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I'm always ready. Started by: BostonRob on May 06, '23 21:44

I wasn't expecting what I thought was a normal night out in Brooklyn to go down. Sirens wailing in the distance, even the pigs knew something he didn't. Though most of the night had went down as expected, a few drinks; a couple of bar brawls and the occasional bit of information being passed from one made guy to another... it all changed when a street boss showed up with capo. They walked into a back room of the club, as I watched, it was like seeing everything in slow motion, they both wore suits of very fine material, and they didn't even glance in my direction as they walked past the bar so naturally I looked on but didn't think nuffin of it.


About an hour passed and this street boss stepped out of the room, I wasn't paying attention at first but one of the guys hit me a nudge and I looked over to the door and sure enough he was motioning me to step in with them. I didn't know what was coming but I'm always ready even after several whiskeys. He let me know that one of the local Dons has a few jobs for me to do in Brooklyn and that I was to help him for now. This changes everything, I have to get Amber and the kids and move to Brooklyn and what kind of work would I be doing here? I don't know but I know I'm ready.


Anyways my first day and I'm squeezing these local establishments in my new area of town right? And this broad with huge knockers, you had to have been there right? Just let me finish... So my eyes turn and I'm staring at her, I'm in this tattoo joint talking to the guy but my eye's won't budge until I feel this sharp pain in my left hand...this fucker used the opportunity to try and slice me with this tattoo gun or whatever it's called and I turn around and he's took it out of my hand and is now aiming for my head. So there I am feeling around with my one good hand for something on this guys table to poke him with and what did I get? The tattoo paint, so I just throw it at his face and it gets into his eyes and confuses him which gives me enough time to get the upper hand but the broad has grabbed a magazine and started hitting me over the head with it...I just got the fuck outta there but I'll be back soon for that prick and her too...


Next day there's this poker thing on right? So I'm thinking shit that's easy money. Wrong! I lost 10 G's but I loaned 30 to a restaurant owner sitting next to me and he didn't do so well... So I gave the guy two days to pay me back what he owes me or interest charges will occur for every late payment...


Ehhh its not so bad here, it's growing on me.

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