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Homeless - Worth More Than Us Started by: Vassili_Sennheiser on Feb 27, '08 20:33
*Takes his spot on top of a rusty old, burnt out car he previously found on an earlier speech*

Ladies, Gentlemen..and pets of this world (Altitude)

There's some things that in this world, I don't understand, some things I most likely will never understand, but other things, I plan to try for..

When young men, young woman and little puppies sign their life away to join the "Mob", they are given the power from God, to be untouchable for the first 24 hours, during this time, it is their job to get off their arse and make plans on joining a family.

24 hours...that's surely enough time find a home, yes? or am I wrong?

Anyway, these "people" who choose to remain homeless is a choice in which they have chosen, no one has forced them to live on the streets, they've done it to themselves..

For anyone to be homeless after 24 hours surely cannot be worthy for a place in the Mafia? too lazy to write a request for a position in a family? the most simple of all jobs and they can't even do we really want them? honestly?

It saddens me to know that these lazy, no good, nothing's of this world are given more protection than us working men and woman (and Altitude), who work 9-5 everyday to supply food and money for our families, these homeless people clutter our streets on a daily basis doing nothing in life and going no where, they bring this world nothing, why are they worth more than we are? why should our lives be cut short should we ever come across one of these homeless people in a dark ally?

Forgive me if i'm completely out of line, I just thought it was something worth bringing up.

*Jumps off the car and runs away, this time missing the banana skin*



This speech does not include members of this world who have recently sufferd the loss of a leader
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Those peasants certainly are an annoyance, but they are not worth more than we are. The reason a mobster might lose his life for killing one of these cretins has nothing to do with their value, but rather the blatant disrespect shown to their Boss for breaking his rules, and the unnecessary attention from City Hall that pointless murders seem to attract.
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Yes sir,

I totally understand being killed for breaking the rules, but what I don't understand is to why the rules are there? why should these people get protection? a leader does not protect members from another family, so why should they protect members of no family at all?
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There is no good reason why a mafia Boss should care what happens to some bum who is not associated with a family. I guess the only reason I can think of for taking any action is because murder shouldn't be done for sport. We are not monsters, after all. Our goal is to better our lives by making money.

Still, these gutter scum shouldn't be making money on our family's turf. Murder might be an extreme way to deal with them, though. Too bad we can't give them a lead pipe against the knee caps to send a message that unaffiliated criminals are not welcome.
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A lead pipe would certainly be a tasteful reminder for these people, defintly worth thinking about.
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*Tony strolls into the streets and over hears the continous conversations*

*Upon thinking for a moment he steps forward with a quick reply*

My dear friends, I can recall when my great, great, great, great, great, you get the picture, ancestors set foot into the world of crime. They did not know the in's, the outs. Although there were signs around them to show them how, they were new and did not understand.

Now I am sure that many of your ancestors were the same way when they first became members of this society.

Now i'm not saying that giving ancestors of former mafioso' is quite as fair as we know that they know what to do. However I believe that this law set forth by our God is to protect the new, the unexperienced, the ones we should be molding and teaching, not killing anyways.

That is all I have to say guys and dolls.

*Tony tips his hat and steps back in order to listen to the continual conversation*
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TCapone's right. It's to protect those fresh off the boats from the Old Country.

The alternative is having us all standing with machine guns, waiting for them to step onto dry land. Welcome to America, indeed.
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Yes, I agree totally, but is that not what the 24hr protection from the God's is for?

I was under the impression that 24hrs is by far enough time to look through the world, read a few books on what to do..?
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Ralph listens to the heated debate regarding those who are little more than Thugs roaming the streets and decides it is time for him to give some of his own thoughts

Well, I think this arguement can fall into two areas for discussion. The first, how long should we give somebody to learn our ways, and the second, what should be the concequences of not learning our ways. I will deal with each in turn.

Ralph pauses, looks to check he has peoples full attention, and continues

Well firstly, and this comes from the experience of my father, 24 hours is ont long enough to learn the ropes. He took the first steps of my family in America only a few short weeks ago. He spoke with some people, made some friends and one of them pointed him to an old copy of The Cosa Nostra Handbook. However this all happened in the second 24 hours of his time here, his first, well, they were taken up drinking a lot in the bars. We didn't have such a selection of drinks back in Africa.

