Get Timers Now!
Apr 19 - 21:36:29
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Pack Mentality Started by: _Issei_ on Nov 21, '20 18:09

Issei had made them get out of the city, this was going to be a different kind of battle, from the place in New York, the burger, he was sure that news had hit already. It was going to be a bloodbath, and already he had found them a car, one that involved him breaking into and well, the less said, the better. 

Issei had tied up the hostage, the would-be bitch of their pack of two. He knew now the scary thing was losing her, Nola had been one of the few to understand that he wasn't a simplistic man with views of fighting and the lust of it. 

Sure he was like that on occasion but right now, it was just survival, the matter of their lives, they needed this...It wasn't a matter of having fun anymore, it was them making sure that they could see tomorrow and with their list of their enemies, it would be a long damn battle before they saw the end of it. 

"What's next Nola? All the shit we've done in the past month or two, we've had this shit growing for a fucking while...we've made enemies and they show you, they stabbed me, they've injured us...they made sure that we'd feel what we dealt..."

It was true, even Nola had to understand what was going to be coming next, it wasn't a matter of them having fun, he kept saying that to himself. It was the truth now, he would be making sure that it wasn't fun anymore but it was a necessity, it was them surviving to the point where they didn't need to fear heading into a burger joint for a simplistic meal. 

Sighing, he rested his head against the wheel, he needed something, a fucking sign that told him this would have something for them. All they had was the unconscious fuck in the back, then there was Magnolia's wound, for right now, he would get her to someone he knew would help. 

This all rested on the doctor again, he wasn't going to be losing her, Nola was too important for that..

"Right now we need to make sure that you get to a doctor, Lola is out here somewhere, we have to make sure that you stay safe...I will never lose you like that again..."

He didn't care if this blurred their partnership even more but he knew what he was doing, protecting her, to the best of his ability, he would always protect her, that is all that mattered!

"Let's go."

Like that, Issei drove off, letting his words resonate with Nola for a moment, they would patch up and then they would do what they always did. Cause pain.

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The pain began to slowly intensify with every passing moment, the adrenaline that had previously courses throughout her body was all but damn near gone. Just leaving behind the excruciating pain which radiated out from her shoulder. Now she wasn’t even sure if that really was considered her shoulder but it didn’t matter, cause it fucking it. 

Sitting there as he drove, Nola tried to raise her arm but found it better to just leave it rest. As each move caused a shooting pain to shoot down her arm. The bullet must have burnt up some nerves or perhaps even broken something and it was surely still in there. The grinding sensation within was a clear indication of that. 

Blood... her blood was still seeping out, the entire left side of her blouse was soaked with the red viscous liquid. From the looks of it to her, it may have slowed up a bit but it was hard to actually tell. What she didn’t know was that it really didn’t in fact it had gotten a bit worse. As a trail of blood dropped off bottom of her blouse, dripping slowly onto the seat she sat upon. 

”I will be...” Her voice tailed off as she let out a small groan as the car hit a bump in the road. 

”Nola? You okay?” She could see him glancing out of the corner of his eyes towards her. 

”No... bumps... avoid them, please.” Nola stated as she placed her head back onto the seat. 

Taking a rather large breath in, she exhaled and slowly closed her eyes. It was rather sudden but she had gotten really tired. She didn’t give it much thought but it was probably from the loss of blood. Was something that Issei clearly saw happening, as he called her name to keep her awake. 

”Nola!” She didn’t respond causing him to say it a bit louder. “NOLA!” Her eyes opened slightly but closed quickly once again. They were just so heavy.

”I just need to close my eyes for a moment, a quick nap...” Her words trailed off... 

“Nola... Nola...” Issei called her name a few times without a response. 

And that’s when she felt it, his hand on her shoulder. He squeezed it and squeezed it hard. It sent a pain through her body unlike anything she had ever felt. It caused her to jump, caused her to panic, caused her to scream. Clearly it had worked, she was awake... hyperventilating but awake. 

”What... the... ffffuck!” She said while trying to focus her gaze onto Issei. 

