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Jun 02 - 14:12:00
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A word made, is a word kept Started by: Slim_Tony on Jul 02, '11 11:59

Being a man of his word is what has brought Slim_Tony here in this upscale suburban neighborhood. He walks up to the door of an elegantly crafted mansion and rings the door bell. A maid answers the door. She greets Slim_Tony, “This is the Glantie residence and you are?”

“I am here to see Mr. Glantie. Tell him Tony is here to see him.”

“Okay wait here for a moment. She closes the door, a few moments later, the door reopens and the familiar maid answers Slim_Tony, “Come this way.” He follows her. They come to the living room. A distinguished looking gentleman is sitting is a chair smoking a cigar. He speaks up, “Lola you may leave us now.”

The maid nods her head and walks way. With the maid gone the man in the chair talks to Slim_Tony, he does not look at him, “Hi Tony,” he takes a puff of his cigar, “What brings you here?”

“A man by the name of Vince Fettuccini is serving life in the Los Angeles prison.”

The distinguished man answers back, his voice has a non-concerned tone, “So, there are a lot of people locked up in the Los Angeles prison.”

“His freedom is a priority to me and the reasons are none of your concern.”

The man in the chair takes a big drag on his cigar and blows a large puff of smoke out into the air, “Why should I have it so he is freed?”

“Because a friend is asking for a favor from his friend.”

The man is not persuaded, “Nope, I can’t do it.”

“Alright, enough of this,” the change in Slim_Tony’s voice is noticed by the man in the chair, “Now I’m saying, Vince--cousin of corrections officer Ed Bradley will be set free.”

The distinguished gentleman puts out his cigar in the ash tray located on the end table next to him. He shifts in his seat and looks Tony in the eyes, his facial expression is fierce and the tone in his voice is daring, “Why should I have this man freed?”

Tony casually takes a seat, pulls out his cigar case. He takes out a cigar from the case and lights it up. He take few puff from his cigar before he answers back, “The reasons are not important. What is important is the fact that you have a little gambling problem.”

The distinguished man becomes a little defensive, “Yeah so.”

“So!” Tony begins to explains things to the man, “Word is you have a lot of debt over at the new casino downtown.” Tony sets his cigar down on a ashtray and leans over in his chair, his voice becomes filled with concern, “Fredrick, what were you thinking! That number you’re in debt for is larger than you and I both have. You’re fucked man!”

Fredrick puts his hands over his face and his voice trembles with fear, “I know, but what can I do?!”

Tony shakes his head in disappointment, concerned for his friends safety, “There is nothing you can do,” exasperated Tony runs his fingers, “For fuck-sakes the Durden Family owns that Casino!” Tony’s voice becomes loud with concern, “They don’t mess around! One day Martha is going to wake up with her husband’s head laying next to her. What were you thinking?! No one messes with Durden Family.”

Fredrick lowers his head in shame and with his head in his hands he begins to sob a little, “I know--I was so stupid.” Tom raises his head and looks Tony in the eyes, his water filled eyes are filled with fear and shame; his voice trembles as he speaks, “Can you help me out?”

Tony solemnly nods his head as he speaks to his friend, “For a friend, yeah I can do that.”

Fredrick nods his head, “Yeah do it--do what ever it takes. I’ll owe you.”

Slim_Tony shakes his head, his voice still carrying that solemn tone, “No I’m doing this because you’re my friend.” Slim_Tony gets up from his seat, “Consider you problem taken care of.” With that said Tony walks out of the mansion. Fredrick wipes away his tears and makes a phone call and few hours later Vince Fettuccini is set free from his life-time imprisonment . . . (to be continued)

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A word made,is a word kept.

good title.

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Good story... Can't wait for the next input.

Im_Irish then takes a swigg from his flask and walks on.

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Joey nods his head.

Good story, sir, I'm looking forward to hearing more.

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