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Apr 19 - 15:34:50
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The Maple Syrup Heist Started by: BlackBlack on Apr 09, '21 01:22

It's early morning and pitch black outside. BlackBlack is curled up in bed next to a redheaded broad. She is tall, has lipstick smooshed across her face. Her underwear is strewn over the floor by the door of his room. Fuck knows where the rest of her clothes are. She has an arm wrapped around him which gives clear view of the tattoo on the back of her shoulder:


She had been branded by TylerDurden. This wasn't one of her usual tricks though. This broad was in love with BlackBlack.

All of a sudden, BlackBlack jolts up out of bed!

"Fuck! I am going to be late, I need to get to the HQ early to polish JoeyJoJo's shoes and get him the paper."

The broad, hazy with a clear hangover, sits up in the bed. She speaks:

"Don't you think JoeyJoJo would rather you take a huge haul for the crew today? How are you ever going to make it to be a made man if you just keep doing the bullshit plebe work?"

BlackBlack rustles around in his pocket before pulling out a waxed paper envelope that is about the size of a quarter. He flips it open and taps out some cocaine. He then takes out a $1 bill and rolls it up before shoving it in his nose and snorting the powder up. He holds the breath in before letting out a "whooooooooo". 

"What do you have in mind Scarlet? I don't have the clout to organise a crime yet and all I can really do is move small amounts of drugs around, rob post offices and rob banks. You know how I am against running a prostitution ring..."

BlackBlack takes a cigar out of his jacket pocket and clips the ends. He lights it up. Scarlet gets out of bed, holding the sheet over her breasts. She smiles before revealing her plan:

"I was turning in my daily profit yesterday at TylerDurden's HQ. I overheard that they were having an issue manning the delivery of a large shipment coming in. I didn't hear what the shipment was but I did hear that it's a forbidden product in Las Vegas. Between midday and 2pm it is going to be unmanned at the docks. This could be a perfect opportunity for you to cut your teeth!"

BlackBlack pulls out his pocket watch and checks the time. It is 5am. He smiles at Scarlet before taking another hit of his cocaine. He pauses, clearly deep in thought before exclaiming:

"Fuck it! I have a bloodline reputation I need to live up to. Go big or go home! Thanks for the hot tip babe. Love you. See you later on."

BlackBlack heads downstairs jumps in his car and drives off to the Island of Misfit Toys HQ. Once he arrives, he drops of JoeyJoJo's newspaper and shines his shoes. He makes JoeyJoJo a coffee before racing over to the loading bay to gear up for his heist. He asks a few gangsters and goombas if they want to come help. As suspected, he didn't have the clout to arrange a group crime. He mutters under his breath:

"Fuck it! I will go it alone."

He continues to search around the loading bay for things that might help him. Then he spots it. The crew truck! He looks around to see if anyone is looking before jumping in and driving off to the docks.

12 noon

BlackBlack rolls up to the docks and sees a container sitting unattended. He smiles a huge smile:

"Jackpot! Surely it cant be this easy!"

BlackBlack quickly drives up to the container, jumps out of the truck and opens up the back. There are 10 large crates in the container. They are far too big for him to move on his own. He goes back to the truck and pulls out a crow bar. As he is about to open one of the crates he hears a shout:

"Hey! What the fuck are you doing? This shit isn't for you! The owner of this is coming by at 2pm!"

BlackBlack jumps in fright.

A dock security guard appears from outside the container.

BlackBlack reaches for his gun. It is not there. He has left it on the passenger seat of the truck. He stumbles on his words:

"Ah. Ah... I... I... I finished up what I was doing this morning early. TylerDurden told me to swing by here and pick this stuff up for him."

The security guard looks BlackBlack up and down. He smiles and nods:

"With a reflex to grab your gun like that, you must be a mobster. Sorry for the scare. TylerDurden would have me killed if I let this stuff get into the wrong hands. Can I give you a hand loading up?"

BlackBlack relaxed.

"Sure mate, that would be great!"

