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A Smith? No, A Patangeli. Started by: Gianna on Nov 22, '20 18:45

It had been many months and weeks since Gianna had undertook her journey from a little neighborhood in Philadelphia, Queen Village, to find and resolve the mystery that surrounded her since birth. Ever since a child she had always felt special, different, even some of the kids in school would throw out names and pick on her for her lineage she knew not a thing about growing up. Her foster parents had decided to keep her in the dark completely, not a word or single fact was mentioned about her mother other than that she gave her the name she bore. Gianna Rose Smith... Gianna despised it for years but learned to embrace and love it. It was not her curse, it was not why she was abandoned.. her name was her name and she was proud to have it.. although it was always a reminder that 'someone else' named her and not the parents that decided to raise her.. it was always somewhat of a sting her her...

That was until she turned twenty two, she began to become more restless as the years waned on and finally this was the breaking point. The search for her mother was underway, she had many questions about her family, her 'real' family, where they were from.. why she was left behind.. all of it. It weighed down on her for years and there was only one person that could solve it and that was one of her birth parents. She began asking around Philadelphia and that was when the goons showed up at her door one night, told her to not go looking for her parents ever again.. one even dropped a name.. 'Carla' ..

The name was all Gianna needed and soon a mysterious not showed up and sent her off to New York where she met a few new friends in Issei and Magnolia. One of which pointed her to her real birth mother's last known house and place of business, The Eros' Lounge, in Los Angeles. Gia was anxious to get there and get the final answers she needed...

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The next morning Gia awoke from her slumber in the hotel that was situated along the central strip in Las Vegas.. it was the first and only place that Gianna had to stop at along her trek to the west coast. At first, she was annoyed that James had not gotten her and Magnolia tickets that ran straight to Los Angeles, but who could say no to the nightlife of the strip and the best food places to eat in all of Vegas. The buzzer began to buzz again on the nightstand which cause some severe head pain until Gia rolled over and slapped it with her hand.. 

Her head still spun a bit from all the alcohol she managed to down the night before. Normally she was not a big drinker, but she had run into an old friend of hers again the night before while out in the park and decided to catch a drink with him at the pub nearby.. big mistake...

"Oh... jeesus.. my head is killing me!"

Gia sat upright in bed as she mumbled to herself and yawned loudly.. the room was a bit chilly and she wondered why the place did not even offer any kind of central heating of some sort, but oh well, it was cheap and it did the job for the night.. She yawned one more time before he feet hit the cold floor below her, sending slight chills up her back and spine from the cold floor, causing her to stammer around with her feet until she could bear the cold against the bottom of her feet. The morning was still quite young and the bird could be heard chirping outside, along with he bustle of cars and foot traffic.. Las Vegas was awake and moving.

She had a few hours until she needed to be at the airport to catch the next flight to Los Angeles, she had better hurry and find Magnolia who was seemingly always out on 'business' .. Gia had thought she was coming to get away from New York and whatever obligations she had there, but it seems she just brought them along. Sure, she wasn't AS busy since she left New York, but she was always taking care of various 'things' and would never tell Gia what it was.. very suspicious...

A loud knock at her hotel door came at that moment and it caused Gianna to jump in place before James deep voice came booming from behind the door.

"Miss Gianna! Open the door we have a problem..."

Gianna quickly walked over to the door and unlatched the two locks and deadbolt before pulling open the large heavy white door. James scurried in and shut the door behind him with his large arm. He was huffing and puffing slightly out of breath.. Gia chuckled and shook her head at him before walking over to the chair in the corner of the room and sitting down gracefully.. James was still huffing and puffing, it seemed like he was trying to say something but couldn't muster the words with his lack of breath..

"What is it James? You look like you're about to have a heart attack..." Gia teased as she pointed to the empty coffee pot on the table of the hotel room. "Fetch me a cup of coffee would ya? Can't be that serious anyways, were on vacation!"

James shook his head at her while he hunched over onto his knees and continued heaving for air.. when he finally mustered enough he began to speak slowly..

"Miss, I got word that some men know you are here in this hotel.. know that we are still searching for your mother and father.. they are headed over here with guns to shoot the place up we have to leave now!"

"Oh James.. your over dramatic.. nobody could possibly know I'm here in Vegas.. it's been less than twenty four hours since I landed and we leave soon, how could word have spread that quick? Your too cautious..."

Gia pointed to the coffee pot again as she chuckled..

"Now go and get me some coffee..."


James tried to speak again but was cut off by Gianna again who demanded her cup of coffee.. reluctantly, he complied but knew of the dangers that were headed this way.. maybe he could talk some sense into Magnolia about it... Where was her hotel room anyways? Second floor? He needed to hurry.. time was of the essence...

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It had been a rather crazy night, most of it she couldn't remember. She knew there was drinking, lots of it. Possibly some gambling? Definitely some clubbing and... well she was sure there had to be more. A headache like the one she had, screamed there was more to their night then her memory could piece together.

