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Tapering Started by: Left on May 07, '20 06:31

So this is a bit of a sore subject for people.


And in some scenarios would work, the scenario being if alot of people died and there are still multiple capped guns.


But it doesn't always work, let me explain.

There was a war almost 40 days ago.


Of that war there was only 1 capped gun that survived. Then 40 days later because of tapering that gun is still the only capped gun to still be here after 40 days.


What this does is keep the powerful in power, tapering does not help the little guy trying he damn hardest to build.


Let me give you an example 

Everyone you know dies in a war.


You decide you want to get a big enough gun to be able to do something about it so you start building a gun like no one ever seen before +25 a day. Only you catch up to tapering before you know it you're at 550


You still shoot at +25 a day but not it's counting as +15 a day 

Then you get higher into taper because you are fast then the next guy and you're counting as +10 a day for waking every hour


Then even with all that you hit 900

You are now in a position where you need almost another 2000 kills to get capped.


This is near on impossible to survive this long when there are tyrants at the top who will make sure that people aren't in a position to be able to kill them.


As you can see this keeps the powerful in power and not the other way around

Thank you all for reading

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Be interesting to see this being tested out

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I didn't mention this was me saying that tapering should be Removed

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I'm a bit confused at what the suggestion is then?
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If this were truly how it would work, then tapering would obviously be something that needs removed... but its just not.  No one builds a gun in a vacuum.  Let us use the current landscape as an example.  For West to remain the only cop hitting gun forever, he would have to literally kill everyone else who is building repeatedly.  He isn't.  There have only been 1.5 removals since that war nearly 40 days ago.  Most cities in the country have still been building all this time.  Eventually ... not even that far away even, there will be 10 people at up near around 1000 kills with more coming.  Some of those people won't have been in tapering at all.. they will surpass someone in tapering and their progress will slow a bit, but then the person who was in tapering the whole time will have their progress increase for a time until they again overtake others.  It will take a bit of time, but soon plenty of people will have high enough guns that tapering will not stop people from having cap hitters.  

It should take a bit of time, after a site-wide war where container crews were required, for people to have cap hitting guns again.  It should.  Someone could still convince a team to work together toward taking anyone down.  BG wacking is part of the game for a reason. I actually don't even like the idea that any one person who can buy capped bgs in 10 days should be able to build a cap hitting gun in 44 days.  That is ridiculous.  Godfather cycle is 120 days. Do we actually want site-wide wars every 44 days... that sounds horrible.  Some people would like the chance to relax and actually build an account.  If you want to take those people out of power, you should have to work a little harder than building one insanely quick hitter and a handful of proers.  This is a team game.. get a good enough team together and you can kill anyone you want, any time.  

Let us also not forget that West built his gun while dealing with tapering as well.  During the war against Pollo, he was only 58 days old... and he had to deal with tapering.  He managed to build a strong gun despite living through a time that can obviously be characterized as intensely purge-centric.  He also managed to survive the tumultuous time that came after blackwater DDs, where the rest of us sort of battled for power to see who was going to be the next team to hold sway over the game.  He challenged Pollo, it was a very bloody exchange, but eventually that was was over, the people who fought against him took over, and it has honestly been mostly peaceful since then.  

It has only been 40 days. No one who has been mostly peaceful can be called a tyrant after 40 days.  You being disappointed to be dead, does not mean he or anyone else is a tyrant.  


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I do agree that this system does not give a chance to the little guy, tapering holds that capped gun out of reach for too long which often leads to purges   

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You nerds need to learn how to take out cap killers these days FOR FUCK SAKE JUST GET HIM ADMIN WACKED.

Much easier that building a gun!


Yes I am hilarious.

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Evelina's explanation is correct and the taper right now is harming those at the top far more than those at the bottom.

Even if this was repealed, it would not help those intending to be disloyal to their families, as the established elite would all have cap killers long before the +25 a day ne'er-do-wells would. How would more of their enemies having cap hitting guns help them?

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So how do you intend to achieve the goals of tapering for all future situations if its removed?


Also, your example above is misleading, the math is incorrect :/

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It would all depend on how quickly you hit tapering, maybe my math is incorrect admittedly i rushed when writing this.


