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Game Suggestions
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Ignore Feature Started by: Melis on Jun 16, '23 15:56

This is a pretty quick suggestion regarding the Ignore Feature.

I have noticed that if you ignore someone and they happen to mass mail your uppers and your uppers forward the mail that you are still stuck on seeing mails from them.

I was wondering if it's possible that if you have someone on ignore that they cannot use this loophole or mailing as their CL should they be a RH. Basically this would ensure that anyone you have on ignore would ultimately stay that way regardless of their position in game.

Not sure if this is doable but was just wondering.

Thank you!

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Genuine questions:

What is so terrible about receiving a Mob Mail, that isn't intended for you?


Come to think of it, given that admins can and will act against abusive messages, why the fixation on blocking people? 


And what attracted you to a text based role playing game based on notoriously foul-mouthed, violent, murderous members of organised crime? 

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Looooooool relevant questions Kuku! 😂

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I'm all for people making suggestions, but I've seen a number where a single person wishes the code to be changed to accommodate one of their personal preferences.  I think suggestions are better suited for ideas about improving the game for everyone.  Anything to say, Melis?

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