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Stop feeding the masses false hope. Started by: Joald on Jun 15, '21 13:21

What is this bitch rambling about again?   Some of you I know are wondering.  

The phrase "level and do something about it." or "rank up and do something about it." 

Stop using this phrase. It is a bold face lie you are telling the masses. 

What you are really needing to tell them is to play the politics of the game, rank has nothing to do  with anything around here unless it is serving the agenda of the "in-group", to ostracize those in the out-group.

It is not ranking you need to do , it is getting into the "in -group".  This is seen with the cyclic authorization of specific bloodlines. For example you can see a name pop up  and you just know that they are going to get authorized no matter what they do or do not do.  All you have to do is watch the patterns, patterns do no lie like words do. 

 Just look at the way authorizations are made. Some people have to make presence in the streets others don't. Some have to contribute to crew and  and city some can just sit around and do nothing until they are authorized  or even made a hand. Hypocritical  double standards   is what you are working with.  You do not have to believe me and you can come out and attack me personally or shoot me again , but you should by now my bloodline will say what it wants without fear of a bullet.  All you have to do is sit back and watch the patterns they don't lie like words do. 


Therefore, stop giving people false hope with this empty meaningless phrase.  Start teaching them how to actually work within this thing of ours . Remember if the student isn't learning the lesson then the teacher has not taught it  to their understanding. The teacher therefore failed not the student. 

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Some people do indeed get authed over and over again. If you are new to the place, then the only way you will be able to make change is to rank up and put in the work. That is why you hear this phrase over and over again. 

I find funny the timing of this post. I believe more than ever that, that phrase is true. In this current regime one could rank up and do something. Also, that phrase isn't specifically saying rank up and you will become a hand or leader. It's saying that hard work is the way to making changes around here. What kind of change you are making is up to you.

From my own personal experience of being an outsider when I first came to this site, hard work is the key to getting recognized into your so called 'in-group.' There is a lot more to being somebody here than just grinding away for sure. I don't see why it comes as a surprise that to get ahead in the mafia you have to make connections. Would you expect someone to become a leader in a city without putting in the effort to make connections? There has to be trust to be in a trusted position. 

I assure you that there are places in the six cities that would love to have someone new and fresh rise up to the challenge of becoming a leader and hand. At the end of the day, the phrase holds true. Just sitting around complaining about not being a part of the 'in-group,' will never be the way into the 'in-group.' 

Like most things in life, complaining will never outdo putting in work. I came into this place a nobody, a stranger, and then took the reigns of CL six times within a little more than a year. The only way that happened was putting in the work and the effort that was needed to be recognized by the leaders I started under. 

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Pretty damn sure what Ariana just did proves your entire statement wrong. As did Elara and SwaggDinero.

Rank up and do something is the back bone of this world. The political ass licking is second place.
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The political ass kissing is at an all time high, some people like the politics and back door dealing. They are currently in charge, once enough people rank up and do something about it things will change. That’s the part we are missing plenty of people have ranked up, not enough are willing to do something about the current state of affairs. We’ve entered a new era where your character may like 150-200 days by doing nothing people aren’t wanting to lose them and start over. 
Once people remember that you do in fact die here, and stop kissing ass all the time, then this place will once again be about ranking up and doing something. 

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Desirado it is not surprise on my part. It is me telling the new players  outright how this is done, so they understand on a basic level of how they will have to play the game.  So they won't fumble as much others have, including myself.  The community needs to help the new players understand the game more, but this won't happen till as a whole they stop treating new players with the suspicion of being an incog. 20 year vet of the game.  And it certainly won't happen with phrases that are completely misleading and give false hope. 



 CactusJack I have to disagree with you. No Elara does not prove anything about ranking up because she is one of the ones who is always authorized. Do you remember I mentioned you see names and you just know they are going to  be Authorized, well her name is one of those. That is politics, that is not ranking up and doing something about it.  