”Sorry... I had to. You need to stay awake... at least until we get to the doctors. I’m not letting you die on my watch and if I need to keep doing things like that I will.”

Nola wanted to say something but she had nothing, instead she moved herself to the corner of the seat against the door. Trying to keep the farthest away from him she could. She kept her eyes opened but sat there quiet.

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Finally! They were in Rochester, for fuck's sake, Lola had to be here, he wasn't losing her for the sake of everything that was holy, he would not be able to handle that loss. 

His hands were smeared in her blood, once he had thought that the sight would have been a thrill, that their fight would have been a glorious one. This only sent his fear skyrocketing, locking the car, he made sure to get her out. Issei carried her bridal style as he noticed that it was just getting darker...

Walking Issei came across Lola's offices, noticing one of her guards, an old friend of his, Baki the Grappler. The two stared at each other, Baki noticing Nola, the woman that Lola saved and now it seemed that it would be happening again. It was certainly odd, once more. 

Issei growled, making Baki look at him, this wasn't the time for gaping, he didn't want to do this but he had to make sure that Baki understood what the fuck was going on!

"issei...what are you doing here!?"

"Baki, come on...I need help, there's a guy in the back...I need him, ALIVE!"

Baki wasted no time in rushing away as Issei burst into the offices, leaving multiple men to aim their weapons at him. It was different, the way he stared them down, it was still the dragon but protective as he stared into Nola's eyes. 

"Not the time! Get me,!"

Issei wasted no time in rushing past them as he looked into Nola's orbs that usually held so much life and desire, they were fading, she was hanging on, and once more he grit his teeth as he went into the operating room. He laid her down on the table, watching her as Lola and a few other doctors stormed in, they gave Issei looks, ones that he did not return. 

"Lola..whatever is the problem, I DO NOT CARE! ALRIGHT!? Save her, her..."

Issei looked at her with those eyes which usually held blankness but there it was, a thirst for help, his eyes made the plea mean something more. It was very much true in that way that he would not be able to lose her, the doctors nodded, each getting their surgical equipment and some morphine, it would be a while so they could finally get this done for the dragon...

"She's going to be under for a while, we're going to make sure she lives what you have to do, just...keep the noise down....I was told what Baki was sent to retrieve.."

Issei nodded, holding his hand up for a moment as he walked up to Nola. The only person to see a vulnerable side of himself, he bowed his head, leaning his against hers as he gripped her hand tight. 

"You will return Princess Red, I know it. Do not let them win, fight! FIGHT! Fight until there is nothing left because we both know there is always something left with you..."

Issei sighed, lifting his head as he walked away, for a moment, he was sure that he hadn't imagined it as he felt her squeeze back. It gave him a shimmer of hope...

The dragon continued to move now, he had someone to cause pain with and this would be slow, just as he promised, whoever did this would pay, that was for one hurt her and lived. No one.

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What felt like an hour was only a moment as she dozed off, only waking up to her head dipping downward. It gave her the sensation that she was falling, sending a wave of panic throughout her. She gasped for a breath of air, why she didn’t truly know but quickly was able to compose herself. Her eyes though were once again getting heavy, it was getting harder and harder by the minute keeping them opened.

They closed once more...

”Nola...” She could hear her name being called but couldn’t put two and two together. Was it a dream? That’s it she must have been dreaming... 

“Nola...” The voice spoke up again, this time followed by a jolt forward. A jolt that sent her forward in her seat as Issei slammed into the brakes when he pulled into Lolas parking lot.

The jolt was followed by a moment of silence then a moment of weightlessness. It was as if she were floating on a cloud, a cloud going wherever the wind was taking it. It was rather serene, it was peaceful. She was in a state of bliss as she floated, the peace and quiet sporadically broke up by distance chatter. 

In her mind the voices were speaking to her, calling her... 

“Nola... come out, come out whenever you are...” 

It caused her to smirk. “I’m over here... I’m not hiding...” This is what played in her head but in the real world she was incoherently mumbling. She in her mind was replaying a distant memory, a childhood memory... one with her brother back in the UK. 

