed pretty drastically here back in Philly and the states. A lot of changes in leadership leading to us taking over Old City District. I am now the head of operations here in Philadelphia. That means your meeting is even more important to our success here. We have to get the cocaine shipments back on track. So I'm authorizing you to do whatever you need to in order to get it done. You understand?" Javier sounded serious.

"Well, I do understand. Although obviously the King is in charge of the Kingdom. I suppose I will let that slide and we can keep that comment between just us two. Don't want him taking your head!" Bud chuckled, "So yes I shall do whatever it takes to get the cocaine shipments back on track. You got it boss!" 

Bud paused to get some more cocaine into his system as he felt himself coming down a little bit...

"Bud, please tell me I don't hear you snorting the product?" Javier sighed heavily.

Bud lifted his helmet and wiped off his nose, "Of course not boss! I would never! So I'll be going now and taking over the Colombian crew through brutal force sir!"

"Wait, WHAT!? BUD..." Javier was cut off by the dial tone.

Now was the moment BudKnight had been waiting for...

The moment the action would truly begin and he could make his boss and King proud. Taking out the leadership of the Colombian crew would help them in so many ways while also just being a good time. He would make sure to get close to the mysterious man before beginning his rampage of destruction!

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The man was sitting out by the pool now and Bud had to make his way over and sit down across from him at a nice wooden table. The man was smoking a huge cigar and drinking what was clearly not Bud Light. The man clearly knew nothing of what it meant to live a good life if he was drinking whatever trash that was in front of him. A man came out of nowhere and place a Bud Light in front of Bud along with a cigar for him as well. 

"I will take the drink, but I am not in the mood for the cigar. Thank you though kind sir!" He said and the man took it away to wherever he had come from.

Bud popped the top off of the bottle and took a big swig of the delicious ice cold beverage. It was quite refreshing in the Colombian heat that he had been dealing with since he landed. The man across from him looked very serious, but that would definitely change to some sort of other emotion once BudKnight took out his sword and started hacking away. 

"I am very glad to have you as my guest here in Colombia, Senor BudKnight. I have only heard good things of you. Your boss Javier has also gained my respect over our time working together in the cocaine business. We of course have hit quite a bump in the road." He put out the cigar to save it for later.

"Yes, I heard of what happened my good sir. I know that Javier wishes to see the cocaine shipments begin again by any means necessary." Bud put his hand discreetly on the hilt of his sword in preparation to begin killing.

"Well that is good to hear. I actually only have one simple request of you in order to help smooth things over and get our business back on track. I'm sure Javier was expecting some sort of violence towards him or an extravagant amount of cash. That is not the case. It is how we would usually handle these things, but we ourselves are losing too much money during this situation. It has allowed our competitors to gain too much ground on us in the cocaine business." He spoke as he sipped on his drink and looked off into the distance at the beautiful scenery.

The sudden change in expectations made Bud take his hand away from the sword...

"Go on Sir." Bud said.

"So what I need of you is to use your skills along with a handful of my own men to go take out an airstrip where our competitors cocaine is being flown out of. It will be good for both of our crews and the future of our business. This act will not only smooth over past issues, but build a strong foundation for the future. So what do you say my blue armored amigo?" He smiled.

"I say...." Bud paused as he weighed his options, "Let us kill your competitors and destroy their air strip!"

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The airstrip was quite the trip as they went through the nearby city, the rural areas, and eventually through a jungle on foot. It took them about 7 hours to get there and it was already dark by the time they arrived. A few planes could be seen on the air strip and they were clearly being readied for their next trip. The amount of people guarding and working was quite a bit more than expected, but that meant nothing to BudKnight. Any number could be there and he would make sure to accomplish his mission...

One of the men slowly made their way over to Bud as they hid at the end of the air strip. He pointed at the two hangars and the planes.

"The product is in those buildings or on the planes already. We are not sure. So we will have to take it all out if possible." He said.

Bud rubbed his helmet where his chin was hidden underneath, "Well, I suppose we can try to be stealthy about it all. What supplies have we brought?"

The man showed Bud the machine guns, shot guns, hand guns, and one larger gun they had brought. It was quite disappointing to see a lack of swords and crossbows. He would have to deal with the air strip using his sword and whatever else they had brought him. He pointed at the larger gun and asked...

"What is that?" The inquiry seemed to confuse the man.

"It is a rocket launcher. Have you not seen one before?" The man asked.

"Well, of course I have! I am a man of a strong military background. I've seen all weapons! From swords to catapults! What a dumb question!" He said as he nervously laughed, "Did we bring any cocaine? I'd like to...uh..make sure it's doing okay before we start."

The man brought out some cocaine and gave it to Bud so that he could....'check it'...