Gates let's not fool anyone here those accounts that are excessively older than the rest of us are  not there because of anything they have contributed, many of those leaders we don't hardly hear from or have never heard of till someone comes to the streets and says "oh this person will be the GF of the city. " This is because those that make it to that age are on the "safelist". Now people can come and say there is no such thing but I was on it and when I found out  I was I stated that it was a  a pretty shitty way to do the game and suicided that account and left them . The safelist is one of the problems with  this game, it basically negates even the politics.  Just look at the take down of the comp city Los Angeles not all the upper structure were taken  down. Two of them were allowed to live and move to other cities. These people were safelisted somewhere.  Yet as upper structure we are told to expect death every time our Cl  is taken down.

All you have to do is watch the patterns. 

I am simply saying, stop giving people false hope with this empty meaningless phrase.  Start teaching them how to actually work within this thing of ours . Remember if the student isn't learning the lesson then the teacher has not taught it  to their understanding. The teacher therefore failed not the student. 

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The simple way i see it, is i had 3 characters in 1 month, across 3 crews, all died during takedown/aftermath.  At what stage if killed 3 times a month do i rank up and do something about it?

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Also removing 1 or 2 people does jack shit, if people to take their places.   It just delays expansion into a less favourable district.   We know sometimes can be domino effects, e.g ariana dies so saanvi dies as boss, it says to any leader who has a rogue, shoot sioon as your member does as yoru fucked anyway to me.   But people don't

To overthrow a group you need a group, or need a group to turn on themselves, or sometimes that mass DD event like some people love.   When the average player puts in about 15 hours a week, i would expect less in summer, the truth is most of the time them same people who play upto 100 hours some week, can constantly form a central part of whichever regimes swap around the place in charge as is generally people pf similar bloodlines.   So the truth is for about 80% of players who want to be in charge but not going to put the time in, it is not worth playing if your looking for power.   If there as support, social aspect, yes, i understand.

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Joald, if we are going to name drop people let's ensure you know what you're talking about before doing so. Elara nor anyone from her line had not had a crew in over a year. So I've still yet to see your point.

You were safelisted, yes this has been a common practice for years. If you prefer to go down with the ship, then shoot someone. Then shoot someone else, until they kill you. When I was Thane and LV was attacked, as you can see I started shooting.  Which is what you're supposed to do when someone attacks your boss, suiciding does nothing good for anyone.

Lastly, I'd like to hit on Gary's point as I think he's actually brought something to the conversation. Personally I don't know that this place would be as fun if the guy with 15 hours can do just as much with the one playing 80, I think the time this game takes and the skill gap is what makes this place tick. If every swinging dick could build a cap killer in 60 days, only playing 15 hours then what would this place really entail? Everyone would have one, it's that disparity of time in this place, the gun you can build that keeps the strategy in this place. 

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 CactusJack I have to disagree with you. No Elara does not prove anything about ranking up because she is one of the ones who is always authorized. Do you remember I mentioned you see names and you just know they are going to  be Authorized, well her name is one of those. That is politics, that is not ranking up and doing something about it.  

I appreciate that every time you see my name you get all warm and fuzzy thinking I'm going to get a crew but Elara's bloodline has not had a crew since March 14 of last year when they died as Paradox. I won't completely discredit what you're saying because the bloodline has been offered a crew a few times since then and turned it down. I am very much a supporter of new blood getting a crew or a hand position. I always have been. 

As far as ranking up and doing something about it, I rogued for a very specific reason. It seems the masses all have their own ideas and twisted thoughts on why but it was very simple. I will let people continue to think what they want as to why but I did rank up and build a gun before doing so.

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Thats not what i am saying Gates that they should be able too, what i am saying is unless they live a very long time, most are wasting their time at that rate of play.   They may as well play something else unless happy with the support role.   Its the main reason the place never grows, p;der players are doing their own thing with their kids, jobs, and new players are not sticking around just to die regular.

The truth is even for them who push harder, the game can be quite cliquey and is no point assimilating as suggested, when come expansion time, yours is the district that falls.   The worse part is when you get people join and say they played for 10 years, or 5 years, and still don't know half the things of the game, where have had shit leader after shit leader but who have been in place at stages because a regime keeps them there as a safe bet not to go nuts.

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