As she laid there in her bed, enjoying the dark and quiet room. A rather loud knocking pounded on her door. With each knock it sent a throbbing sensation through out her head, it almost felt like it was going to explode. Taking her pillow out from underneath her head, Nola covered her face with it. Hoping that it would drown out some of the sound. It helped slightly but not enough to make a difference.

There was a brief stop in the knocking as a voice from the other side of the door spoke up. "Magnolia! I know you're in there, I know this is your room. Open up!." It was followed by a couple more knocks and more words. "I'm not going away... open the damn door!"

Letting out a deep sigh, Nola pulled the pillow off her face. "What in the actual fuck..." She muttered to herself as the knocking continued.

"Alright... for fuck sake, I'm coming!"

Nola flung the covers off of her and swung her legs to the side and sat up all in one motion. It was a bit too much too quick, the moment she sat upright an intense nausea feeling overcame her. One that if she moved a muscle, she was so going to throw up. With head looking down, eyes focused on the floor.


Before she could finish her sentence, the knocking persisted.

"Jesus Christ! I said I'm fucking coming!"

The knocking stopped. "Hurry up! It's important!" The guy behind the door spoke up.

It was then that she realized who it was, it was that James guy. If he was knocking at her door the way he was, this had to be important. Cause there was no way that he was just doing it for a social visit.

Taking a couple deep breaths and letting the nausea subside just a bit, Nola stood up from the bed. She needed to use the nightstand as a holding point but she got up. Took a quick moment to gain her balance, confident that she wasn't going to collapse, Nola let got of the nightstand. Slowly she walked over to the bathroom door and grabbed the robe off the handle, draping it over her shoulders and tying it in the front as she made her way to the door.

She unlatched the latch and unlocked the handle, the moment she did the door pushed opened. The light from the hallway entered the room, it was blinding and it sent another throbbing sensation through her head. It caused her to quickly close her eyes.

"Ew.. light... damn that shit is bright."

Slowly she opened her right eye but kept it to a squint as she looked up at James standing in the doorway.

"What? What's so important that you needed to pound on my door like that?"

"I got some word that there are some men about that know Ms. Gianna is here in this hotel. They seem to know that she is looking into her birth parents and well... they plan to come here and shoot the place up."

"Okay.. and why are you telling me this? You should probably tell her."

"I did... she brushed it off but I'm telling you we don't have much time."

Nola let out a sigh.

"Okay... well if it's true they probably know which room she is in. Go get her and bring her down here, I'll figure something out..."

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James felt a wave of relief come over him as Magnolia agreed to figure something out.. At least she believed him which was usually unlike her, but no matter what was important was getting Ms. Gianna out of this hotel somehow safe... The door slammed behind him as he scurried down the long hallways of the hotel until he came upon Gianna's room once again.

He glanced down and noticed the latch was down and the door was slightly cracked.. he got an Ill feeling and quickly pulled his gun from his pocket and barged through the door with his gun drawn.. Gianna screamed loudly as she was completely caught off guard and startled by James..

"What the fuck are you doing! Jeeeeesus! James! I told you to go get me some coffee why are you bathing through my door with your piece drawn.."

Gianna used her hand to point at the gun and gestured toward the floor..

"Put that freaking thing away before you hurt someone dammit.."

James shook his head and quickly ran over to the window that looked down upon the street infront of the hotel and he let off a slight sigh as he saw that the street was empty and quiet..

"Gianna you have to listen toe! Those guys are coming and we need to get you out of here!"

She stood there and shook her head at him and began tapping her foot

"I want me coffee James.. C O F F F E -"

James abruptly interrupted her before she could finish as he lowered his gun a bit...

"Yea I got that miss.... Look Nola said she's got some in her room, freshly brewed.. she brought some from her shop in New York... Why don't we take a walk down there and you get your coffee?"

Gianna's demeanor changed quickly as she smiled wide and nodded at him and quickly ran over to the bed and began putting her shoes on.​​​​​​

"Mmmm I love Nola's coffee! Fine you for me convinced... But I still don't know about these goons coming to get me. James nobody knows I'm in Las Vegas..."

James shook his head and just nodded yes at her and agreed.. he didn't have time to try to explain to her that men were coming to kill her.. the girl was too naive. No wonder her foster parents told her to not go looking.. it's been less then a year and already twice her life has been threatened.

They quickly left the room as James gripped her by her arm and let her quickly to Magnolia's room. Each corridor was longer than the other and it was easy to get lost in this place if you hadn't walked around a bit.. they came to the white door where James quickly knocked again..

"Nola! Open up it's James again.. Gianna is with me"

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Once James left, Nola took a seat on the edge of her bed. She was still feeling the affects of all the partying from the previous evening, her head was a bit fuzzy and she still didn't feel the greatest. Another couple hours of sleep would have been ideal but seemed thus was not the case, not this morning at least.

