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RAT Pool Selection - Help needed. Started by: Squishy on Apr 28, '21 00:28

Soooo I wouldn't mind a revamp on the RAT pool selection code.  The goal is to promote lounge activity, rewarding those who use it, rather than just reacting to the announcement of there being a rat. I also want to reward those who realize its better to have competition and have big pools by inviting their family in on it. Big pools produce hustle points, 60 kills, 15 of which can be yours provided that the RAT doesnt die due to lack of competition after minute 3. Here are the variables I have to work with, what do you think is the fairest way to do the pool selection while keeping in mind the certain restrictions

Restrictions: 4 minute cool down if you hit, 1 minute cool down when invited into a pool

What we can track that I would like to factor in:

Time since last activity in game. (Ensuring people are actually alive and playing)

Time since last activity in #main (Ensuring people are actually alive and paying attention, this is the most important one here)

Time since last activity in crew channel (Ensuring people are actually alive and paying attention)

Time since last activity in trivia channel (Ensuring people are actually alive and paying attention)

Time since last activity in city channel (Ensuring people are actually alive and paying attention)

Number of lines spoken BEFORE the bot announces rat within X minutes (This feature is to reward lounge activity, lets reward people who use lounge for communication rather than just coming in once noticing theres free kills)

Total honest votes in past X (Add a little reward to those who vote)

User disabled rat (can be added to options so that it always ignores them for the pool for non-wackers)

Cooldown for shooting while not in the pool (X minutes per attempt, keeps people disciplined)

% chance of not getting a cooldown timer via Perk

% of getting additional 1 cooldown on top of the 1 minute for being invited but firing 0 shots. (Would keep the pool clean of people not paying attention, but it doenst flat out shut them off)

(Any other data we can grab from the game to better classify who is active, paying attention


Factor all this in, then divide the list in half and send pool invites, reserving the next half so theres some for next time


Lets see some start to finish math on how the ideal pool creation is done?  Please explain this in as detailed way as possible so that anyone can read what you said and fully understand what you mean without any further explanation.

I would like to take the top 3 conventions proposed below, and put them in a pool itself so it cycles between my existing pool code, and the top 3 suggestions here so we can rotate among them and see how it performs and seeing if there is a clearly better way to do it.

Oh and Ill toss in a buncha RAT perks to those who get their pool picker programmatically put in place.

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Amazing RAT Suggestion



1) Pool of eligible people is updated at least once before every new Rogue/Roguette spawn

2) Manual RAT-opt-out option exists and can be turned on/off by player freely


Binary checks to include someone in RAT pool:

1) has gun

2) has attempted to wack anything in the past 7 days (if this is not possible then has wacked anything in the past 7 days) OR is under 7 days old

3) manual RAT-opt-out option is not turned on

4) IRC activity within X minutes

5) Game activity within X minutes 


Things happening when pool is initialized or updated:

1) MRBot whispers all eligible ppl that they have been entered into the pool (so ppl don't spam "OMG POOL ME ALREADY"). This whisper should not be repeated unless a name exits and reenters the pool.

2) MRBot whispers all non-eligible people with the reason they are not eligible (the binary check they failed, e.g. "You were not included in the pool because you have no recent IRC activity/don't have a gun/your RAT-opt-out thing is on" etc). This whisper should not be repeated.


Pool management:

1) make a list of ppl who didn't fail the binary checks

2) assign each player a score that consists of two elements, one variable (dynamic behavior that should be rewarded: number of recent msgs, number of shots in latest pool etc) and one static (static behavior that should be rewarded: voting bonus, rat perk bonus, other bonus maybe based on forum activity)

the terms "variable"/"dynamic" and "static" are used rather freely, but I hope it gets the point across 

3) hold a raffle based on scores for the next spawn (reduce the winners' variable element of the score accordingly: e.g. Squishy has a score of totalScore=11 pts [varScore=8pts and statScore=3pts], gets picked (pick=-10pts) and now has totalScore=1 [varScore=-2 and statScore=3]  for the next raffle)

Numbers are obviously indicative. I believe this is a better solution to having a Cooldown, since this way engagement will be rewarded more effectively and also voters and perk owners will be constantly rewarded. Getting a kill could lead to a larger decrease in varScore (I suggest a 1.5x the regular decrease for getting picked). 

Players who didn't get picked may keep the same score or receive a small increase (a bit of testing should sort out whether it's needed or not) to ensure everyone gets cycled eventually

4) repeat binary checks, kick out inactive ppl, add new active ppl

5) hold raffle for next spawn

6) repeat until RAT termination conditions are fulfilled


Extra thoughts: 

Number of winners for each raffle (shooters for each spawn) is a matter of personal taste. Let's say a min of 5 for each spawn, or poolSize/5, whichever is more.

For people who take 0 shots: Instead of cooldown, turns their RAT-opt-out option on and MRBot whispers a warning with a link to the RAT-opt-out option page in order to turn it back off




Let me know if this doesn't make sense so I can attempt to clarify.

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