They loaded the 10 crates into the back of the truck. BlackBlack took out his small waxed paper envelope and took a hit of cocaine before offering the rest to the security guard. The security guard took it and waved BlackBlack off as he drove off down the road towards his HQ.


BlackBlack arrived back at the HQ. he drove over into the loading bay and got out of the truck. It was time to see what he had stolen. He jumped into the back of the truck with a crowbar. He almost slipped over as the floor was covered in a thick sticky syrup. While odd, BlackBlack didn't pay too much attention to it. He was too excited to see what he had stolen. He popped open the lid of one of the crates:

"Oh fuck me. This is all maple fucking syrup. kINGkLIT is going to fucking kill me. I better fence this shit as soon as possible."

BlackBlack jumped back into the truck. He was headed to the local speakeasies to fence his haul. 

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KingKlit was sitting at his desk filling in some paperwork. The majority of the paperwork was to approve construction projects here in Paradise. Many businesses were opening up in Vegas and many of them found an interest in this district. Since JoeyJoJo's gang took over Paradise, anything in relation to construction was to be brought to his, his Right Hand's or his Left Hand's attention. Being the brainiac KingKlit is, all the paperwork wounded up to him. He had to make sure the contracts were given to the right companies and he had to make sure all the numbers were in order. He started doing this paperwork at around 9 in the morning. 2 hours later, JoeyJoJo walked into KingKlit's office to see how he fared with the paperwork. Joey saw that the king was more than halfway done. Joey also mentioned that BlackBlack had taken a truck. The Godfather had a weird feeling since BlackBlack shined his shoes, which he never does, and because the associate had taken a truck while trying to hide it from the Godfather. KingKlit said he'd keep an eye out. His promise was kept when he heard a truck pulling into the driveway 2 hours after that...

It was good timing too; King just finished signing the last document. He puts it in the pile of completed paperwork and skips down the stairs to meet up with BlackBlack. However, KingKlit takes a right in front of the entrance doors as he has to let a log loose in the toilet. After doing the brown and dirty, KingKlit leaves the HQ, without having washed his hands, and sees the truck has disappeared. Wondering where the newcomer went again with the truck, he starts looking all over the parking lot and notices something shimmering in the sunlight. After seconds of examination, KingKlit realizes what BlackBlack had brought to the HQ and in a fit of rage, the king races to his car and drives off after BlackBlack by following the maple syrup trail.

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BlackBlack drives for the exit of the HQ and is stopped by The_Prince. The_Prince quickly jumps in the passenger side of the truck as BlackBlack pulls out and speeds down the road. BlackBlack says:

"Hey mate, we are in a rush, I accidentally stole a load of maple syrup and I need to offload it before kINGkLIT finds out!"

The tires of the truck screech as they scream off down the road. A few minutes pass, the truck is waiting at the traffic lights. BlackBlack glances out the rear vision mirror and sees a car screaming up behind them.

"Fuck!!! It must be the Durdens... They must have figured out it was us!!! Lets fucking get out of here!"

BlackBlack floors the engine and screams through the red light into the intersection. He turns sharply to the left and races down the road.

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"SON OF A BITCH", the klit thought. He had followed the trail of maple syrup for a good 10 minutes until he saw the truck being driven by BlackBlack. Because the trail never stopped, KingKlit knew there was a very good haul of the sticky substance within that truck considering any other smaller load would have stopped dripping by now. Luckily for the king, the trail hadn't stopped which meant he was capable of almost catching up to BlackBlack. "He's going to have a shit ton of explaining to do when I get my hands on him", KingKlit angrily thought, just before seeing BlackBlack's truck racing even faster than it was, running through a red light. "The motherfucker's trying to shake me loose, huh? Not going to work with me". KingKlit presses as hard as he can on the gas pedal and swerves between two cars driving perpendicular to him at the intersection. It was a good thing those cars weren't any closer as the king would've ran into them. He has now passed the intersection and sees the truck swerving to the left, tires screeching on the pavement due to the abrupt turn of the vehicle. KingKlit follows the associate's manoeuvre and nearly runs a pedestrian over. With no feelings of remorse, KingKlit kept racing to the truck in front of him, catching up rapidly. About 20 seconds later, KingKlit rams the back of BlackBlack's truck, with enough force to scrap the paint on both vehicles, but not enough to set the latter offroad. However, KingKlit had every intention to run him offroad with his next ramming effort...