She sat there in the dark, with eyes closed. There may have been a brief moment that she dozed off, while sitting upright but that can't be confirm. She was in a moment of bliss, that was until that loud knocking began... again...

"Nola! Open up it's James again... Gianna is with me."

Letting out a sigh, Nola pushed herself off the bed. Taking a moment once again to balance herself.

"Nolaaaaa..." It was the sound of Gianna's voice. "I hear you have coffee...."

Coffee... what the hell was she talking about. The thought quickly went through her head. As nice as it would be to have coffee right now, it was definitely something that she didn't have.

"I'm coming..."

Sluggishly she strolled to the door and unlocked it. The moment the sound of the lock turned the knob turned and the door pushed opened. The force behind it caused her to stumble backwards a bit but thankfully her holding onto the door knob kept her upright. Clearly it was James that pushed it opened but the first to enter the room was Gianna, followed closely behind her way James. Whom made sure to close and lock the door behind them.

The room itself was still pitch black, the curtains were still drawn together and were so tight together that not an ounce of light shinned through them. That was until Gianna pushed them opened.

"Ah, that's better. Now I can see. So where is this coffee?"

The beams of light basically blinded Nola temporarily and one of which that sent a sharp throbbing pain into her head.

"What in the actual fuck, could you not give me a bit of warning before you went and did something like that.... Jesus Christ woman..."

"So... coffee? Where's it at?"

It was a comment that Nola initially ignored as she tried to focus herself to the day light.

"Nola? Coffee?"

The sun was too much, it was so intense that Nola needed to get her sunglasses out of her bag. They helped a bit but it was still bright as fuck.

"I don't have coffee."

The comment made Gianna whip her head towards James.

"Really? You've got to be kidding me. You're an asshole James... I will just go get my own damn coffee."

Gianna pushed past him, causing James to give Nola a look. She knew it was on her now to stop the woman.

"Gianna...." She proceeded towards the door, causing Nola to get a bit louder. "GIANNA!" It made her stop in her track as she put her gaze onto Nola.

"You need to listen to me and listen to me now. James told me there are some people here looking for you."

"No one knows I'm here..."

"How do you know?"

"I just do! So if you don't mind, I'm going to go get a cup of coffee." Gianna turned about and took another couple steps to the door but before she reach it Nola met her there and wrapped her hand tightly around her wrist. It made Gianna whip her head about, she wanted to say something but before she could Nola spoke.

"Listen! I am not James, you will not ignore me... Got it? Nola didn't let her respond before continuing. "If your hired help says there are people looking for you then there are probably people looking for you. So we air on the side of caution, do you understand?

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Gianna was highly thrown off by the tightened grip around her wrist, nobody had ever put their hands on her before and this act had James a bit tense in the corner of her eye.. it was a cause for alarm for her and the whole coffee thing flew out of her mind in an instant.. her gaze held o to Nola's and for the first time this morning, she finally listened to what was being said... There were goons on there way... Shit...

Her mind began to race with the thought of her death on its way, it was the same feeling she had after those two guys came by her apartment back in Philadelphia and beat her to within a inch of her life.. she was fortunate they did not rape her, but they toyed with the idea of it the entire time...

Gianna shook her head and snapped her eyes closed and open again. Nola was right. She needed to listen to James but how the hell did they find out she was in Vegas?

"Okay, fine.. your right.."

Gianna pulled her arm slowly away from Nola who released the grip on it now.

"So.. what the hell are we gonna do then? How much time do we have James..."

It was in this question that he quickly walked over to the window, luckily, Nola's window overlooked the street and Gianna had graciously opened it for them already...

"We don't have much time, they could be here any minute... I got a call from someone named Ronald.. I didn't get a last name but he called the hotel to and told me to get his grand daughter out of the building..."

Gianna's head tilted a bit... She didn't have grand parents for one... Let alone know anyone named Ronald? Who could that be and why would they tell James that... Was this more of her real family? The one she had heard was deep in the underworld..

"I can see you are confused and perhaps later is the time for questions, I'm going to go fetch the car and pull it around. You and Nola meet me downstairs in five got it?"

Gianna shook her head yes, Nola was a bit resistant to this idea.. she began to say something to James but he had already started out the door leaving just her and Gianna in the room alone together.... Gianna cleared her throat as she sat down in chair in the corner of the room..

"I guess we had better be down there.. I'm sorry about all this Nola.. this wasn't what I had in mind for our little stop in Vegas.."

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There were so many things that needed laid out, the most important would have been where downstairs they were to met. Sure he said he was gonna get the car and pull it around but last she was aware, these Las Vegas hotels had numerous entrances. She surely hoped that we wasn’t going to be dumb enough to pull in the front, though from what she had seen from him thus far it was exactly what he planned to do.

Before she was able to say anything he was already gone and out the door. Letting out a rather large sigh, Nola turned about and looked towards Gianna. 

Alright, I guess I should get dressed and we should probably get out of here.”