”Ah, there you are!” 

Nola smirked again

”I told you I was hiding.” 

”Come home, mother wants you.” 

He reached for her and could feel his grasp in her hand. Causing her to squeeze it back. Here thinking she was taking her brothers hand but in fact was squeezing Issei’s. 

A smile went upon her face. 

”Okay, I’m right beh...” 

Her voice tailed off as the morphine was introduced into her system, everything slowly faded away until eventually going black.

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"What have you found out?"

"A coalition of sorts, the Yakuza outliers, the goons that you both have attacked in recent times. Surprisingly, the majority of the muscle comes from the thugs. They believe you and Nola have...outstayed your welcome, you're both wanted dead...."

Humming Issei decided to listen with what Baki was saying, the way his face was set, he knew what was going to come next. The information, they had to lay low and they were out of New York, who the fuck would think to find them in Rochester of all places?

"Anything else? The Yakuza were meant to be a supposed ally to my recent ventures out in the West, it seems that I was wrong, a few of the old farts want to kill me, they do not know what they have begun..."

"I've checked the news and radio, a few of your guys were also hit, along with the gym out in Philly, it seems it was a planned assault. They were planning on you dying, all of you Issei. This is war..."

Bowing his head, this is the way things had to go, is this what he got Nola into? Would she have been hit if they had never met in that bar? Was this the fate that rested in the palm of his hands? Issei didn't know if he liked it, leading all these people if he made the wrong step, they all would pay for it.

Baki was already in his camp, even though he worked out here for various people, the man was already answering to him. Issei liked it but it would seem odd for him to do so, he had to keep him at arm's length.

"How's our guest? Did he tell you any of the secrets? What happens next is going to be difficult in watching, I need to know if you're ready for this sort of thing, eh?"

Baki snorted, working with Issei was never something he found dull. With the current circumstances, he knew that this was going to be a different kind of game than he was used too. 

"He's...adjusting, classic tale, was forced into it, didn't know much. Currently, we're trying to make sure that he knows this is not the usual interrogation. I have my people working him over, what we need to discuss is what happens next..."

Issei wasn't ready to answer that question, usually, he knew that he had led with the way he and Nola did things but in recent times, regardless of his blurring the lines, he needed her and there was no way about it. Issei felt off, he didn't feel centred and he wondered what he would do in order to get this vengeance?

"When I know the bullet is out of her when I know that she is safe, when I KNOW she comes back to me, I'll decide, right now? You keep him close, I don't care if he starts singing opera, you get him talking any which way and you bring it to me! You got that Baki!?"

The grappler nodded as Issei walked away, he knew that was wrong but he didn't care, not right now. It had been a long few...days? weeks? He didn't fucking know, all he knew right now was that he needed some rest. 

He would deal with the information and their guest later, he had to make sure that he was prepared. For all the blood that was to come, it would sure be a time to make anybody think twice of fucking with them again!

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After several hours, Lola exited her operating room. Her head held low from the exhaustion, it had been quite some time since she had worked that hard. Usually situations like the one she just went through didn’t end well, her and her team usually threw in the flag after a certain amount of time, a certain amount of blood loss. All of which had been exceeded during the time Nola was on the table. 

Come to find out the shoulder wound wasn’t the only wound... it was in fact the lesser of the two. There was too much blood for it just to be the shoulder, was something that Lola quickly noticed. She had quickly grabbed her scissors, cutting Nolas blouse in half. The moment the fabric pulled away from her skin, the second hole was visibly noticeable... just under her rib cage on her left side.

Perhaps it was the thought of Issei losing his mind if she didn’t make it or perhaps she felt that she deserved to live. Either way she pushed and pushed, fixing up everything that she was able to. It took countless hours and numerous pints of blood but she had made it through the surgery. Step one had been completed, now the real test would be if she made it through the next couple days. 

Lola decided it was for the best to keep her asleep for a couple days, keep her in a medically induced coma. It was the safest way for her to heal. 