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BlackBlack kept looking in his rear vision mirror as the Durden gang kept creeping up behind him. He couldn't see into the drivers seat of the car but he was sure that they were out for blood. BlackBlack turns to The_Prince:

"Get your gun ready mate, we could be in a bit of trouble here. I don't think we can outrun him."

Suddenly, the Durden rams into the truck. BlackBlack struggles with the wheel but manages to keep the truck on the road... JUST! He hits the gas and speeds off towards the outskirts of town. The Durden car rams them again. This time BlackBlack can't keep it on the road, he swerves onto the roadside kicking up a plume of dust behind him. This forces the Durden car to slow down and drop back a little:

"Finally, some fucking breathing space!"

BlackBlack looks as though he might manage to evade the Durden car. He chucks a quick right then a late left. The Durden car heads straight.

"Fuck yeah mother fucker. Got him!"

BlackBlack takes another left and starts to head for the HQ. Suddenly, the Durden car appears back in the rear vision:

"This fucking fucker just wont give up will he. Now we are headed the wrong fucking way to get rid of him too. Fuck!"

BlackBlack turns to The_Prince and smiles.

"Wonder if he will go for a duel to settle this score?"

The truck suddenly jolts forward. Then it jolt again. Then a further time. BlackBlack looks in the rear vision mirror. The Durden car is too far back to have rammed them. He takes a look at the fuel guage:

"Oh for fuck sake... We are out of gas!"

BlackBlack pulls the truck over to the side of the road and jumps out of the drivers seat. He grabs his gun and points it directly at the drivers door of the Durden car. The door of the Durden car open. Much to BlackBlack's surprise, KingKlit emerges. BlackBlack quickly holsters his gun:

"F...f....fuck. Sorry about that boss. I swear, I can explain..."

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After a wild chase through the streets of Vegas and ramming a couple more times the HQ truck BlackBlack was driving, the old hunk of metal stuttered to a stop. It was a lucky turn of events that it did because it gave the Klit an opportunity to catch up to BlackBlack, seeing as he almost lost the King in a cloud of dust. "I got you now, motherfucker", KingKlit thought angrily. He turns the key and suddenly his car stops making noise. Right now, it was practically dead silent. The only noise that can be heard is faint sounds coming from the associate's vehicle. KingKlit took a moment to try and calm down. He managed to regain a bit of his composure and then he walked to the car... straight into a panicking BlackBlack pointing a gun straight at KingKlit's head. The Klit then achieved a level of anger no volcano can match. When BlackBlack holstered his gun, KingKlit dragged him through the window of the car, snapping the seat belt that was holding him back. KingKlit threw BlackBlack on the ground with the latter falling on his stomach. KingKlit then turned him over and grabbed him by his collar.


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BlackBlack looks up at KingKlit and spits out some blood before look up to answer him:

"I caught wind that the Durden's were bringing in some illicit cargo. I was also advised that it would be relatively unguarded for an hour or so. I didn't have time to pull together a crew or to let anyone know so I just went ahead and took it. It wasn't until I brought it back to the HQ that I knew what it was. I swear to god had I have known I would have steered well clear of this job. I was running from you because I thought you were the durdens hunting me down. All I wanted to do was quickly offload this to some local speakeasys to be done with it.

KingKlit moves to respond but before he can, gunshots can be heard around the corner. Without skipping a beat KingKlit speaks:

"This will have to wait BlackBlack, I better go check out what this is."

KingKlit quickly turns and runs off to a nearby side street. BlackBlack turns to The_Prince:

"Phew, that was a close one. Do you think we should make a run for it and offload this shit or should we wait for KingKlit?"

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