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Absolution Started by: Roman on Aug 02, '11 19:23

Roman had put out word that there would be an announcement made today in front of the CB Incorporated headquarters.  The seasons had grown shorter for the Godfather of Chicago.  Aches and pains stayed longer throughout the day and he had noticed that his once dark hair had started to gray along the sides.  He was still not at the point where he had a hunch while he walked, but for once in his long life, the eventuality of old age was now in sight.  Whispers had arisen that the old man was past his prime, but for now he still had a firm grip on the Windy City.

I'd like to thank the folks who showed up today for this announcement.  I've seen a lot since taking over Chicago:  Success, failure, reigns beginning, reigns ending, betrayal, and amazing loyalty.  In the amount of time I've run Chicago, you accumulate a lot of enemies.  Some become adversaries for business reasons, others for personal reasons, but they end up in our crosshairs nonetheless.  That is the ugly part of being a city head, there are always people you need to look out for to keep your people safe.  

However, there's a point where it stops being cautious and starts to transform into micromanagement.  Anyone who has ever worked under me knows that I am very particular in how I prefer business to be handled in Chicago.  I've become increasingly aware though that my leaders have grown up.  We're no longer in our infancy where I have to make sure the leaders of Chicago are following the strict standards I set, the training wheels can come off and I feel confident that I no longer have to worry about scraped knees.

Chicago is a large enough city with capable leaders where a few bad apples will not spoil the bunch.  That being said, I am granting a one time pardon to every person currently banned from joining Chicago families or entering the city.  I trust the leaders of my city to raise members that are up to my lofty standards and be able to shoulder the burden if those members make mistakes.

I must also recognize that I need to heed my own words of wisdom in that business comes first.  Keeping certain bloodlines from Chicago means that I don't get a city tax kick up from having them in the city.

I am doing a disservice to the leaders of my city by not allowing them to reach their full potential.  They have earned the right to bring in anyone they want, and they have my thanks for being the best bunch I could ask for.

So as of now, clean slate.  Welcome back to Chicago, and as the sign outside of the #romanempire store front says... Don't fuck up.

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Those who have been banned before that now have a clean slate can use this time to repaire their damanged reputations. It could be a win win for everyone involved.

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*admires such wisdom*

although one may think it is a risky situation it is fearless that a leader with such envergure shall show their charisma and trust in his famiglia guardians. :)



May the ones that got themselves a second opportunity to erase the past and make better the futur by leading by example their present ,enjoy it ^_^



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An extremely gracious offer from you there Roman.

There are many bloodlines that have wronged our city, but I believe that these people can now show us that they have turned over a new leaf and are willing to work with us, rather than against us.

I look forward to seeing them and working with them in the near future.

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Godfather Roman, could I open a Plumbing business in Chicago.? Will the Kuklinski bloodline be granted sanctuary in Chicago?

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I'd like to take the time and say that there is a difference between people who have acted like an ass...and ones that are still acting like one.

Pushing my opinion aside.....

"one time pardon to every person currently banned from joining Chicago families or entering the city."

Were you banned? If so that quote should answer questions eh?

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There is a reason Chicago has thrived for so long, and it's because of the strong leadership Roman has provided at the top for so long.

This announcement is another example of why good things continue to happen in Chicago, and will continue for a long time into the future.

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Roman places a hand on Bob's shoulder and chuckles.

Well Bob, you're not wrong in how you feel.  However, from this point on the past does not matter.  Charlatan, if you make a positive impact on one of my leaders that leads them to want to invite you, then by all means Chicago could be your home.  All we ask is the same we've asked from every member over the last year... Respect the rules of Chicago.

I recognize that I am a polarizing figure, and have attained certain successes that most people strive their whole lives for.  In being alive this long, I have to deduce that I have made hundreds of right moves and decisions.  For the folks who have a clean rap sheet with me now, feel free to throw it in my face and prove my judgments on you to be wrong.  For my dollar, I hope you all find vindication.

This city has become more than a Godfather and strong crewleaders.  Chicago is a place where I firmly believe dreams can be realized, and long after I have been buried, the strength of Chicago will remain in its spirit and people.

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Euphegenia listens to her Godfather and has mixed thoughts rushing through her mind but she smiles still.

Roman, as much as I am surprised to see this happen I am happy also. It gives those who 'fucked' up a chance to repair what they did and show that they can change. With that being said I will be honest if those that were banned seek a home in my family, let this be a warning. I will keep my eyes on you. You will be welcome with open arms for sure, but don't think I am just going to completely forget the past. It will always be at the back of my mind and until you prove to me personally you've changed.

She smiles and takes a quick breath then fixes her wig straight on her head.

After all.. you were banned by Roman for a reason. It can't be 'that' easily forgotten. A second or even third chance you have been given use it wisely because I can promise you now.. the chances of your extra chance happening again in Chicago... is very very slim.

She smiles as usual and winks at Roman. She then nods at him and slowly walks away.