It had felt like blackness was lasting forever, was as if she was trapped in the dark. She was not able to move, she was not able to talk but for some reason she was able to hear the faded murmur of voices. They seemed miles away and she wasn’t able to make out anything they were saying. It was almost as if she were in her own personal hell. Was she trapped in this blackness for eternity? Was this her punishment for the life she had lived up to this point? 

Days in and days out the murmurs stayed the same, nothing had changed... that was until one night. Suddenly the distant murmurs were coherent. Suddenly she could feel her body once more, it took all her might but she was now to slowly open her eyes. The room was dark but there was a bit of light shining in the distance. It was light from the hallway that was shining through the cracked open door in the room she laid in. Her vision was blurred and her body ached all over as she tried to move. 

She laid there, trying to gain her bearings but the room was too dark. Where was she? What the hell happened? Last thing she remembered was the car ride with Issei. 

”Hel...lo...” She spoke softly, there was no response. “Hello? Anyone... here...?” She spoke again and waited another moment to see if anyone could hear her. There was once again no response. She was about to speak again but before she could get the words out of her mouth the door pushed opened. Sending a rush of light into her room, it was blinding and caused her to squint. 

”Hello? Are you awake?” A voice chimed up as a shadowy figure blocked some of the light from the doorway. 

”Where... am.. I...?” 

”Ah, you are awake... I was starting to get a bit worried about you and to be honest Issei is on the verge of losing his mind. How are you feeling?” 

Nola groaned. 

”Yeah, kind of figured your answer was gonna be something like that. You came in in pretty rough shape, you’re actually quite lucky to be alive. Two bullet holes, took me hours to fix you up but that was six days ago now. Anyways, let me get you a bit more morphine, help ease that pain a bit. Then you need to get some more rest.”

Lola walked over to her cabinets, pulled out a bottle or morphine and a syringe. She filled it up, got all the air bubbles out of it and injected it into Nola. 

”That should kick in rather quickly... I’m gonna go track down Issei and tell him the good news.”

Nola went to speak but before she was able to get anything out the morphine took over. Her eyes got heavy once more as it drifted her back to sleep. 

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In the days that followed, Issei had bunkered down in Rochester, trying to find something that could take his mind off of Nola, fortunately, their guest proved to be a valuable keeper of time. One that didn't let Issei get distracted, Issei had actually in the six days that followed grown some stubble, his hair came down to cover his eyes, he looked different, like a warrior. 

"Please...I'm begging you, I told you all I know, it was a group of people that came together to take you down. We got the offer from Eto..."

Issei knew that this was the truth, after six days, the man had been through a lot. It wasn't even the psychical torture that Isssi delivered, he left that with Baki, the man knew how to work with tools and it left Issei to watch the procedure, knowing that this was going to be...amazing. 

The dragon within him called for blood, they wished to take what was precious from him, they didn't even know the ramifications of what they were doing. Issei shook his head, meeting Baki's eyes as he was the one to lean against the wall, deciding that this was going to be some time and he didn't mind doing so. 

"Jerry, you've been someone who knows the way this world works, there's something more. We know the operatives, we know who is involved and they will pay. What else is there?"

Jerry the guest whimpered, not knowing that he would have been the one to be captured, it left him in a position. Save himself or save his people, it was clear this wasn't going to be stopping, the falseness in Issei's voice was clear. It was the part that got him most, what made him this way?

Was it that Magnolia? She was always someone that the Yakuza warned them about, she was meant to be dead, they had fucked that up now. Issei was meant to be...not vengeful for one. It left Jerry in the position of a snitch, one that he was already taking as he let out deep breaths deciding that it was for his betterment. 

"It was two minor gangs backed by the Asians, they want you dead for your recent behaviour. They're holding up in New York and Las Vegas, they've tried hitting you with little each time. After we made the hit, we were meant to contact them, safe to say that didn't happen and they know the hit was a bust. Seeing as I'm the only one alive, I know what they can do...they had one chance and now they'll be scrambling to mount something again, that's all I know...alright!?"

