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How to recruit?? Started by: Huxley on Jun 04, '11 20:05

paxton makes a solid point.

so, huxley, what is member whoring by your definition?

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I'll probably regret getting myself into this argument, but I do have my own question.

Huxley, had someone roleplayed out a more proper way, to your standards which no where have been stated, would that mean it would be a guaranteed acceptance or you would join their crew? No, probably not.

Member whoring is unsolicited invites and paying or offering cash to someone to join your family out of the blue. Although there could and probably should be better attempts at recruitment you obviously are in no position to tell anyone what to do. Not to mention your thread lacks any attempt at being remotely rped. So who in the Hell are you to tell leaders how to do business. After all they became leaders one way or another.

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Once again you are sharing private mails that are neither addressed to you, nor postmarked from you.

And you did not answer my inquiry of why you are choosing to bitch and moan about the "problem" instead of being part of a solution. I've yet to see you offer up any alternative methods, only running your smart, disrespectful mouth, criticizing anyone and everyone.

Please get some new material.

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To the last few of you who posted. 

Sending out the same ill-thought out, poorly spelt, message is member whoring. 

How hard is to come up with something more creative. Some have even suggested that it is for new characters to approach the crews and hope that they accept them. 

"hEy ther. R U knew. Wnt to join ma famILY" Is not how a crew member is expected to behave. 

Leaders should be setting standards, they should be leading by example. 

If you want to send out the same bulls*it message to every new character, put some f*cking class in to it. 

And for all you out there who keep seeking to justify this practice, then shame on you, because you are party of the continuing problem. 

For a person of made rank to go around acting like this is unacceptable. For people to openly encourage this behavior is unacceptable. 

And before you all jump on the bandwagon, I am not in a crew, I do not need to follow rules that are not applicable to me. As for lack of respect for the so called leaders. They prefer to turn a blind eye to something when they are the ones who can do something about it. 

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Ok kettle... You are choosing to turn a blind eye as well by not setting an example. You are only here to cause chaos, not to create change. By saying you are not in a crew, you do not need to follow the rules, you do not have to give respect where respect is due, you are essentially saying, I really don't care what happens here, I just need an audience for my temper tantrums.

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Ok pot black .... Hardly a temper tantrum CastAway.

We have a problem that people seem to agree is a problem. But rather than actually address it and more importantly highlight those who condone its practice and thus encourage it. We choose to turn a blind eye and wait for the next person to come along and kick up a fuss in the street. 

The issue is really easily dealt with. Do we as a society allow crews to member whore or do we say no? 

Andrew Paxton intimated early that a definition of member whoring would be required, however I would like to think there are enough educated people here that can set a general standard as to what is and is not acceptable. We can all certainly agree that sending of the same 1 sentence message, copied and pasted (Yes, people are actually do this rather than writing it out again!) with the same exact typos to every new member should not be tolerated. 

Again, crew leaders should take responsibility for their member's actions. A member engaging in this kind of behavior should not be tolerated. Crew leaders, family leaders and ultimately Godfathers should be laying down the law and ensuring it is adhered to. 

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Hardly a temper tantrum? You have given at least five speeches on the same topic and doing NOTHING but pointing fingers and placing blame INSTEAD of choosing to correct the problem. I would definitely call what you're doing a temper tantrum.

If you were that concerned, then you would become a part of this world and develop a different concept. But you are obviously not that concerned. You seem to only be concerned with pointing fingers and placing blame.

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Fingers should be pointed at where the blame lies. 

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Huxley, I've been watching your twelve million threads all on the same topic. Why you can't just put it into one is beyond me but I have a question for you.

Have you tried discussing it privately with the CLs about those members? I find that if you take it up privately first they are more apt to listen then when you are spamming the streets with the same thing repeatedly.

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I don't think Huxley will be having much more say on this topic... not in this lifetime anyway

Personally speaking, the examples on the opening post are pretty piss poor attempts at recruiting

**Closes on the 'whoring' book**

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I was never one to approach people fresh off the docks as a Crewleader. Even as a Made sponsor I chose not to reach out to them and preferred that people who came from Family trees I knew approach me. But if I did recruit, I'd be damned if I would recite a tailor-made individual introduction for each and every thug and petty thief I saw step off the boat. It would probably be pretty much the same rap, maybe even word for word. Quit flattering yourselves. How many ways are there to ask somebody if they're in need of assistance and seeking a crew?

If an introduction generates a conversation, then it was an effective introduction and the would-be sponsor and potential associate can go from there. It's why the Powers That Be put the Sponsorship program into effect and lifted the "member whoring" ban. I've heard that tired argument that criminal enterprises walking the streets recruiting civilians is unrealistic and ridiculous. I think it's safe to assume that anyone who you see strolling along 62nd Street (the 60-sec list) is looking for work in a Mafia organization.

As far as "putting some effort into it", sure some goon walking up to you and saying 'hey need some help?' or 'r u look for a crew' is a bit lame. But so is bitching incessantly about it every month or so and trying to humiliate that person and defame their crew's leader by pasting their introductions up on street posts. It's uninteresting too.

'Put some effort into it'... what do you expect? Fucking 'War and Peace'?? Get over yourselves.

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Huxley, have you ever thought that he might be dyslexic?



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