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Wack Stats Page - Addition Started by: Squishy on Sep 14, '20 03:30

We have expanded the Stats page a little to include an additional column

there is 1%+ and 1%-

1%+ means that the killer had a positive chance to kill the other person, but happened to roll a 1, so their skill didn't matter. These normally fly under the radar because when a 1300 kill gun rolls a 1 on a random goomba, no one even knows.

1%- means that the killer did not have a chance to kill them, their chance was in the negatives, but happened to roll a 1, so their skill didn't matter.

As of now for example, there has been 1 person who was killed in the past week by a 1% by a shooter that didn't have the gun to kill the person, but rolled a 1.

This should give you a better feel of the stats, as well as give you an easy way to check before war if there were any 1%s.

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