Issei bowed his head, sure that it was certainly the only thing he knew. Good to know that they weren't as put together as it seemed, Issei was glad for the reprieve, it was welcome because he was going to hunt each of them down before the month was out. 

Giving Baki a look, he was already shaking his head, letting him know that Nola would be the one to handle him, she deserved that right. 

A pounding on the door called the two men's attention as Issei walked over, opening it as he saw Lola's bright smile that reeked of good news. 

"She's woken up Issei. She's under morphine, I'd give her another few hours, you know what was wrong. What you plan to do, just be careful with it, alright? She's not that stable considering what she suffered but she'll pull through, just try not to scar her up anymore, eh?"

Snorting, Issei bowed his head in thanks to Lola as he looked back at Baki with a brief smile. 

"Call them, it's time to start our plan in getting these fucks to understand the error in their ways. No one fucks with us and lives, no one."

Issei told his current soldier with authority as he walked out, already heading out into the offices as he could only face what was to come with her. He was glad that she was alive, it was one of the better things that he would have found desirable.

"Together, we'll face what is to come and it'll be a glorious moment because those that have fucked with us will know the error in their ways."

The dragon made it to the OR as he sat down on a chair, noticing the man doctors and guards who walked by him with smiles and nods. They had all felt his temper in the that Nola had been out of commission, it was a glad time for them to see that Issei wasn't actually like this. He was scared, he was scared of losing the only person who understood him and his ways.

Standing to his feet, Issei entered the room where Nola was recovering, sitting down on a chair as he leaned back and closed his eyes, peace consumed as for the first time in a while he felt like everything was slowly getting back to the way it was before. 

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The closed window blinds had been opened at some point throughout the morning, letting the sunlight consume the room. She could feel the warmth of the rays from the sun shining on her face as it pierced through the window of her room. It was a comforting feeling, one that seemed t pour a bit of life into her soul. She had dealt with the dark... the blackness for what seemed forever now, so the feel of the sun was something that she just couldn't explain.

She laid there awake, with her eyes closed for quite some time. She could hear the low hum of conversations in the hallway and the clicking footsteps as whomever walked by. She took it all in, let her ears be her eyes for a while... until she finally decided to open them. It was a slow process, squinting it at first, giving them ample time to adjust to the sunlight before opening them completely. She made she to fixated them on a single spot on the ceiling, a random water mark, probably from a leak from a recent rain storm. The leak was beside the point though, it just gave her something to look at for the moment.

It was a moment that quickly passed as she looked away from the spot and down in front of her. Gazing upon her own form, one of which that was tucked under a blanket. Then to her left, towards the window. There wasn't much of a view, just a bunch of trees. Was as if the building may have been situated at the base of a forest... Who knew though, it could have just been a couple trees, she didn't really know... nor care.

Shifting her gaze once more, she move it to the right. The wall was lined with cabinets on the top and bottom with a simple white counter in between them. It wasn't anything special... but what she saw next was... out of the corner of her eye she caught glimpse of a form. Someone sitting in the chair that sat in the corner of the room. She wasn't able to turn her head enough in the position she was laying in to see who it was.

Placing her hands down to her side, Nola pushed herself up on the bed. A sharp pain coming from her shoulder and left side caused her to adjust the way she did it. It also made her grimace a bit in pain, though she was able to keep any sounds of it internally. Once situated up, in a comfortable position. One of which didn't put any strain on the parts that hurt, Nola took inventory on herself. She looked to her left at her shoulder which was bandaged up. There was also a large patch of bandages on the left side of her abdomen.

It was then in that moment a sense of panic took over her. She didn't know where she was and she didn't know what happened... It caused her to hyperventilate... her breathing started to become erratic... She probably would have passed out if not for what happened next, the feel of hand on top of hers. Seems that her panic woke Issei from his sound sleep, she had completely forgotten about the figure sitting in the chair in the corner... It was Issei...

"It's okay red... calm down..."

