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Reducing Alerts for rebuild HQ Attacks over time Started by: Georgette on Jun 12, '23 14:51

I get it - the site is in rebuild and so our forts are getting fucked up. 

But this is day 3 of this - It is outside of 90% of the user bases control and because the browser tab flashes (4) so I click to see whats happening and BEHOLD more HQ attacks! 

Its making me not want to bother clicking the tab to check what the (3) may contain because odds are its nothing interesting and thus my time here is even less. 



First 24 hours of rebuild - this number of alerts

Each 6 hours after reduce the number of alerts for anyone not a CL/RH/LH of a crew. 


Logic behind it is that anyone not an upper at this point can't really do anything about rebuild when its due to war vs being lazy sponsors

But the Uppers who haven't put people in place to solve rebuild deserve to suffer endlessly until I can get my god damn free VIP credits back the game is out of rebuild. 

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I would be okay with this under some more strict conditions, that the rebuild is because of there are no existing people eligible by rank, and it's down to crew size that's preventing it.

It's not really a one size fits all type thing however the reason rebuild was put in needs to be remembered, we can't undo a protection feature because sometimes it annoys us for the wrong reason. It was put in because way too many times the old guard wanted to just auth the old guards spawn, or others like that, so the entire game spent too much time unsponsored while we waited for those who died in a war to rank back up again.
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Yeah I completely get that, it does have a sense of urgency to it where you can't sit around with your finger in your ass for 10 days waiting. This is why I think they should still happen - HQ should be attacked, but the alerts should only go to uppers. After 24 hours its on them to fix it. 

I idle'd at what like 4PM my time when I gave up on working? I clicked back to the following: 


Jun 12, 15:40:01    You witnessed your HQ 8' Perimeter Wall
Jun 12, 15:38:02    You witnessed your 
Jun 12, 15:36:01    You witnessed your HQ Reinforced 
Jun 12, 15:35:01    You witnessed your HQ Reinforced 

Jun 12, 15:30:01    You witnessed your HQ 10' 
Jun 12, 15:24:01    You witnessed your HQ Bars 
Jun 12, 15:16:01    You witnessed your HQ Reinforced 

The Two in bold are REALLY annoying to me, the :38 is quite annoying. But if I was 9 days old and needed like 2 units to get to the magic Made Man number to even set up, oh my god another one just popped up I am going to cry,  this legit made me just want to close the tab because after the 7th click pulling me away from whatever I was doing (Wasn't work, I assure you) and it not being anything... Oh my god another fucking one, Izziford please... It wouldn't such a problem but it shows up the same as a mail and REALLY pulls you out of things that you're doing like writing a forum post begging for the madness to stop. 

Ok, Ok. Lets meet in the middle. 

Just turn it off for me unless I get made upper structure ok? thanks smooches. 


Ps. I wish I was joking. this is since I logged in and wrote out this god forsaken post. 

Jun 12, 21:34:01    You witnessed your HQ Elect
Jun 12, 21:33:01    You witnessed your HQ 18
Jun 12, 21:27:02    You witnessed your HQ Reinforc


And then another one popped up. 

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I would just like to echo Georgette's feelings on this. I am all for keeping the protection of rebuild mode & even appreciate the validity of HQ attacks being a motivator to get us out of rebuild mode but this is just a huge turn-off. I have had 134 personals of HQ forts being attacked over the last few days.

HQ Attacks [134] 

Please either 

A) Limit this notification bombardment to uppers.

B) Keep the HQ attacks going but removal the personal notifications. 

C) Decrease the frequency of the HQ attacks but up the power in a balanced manner to reduce the number of notifications going out. 

D) Ability to goggle in settings which notifications you want to 'Pop up' for your account. 

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I'm averaging one every 6 minutes of being active. 

It's almost been enough to make me step away a few times which is counterintuitive for getting out of Rebuild. 

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Counterproductive even. 

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(Not to mention that after getting shot at yesterday, every pop-up is a mini heart attack now😂) 

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    Hours in last 24 hours: 1.22


82 Minutes in the last 24 hours: 

Jun 13, 21:30:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 21:29:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 21:27:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 21:26:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 21:23:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 21:22:00 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:28:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:26:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:24:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:23:00 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:17:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:15:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:14:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:11:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 13, 19:09:02 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 23:29:02 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 23:19:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:53:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:49:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:46:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:37:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:36:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:34:01 You witnessed your HQ
Jun 12, 21:33:01 You witnessed your HQ
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So like, this character is my first experience of 'rebuild mode'. And I've gotta say, everything I've seen from it so far just looks like it more discourages activity than encourages it. Take a look at the people speaking in main for the past 7 days just now;


+StatsBot2> QuickStats by mIRCStats - The most active people for the last 7 days: Elle-Driver[MR]: 206 lines, Frank-Costello[MR]: 135, Kirya[MR]: 106, Casey Anthony[MR]: 102, Fenton[MR]: 99, SuperBee[MR]: 99, Balls[MR]: 96, Diff[MR]: 87, Georgette[MR]: 83, Jinx[MR]: 71


The top talker is sitting at 206 lines over seven days. And I don't think that this is because there aren't rats. It's because the channel is bombarded with messages, just as our personals are. I got so sick of the personals (and I know a lot of my family did), that I ordered my own family to destroy our forts and didn't bother to rebuild them until rebuild mode was over.

I don't know what needs to change, but the way it currently works does not really encourage activity or interaction - things which I feel like are very necessary to actual rebuilding.

Yeah sorry that I'm posting without an actual idea for a solution. I'll think about it.

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(I will be speaking in general, meaning all uppers for the past X years we've had to rely rebuild, not the current ones, but all in general as a collective from all past experiences with this)

There are two major ways we end up into rebuild - coverage base (no sponsors), and lack of HQs (no space for members).  We cant roll back protections that prevent situations, without expecting the situation to happen again (like it has and will).  This particular war based rebuild seemed it was mostly lack of HQs.  They got the ball rolling pretty quickly on replacements. In the past when there were no consequences, the entire game could be held at a stand still until they wait for their BFFs to hit min time, this is not good for the site.

Come up with a solution to motivate the uppers to get/keep us out of rebuild taking into account that it sometimes requires great pressure from the regular members applied upward to make it happen.  Come up with a solution to ensure we have crew spaces for members.  It literally only takes allowing a person to step up and start an HQ to fix rebuild.  Come up with a solution to ensure that there is 1 sponsor toggled on.  It literally only takes 1 user with sponsor toggled on to be active in the entire game to keep the game out of coverage based rebuild.

If you don't like the pressure put on the whole userbase to voice their issues upwards - what can be used as a motivational factor to push the uppers to correct rebuild in situations like the past, we need to put some urgency into getting the site back to a functional state to deter the whole 'lets slingshot the recently killed legacy CLs and put them back into power, by making everyone wait until they age'.  

The downside of putting all your eggs in one basket (new user conversion and return user retention is based solely on the uppers  control what the status of rebuild is), is that often their own wants takes priority over the needs of the site (which I totally understand). But if you guys want control over who is and who isn't in power, then you also have to take on some of the responsibility by providing the ability to get sponsored for those who are not.

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