So in conclusion, unless each of the bosses has out a talent scout, somebody who can contact each civilian or thug and find out whether they need some help, then I feel 24 hours really isn't enough time to learn the ropes.

Ralph thinks back to the initial debate, and continues with his input

Secondly, we are not bloodthirsty animals, we should not be here solely for the kill. Sure, there are dedicated hitmen here waiting for that next contract killing for the family, and yes, some of them class killing as a sport, but is that single kill really worth it. The person who is new here, they might be bringing something they need, some new blood, fresh ideas, and a willingness to help push the families forward. They also might not have any offspring, no relatives who can come to investigate their death. Even if they do, that relative may feel it is safer to stay away, after all, a member of their own blood has died when they were only trying to make a new, better life for themselves.

Ralph nods to himself, reasoning that his thoughts might have had some impact with atleast one person

So in conclusion, I feel that the family heads set their respective rules on killing, not because of what they have, but because of what they might be losing. A strong family can become stronger, but only with new blood. I do however believe that this debate may bring to the forefront that some families need to take a more approachable stance when it comes to new recruits. Each family head should set out some guidelines for those who are new to these shores, and Hitter or not, if you see somebody who obviously hasn't come to terms with the American way of life, rather than shooting, talk to them, guide them, and make this world a better place for all involved.

Ralph walks away from the crowd and decides that he has proved his point, and whilst it may be idealistic, it is one he felt he must make
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I think that if these non-family people want to walk about the streets, let them. If they crime in the town the money they collect should be minimal, say $1 for each crime they commit, and the rest should go to the highest ranking boss of that city, that would make them want to join a family for sure, they would get more money in a family and more respect.

I believe they shouldnt get killed unless they live longer than the 48hours, but should be able to get mugged and hurt, but not killed.
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*Tony steps back forward nodding at Ralph*

I do believe you said it quite well Ralph, and I would have to agree whole heartedly. You spoke quite well and made another solid valid point. On that note I believe it is time that I can finish making my way through the streets, I bid you all good day.

*Tony tips his hat and makes his way down the street*
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Time and time again my bloodline has spoken about this "48 Hour Rule", and time and time again, my thoughts have, generally, been ignored. With that being said, once again, seeing as how this has become a topic, yet again, I'll share a, mostly, unwelcome opinion of this.

48's the problem. At the rank of gangster, one can shoot and one can mug. How many of you have been shot at by a 27 hour old gangster? How many of you have been mugged by a 30 hour old gangster? I know I've gone through both situations.'s the problem. Once being shot at/mugged, as most crew rules state, in one form another: "No Shooting Anything Under 48 hours old for ANY reason". So, now I'm stuck with the problem of, A) Waiting for some sort of authority to tell me I can defend myself, or B) Doing nothing at all, because for me to follow any other option, would mean my death.

Now, here I am, waiting on some "ok" to defend myself from my leader...what usually happens in the meantime? Hey, our little friend is now dead by the gun of one of his pals, with the word "auth'd" in his profile. I never got the option to retaliate myself. And so the cycle continues.

Let's, too, discuss the alternative. We amend the rules to read "No shooting at anything under 48 hours, UNLESS you are attacked by them". What happens now? 35 hour old Gangster is now dead.

Crewmember A: He mugged me.

Dead Gangster: I did not.

Crewmember A: Yes you did...see my (fake, easily made) witness statemtent.

...And so, we have people taking advantage of the system.

My solution: Have a problem with gangsters being shot? Then, either strip them of guns/the abilibity to mug, or (and this is a more realistic solution), make it to where you are a Civilian for 48 hours, or, until you join a crew. Now, the shootings and muggings have been eliminated...yay!

