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A letter to suicide Started by: SINGER on Mar 21, '11 21:45

SINGER takes out a pen and walks down to the local book store. Pulling out a paper he begins to write a letter. He wonders if it will get to the write destination but only time would tell.

Dear Suicide,

Hi suicide, its been a while since we last spoke. You know i get the fact that you run around in peoples heads all day trying to get them to see that they would be better if they just gave up. Suicide i dont agree with you. Suicide you kill more than the person who retires i hope you know. Its not just he who leaves the family its also the family itself. Suicide what you do is make me feel like i have a missing arm or leg everytime i see you convince a person they should pull that trigger.

Suicide i get it, you want us all to just throw in the towel and give up but i dont understand why. I dont understand why you are so persisitant with your empty promises. You remind me of a guitar that plays a beautiful song but thats the only song you know how to do. The lyrics to that song are lonliness and hurt. Yeah suicide i think you win plenty of people over and i also think you are quite clever.

You convince the young people that no one will know their kid. That when they kill themselves off that they can have a better life for their childeren. Then the child goes to another family with a giant cloud hanging above their head. Its weird this whole dealing with suicide and the aftermaths of it.

Suicide you have taken way to many people from me in this life alone and i believe that if you were a person i would kill you off like you killed them. You are an asinine of a drug and it pains me everytime you get a victory because you tally them up in your notepad and remind everyone that they can be in your book of death.

You create a thought in the leaders mind that he is the bad one, you create the thought in the families mind that they are not good enough, you create a feeling in the heart of the friend making them believe they let someone down.

Dear suicide i do have to say that part of me is glad you are here. If no one heard your voice they would hear that of Rogue and that would bring to much pain in all of everyones life. Yeah rogue is a dangerous one that is usually only played with on the rare occasion and he affects the whole game we call life.

Suicide if i was to write you a nice letter like i am now and make you believe i am complimenting you i believe you our wrong. I will watch as you take more innocent lives with your manipulative words and your cunning ideas and ill watch as you leave more and more headquarters and family bars, streets and businessdistricts feeling empty.

Thankyou suicide for always being there for me or making me think you. Its almost as if your just a click of a button away. I know you want nothing good for me but in the end i dont even take a glance your way. I just wish that those who play with you and befriend you realize that their fulfillment wont come by quitting.

Finally my dear suicide if you wouldnt mind staying away from those i know that would be pretty nice of you. I understand you and death are close friends but honestly death dosent even like when you bring him people that are to early for him.



SINGER walks out of the book store and over to the mailbox. He then drops the letter in the mailbox marked "FOR SUICIDE" and looks around. Walking towards the crowd and right on through them he heads back home and takes a glance at that gun that was under his pillow when he first entered this life.

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FrankMartin is sat in the local book store, reading a book called "Learn how to play the guitar". As he is reading SINGER sits down next to him, Frank glances at what SINGER writes down.

Frank sits there and contemplates. Once upon a time the dark voice of suicide had spoken to him, life was hard at that time and Frank felt like he couldn't fill the shoes of his father. It seems every day you look in the obituraries in the newspaper to see one mafioso had taken their own life, usualy a young gangster who has quickly realised this life isnt for them, but sometimes even the oldest and strongest mefiosos feel the need to embrace the alleviation provided by suicide.

Every person who takes their own life affects all of us, even in the smallest way. That mafioso could have been something special, perhaps they could have changed life as we know it, or perhaps it was always their desitiny to reach an early grave.

A few weeks ago, Frank had read a post in the newspaper that his Crew Leader had succombed to suicide, this devestated Frank, especially as it was on valentines day. Frank went to find his grave and to his relief he discovered it was only a tryping error in the newspaper, and his Crew Leader wasnt dead, but it made Frank realise how important each persons life is.

Frank reaches into his pocket, holding his pistol, he pulls it out slightly to read the ensription "Angele Custos, me semper protege". Frank knows the Angels will protect him, and hopes they look after everyone who's life has fallen short.

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