She fixated her gaze onto him, he looked different... It was the first time that she had ever seen him unshaven like he was but there was more. Something else that she couldn't put her finger on. She tried to take it all in, tried to pick out what it was. Was a process that helped her calm down, helped her back to a normal state.

"Nice to finally see you awake, nice to see those eyes opened."

Nola's eyes jetted back and fourth. Sure she had already taken stock of the room but this time was different, her mind was clear and she was trying to figure out everything. That was the problem within itself though... she couldn't remember anything. She finally directed her gaze back onto him and finally spoke.

"What happened and where are we?"

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"Rochester, New York. Currently? Medical Facility of Lola Spratt. She's the one that took care of the operation, you were brought here because we were...we-"

Issei's anger returned, it was not a brief flicker, it was not like the times where he would begin to fight like there was nothing holding him back. This was different, an ability that would make sure that those who did this would pay.

"We were supposed to be taken out, a joint coalition against the two of us, ha-ha. How funny, currently, we've gathered all the information possible."

Issei didn't actually let go of her hand yet, still, his eyes did not leave her face. At this moment, he didn't want that to end nor did he ever wish to truly see it end because it was different now, she had almost lost her life, two bullet wounds, a week passed and she had been unconscious, he had to work without her for a while and that had broken him. 

The way her eyes continued going back and forth for a moment, she was still getting used to what was happening, Issei knew she had to take it easy, this wasn't going to be a simplistic recovery. Even though he knew that revenge would be in the books, for right now, there were things other than revenge that needed to be taken care of. 

His small amount of humour washed away as he watched her, deciding to tell her the news in case she forgot, both of their men had died. That attack shook them, so much so that Issei didn't think twice in protecting her, he wondered why that was but he had already come to that conclusion. 

"Jasper and Kiba, they're dead. The bodies are probably with the coroner's, as well as the damages done to the burger spot. Countless civilians as well, people were scared, it was a massacre, all for the two of us and we survived that ordeal Nola, we made it out. I'm going to hunt those fucks down, do you hear me!? They will pay for what they did to you...I swear it."

He pressed his hand against hers, now noticing that the door had been open. Craning his neck, he noticed that it was Lola and Baki, both looked a bit put out at the scene yet neither said a word. 

Issei waited for a moment before addressing them, meeting Nola's eyes as he did not want to look away, that he did with no small amount of annoyance though. 

"They're here, by the way, your men, they're here to guard you. They are waiting to be told of what happens next, as are we. We're standing behind the two of you, so lead us and tell us what needs you have and what we can do to make sure that the retaliation is met tenfold..."

Sitting down softly, making sure to not injure her any further, Issei carefully glanced at Lola. She was one of the few people that didn't like this life of crime, one that often came with blood and death, it involved burying friends and seeing their kin proclaim vengeance. It was a cycle that she was once an heir to before running with simplistic views on how to do her part. 

"Direct them to the waiting room, I'll be sure to make sure to address them then. Lola, get one of your attendants to fetch some clothes for Nola as well. Is she stable enough to move with assistance, doctor? If she so wishes as well..."

Lola hummed, heading towards the bed as he looked at the chart, knowing that they were going to be burning all the files on her. Everyone who had operated on her had been dealt with, except for her.

Issei made sure of that. People knowing that she was here, a chance of another attack, of something of that calibre happening again, it was a scary thought for the dragon. 

One that Baki and Lola understood, easily going along with it as she gave the two a look. 

"She's stable enough, she will need to adjust though as well as her food intake but as long as she's not too heavily active, she should be stable enough to continue with support."

Issei thanked her with a smile, it was small but it was enough for right now, Issei was ready for war but it didn't mean the crimson princess was. 

"Please, both of you, get on it and come back when you are ready."

Hearing the door opening and the fading steps soon after, Issei turned back to face Nola with a sad smile. Was she ready? He didn't know but he would be here for her, he knew that much and the dragon was ready to see his princess through to the end with this. 

"I want you to know this, I'm going to protect you, with every fibre of my being. This won't ever happen again, I promise you..."

