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Game Suggestions
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Posting Game Suggestions Started by: tiggy on May 26, '11 20:06

When posting game suggestions please do not put your idea in the topic and say "I think the topic speaks for itself". Put some thought into your suggestion by asking yourself some simple questions first..

What is your idea?
Has your idea already been suggested in some form or another before? (Check the Suggestions forum for past threads with ideas the same or similar to yours.)
What does your idea entail?
How can your idea be successfully implemented into the game as it stands?
What major changes would be needed to make your idea work?
What is the positive impact of your idea?
What is the negative impact of your idea?
How may your idea affect the rest of the userbase?

Include the answers to these questions in your thread.

We encourage you to come up with helpful additions to the game, but we need you to fully explain them and the impact they may have on the game.

When replying to a suggestion please try to keep it positive. I understand that it is difficult sometimes and not so nice things come out, however, this is a forum for constructive discussions not bashing each other.

Thank you and we look forward to seeing your ideas and the discussions regarding them.

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