Her eyes have Gianna a look over, from head to toe. It was then that she realized something. If there were guys looking for her, they probably had a description of her. Including her wardrobe. 

”You need to take that off.” 


”Your clothes.”

”Excuse me?” Gianna spoke in a rather confused tone. One that Nola knew she needed to elaborate on. 

With a huff, Nola pointed to her suitcase which was sitting on chair in the corner of her room. 

”If someone is really after you they will know every stitch of detail about you, including what you usually wear and what you usually wear is nothing like what I wear. Which should help you blend in a bit more, you get it?”

Gianna didn’t say much but she understood. 

Pull something out for me too, will ya.”

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Gianna was still exactly trying to process everything, how she had been duped to come down here with the promises of coffee.. and there was no damn coffee! Just the warnings of some men coming to kill her.. perfect.. great morning Gianna! And now, Nola wanted her to change out of this beautiful black and white checkered dress she had put on this morning.

Gianna's eyes followed Nola's finger to the corner where there was indeed a suitcase sitting on the chair.

"Pull something out for me too, will ya."

Nola said before she walked over into the bathroom and shut the door behind her. Gianna wasn't exactly sure what to pull out for the woman and as she rummaged through the open suitcase, she couldn't seem to find a single thing she likes or was even familiar with.. these clothes were not of her style that was for sure!

Gia let out a large sigh and shook her head. She didn't want to wear these clothes! But she also didn't want to get noticed by those goons.. this was the best choice... Finally caving in, she pulled a dress shirt and tie from the suitcase and some slacks and began putting them on.. why Nola had these things with her was beyond Gianna but oh well, she walked over to the mirror and looked herself up and down from head to toe and was amazed by how different she looked.

She smiled and began doing poses in the mirror, until the bathroom door unlatched and Nola emerged from it chuckling..

"Don't laugh at me! I know I look hideous but... It doesn't look like me right? It's far from my girly girl dresses.."

Nola nodded at her but then glanced over to the clothes string out all over the floor in the corner before returning her attention to Gia who quickly looked down at the floor shy...

"Yea.. I made mess... I couldn't find anything cute to wear! Also... I didn't know what you wanted to wear so... You still have to pick something out! Sorry...."

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Nola walked out of the bathroom to a room that looked like it had exploded. She had only been in there a couple minutes and in that time Gianna had stuff everywhere. Well it was Nola's stuff but it was still all over the place. The sight of it made her roll her eyes yet chuckle at the same time.

"It's whatever, you look fine. This isn't a fashion show, you know this. Right?"

Gianna nodded. "Yeah but..."

"No buts... the cloths aren't important. Though you do realize those are mine, they aren't hideous."

She didn't know if Gianna had a lapse of memory that she was talking about Nola's wardrobe. Clearly they didn't have similar styles in the slightest, which was why Nola was having her put on one of her things.

"I'm sor..."

Before Gianna was able to continue, Nola cut her off. She knew exactly what she was about to say and it really didn't matter.

"It's fine.. though you obviously don't understand what I'm trying to do and what the point of all of this is."

Nola walked over to where Gianna was standing, which happened to be in the middle of a cloth explosion. It was like a hurricane... all the debris was scattered in a circle like pattern yet like the eye of the storm, Gianna's area was calm and without anything in her way. Bending down, Nola quickly grabbed a couple things within the mix.

"I'm trying here to get you out of this building without raising a scene. Without you possibly being shot... and here you are worrying about what damn clothes you are wearing. You need to get your fucking mind straight. Cause if you think this is a game, you're gonna lose and it's going to be your fault."

The look on Gianna's face was priceless, it was as if no one had ever talked to her in the way Nola just did.

"I... uh..."

"I don't want to hear excuses.

Nola proceeded to get changed, right where she stood. It was another act that seemed to make Gianna a bit uncomfortable as Nola could see her directing her gaze away from her.

"Would you pick up this mess you made... cause we need to be out of here in a couple of minutes and when we leave, you need to listen to everything I say. Do you understand?"

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Her gaze was still held away from Nola's.. the woman was seriously changing right here infront of her! This woman really had no boundaries did she.. She began a slight twirl away before hearing Nola bark to her about the clothes all over the floor.. she was quite thrown for a loop.. nobody had ever talked to her that way, not even her foster parents! It never dawned on her how spoiled she was until this moment, and perhaps it was the wake up call she needed..

Her eyes glanced back slightly as her head twisted in the direction Nola stood, it was in the midst of the mess Gia had made and well.. it was her mess she should clean it up...

"Yea... I can do that."

She tried her hardest not to look at Nola at all, it was awkward already to say the least but she didn't want her to think anything.. she kept her head down towards the floor as she picked up and liked them all into the bed nearby them, it wasn't until Gia noticed from the corner of her eye Nola had put some pants on, it was then that she felt some what comfortable to even look in her directions fully..

"I really don't want to get shot.. I'll listen to you, James seemed to think that was best and I guess that's why he brought me here to your room.." 

