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Its a Roller Coaster Started by: PietroPorkchop on Mar 08, '08 17:58
A mass of mixed emotions has come over me in the last couple of days. Our family has been on a roller coaster ride of emotions and I guess I just need to talk about some of those.

Lets start with the announcement of TCW setting up as a division of Curimbulous Peredicus, it was a good day for us and we jumped in head first to get things moving in the right direction. Things were going a long great; the relationship between Boss and captain couldn't have been any better. We developed a way to keep each other advised on the happenings of the family and it worked.

Then Altitude goes down from a lucky bullet fired from someone that didn't understand his place in this thing of ours, someone that POC took care of and we all thank him for that. Altitudes death was a sudden sharp pain directly into the heart of our family. We were left wondering what was in store for us; after all we were only a division of CP and not an official Auth. We walked about in limbo trying to go on as nothing happened, but it was hard, the upper part of our structure was torn down.

Then POC and Cab said it shall be and it was; POC made the announcement that Limoncello was to be fully Authed in the city of Philly, excited to get started and make things happen we all went to work with a smile on our face.

Then a trusted member of our family decided that he couldn't take things in this life any more and decided to rogue out of the family. It broke all of our hearts that someone that we trusted would put the entire family in danger, as we all know a family that produces numerous rogues is a family that get the microscope and we don't want this. We had to put our plans on hold to take care of the specifics on this.

Finally, the gods (Zeus I believe POC said in his speech about Limoncello) gave our Philly Boss the long await suit that shows that Limoncello is on the way to greatness.

All along the way we tried our best to take those into the family that were in obvious need of direction, tried to help these people that chose to not get educated before jumping in feet first into this lifestyle. Youngsters in our family deliberately disrespecting others, breaking rules they claim they were unaware of...I am POSITIVE, that our family rules are shorter and more to the point that the rest of the community. I accredit these actions as stupidity and as I am sure you all have seen, the punishment is always swift and harsh.

As you can see we have had our share of emotional ups and downs, I'm not complaining, after all what family hasn't gone through there tough times, I know my ancestors have.

I am sure the Coaster ride isn't over, but I can't think of anyone I'd rather have behind the controls than the one that is doing it now.

Congrats Boss on the lovely new suit!
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The beginning is often the most difficult period of time for any individual or any family. There are always a lot of unknowns and it takes time to sort out some of the kinks.

What has saddened me, personally, the most, has been the fact that certain people constantly believe that they can take advantage of personal friendships, and use these connections to better themselves, rather than their family and community. This seems to be the case with this latest rogue, and it's a shame that they decided that loyalty to their friendship wasn't as important as their own personal "glory".

All that being said though, there is no other direction to press other than forward. With a little hard work, I hope, and know, I will be seeing The Cultivated Wilds lift Philly back up to the city it used to be.
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Im sure Philly, will remain a solid and productive city.

All the best miss 'chello.

Vodoo 13th.
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The circumstances of the appointment were unfortunate for those involved, but no-one is more qualified to step into the breach than Limoncello. I'm sure a great job will be done by all.

Doubtless a tricky time for TCW, but as someone implied not that long ago....what does not kill us, makes us stronger.

I have every faith that Philly will be back to itself very soon.
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Miss Limoncello does indeed look very impressive in her new suit. It's much more upright than her previous suit. I'd like to offer my congratulations as part of this reply to Mr Porkchop's speech as I was not around to offer my congratulations at any earlier speeches.

Nodding his head in Miss Limoncello's direction, Security smiles.

I'm sure you will pick up where Altitude left off Miss, and impress the masses with your fine qualities. Good luck to you.
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Thank you all for the kind words. It truly has been quite the ride of late. I suppose that with time lessons are learned and I don't feel discouraged by the tragic events that have occurred here in the city of brotherly love. There are projects in the works even as we speak to reinvigorate the city of Philly. Everyone has ups and downs and we're certainly doing our best to move in a vertical direction. Again, thanks all.
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It has indeed been like a roller coaster ride, but I've always thought set backs make accomplishments more appreciated than if they were gained too easily.

Congratulations on getting the new suit and becoming an official family leader, Limoncello. It's been an honor to work with you and the other members of the family.
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