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Nola could only speak out that simple word as her mind fired in what seemed to be a hundred different directions. She completely understood what he was saying and in a way it made sense. It was the only thing that could explain where she was and the state that she was in but for the life of her she couldn't remember most anything.

There were fragments of it all that stuck out in her head. The initial entrance into the Burger, the meeting of Kiba... may he rest in peace... and then the tail end of the car ride. There were definitely a lot of gaps missing, perhaps it was for the better that she didn't remember them?

"So this was planned? We were being hunted?"

Issei nodded. "Yes and it seems like more than just one group of people. A coalition of sorts, at least that's what I'm hearing from my little informant in the back."


"Yeah, I was able to take one of the guys shooting at us from the Burger. He's been signing for days now."

"Days? What do you mean days?"

Issei scooted his chair closer to her.

"It's been a week now since that event took place. We've been her in Rochester for a week... you've been asleep for a week..."

Hearing that instantly made her nauseous, giving her a pitting feeling in her stomach.

"A week?"

"A week... It's okay though, you're okay. You've healed quite a bit in that week, so the sleep was good for you."

Nola pushed herself up into a seated position on her bed, placed her hand on her side then swung her legs off the side of the bed. She sat there and gently rubbed her side. The moving wasn't the most pleasant for whatever kind of wound she had under the bandage, it wasn't excruciating but she felt it with every move she made.

Issei in the meantime stood up and positioned myself so he was standing in front of her. He held out both of his hand towards her, both of which she reached for and took.

"You sure you're ready to stand?"

"I think so..." Nola gave him a nod as she pushed herself off the bed. A push that was helped a bit as Issei gave a gentle pull. The moment her feet hit the cold floor, Nola's legs wobbled underneath her. If it wasn't for Issei holding her hands, she would have definitely collapsed to the floor.

"I got you..."

Nola looked up at him with a smile. "Usually this feeling in accompanied with extensive drinking... I feel like I've been completely missed out on the good part." She chuckled to her own comment, trying to add a bit of humor to the situation.

Before Issei was able to respond, Lola and Baki made their way back into the room.

"We're ready." Baki stated.

Issei looked in their direction and gave them a nod, it was all that he needed to do to let them know he understood and that they would be down there momentarily. The pair walked out of the room, leaving just Issei and Nola once again.

"You down for this today? You can stay here if you like while I go handle this, I can relay all the information back to you."

Nola shook her head. "No, I'm coming... can you just grab me some cloths?" Nola pulled her hands away from his, Issei stood there for a moment to make sure she had her balance before walking over to the counter where the cloths sat. He walked back and placed them on the bed sort of next to her.

"I'll get Lola to come help you."

Nola gave him a nod. He walked out of the room and in came Lola. It took a couple minutes but she was able to get into some fresh new cloths and more importantly a pair of shoes. Once dressed and with the help of Lola, Nola gingerly walked out the room.

"Okay, lead the way..."

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Issei stood there for a moment, watching her with concern that he didn't bother to hide it. Giving the doctor a look, he fished out a few grand, enough that it would cover her for close to a year, Issei was willing to make sure that she was settled. He paid people well for looking after his precious people, giving her a glance, he noticed that she faltered. Scowling at the money before shoving it back to him, his eyes holding no tiny amount of surprise in them. 

"Well then, that's a first. You decided to sign up with the...bad guys?"

Issei playfully drawled, the first in a while and with his new look, it definitely seemed to have an effect as he noticed the way a reddish hue on her face before he raises his arms in mock surrender. 

"Yes. Now, don't you have some people to address, Le Dragon?"

"I knew there was a reason you stuck around, thank you, Lola, it means a lot."

The two smiled before Issei took Nola's hand and started to walk towards the waiting room, though it was a private facility with a mercenary company backing, Issei knew that drawing too much attention wouldn't bode well for his oldest ally. 

Giving Nola a sly look, he chuckles and felt that the clothes suited her well, while his, well he felt a bit out of place like this but it suited him, a bit. 