After she finished picking up the clothes she walked over to the window and peaked out it to look for James.

"You think James is gonna be out front? I feel like there was like three entrances when we came to this place .. that idiot he didn't really specify did he?"

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Nola shrugged her shoulders. She had the slightest clue where he planned to meet them, with the way he used his brain, he probably wanted them to jump out the window or something ridiculous like that. 

"Uh... who the fuck knows. Though we are gonna go right out the front doors."

Nola watched as Gianna tilted her head towards her, almost in shock that she thought going out the front was the best plan.

"The front?"

"Yes!" Nola responded while she jammed the last couple things in her bag and pulled out her gun that was in one of the side pouches. She placed the gun into her waistband then zipped up the bag.

"Don't you think the back..."

Once again, Nola didn't let her finish before cutting her off.




Nola picked her bag off her bed and took a couple steps towards the door, she could sense that Gianna was not following her. Which caused Nola to turn her head about.

"Come on, let's go!"

Gianna crossed her arms and stood in place. "Not until you tell me why the front?" Nola sighed, dropped her bag and walked back over to where she was standing.

"If this is how the rest of the trip is going to go, I'm going to get on the next plane back to New York. I'm pretty sure you asked me to come for exactly situations like these and not because of the fancy beaches in LA." Nola paused for a moment, taking in a breath. "So if you don't want to listen, please let me know. Otherwise we will go out through the front.... the spot where the most people are. It's easier to hide in a crowd and plus.... sneaking out the back is common knowledge, guarantee you that you'd be walking into an ambush but hey.... you go do you..."

Nola turned back about, picked her bag up and walked out the door. Wondering how long it would take her to hear the footsteps of Gianna.

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Gianna stood there for a few moments as she watched the back of Nola walk out the door and proceed down the hallway.. she was stubborn and she wasn't about to just chase after the woman, but the more she thought about it.. the woman had a good point, she asked her to come along and it was because she felt like the woman was her friend, so why would she lead her astray now?

She let out a sigh and uncrossed her arms and turned her head back towards the door and noticed that Nola was almost out of distance down the hallway.

"Hey... Wait for me!!"

Gianna shouted down the hallway with her hands cuffed around her mouth in an attempt to make herself heard. Her shies clicked against the floor loudly as she attempted to catch up to Nola, but she had all bit vanished around the corner of the hall up ahead. Gianna's mind began to race with fear as she quickened up her step and frantically ran down the hall now.

She turned and just about bumped into Nola who had stopped and waited for her, Gianna flew back and gasped..

"Jesus!! You scared me!! I thought you left me all alone.."

She turned her head back around down the hallway and then back to Nola and sighed again.

"I'm sorry for being such a beat this morning... First James promised me coffee, then I find out people are coming here to kill me? It's been a long morning..."

She pointed past Nola and let off a slight smile.

"If James brought me to your room he must have trusted you to get me to safety so... I trust you then. Lead the way!"

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"It's about time you realize this... better late than never... I guess." Nola said while rolling her eyes behind her sunglasses. She knew that Gianna couldn't see her but even if she could have, she would have done the same thing. It didn't matter to her, Nola was in no way shape or form trying to impress the woman. She didn't have to and didn't need to.

"Just follow me and we will have no issues getting out of here. Okay?"

Gianna nodded

Nola preceded, she continued down the hall, walking right past the elevators. She had a feeling Gianna was going to comment on that, so before she was able to Nola spoke up. 

"Don't even... do you want to risk being trapped in an inescapable box?" She could hear Gianna hmm. "Exactly... that's why we will take the stairs."

They continued walking down the rather quiet hallways until reaching the door to the stairwell. Nola slowly and quietly pushed the door opened, raising her hand backwards towards Gianna. Signaling her to keep quiet. Nola stuck her head into the stairwell, gave a quick listen then glared up and down. It was her way of seeing if anyone was there but there wasn't, it was clear.

Pulling herself out of the door, Nola glanced back towards Gianna and motioned to her with her head. With that Nola pushed herself through the door, making sure to hold it for Gianna. Once she felt her a bit of pressure released off the door, one of which meant that Gianna had placed her hand on it, Nola released hers. Once they were both in the stairwell Nola grasped the door once more, helping it close with ease. As not to direct any more attention than needed.

"Alight come on." Nola whispered to Gianna.

The walk down the stairs was rather uneventful, was the best kind of stair walking...

Upon reaching the ground level, Nola slowly pushed the door opened. Not to draw any attention towards them, she stepped out onto the casino floor. Making sure to take a quick yet extensive look around. There seemed to be no one out of the ordinary, just your typical early morning gambling junkies.

"Just make sure you stay next to me, okay?" Nola muttered to Gianna as she looked back, waiting for her to come out from the stairwell. Which she promptly did and basically stuck to Nola's side.

