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GAME CHANGE: Crew Stats Modification Started by: Squishy on Oct 13, '20 00:28

I misspoke in the previous thread, so here is a corrected copy:

Two things:

1) To obtain the normal amount of crew related stats for the uppers, there must be a CL, RHM and a LHM for any crew where at least 3 users meet the code requirements for those positions.  (A newly deceased hand still counts for 2 days, having their slot empty will not hurt you during that time, nor does this apply to crews under 2 days old.)  Not having a position filled means your HQ is providing lower than normal stats for the uppers.

2) To obtain the normal amount of crew related stats for the uppers, the CL, RHM and LHM must have at least 2 of the 3 positions occupied by someone who has at least the average number of hours played while over the course of a week while compared with the front page data.  When this drops below average for a rolling week, their crew related stats will drop accordingly until such time that 2 out of the 3 return to at least the about the average of whats shown on the front page.

Right now, the front page is showing 2.3h, which puts the average tier about 2.0 to 2.6ish hours per day (*7 for the week).

This means that as a guestimate with the current front page math, as long as 2 out of 3 of your uppers maintain at least 14 hours per week, then they are receiving all of the bonuses possible for their own stats.

(In the previous version of this thread, I had misspoke and said the crew details page tiers showed their activity, but that page actually only compares them to other uppers, not the site as a whole, the front page does the site as a whole)

The goal of this change is to promote activity among the uppers to hope that we can provide more coverage for the job page.  We will continue to address this from multiple angles to increase the coverage until such time that at least 1 person with sponsorship abilities is online at any point during any 5 minute increment throughout the day.

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Oh ok that makes a bit more sense. Thanks for the clarification
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