"Wooo! Now we are ready to go! Hand me that....rocket..thingy....the one you just explained to me even though I knew what it was." Bud spoke quickly.

He took it from the man and took aim at the first plane on the runway hoping to maybe do some damage to its cockpit. He pulled the trigger and fell back as the rocket went flying across the night sky and into the front of the plane. The explosion was wonderous and caught BudKnight completely off guard.

"That's what a rocket launcher is!? Fuck swords. Get me loaded up again. The rest of you get shooting!" He yelled.

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Bud sat there for the rest of the night firing rocket after rocket until they had no more. The whole air strip was filled with corpses, fire, and debris from the rockets and his men shooting. They had taken them by surprise and done a devastating amount of damage to everything. The lucky thing though came once BudKnight rounded up the enemy...

"So! Who is in charge here!?" He said as he carried his sword on his shoulder.

"I am. You blue bitch." One man said as he rose to his feet. 

As he did, the man who gave BudKnight the rocket launcher came over and whispered in his ear, "Sir, that is one of the partners that run their entire operation."

"I have been informed you are quite an important man. That is good news for me and bad new for you." He said as he swung the sword with a mighty force severing head from body, "Now who is next!? I can go all night with this cocaine stuff in my system!"

"Por favor! The cocaine is in the last hangar over there! It is hidden under the floor! Just let us live!" He pleaded. 

Bud motioned for a few men to go check it out as he paced around menacingly in front of the enemy. Intimidation was key to making sure they didn't try to fight back or run away. As he did one of the men came back and nodded that the information was legitimate. 

"Okay! You! The man who told me that. You may start running that way and go home! The rest of you..." He motioned for the others to do their job. 

The gunfire covered up most of the screams as he made his way over to the nearest guard station where a phone was located. He dialed the number he was given and requested some trucks to come pick up the cocaine. The weight of the shipment came to a few dozen tons. It was exactly what Javier needed to truly get things back on track. The only problem was that the remaining men would expect the cocaine to go back to their boss and that just would not do.

So BudKnight did the only thing he could do and it pained him to do so...

He picked up two of the machine guns and began mowing down the men who had helped him that night. No witnesses meant that he could take the cocaine where he needed to since the trucks that would arrive were not working for the Colombian crew, but for the Medellin crew out of Philly. Once the shipment was picked up and on its way back to Philly then he could go finish things at a meeting with the Colombian crews leadership. 

It only took a few hours for the trucks to arrive and a couple more for the shipment to be loaded up and on its way. A horse had been brought for Bud to ride back to the compound for his final meeting before heading home...

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His horse rode hard and true to get him back to the compound in good time. Although most men would be wanting to collapse from exhaustion at this point....Bud was still going strong due to his strong will and the high amounts of cocaine in his system. This trip had been something quite different from his usual quests or adventures. It had opened him up to some things he had never experienced before, mainly being the use of cocaine and rocket launchers. 

As he approached the front gate some men came out with guns pointed, but their leader appeared as well and motioned for them to put their guns down. He quickly dismounted the horse and made his way into the compound where he was brought another Bud Light to help quench his thirst. 

"The mission was a success! Although we suffered a one hundred percent casualty rate with the men you sent. They died valiantly! We destroyed the air strip, the planes, and the product. It was quite the adventure. I look forward to the next one whenever I find myself back down here in Colombia." Bud got all the information out as quickly as possible.

The man tapped his fingers on the table and seemed to be thinking...

"Well I'm glad to hear most of the news. Men are replaceable so I am just glad we were able to make such a dent in our competitors business. I hope we did not overlook anything and miss out on any product we could have taken for ourselves. I'm sure you looked thoroughly though." The man said with what seemed to be a slight accusatory tone.

Bud finished off his beer before responding, "Yes we looked over every square inch that was burning or completely destroyed. Everything was consumed in the destruction of the air strip and planes. It was as successful a mission as one could hope for in the jungles of Colombia. Anything could have gone wrong and we came out on top." 

The man was clearly not convinced, but most likely did not have concrete evidence to truly push BudKnight to confess. With that Bud rose from the table...

"Well then I must thank you Senor BudKnight. I'm glad the mission went well with no problems or missing product. I hope to see business between us and Philadelphia stay strong. Although you never know what information may surface and cause problems. What am I saying though? We have fixed everything and nothing could cause further issue. I wish you a nice flight home to Philadelphia." He motioned for Bud to leave the compound and he took the offer quickly.

Javier would be happy to know that Bud had not actually taken out the Colombian crew, but would probably be a bit concerned over the new paranoia that had come about over possible product discovered at the air strip. But at least Bud had some beer and cocaine waiting for him on his plane ride home...

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