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Detroit's Wonderland Started by: Ezekiel on Jun 16, '23 20:14

EZ stood in a dimly lit room, filled with anticipation and determination. He just arrived in Detroit, and he decided to embark on the challenging yet potentially lucrative endeavor of opening a brothel. The room he stood in is was his newly acquired property, a discreet two-story building in a bustling city neighborhood.

As he took a deep breath, he glanced around the room. Dust-covered furniture sat against the walls, and tattered curtains hung on the windows, obscuring the outside world. It's time to transform this space into a haven of pleasure and comfort. He grabbed a notepad and began making a list of tasks:

  1. Renovations: "The first order of business is to revitalize the space. I need to create an inviting and alluring atmosphere. I should start with fresh coats of paint in warm, rich colors like deep red and gold. The furniture should be comfortable but elegant, providing an air of sophistication."

  2. Layout: "Consider the layout of the brothel. I MUST ensure the privacy and safety of the clients and employees. Divide the space into several tastefully decorated rooms, each with a different theme or ambiance. Arrange the rooms in a way that allows easy movement and discreet access."

  3. Hiring: "A successful brothel relies on a carefully selected staff. I'll need to hire experienced and professional individuals who understand the importance of discretion and customer satisfaction. I'll begin scouting for potential employees, such as receptionists, entertainers, and the courtesans who will provide the services."

  4. Legal Considerations: "Although the authorities may turn a blind eye to an establishment like this, it's important to navigate the legal landscape cautiously. I'll do some research on local regulations and find ways to stay within the boundaries of the law. I'll also seek advice from Bishop, a discreet lawyer who can help me navigate any potential legal challenges."

  5. Advertising: "Discretion is key when it comes to promoting this place. I'll have to think about subtle and strategic ways to advertise the business without drawing unwanted attention. Maybe discreet ads in the back pages of newspapers, and of course, word-of-mouth recommendations from trusted sources would be the most effective methods."

As EZ reviewed his list, he realized the journey ahead won't be easy. But his determination fueled his desire to create a space where pleasure and escape intertwine, offering respite to those seeking refuge from the hardships of the world outside.

Report Post Tips: 2 / Total: $270,000 Tip

It was opening night at the newly established brothel. The renovations were complete, the staff had been hired and trained, and you could feel the buzz of excitement in the air. The evening was full of anticipation and nerves, but EZ was confident that the establishment will provide a unique and pleasurable experience.

As the clock ticked closer to the time of opening, EZ stood at the entrance of the brothel, taking a moment to compose himself. The warm glow of soft lighting spilled out onto the street, casting an alluring aura that beckoned passersbys. A discreet sign with an elegant font read "Detroit's Wonderland".

The doors swung open, revealing a tastefully decorated reception area. Soft jazz music filled the air, creating an ambiance of sophistication and sensuality. The receptionist, a poised and welcoming woman, greeted the guests with a polite smile, checking their reservations and ensuring their utmost discretion.

The first clients began to arrive, elegantly dressed men and women who sought an escape from their daily lives. EZ watched as they were escorted by the receptionist to private rooms, each designed to cater to their desires and fantasies. The courtesans, dressed in glamorous attire, captivated the clients with their charm and allure.

EZ moved through the establishment, making sure everything ran smoothly. The sound of laughter and soft conversations drifted through the halls, a testament to the comfort and enjoyment the establishment provides. The bar, stocked with a carefully curated selection of spirits, attracted those seeking a moment of liquid courage before indulging in their desires.

As the night progressed, the atmosphere became more electric. Word of mouth had spread, drawing in a diverse clientele. Wealthy businessmen, socialites, and artists all found solace within the walls of Detroit's Wonderland, appreciating the discreet and unparalleled experience it offers.

Amidst the bustling energy, EZ took a moment to observe and reflect. The vision he had when he first embarked on this venture became a reality. The brothel he meticulously planned and crafted is now a sanctuary, providing a respite from the troubles of the outside world.

Report Post Tips: 1 / Total: $250,000 Tip

It's night out!

Every time Knusprig was in Detroit, he went to this large construction site out of interest. Early on, there were many signs that something great was going to be built here. Not the usual work, only the most necessary, was invested. No, someone with a love of detail was at work here. Already early on, Knusprig had the impression that a pleasure house would be built here - and at the latest when the furniture and the interior decoration were delivered, there was no longer any doubt about it. And today, just in time for the opening, Knusprig was fortunately back in town. He has already had a drink at home, but not too much, just so that it is conducive to his courage...but does not inhibit his performance...whatever. He has not been in this business long and is not yet used to being in the world of the rich and beautiful. He has dressed well, put on a masculine perfume and enters the facility, anticipating and excited.

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Koco made her way to Detroit's Wonderland to pick up Claudette and Unique.  Ezekiel had a nice spot there.  The décor down to the plush mahogany furniture was off the chain. It was a place where any single woman could drink, dance and have a good time without being propositioned all night.  If someone was being a little too aggressive all you had to do was eyeball a bouncer, Ezekiel had plenty of women to accommodate.  He also had a lot of respect for the ladies and took good care of them.  Claudette and Unique entertained several of their clients there.  He never expected any money from them and made sure the environment was secure.  He only asked that the staff be well-tipped.  They were extremely generous to the housekeepers that made sure the rooms were clean with fresh towels, bath oils, and scented candles.

When I walked in Pianoman was doing a set, he always did a fantastic job of keeping the crowd entertained.  Ezekiel was standing at the bar next to an empty stool so I decided to seat there and chatted with him for a little while.  Claudette came over and suggested getting a table that Unique might be a little longer. Ezekiel just laughed and escorted us to a table.

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