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A Family Man, of a Different Kind Started by: MrBaldwin on Jul 06, '11 04:12

A Family Man, of a Different Kind.

An Auto-Biography Part 1

Mr. Timmy L. Baldwin

The Details of the Early Years:
I was born April 13th, 1911. The year Colt perfected the semi-automatic pistol, to a young couple, Wesley and Rhea Baldwin, in the small country town of Sunnyburn, Pennsylvania. My father was a proud man. He worked hard on the family farm to keep our family clothed, sheltered and fed. My family were long time Christian, Americans, who had been here and fought in the Revolutionary War, and since the first election had always voted, and voted Conservatively. I too share my family’s staunch Christian Conservative beliefs and believe a man should do what he must to provide for his family.

The Family Hardships:
When I was 11 years old, mother passed away in a house fire. We lost everything. Father sold all the cattle and the 20 acres we had, to get some money together. Then, we moved up to New York City. Father started at a job at the ship yards, and I started learning how to survive on the streets of N.Y.C.

Welcome to the Big City:
Father worked long hours. So, I was alone a lot, but I had grown up quick, I was mentally tough and was a strong kid from working on the farm. I didn’t much care for the way people acted in the city. Everyone seemed like they had a problem with everyone. Nobody offered to help anyone and no matter where they were going it seemed they were in a hurry. Not only that, the city is full of Liberals, so naturally I butted heads with a lot of guys at school. For a now 12 year old kid, I was fairly arrogant, and since moving to the city and not working at the farm daily, I started noticing my strength dwindling, and that just couldn’t happen. I started doing push-ups and sit-ups as often as my muscle would allow. With my new found strength, I started my first racket. 14 years old and I was betting with guys on arm wrestling matches. I was making anywhere from a penny to a nickel per match, making 50 cents a week sometimes. Not to brag but, I never lost.

Things got bigger:
A few years went by, and I now knew about the mobsters making a lot of money running prostitution rings, trafficking and gambling. I was 20 years of age, 6’0”, 215 lbs. and in top physical condition, and it all started to appeal to me. I started fighting underground, to make some money. I hoping to get noticed by a heavy. I won all of my fights, I was 11-0 and had made 1k fighting. Then, what I had been waiting for. I was walking around the ship yards, going to say hey to my father, when a man named Se7ven walked up. He talked fast, like a lot of New Yorkers. One statement had me hooked. “How would you like to live a life of luxury?”

How would you like to live a life of luxury?:
And since then, I’ve sworn to live for God and The Cosair Collective. I still carry the scars of fighting in warehouses, scrapping with every guy that thought he could win and a life that brought me to where I am. 2, 1911 Colt .45’s under my arms, silk suits and never alone. A family man of a different kind.

Conclusion of Part 1

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