"Loosen up, you look guilty..." Nola said as she gave her a quick look over before shaking her head. Turning about, Nola started walking... Sure enough Gianna did exactly what she was told. She stayed glued to Nola's side as they weaved through the casino and into the lobby. A lobby that seemed to just be filled with tourists. It was a pleasant sight...

The pair strolled right through the lobby and out the front door, right to an awaiting car. Seems James had the same idea Nola did.

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Gianna sat down comfortably into the back of the car side by side with Nola.. she was quite happy to be safe and sound in the back of the car but she began to glance around at her surroundings.. there was no gunmen, there was no car.. there almost wasn't a soul in site besides a few people walking out of the casino drunk.. had she been bamboozled??

She remembered the night before in the midst of all her drinking at how annoyed James was with her and her behavior, said something about leaving first thing in the morning.. but he wouldn't make sup some scenario like this would he just to get her out of the place and away from the drinking and gambling...

"Glad you two made it out safe! I'm gonna just take us straight over to the airport so we can get on our flight to Los Angeles..."

"Your lucky I chose this entrance bonehead. You didn't specify a damn thing..."

Gianna couldn't help but chuckle when Nola called James a bonehead.. cause he was.. the idiot hadn't specified which entrance he would be our front of and it was lucky that Nola chose the right one. James gave one quick look back at the woman before mumbling something in Italian and returning his gaze forward..

"I heard that..."

Nola barked to him, his eyes quickly rose into the rear view mirror at them again and then back forward. He was shocked she understood his native tongue, he figured only Gianna knew Italian but.. so e words were sort of a giveaway. The car rumbled away from the curb and the casino began to give way into the distance. Gianna couldn't help but turn and gaze out the back window as they left, basking in it.. it was a place like. O other she had been, and in such a short time she had experienced quite a few.. from getting shit faced last night to the adrenaline rush of people coming after her this morning... What a place..

Before she turned her head away though, she noticed a black sedan pull up to the curb behind where their car had just pulled away from and two men emerged from the car wearing suits and carrying what looked like big huge guns in their hands... The pit drop feeling hit her stomach and she quickly turned around and faced forward, feeling some sweat run down her forehead...

"Is everything okay?" Nola asked

"Fine... James... Hurry up please."

Gianna sunk into her seat as the car began to gain speed per her request. It was a sickening feeling she got, knowing that James perhaps wasn't wrong after all... People were out to murder her. Ut she had no idea why.. who were they? And why did they care so much a out her finding out the truth.. finding out who her parents were. Well soon.. she would find out. Because the next stop was Los Angeles....

The cat ride felt long, as Gianna got lost in her thoughts.. but it was when the car came to a halt that she came back to this world and glanced out of it.. there it was, Las Vegas internation airport.. James quickly got out and ran around to open the door for the two woman, taking Nola's suitcase out as well as Gianna's who's stuff was seemingly packed away into the trunk for her already.. he placed them in the curb before turning back around and helping the two woman out carefully...

Gianna stood firm on the sidewalk and smiled as she turned and made eye contact with Magnolia.

"Well, this is it .. you ready to go see Los Angeles? Palm trees.. beaches.. alcohol.. and hopefully some money! I did promise you that didn't I..."

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Nola raised her hand to stop Gianna from speaking, she knew where she was going with this and she wanted to make it clear that wasn't the reason behind her coming. Sure she had initially made it seem like she was there for the cash but she didn't need the cash, that was something she had plenty of.

"Palm trees, beaches and alcohol oh yes... please sign me up." Nola gave her a quick smile before erasing it from her face. "The money though... I don't need it nor want it."

Gianna's eyes widened, the comment took her by surprise. "Uh.. huh?"

"Come on, lets walk.."

Nola picked up her bag off the curb and started walking towards the front door. Gianna strolled by her side and James... well James was toting what seemed like seven suitcases behind them. Seemed there was no packing light for this one, wasn't much of a surprise though. Not if you've spent just an iota of time with her.

"But... I promised you some money. I can get you the money..."

"No you won't... you won't give me anything. My job..." Nola didn't mean to say that, job just happened to slip out of her mouth. Was something that she hoped Gianna didn't hear but such was not her luck.

"Job? What job?"

Nola sighed and stopped just as the pair walked through the front door. She placed her bag on the floor, opened it up and pulled out a letter from a hidden compartment in it. She zippered it back up and picked the bag back up. Extending the letter out towards Gianna, Nola waited for her to take it.

"Go on... have a read..."

My dearest and most favorite sister! (Yes I know you're my only one),

I'm sending you this telegram and urgently need you to you do something. As you know word travels fast and I need you to do something for me... For us back here at home. We... you... have been selected based on your set of skills and loyalty to protect someone. It's already set in motion, she will. Randomly visit your Coffee shop. She doesn't need to be watched over in New York but you will be taking a trip to Los Angeles. Go with her... Her name... Gianna Rose Smith... Please don't ask any question and please don't mention this to her. She is to not know... just do this for me.... More will from me at a later date.