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After speaking with Godfather Roman about his new stance, he opened my eyes to a few things.

I have always had a firm stance on second chances, but i denied that right to some people, more or less because i felt they did nothing to warrant a second chance/100th chance.

In the interest of giving everyone a chance to start fresh, i will be relaxing my ban policy.

If they are free to enter Chicago but not New york, then their line is still tainted so in the interest of seeing if a snake can learn new tricks, i will also clear my ban list.

Anyone who has previously been banned from entering New York now has freedom to walk or join a New York family.

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Calogero nods his head and smiles.

This is truly a wise decision, it's great to give people clean slates. However, I believe that this generosity also means that banned players who get another chance and fuck it up should be done. Period.

I have no doubt that some people can re-create themselves for the better. I hope that formerly banned players will take advantage of the compassion being given to them.

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Alfie stands there beside his lovely Crew Leader Jade, he feels very happy about the announcement that Godfather Roman has opened the door to the city to all, truly remarkable and generous thing to do

I don't know what to say Ms Jade, I'm very happy about this one

Alfie whispers to Jade because he is just an associate he dare not to speak in the presence of Godfather Roman, he applauds and cheers loudly as he can

Salute to Godfather Roman, Cent'Anni

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These announcements may well result in a sigh of relief from some, whilst coinciding with a sharp intake of breath from others.

I am sure that the decision would not have been made lightly, and the repercussions of such a decision studied, and discussed at great length at the highest level.

To be part of a truly great city is something that we are reminded of each day we continue to achieve, grow and succeed in this world. It is also testament to the leadership and structure which Godfather Roman has implemented during his momentous reign.

To offer such an opportunity to the banished is a sign of confidence. Confidence in the stability within our world, and confidence in the many leaders who manage the day to day business of our cities. The announcement from Godfather  –Premeir of a similar stance within New York, only confirms the solid bond between our two cities.

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Great job Roman, I hope those involved actually take you up on your offer and resurrect their honor with you.

This is a good thing for Chicago.

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It was a year ago when my father was given a "second chance" by our Roman. I think he made the right choice, people can change, let us hope those who have done wrong in the past can see clearly now and will work towards a better and brighter future!

Viva le Empire!

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I have always believed some people can change if given the correct opportunity and allowed to, this is another example of Chicago leading from the front within this thing of ours. Some people previously classed as non desirable have proved to be prolific earners and are an untapped resource.

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On hearing the Godfathers of Chicago and New York announcing the absolution of previous wrong doers, Klasky nods in agreement.

This is welcome news indeed, in fact my great grand father benefited from similar allowances and hopefully quashed a few rumours and thoughtds of certain individuals on the way.

I hope and pray those that have been given this chance grasp it with both hands, it will be great to see some of them walking around Chicago again.

Maybe I can catch up with a few old aquaintances.

With that Klasky notices a familar face and nods in the general direction he is heading, tipping his hat on the way past.

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Like in all businesses, standards are extremely important, You can't let any old riff raff get through your production line to be sold, and in a way, you can relate that to members of our families. Whereas we as leaders will mold these people into the best we can possibly make them (much like the workers making the best products they can) we can only work with what we are given, if the starting point is not high enough to work with then nothing can be done (if the materials the workers are given are sub-standard, the products are going to be sub-standard too)

It seems rather cold and heartless of me to compare members of the families to products on a production line, but when you think about it, the metaphor fits. After all, the mafia is a business, and it should be treated as one.

That's not to say that these sub-standard materials will not get better with time, they may be combined with other materials that make them stronger, more durable, and give the workers more to work with and will enable them to make a product that is no longer sub-standard.

Members can also grow with age, but only if they are willing to, they have experiences which they learn from and grow stronger from, this is perhaps the time when they should be given the second chance.

This is really what Roman is doing, by giving people formerly banned from Chicago a second chance, he is giving them the chance to prove that they have grown and learned from their experiences.

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I consider myself to operate under the mantra of 'harsh but fair'. If you are honest with me, I'll be honest with you. If you work for me, I'll look after you. Equally, if you try to fuck me, then I'll kill you. Unless you're a pretty lady, then all rules are off and come on over. This has stood me in good stead in Chicago as it appears to be a similar code to how our beloved Emperor operates and ensures the continued success of our empire.

It has been whilst living by this code that I have found some of the most jaded and disillusioned outcasts of our society can be reformed into exemplary individuals, who become the most loyal and trusted partners a crew can have. Similarly, I have found that some people are incapable of change and take any olive branch, wait for you to turn around and then attempt to sodomise you with it.

Therefore, I retain some of my cynicism and fully expect some tool to repeat the idiotic actions that got them banned from our city in the first place. However, I sincerely hope that those people who have been handed a second (or more realistically a third, fourth and fifth) chance make the most of it and do not squander it. Roman's patience is not limitless and I hope his kindness does not backfire, ultimately because it is for those people who do not deserve it.


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