"Here we go, remember, this is for you, this is for Kiba, Jaspar and the blood that they've spilt against us, Nola. We're going to make them pay."

He got a sly hum in response, it was nice to know that she was still feeling like her old self as that is all he wanted from this, to know that she still felt like her old self, that this was not a result of how they operated, were they loose cannons? Fuck no. They stuck to the code but hey, who the fuck were these small gangs thinking they could touch them!?

Fuckers who got fucked instead, that is who and Issei was always ready to make sure that they knew their place in the hierarchy. This was how it worked for him at the very least, he knew how things would slowly evolve from there. 

Issei stepped into the waiting room, noticing the numerous faces. Soldiers from New York and Las Vegas, all rallying around them, it was a moment meant for movies, a moment written in history books and it was not one he would forget.

Standing on a platform, he sat down on it as he looked out at all the people gathered here, all for the moment that had building for a week. 

"You all know what happened last week, you all know the atrocities committed on the orders of my former allies in the Yakuza and their esteemed allies of the small allied forces of the New York and Los Angeles street gangs, the way business moves, we were hunted down and you all paid the price for that..."

Issei stiffly looked at the seat which would usually be holding Kiba and his crew, the people that he had gone into business with. They had died also, his friends, the only ones that he had left. He was alone now, just as the thought came, it left when Nola squeezed his hand, causing him to look up at her for a brief moment. 

"There is going to be more blood, there's going to be anarchy and there will be a time for mourning. Not on our side though, we have suffered enough and now is the time we take the fight to them, we have bunkered down, we have recovered and you have answered the call, the few that could. Who is going to follow us into war?"

A large number of nods went through the gathered men and women, it was clear that this was their little moment of cheer. Books simply overhyped the moments like these when cheers would go up, it was never like that. The decision to go to war, to spill blood, to be the hunter was not one that left the so-called heroes with smiles, it would leave them with scars that none could see. 

"Through the next number of days, you'll get the call, for right now, rest and gather up supplies. This is not going to be slow and steady, trust me on that..."

The men and women nodded, their eyes looking towards Nola and Issei for a brief moment. They soon departed, leaving Issei and Nola for a small moment. 

"I know you're ready, you've always been ready. careful alright?"

Meeting her eyes, the intensity of his gaze would have cowed most but she was not most, they both knew that much already.

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Nola stood there in silence as Issei spoke to the small crowd of people. It wasn't an army and they were sure to still be outnumbered but if they did things right, all would work out well in their favor. Hopefully... She watched as they left, the moment they departed a sigh of relief left her body. She knew standing up there that she needed to portray strength but inside she was cringing. Perhaps it was a bit too much too soon but in her mind it was something that she knew she needed to be present for.

While Issei spoke, Nola pushed herself up against the wall and slowly slid down it. She gaze up and met his eyes as they gazed down onto him.

"I'm ready... I'll be ready... Just need another day or two..."

She took in a deep breath and exhaled it slowly, trying to relax herself a bit further. She repeated it again... a sort of calming sensation went over her.

"I'm not sure I will be able to join you on the front line of the attack when it happens. It might be safer for you and for me if we aren't side by side."

Issei knelt down in front of her with a single eyebrow raised. "You need to be next to me.... It has to be..."

Nola shook her head. "Don't get me wrong, I would love to be one of the first to act on the front line but if right now is any indication of how my body is, I will be more of a hindrance than a help." She smiled. "Don't worry though... I'm quite good with a rifle, if all else fails I can cover you from a distance."

Issei stood up, holding his hands out, palms up towards her. It was his way of telling her it was time to get up off the floor. Placing her hands into his, he squeezed his around hers and helped her off the floor.

"We have a couple days yet... We will take it a day at a time and see how things progress with you. For now though, let's get you something to eat and a comfy place to sit."

Nola nodded. She knew it was something that he wasn't going to want to hear but it was something that she knew she needed to say. This was going to be dangerous enough on it's own, he didn't need to worry about her during the action and if it resulted in her laying back a bit than so be it.

For now though, food sounded good...

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