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Become a Crew Leader today! Started by: Tabu on Aug 25, '21 17:08

Why? Why not! Here are all the amazing perks you can look forward to as a shiny new AUTH in the game of MafiaReturns:

  1. More than a quarter-billion-dollar deficit to purchase bodyguards for yourself that many of those around you can already shoot through!
  2. Additional quarter billions for any hands or members you consider important or valuable! Good luck paying for them by yourself without swiping a credit card!
  3. Tens of millions on fortifications that are more often used for leveling to GF than actually protecting people!
  4. Recruiting obligations that feel more like a telemarking job than your actual telemarketing job!
  5. Hours spent managing squabbling children who'd rather create drama than just play the game! But after all, they'll kick up $50,000 before they shoot a CA and retire so let's call it even!
  6. Vigilant oversight over your hands and members to ensure none of them are breaking the rules. Because, if so, it's your ass! Even for things which you had no in-game method of detecting!
  7. Nonsensical damage against your fortifications hampering the protection of the very people you've recruited because of so little CL and sponsor activity!
  8. Daily anonymous credit messages warning you of your impending doom!
  9. Rogues and snakes in the grass looking for the most naive crewleader to join!
  10. Refreshing for consecutive days on rogues because proing them is so damn easy!
  11. Maintaining a persistent presence on Lounge for the sole reason of remaining competitive with the more established crews and cities!
  12. Months of work laboring in the shadows of people who can kill you at any time!
  13. Oh, and if you manage to get this far, buckle up for the BEST CL perk: the 1%! But you don't have to take my word for it, every city's had a few of those by now.

What are you waiting for? Ask for auth today! We finally have a period with virtually no purging and it's still like pulling teeth to get trustworthy people into HQs. Is it because we're being oppressed? Or because enough have learned it's not that fun?

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No thank you. 

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Greatest thread ever. Should be pinned in OOC forever.
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I'm good thanks. 

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Half of the things you listed are mechanical issues and have nothing to do with having Auth. 

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Do think some of those are solid points. #6 Especially has always been weird to me. 

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'This guy has duped 3 times, scripted twice, e-raped a few chicks, threatened to bring a gun and shoot 4 people, scammed real life money from 10 epople.... lets make him our RHM!'

If you wanted a hand with such a shit show of a past history, then I didn't want to step in your way, I let you vouch for them and take responsibility. This has seemed to backfire, so we now have to maintain a list of people who cant be uppers any more to prevent people from putting them in a position where they have to make good on their vouching for a user who just knowingly and willingly fucked them over. :/

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Can't see the forest for a few rotten trees.

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" Can't see the forest for a few rotten trees. "

Thats why I gave the everyone the option to vouch for them or not.  I made it loud and clear with a disclaimer that you have to read and agree to before you can set someone as a hand. 

Yeah its easier to blame me than to realize your friend who you made a hand happily threw you under the bus when they decided to do their action, but that doesn't make me wrong.  It's not a good feeling when your own hand has a moment of 'do I do this which will fuck over X Y and Z, but will make me feel good?  Fuck yeah!'  and they choose the option with you holding the bag - but you can't act surprised.

I would much rather a crew take care of problems internally, but that rarely ever seems the case, so I have to step in.  Just as countless numbers of other crews have stepped in when some other rando hand fucks them over, dispatching entire crews because of someone vouching for the wrong person and not taking care of the problem.

Continue to be angry, thats ok.  But consider some of that anger may be misplaced.

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If you genuinely believe my "anger" originates from having to avoid awful humans like scam artists and e-rapists and not from the droves of CLs DDed for the badly-timed Lounge conduct of their hands, then I think you've more than proved my point. Maybe the whole forest is rotten in your eyes. You genuinely don't see a difference between despicable people and decent players who just have the audacity to disagree with you.

You know how I know that's the case? Because I've seen someone openly and falsely accuse another of pedophilia in #main and harass them for over an hour with no consequences. But for even just a few chat messages, usually in response to your latest provocative take on the game's users or its leadership, entire crew structures can be dissolved in an instant.

The line you draw isn't between despicable and decent. It's not between saint and scam artist. It's between friend or foe. Friends can be despicable without consequence, but the moment someone pipes up with the wrong tune at the wrong time, they're branded a foe and destroyed as if you were just another mob boss getting rid of potential threats to your administrative hegemony.

These players are not scam artists or e-rapists, they- and their friends- have served from time to time as the bedrock of your player base. And they will not be here forever.

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $80,000 Tip

Because I've seen someone openly and falsely accuse another of pedophilia in #main and harass them for over an hour with no consequences.


And where were the uppers in this? Where were the other people from both crews? Districts? Cities? 


If you pick this person to be your hand, would you vouch for them and put your character on the line and then act surprised if they do it again knowing it falls on you?

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No, I wouldn't do any of that. I'm just matching your exercise of using a sample size of one as a justification for generalizations about the player base. Rotten trees in the forest, and all that.

The player's in-game name was unknown to me, which exemplifies how if you believe disciplinary action should have been taken against them, the only persons who could do so would be admins (who were contacted and left the matter unresolved). Perhaps he was a hand? Perhaps he has no character? We'll never know, because his sin was heaping abuse on active, rule-abiding players and not disagreeing with you in #main.

But as I stated in my original post, crewleaders would have no mechanism for detecting such behavior (in their members or any other crew's), except by reviewing every message to ever pass through #main and keeping tabs on every IRC alias not directly matched to a living character.

Do those sound like appropriate expectations for crew leaders? Does that sound like fun to you? I can answer that, it's not appropriate. It's not fun. And it's today's reason #6 why auth has become an unsavory opportunity.

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Continue to be angry, thats ok.  But consider some of that anger may be misplaced.

That's kind of rich coming from you, don't you think? Oh lord Squishy who can do, and does no wrong?

I'm out of this scam for good. I made that decision after my last character but stuck around for a friend. It seems to me most just do this, go through the motions in a boring as fuck game otherwise, attached to the people that make this place what it is, and you are losing the best of them.

This game needs a better owner, not a Saddam-like dictator that bans people for just speaking up against bullshit actions from someone who gets way too involved. People are too scared to say or do anything for the fear of being DD'd. That's no way to run a game. Well, it is if you're a dick. And it needs someone who gives a fuck about the writing/roleplaying side of the game. You choose not to get involved in that side of MR and leave it completely up to the community when it's such a huge part of the landscape and yet get involved in absolutely everything else, and motherfuckin' then some. Sheesh.

Find another game peoples.

Not sorry for hijacking this thread. Suck a cock. Adios.

Report Post Tips: 4 / Total: $80,000 Tip

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