Much Love,


Moments later, Gianna's eye rose from the letter. A letter that Nola quickly grabbed back from her before James stumbled through the door.


Nola shrugged her shoulders.

"Now you know what I know and that's all I have... I haven't yet talked to my brother, so as of right now we are just winging things... I got you though, so don't worry."

The moment James made his way to them Nola changed the subject.

"I think the plane is that way... Let's get going... cause I could really use a nap while we are in the air."

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Gianna held the note in her hand, her eyes reading over the text quickly again and again.. who was this woman? She knew there had been no coincidence that she had met her in New York, let alone she received that anonymous telegram telling her to go visit New York, was this perhaps from the same person.. this Colin... Couldn't be... Gianna had no idea how her parents or herself were tied to the UK but one thing was definitely certain, her name was in this piece of paper and it clearly instructed Nola to find and protect her...

Nola spoke up again, mentioning something about a plane and brushing into her to somewhat obscure the note from the immediate prying eyes of James who had bumbled up behind the two woman now. Gianna caught the hint and quickly stuffed it into her pocket and followed behind Nola as they made their way to the terminal to board their flight to Los Angeles.

"Nola can we talk a minute-"

Gianna was quickly cut off, well, Nola just raised her hand and made a shushing noise. James was still with in earshot and perhaps now was not exactly the time to be discussing the note she was just given. She sighed and just put it to the back of her mind for now.. she felt a sense of security knowing that this woman wasn't exactly just some stranger, and that she was apparently here to protect her like James was.. but wouldn't that mean she was getting paid by someone? James was certainly taking every last Penny she had...

The group arrived in the second to last terminal, and much to her surprise the place wasn't that busy for this holiday season, usually there was scores of people running amock to travel and see their families. It was that very thing that brought her on this long journey to find her birth parents, she longed for that sense of family.. sure her foster parents gave it to her but she knew she was something more.. she wasn't just a Smith.. no.. she had a different surname when she was born and it was that name that had lead to all this trouble.

Gianna sighed again with this thought, she knew she was getting closer and closer to finding out the truth, after that almost run in with those goons earlier today, and everything else along the way, Los Angeles seemed like the place she was going to uncover the truth, it had to be...

"Come on Gia let's go..."

Nola's voice broke her train of thought, her eyes quickly fixated on her and then over to James who had loaded their pile of suitcases onto a cart. Gianna stood up and quickly moved to be by Nola's side as they boarded the plane and sat down. 

Her head tilted to the side and leaned back against the seat. Her mind wandered once again as the airplane roared to life and made its way down the runway and rose into the air... LAX was the next stop... Gianna closed her eyes at the sight of clouds, she needed a nap.

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Luckily for her, James booked Nola a seat a couple rows behind the two of them. Clearly it was something that he had done on purpose but it was something that clearly worked out in her favor. Especially after showing Gianna the note. If the two of them had been seated together, she was sure there would have been asked a thousand and one questions during the flight. Which would have clearly hindered her plan to power down a stiff drink and nap off the flight. 

Once situated in her seat, Nola waved over the flight attendant. “Can I get a strong drink, bourbon if you have it.” Nola reached into her pocket and pulled out a few dollars. 

”Sorry miss but we are not allowed to serve alcohol. It’s against the law...”

Nola glared up at the woman and dug back into her pocket. “How about now?”

”Miss, I can not serve alcohol.” The flight attendant gave her a wink. Was a wink that clearly indicated she would add a bit of something to whatever. Was just a rouse for the people around them, just in case someone important was listening.

A few moments later the woman came back with her drink. “Here’s your Coca Cola miss, if you need another please let me know.” 

Nola gave the woman a smile while picking up the drink, thanking her in the same process. Bringing the cup to her lips she took the first sip, was a first sip that lasted a while. One that ended at the bottom of the cup. “Ahhh” she stated as she pulled the cup from her lips. Then placed it back onto the tray in front of her. 

She wanted another but didn’t get to see the flight attendant again before closing her eyes, quickly drifting off.

It wasn’t until the wheel touched the runway that Nola awoke. Was a brief moment of panic, that startled her awake. 

”What the...” she muttered to herself but quickly realized it was just the plane landing. Was a few moments later that the plane reached the gate and a few moments after that that Nola exited the plane. She walked down the jetway and out into the airport, to a waiting Gianna and James. 

”Didn’t think you were ever gonna her off” Gianna smiled. “Welcome to Los Angeles.”

Nola gave her a smirk. “Uh, thanks? So we are here, now what?”

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Gianna's smile faded a bit as she began to pat around her sides a bit, she had forgotten she was wearing Nola's clothes and that all of the contents of what she had in her dress were, well.. in her dress either back at the hotel or in Nola's suitcase... She had picked up everything pretty quickly and piled it all into that.. well.. pile... on the bed...