So, yes, I too am sick of watching these young gangsters handled with more care than the rest of this community. Back in my great, great, great, great grandpappy's day, it wasn't that hard for him to find shelter within 24 hours. Apparently, as this world has become lazier, changes were "needed", however, it is my hope that solutions are found to solve some of the problems that go along with these new changes that reward those less willing to work around this place.
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Walking around, eavesdropping, as I often do, I noticed that people seem to be up in arms about crewleaders telling them not to shoot newcomers. Are the crewless worth more, as individuals than we are? No. So, why do crewleaders execute members who kill these freelance gangsters? It's rather simple, actually. If the cops find a body in the street with a gang tattoo, they assume that it's family business. If they find a body in the street with no tattoo, they assume that it's murder. Then they investigate. They find you and in the process, happen to notice the not-so-legitimate business of your boss. If the cops link you to a murder, it's just a matter of time before you're linked to your boss. So, he shoots you himself, delivers your body to the cops, they get their murderer and leave it at that. You're a family member, they're not going to investigate your death. So, we don't shoot these unmarked gangsters, because it's bad business.
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Well, I'm a Rockefeller.

Shows how much you guys know.
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I have but one thing to add to this topic, something that seems to have been neglected. But it is OOC so you'll have to forgive me for that.

It took me 8 hours to get my confirmation mail to activate my account, and it says clearly when you sign up that it can take up to a day. Not everyone will sit around and wait for their mail to arrive so they can activate their accounts, people have jobs, people have school.

Point is, it can and most likely will take more than 24 hours for some people to find a home.
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*Nods head in agreement*

24 hours is more than enough in this world to get yourself within a family.

Failure to do so, for whatever reason, should be at the gangster's risk.
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EL_Nino stands in shadows listening to the points of view of the crowd, stepping in to the light to make his thoughts on the subject known he begins

Maybe it is our consideration of the individuals that is the problem. When a person is under 12 hours old and not in a family they become classed as a thug, yet if they find a family in those first 12 hours they are recognised as a thug as soon as they are taken in.

One can only wonder why to solve this age old problem do we not pray to the gods that these people shouldn't be considered a gangster when there are families about until they choose to join one.
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The homeless are not worth more than us, I believe this is a poor interpretation of a current rule. As things stand, shooting a sponsored member carries a Mobster enforced death penalty, and rightly so. This is because shooting the member of a family is extremely bad practise, it places your own family in a very precarious position where a single word can lead to death as we've seen only too clearly in the past 24 hours. So naturally, the death of the aggressor must follow in such situations to alleviate the tension and calm the waters.

Back to the matter at hand, and the reason why I agree with Adebayor, a very worrying concept I'm sure you'll agree. Shooting the homeless is different. It has not always, as shooting sponsoreds has, been a forbidden fruit, as it were. The 48 hour rule has been implemented and discarded throughout the ages, sometimes it carries the penalty of death, other times it may be a lesser punishment. The penalty of death when enforced, however, does not equate to us caring more for the unaffiliated criminals who roam our Streets, but is symbolic of the Leaders not willing to house members who cannot follow the rules set down before them.

The argument of whether this rule should be enforced or not is not such a straight forward matter. For the longest time, my bloodline had strongly opposed the 48 hour rule, taking the historical stance of "My ancestors managed without it, why can't you?". Lately though, my father and now I have become more open minded, willing to look at arguments to the contrary of my normal opinion on this matter.

Often, circumstances result in a Mobster being absent from the cities, or sleeping, for a good deal of time. When they return or awake, they find themselves cannon fodder for the hitters, at least in an environment with no 48H rule. The implementation of this solitary decree changes the plane entirely though.

Those who would normally get into a family in the first 24 hours will still get into a family in the first 24 hours, nothing changes.

Those would normally get shot after appearing as an unsponsored gangster now get an extra 24 hours.

Those who swan around making no effort to affiliate themselves with a family get shot after 48 hours, the same end result.

Those who actively abuse the 48 hour rule to shoot at sponsored etc. are deemed an exception and dealt with.

Of course, the rule will not always be obeyed; witness statements will not always surface, statements claiming the 35 hour old gangster who shot or mugged first will not always be genuine, the punishment rate will not ever be 100%; yet this still results in a much safer environment for the 'innocents'. So until someone can come up with a better system for the protection of gangsters without intervention from the Gods, this is simply the best we have. Time to deal with that really.
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I hate the 48 hours rule.

That being said I can't see it going anywhere anytime soon.

Draw your own conclusions on who may be desperate for such a rule if not the crewleaders.
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