My suggestion is not how we change tapering but that it should be removed completely.


I feel that someone putting in effort to build their gun fast should be rewarded not penalised.

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But in the current situation you'll only make the big guns bigger quicker..

It won't help the little man that much as he will never reach taper.
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Perhaps the issue is not of cap-killer proliferation but BGs. 

In the recent past, we've seen many wise guys and less of IWP quality within a short time. The cap-killer gun is necessary to kill capped people, but if there are less capped people it is less important.

I would recommend reducing the BG cap for people below Don. 45 units in 40 days does not seem like an ultimately heavy burden for people seeking leadership roles to pass. This way, the day count necessary to reach capped BGs will be lower than the day count necessary to reach cap-killer, but not by an insanely significant margin. 

Similarly, we have seen the use of BG-waving tactics that show a cap-killer is not necessary if one target or a small group of targets are sought to be killed by an underdog group. 



People seeking to kill 'big' targets such as CLs will have more opportunity if that CL is lower on the totem pole or a slacker. That will mean increased relative power of rogues when they shoot at those such targets.

The 'established elite' will likely see increased donations as crew members see a larger reason to contribute to organizational funds due to the subaltern lack of ability to protect themselves. 

Large targets for rogues, takedowns, wars, etc, will require more participation by members of all ranks to bodyguard wave. Think raid boss. 

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Honestly, I have no idea why anyone thinks that it needs to be easier to kill someone.  It is so easy already, especially with a little team work.  Left you said that someone who builds a big gun should be rewarded for their work.. Shouldn't also a person who builds a strong hard to kill account be rewarded for their effort? People already have been dying every month for a long time now.  It is easy to kill people.  You are basically advocating for more take downs with sure shots that flatten cities in a single wave.  That is a recipe for the extinction of real wars. Sounds pretty lame to me. 

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Is really to kill someone though, I highly disagree.


How many days old do you think you would need to be able to kill someone who has 200bg equivalent?


Many would say around 60 days that's without tapering in most cases 


With tapering for the average player it could take double that so 120 days? 


That's 1/3 of a year 

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Again, that is silly and not true.  The people who are on tapering change cyclically, because since the very top are under tapering they don't rise as quickly as those who are coming up below them.  This is perhaps the first time in years that the top guns have been so low. This isn't a regular occurrence  It will not take anything close to 120 days to correct itself.  

This game is multiplayer.  I don't understand why you are ignoring the ease with which people can build a gun of around 150 and kill the bgs of basically anyway.  It would require planning, but its completely doable to kill anyone at all with enough people and about 2 weeks worth of work.  

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Your opinion is biased

1. Because your people are in power and you want to stay in power, and will only agree to what will benefit you.


2. Because of your hatred for me.


But also we should find out other people's opinions on this matter.

I will create another suggestions post in the upcoming days where people can just simply out either a +1 or -1

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I would actually say that the reasons you are claiming that I am biased is because firstly, my friends are in power and you would rather they not be and secondly because of your hatred for me.  Perspective matters. 

However my opinion on this matter is actually not effected by the person who posted it in anyway.  I have presented accurate reasonable arguments.  I have further been directly effected by tapering twice in the last 6 months.  Tapering was likely the culprit for me failing to kill a Don CL with 1650ish kills and lead directly to my death.  Tapering would right now help my friends gain several capped guns in fairly short order.. without a doubt faster than you could build another.  However, here I am arguing for tapering to remain in effect.  

Definitely repost the same suggestion in a couple of days, that will make my valid arguments somehow invalid.. sure.  

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It used to take 1/3 of a year and sometimes more to build a cap gun. There weren't Durden spawns by players. There weren't tons of rogues like now. All should be grateful they don't have to wait even a half year to have a cap gun which was very possible before tapering.


In the times we live in, tapering is a necessity. Evelina has made many valid points. Removing tapering is a bad idea.


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Can anyone tell me how many people are in tapering as of now?  And then list how much each place earns?  I think a lot of people are really off on their numbers in their minds :/

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at most I'd say 4 or 5 people are in Tapering, 1 earning 50% per kill and the rest earning 60, 70 80 and 90% respectively

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