She chuckled a bit as she noticed Nola's foot begin to tap.. she could have sworn.... Aha! She pulled the small piece of paper from the back pocket and huddled closer to Nola as she unfolded it

"Well, I got this here address from someone I met back in New York.. man named Issei? Have you met him?"

Gianma wasn't sure by the way Nola had looked at her, she shook her head and continued on.

"No matter... Umm... We are going to go here! It's a place called the Eros Lounge.. apparently my birth mother owns it.."

She held the note out for Nola to read as she pointed to the words on the paper which were a bit smeared from when the ink was fresh on the paper and pushed together... It was almost hard to make out but James, who hovered over the two, butted in to make note of that of course..

"Can't read all that.. can you miss?"

Gianna quickly glared back at him and made a shoot gesture as she barked at him to go retrieve their bags from the luggage claim...

"So.. I figure that's the first place we head to? Or should we check into a hotel first?"

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It didn't take Nola long to think on this one. If the casino was any indication, it was best for them to just stay mobile for a while. They needed to get their bearing down and figure somethings out before the decided if they were going to stay for an extended period of time.

"Yeah let's go check this lead of yours out first. Cause who knows what will come after that. Better to have our stuff with us, if we need to make a rather quick exit. Does it make sense?"

Nola could see that Gianna was itching to change her clothes, was itching to put herself together properly for the day but Nola knew those things weren't important.

"Well.. yeah it does but..."

"No buts... not again..."

"Yeah, you're right... I trust you.."

"Good, it's about time you can finally see that." Nola looked past her momentarily towards James whom was walking back towards the pair with handfuls of suitcases. "Though for future reference, pack lighter. You really don't need to bring your entire wardrobe every time you leave town, especially for something like this."

She wasn't able to respond before James got over to them.

"I got your bags, now what?" He was talking to Gianna but looking at Nola. Like he was expecting her to lay out what was to happen next.

"Car and then this Eros Club I guess, after that who the hell knows..."

"There's a car already waiting in the lot, I had a contact of mine set one up for our arrival."

Nola gave him a smile and an approval head nod, perhaps he wasn't as useless as she initially thought.

"Perfect, lead the way... cause I surely have no idea where I'm going."

With that James, with all Gianna's luggage attached to him began walking. The girls of which followed close behind. They walked through and out of the airport, directly to the car he said was out there waiting for them. He tossed all Gianna's bags in the back then opened the door for her. Gianna got in first followed by Nola, with her bag still in hand.

"I can put that in the back." He said while reaching for it.

Nola pulled it away from his reaching hand. "Nah, I will keep this back here with me. Thanks though."

James gave her a bit of an odd look but shrugged it off, he closed the door and got in. With a start of the engine they were off to the Eros Club.

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Gianna had a bit of time to sit and think in the back or the car. Alot had transpired over the past few weeks and the biggest was now finding out that Nola had been specifically tasked with, presumably, protecting her. But why? That part still hadn't come to light yet but perhaps in time... The biggest thing in her mind was her mother.. what was she going to look like? Would she be happy to see her after all this time? There was a lot of unknown and mystery.. 

She rolled down the window and barked at James for one of her cigarettes, a pack of lucky strikes and a lighter came flying back in his hand and she grabbed it quickly and stuck one in her lip.. she glanced to her left at Nola before speaking.

"Hope you don't mind?"

Nola glared at her a bit but then shrugged and rolled her window down as well. Gianna smiled and then ignited the lighter and rose it to her lips to inhale a long drag off the cigarette, feeling the smoke envelop her lungs before exhaling a large cloud.. the nicotine was a nice welcome a d helped calm her nerves, but it wasn't enough as the car came to a stop, she quickly looked around and couldn't find a sign with the name on it anywhere... However, there was a large mansion that sat vacant in the middle of the block.

Gianna opened the car door and stepped out onto the curb and glanced around again. There wasn't much on this street, and certainly nothing that looked like what a 'Club' would be in her mind.

"James are you sure this is the right place?"

"Yes ma'am.. I believe it's that mansion over there.. see look.."

Her bodyguard began to walk towards the black fence and pointed at the number on it. It certainly matched the address they were looking for but it looked severely abandoned the closer Gianna herself got to it. She stopped and glanced over it, it certainly was still a beautiful home and it was evident someone of importance had lived here at one time in their life.. but over the course of looking it over... Bullet holes could be seen laid into the wood.. a sinking feeling hit her stomach.

Nola stood next to Gianna now at this point and began to scan the building just as she did.. she let off a sigh before speaking.

"It doesn't look like anyone is here... Or lived here in some time I think. I wonder if this is a dead end..."

Gianna stepped up to the metal bars and placed her hands on it. Neither of the girls are paying attention to James who had taken it upon himself to break the old rusty chain that held the gate closed. It was a sound that startled both of them before watching him start to head inside. She cleared her throat and spoke nervously as she looked at the bullet holes again.

"I guess we should head inside and check it out? Or should we just let James? What do you think..."

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